Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,561 to 31,580 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Prefettura

    • Prefecture

    Holocaust-relevant information about the concentration camps PG70 in Monte Urano and PG59 in Servigliano is arranged inside the fonds "Prefettura" in four series: 1. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra; 2. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra. Impianto stabilimento industriale. 3. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento; 4. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento.

  2. Regional Administration: Nistru Region (Lăpuşna, Orhei, Tighina counties)

    • Administraţia ţinuturilor: ţinutul Nistru (judeţe Lăpuşna, Orhei, Tighina)
    • Управление Днестровского края
    • Upravleniye Dnestrovskogo kraya

    Decrees and orders of the Orhei city hall; correspondence on administrative matters; statistical data on the number and composition of the population of Bessarabia; cases on consideration of petitions and complaints of the population; correspondence about lease of businesses and property owned by the city hall; reports of the departments of the administration of the Nistru region; the status reports of cities and activities of different city halls; the list of activists of the organization “Front of national rebirth”; the list of orphans of the First World war who live in Chişinău; data on ...

  3. Administrative office of Bessarabia, Bukovina and "Transnistra"

    • Кабинет по администрации Бессарабии, Буковины и „Транснистрии”
    • Kabinet po administratsii Bessarabii, Bukoviny i „Transnistrii”
    • Cabinetul civil-militar pentru administrarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transnistriei

    Orders and Dispositions issued by the Romanian government and Romanian Army Headquarters to General George Alexeianu about taking the control in Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Transnistria, about the disposal of military units, nationalization of population inspection of ghettos, and about the situation of prisoners of war. The memorandum on the Jewish issue of Bessarabia. Regulations related to the organization of the ghettos. Materials about the confiscation of Jewish property. Documents and reports about inspections conducted in Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1941. Statistical data on violations ...

  4. Police Headquarters Tighina. Questura

    • Poliţia Tighina. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура Полиции города Тигина
    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspectorat politsii. Kvestura Politsii goroda Tighina

    The fund contains material about the placement of Jews in various ghettos; rules and regulations governing the treatment of Jews; statistical data on the Jews in Tighina County; documents on the Jewish population throughout the province; personal files of people suspected of loyalty to the Soviet state, etc.

  5. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii
    • Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova
    • 680.1
    • English, Romanian
    • 1918-1929
    • Inventory 1 - files from no.1 to no.1443; inventory 2 - files from no.1444 to no.2953; inventory 3 - files from no.2959 to no.4014; inventory 4 - files from no.4015 to no.5179

    Articles about Jews in Chisinau; data on mixed marriages; lists of Jews who have not converted and those who have converted to another religion; a copy of the order signed by General Headquarter of Romania's Army on the Jews in labor brigades; information on the work of the group headed by Filderman; census on the Jews; personal files of the police employees in Bessarabia, files on secret agents and the Jews accused of spying for the USSR. Surveillance materials related to activities carried out by the political Romanian party- "Blocul cetățenesc pentru mîntuirea țării" (Citizens' Block for...

  6. Repubblica Sociale Italiana

    • Italian Social Republic

    The fonds contains records created by the Ministry of Military Forces, the Army General Staff, the Supreme Military Court of Justice of the Italian Social Republic. Several files concern internment camps in Italy and in Germany, repatriation of war prisoners, dead prisoners.

  7. Starostwo Powiatowe w Sokołowie Podlaskim

    Sprawy ogólne 1944 sygn. 1, Wykaz sekretarzy i wójtów gminy 1944 sygn. 2, Okólniki i zarządzenia 1944 sygn. 3, Uposażenia dla pracowników 1944-1945 sygn. 4, Sprawy organizacyjne 1945-1948 sygn. 5-6, 11, 13, 18, 24, Zjazdy starostów i konferencje 1945 sygn. 7, Zebrania periodyczne 1945 sygn. 8, Obsada personelu w Starostwie Powiatowym 1945 sygn. 9, Sprawy osobowe urzędników i funkcjonariuszy niższych 1945 sygn. 10, Sprawy ogólne 1946 sygn. 12, Wykaz pracowników 1946 sygn. 14, Teczka zarządzeń Wewnętrznych Starosty Powiatowego w Sokołowie 1947 sygn. 15, Akcje społeczne kierowane i popierane p...

  8. Lodz Ghetto

    • Melbourne Holocaust Museum
    • Lodz _Ghetto
    • English
    • 1939-1944
    • The items included official ghetto notices and orders, ration cards, work cards, an illegally-constructed radio, as well as a variety of other invaluable documents

    The history of Lodz Ghetto by viewing precious artefacts and hearing survivor testimony. Bono Wiener and Abram Goldberg buried documents in Lodz Ghetto before they were deported to Auschwitz. These and other items from our Collection are primary source evidence of the horrific conditions Jews endured during the Holocaust. Research and exhibits relating to ghettos, in particular, the Lodz Ghetto, kindly supported by the late Bono Wiener.

  9. Phillip Maisel Testimonies Project

    • Melbourne Holocaust Museum
    • Phillip_Maisel_Testimonies_Project
    • English
    • 1980-2019
    • The JHC has over 1300 video testimonies as well as over 200 audio testimonies in its collection.

    The JHC video testimonies and audio testimonies provide eyewitness accounts of the horrors of the Holocaust, as well as glimpses into the vibrancy of pre-war Jewish life in Europe. The collection is widely used by researchers and students of oral history, the Holocaust and a variety of other disciplines. The testimonies’ project began in the 1980s as the Melbourne Oral History Project, established by Sandra Cowan and Jenny Wajsenberg and later co-ordinated by the late Anne Bernhaut. They conducted over 200 audio recordings of Holocaust survivors. In the early 1990s, with the purchase of a v...

  10. Ursula Flicker Archival Collection

    • Melbourne Holocaust Museum
    • Ursula_Flicker_Archival_Collection
    • English
    • 1984-2019
    • - 200 objects including items such as jewellery and personal effects made in secret in the camps. – 100 textile items including uniforms and Jewish stars.– 3,500 original photographs from the period, including treasured photos of family who perished.– 5,500 original documents including letters, postcards, official documents and identity cards.– 250 newspapers from the Holocaust and immediate post-war period.– 550 philatelic and numismatic items including camp and ghetto currency and war medals.– 300 artworks including sculptures, paintings and works on paper, some from the Holocaust period and most created by Holocaust survivors.

    The Collection includes the Ursula Flicker Archival Collection of thousands of original documents from the Holocaust period, collected by Holocaust survivor, Ursula Flicker, and her dedicated team over a 20-year period. Ursula began volunteering shortly after the Jewish Holocaust Centre opened its doors in 1984 and gradually assumed a leadership role in the Archives Department, given her extensive knowledge of the Holocaust. Her dedication to the task was recognised when she received an Order of Australia Medal for her work at the JHC. The Centre's impressive collection of Holocaust art and...

  11. Holocaust Collection

    • Sydney Jewish Museum
    • Holocaust_collection
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 6,000 volumes, audio and videotapes 2,500 Holocaust survivors testimonies

    The Sydney Jewish Museum’s Resource Centre has more than 6,000 volumes, audio and videotapes, journals and personal testimonies including the Shoah Testimonies. As well as providing background material on the themes of the permanent exhibitions, the Resource Centre’s collection includes numerous texts examining: Antisemitism, War Crimes Trials, Holocaust & Art, Holocaust in Literature, German History, Australian Jewish History. The Centre houses the Survivors Registry and contains resources which members of the public may use to determine the fate of Holocaust victims or survivors. The ...

  12. Archives of Irish Jews

    Volumes containing the names of 53,000 Jewish people who have lived in Ireland have been opened to the public. The records of births, marriages and deaths stretching back to the 17th century were compiled by Stuart Rosenblatt, president of the Genealogical Society of Ireland. The volumes also include details of where people are buried, the schools they went to and details of Jewish households from both the 1901 and 1911 censuses. Details about the family of Chaim Herzog, former president of Israel, who was born in Belfast, are included, along with those of the best-known Irish politicians w...

  13. Provveditorato agli studi di Mantova

    • Mantua Education Offices

    This fonds contains acts of the Mantua Education Offices: registers of the students and teachers from Mantua and its province, reports of the visits to schools, community libraries, kindergartens, private institutions and communications with municipalities.

  14. Carcere giudiziario di Mantova

    • Mantua Judicial Prison

    This fonds contains registers of the Mantua Judicial Prison.

  15. Akta miasta Sierpca

    • Files of he Town of Sierpc

    I. Stadtverwaltung Sierpc l. 1917-1918 (sygn. 125): akta licytacji na wydzierżawienie jatek. II. Magistrat Miasta Sierpca l. 1924-1932 (sygn. od 126 do 127 oraz od 129 do 130): protokoły posiedzeń, księgi uchwał, wykazy radnych i członków Magistratu, sprawy wojskowości, obwieszczenia o poborze rekruta. III. Zarząd Miejski w Sierpcu l. 1939-1939 (sygn. 128 i 131): korespondencja ze starostwem, wykaz przedsiębiorstw skupujących zboże i tłuszcz zwierzęcy, ustalanie cen artykułów zbożowych, komunikaty rabina o zawartych małżeństwach. IV. Miejska Rada Narodowa w Sierpcu l. 1945-1950 (sygn. od 1 ...

  16. Akta miasta Raciąża

    • Files of the Town of Raciąż
    1. Miejska Rada Narodowa l. 1945-1950 [1951] (sygn. od 1 do 8): protokoły posiedzeń Rady, jej Prezydium i Komisji Rewizyjnej. 2. Zarząd Miejski miasta Raciąża l. [1939] 1945-1950 (sygn. od 9 do 32): protokoły posiedzeń Zarządu Miejskiego; a) Referat Ogólno-Organizacyjny l. 1939-1950 (sygn. od 33 do 89): akta dotyczące organizacji władz miejskich, zarządzenia wewnętrzne, sprawozdania, kontrola wewnętrzna, zestawienia i rejestracja szkód wojennych i zbrodni hitlerowskich, akta dotyczące majątku przedsiębiorstw miejskich /rzeźnia, szkoły, przedszkola, elektrownia miejska/, plany gospodarcze, b...
  17. Chiffered symbols and signatures.

    Measures are indicated to maintain secrecy as required; real names not to be used in telecommunications. Lists of signatures for telegraphic and telephonic communications. Lists for the symbols of various Units and Services.

  18. Propaganda, Counter-propaganda, Intelligence, Censorship

    Organization of mobile control groups. The legionnaire activity. Detailed reports on cases of false identity, insubordination, legionnaire propaganda, defiant behavior of the German minority, chauvinist movement among the Hungarian population; various individual cases, and measures taken. New rules and regulations for political activity. A German poem defamatory for Romania is shown by a drunk German soldier. Complaints about the disdainful behavior of the German military toward the Romanian “comrades in arms”. Several facts were verified and confirmed as true. A revival of the political pa...

  19. Misc. - territory - etapes.

    Instructions for organizing the secretarial service. Territorial distribution of military commands in Transnistria.

  20. Jewish forced labor

    Jewish forced labor brigades: diggers, forced labor, field work 1942/1943. Organization of means of transportation: equipment and personnel. Reorganization of the military guards.