Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 27,901 to 27,920 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Peretz L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peretz L., who was born in Chemnitz, Germany in 1903, the oldest of four children. He recalls completing gymnasium; a year of military service; apprenticing in a large factory for two years; disillusionment with the German political situation after the assassination of party leaders in 1919; forming a Zionist group in Fröndenberg in 1921; living on a hachsharah in Wartenberg in 1923, then in Zwickau to learn technical skills; moving to Frankfurt; meeting his future wife's parents in Munich; marriage in Nuremberg in 1926; traveling to Vienna; living in Berlin; organiz...

  2. Raymond I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raymond I., a non-Jew, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1922. He recalls his happy childhood; scouting activities; German invasion; traveling with the scouts to France; returning after three months; hiding Jewish families with both sets of grandparents; joining the Resistance in 1941; accompanying downed Allied pilots to Lille; arrest en route with two pilots in January 1944; interrogation in Lille; transfer to St. Gilles; his trial and death sentence; his parents' arrest and trial for hiding an airman; transfer with his father to prison in Bayreuth, then to Amber...

  3. John M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921. Mr. M. recalls his family background and education; not being permitted to finish school because he was Jewish; pro-Hitler demonstrations; activities in an anti-fascist organization with his brother and friends; Austrian support for the Anschluss; anti-Jewish violence; and the forced dissolution of his father's business. He describes having to move; sadness at leaving his childhood home; working for the Jewish community, which gave him some protection; warning friends or family of impending deportations, thus saving th...

  4. Julia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julia P., who was born in Kon?skowola, Poland in 1908. She recalls the impoverished shtetl; her mother's death; her father's remarriage; the family's move to Warsaw; factory work at age fourteen; and moving to Belgium in 1934 because she saw no future in Poland. She relates marriage to a Belgian; attending photography and journalism school; receiving a Leica camera with which she took all her pictures and still uses; German invasion; fleeing to France; work in an airplane factory in Marseille; being treated as a German spy several times because she was taking pictures...

  5. Edith T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith T., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1928. She recalls the death of her sister during an epidemic; German invasion; escaping to France; moving many places including Be?ziers, Montpellier, and Puisserguier; her father's brief stay in a labor camp; going into hiding with help from OSE; staying with other Jewish children at a convent in Villefranche-de-Rouergue; observing Jewish holidays; singing in the convent choir; liberation; reunion with her parents who had also been in hiding; returning to Antwerp; and emigrating to the United States in 1948. Mrs. T. discu...

  6. Nechama F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nechama F., who was born in Lipkany, Romania in 1930. She recalls attending public school with her sister; her grandfather providing their Jewish education; antisemitic harassment by Romanian children; Soviet occupation in 1940; German-Romanian invasion; a death march during which her grandfather was killed and she was shot in the hand; walking to several locations including Edinet?, toward the Dniester River; many deaths and killings en route; three weeks in Mohyliv-Podil?s?kyi?; transfer to Kalynivka; her mother dying while sleeping next to her; separation from her ...

  7. Dounia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dounia S., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1920, one of three children of Russian émigrés. She recounts her family's assimilated lifestyle; a happy childhood; attending public school and a music conservatory; becoming a Belgian citizen in 1936; attending theater school; working as a comedian; German invasion; fleeing with her family to Saint-Gaudens, France; living for several months in La Barthe; returning home via Paris; her father registering them as Jews, despite her misgivings; leaving home, thinking it too dangerous to stay; living as a non-Jew elsewher...

  8. Shraga D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shraga D., who was born in Munkács, Czechoslovakia (presently Mukacheve, Ukraine) in 1930, the sixth of seven children. He recalls their comfortable life; attending public school and cheder; one brother's emigration to Palestine; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; his bar mitzvah; a brother and sister escaping to Budapest; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization; deportation with his family to Auschwitz; separation with his father from his mother and sisters; transfer a few days later to the former Warsaw ghetto; slave labor cleaning used bricks; a forced...

  9. Boris B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Boris B., who was born in Częstochowa, Poland in 1918, the youngest of ten children. He recalls his father's death; joining his brother in Saverne in 1928; attending rabbinical school in Paris; working in his family's business; military draft in 1939; German invasion; capture as a prisoner of war in Brest; incarceration in Coëtquidan, Loudéac, Compiègne, then Saint-Just-en-Chaussée; escape; returning to Paris; joining his mother in Caluire-et-Cuire via Lyon; employment as a glass-cutter; a year later, working for Father Alexandre Glasberg, OSE, and Sixièmè (Jew...

  10. Nina F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nina F., who was born in Zolochev, Poland (presently Zolochiv, Ukraine), in approximately 1926, the only child in a middle class family. She recalls attending public and Hebrew schools; two month summer vacations with her mother; Soviet occupation in 1939; confiscation of the family business; German invasion in June 1941; confiscation of their valuables; forced labor; ghettoization; her parents obtaining Christian false papers for her; living with a seamstress in L?viv; near exposure as a Jew; returning home wanting to be with her family; hiding in a bunker during rou...

  11. Ben N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben N., who was born in approximately 1925 in ?a?cko, Poland, one of five children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in 1939; fleeing east to Ustrzyki Dolne; returning home via Biecz and Gorlice; German establishment of a Judenrat; evacuation with his family to Nowy Sa?cz in late 1940; sneaking home to obtain food from non-Jewish friends; transfer to Roznow; slave labor; visiting his family; their deportation (he never saw them again); transfer to the Tarn?ow ghetto in 1942; training with a cabinet maker who postponed...

  12. Claudine K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claudine K., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1944. She relates her parents' experience hiding with assistance from a non-Jew; her father's and grandparents' arrest; their deportation to Auschwitz; a German officer helping her pregnant mother; her father's postwar return from Auschwitz; and her mother's constant sadness. Mrs. K. describes the psychological impact of her father's stories and the effect of her parents' experiences on the family's complex relations. She attributes her decision to move to America to her need to find her own coping mechanism.

  13. Julius H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julius H., who was born in Mosbach, Germany in 1905. He recalls the deaths of two younger siblings; his father's service in World War I and resulting death in 1919; attending school in Mosbach and Heidelberg; his mother's death in 1926; his older sister continuing the family business; leaving his studies that year; completing his Ph.D. in art history in 1930 after studies in Berlin, Vienna, and Freiberg; a research assistantship in Berlin; a two-year internship at the Berlin state museum; dismissal in 1933 due to antisemitism; learning art restoration; visiting the Un...

  14. Octavie V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Octavie V., a Catholic, who was born in Antwerp in 1924, an only child. She recalls being a championship swimmer; German invasion; fleeing briefly with her family; observing discrimination against Jews, including wearing the star and disappearances; engagement to a swimmer; becoming a courier for the underground (her parents and relatives were involved); arrest on November 26, 1943 with her mother, fiancé, and his family; solitary confinement until her father's arrest, then sharing a cell with her mother; learning she was pregnant; being forbidden to marry due to the...

  15. Ida N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida N., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, the oldest of ten children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; living with relatives in Krako?w; German invasion; returning home; one brother fleeing to Warsaw (she never saw him again); ghettoization; her father's death from starvation; deportation with her mother and siblings to Auschwitz; separation from her family (she never saw them again); wanting to die; transfer to Bremen; slave labor; a death march and train transport to Bergen-Belsen; lying next to corpses; liberation; assistance from the Red Cross; depressio...

  16. Izidor S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Izidor S., who was born in Ulic?, Czechoslovakia in 1918 to an impoverished family. He recounts his mother's death, his father's two subsequent marriages; having about ten siblings; apprenticeship as a tailor at age twelve; dismissal because he left without permission; a three year apprenticeship as a baker in Snina; working in Humenne?, then Uz?h?horod; Hungarian occupation; military draft in 1938; basic training in Michalovce; an officer allowing him to leave; recall in October 1939; serving in Romania (he was the only Jew in his unit); placement in a slave labor ba...

  17. Lenke L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lenke L., who was born in Kemenesmagasi, Hungary in 1912. She recalls attending a Calvinist school; her brother attending university in Vienna due to Hungarian Jewish quotas; his emigration to the United States; anti-Jewish measures under the Arrow Cross; forced relocation with her family to Ja?nosha?za, then Sa?rva?r; her mother's death; deportation to Auschwitz; pervasive hunger; transfer to Allendorf; slave labor in a munitions factory; she and her cousins being liberated by United States troops; returning home; visiting her mother's grave; finding her home destroy...

  18. Konrad B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Konrad B., who was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1916. Mr. B. describes his childhood and education; his mother's decision to move the family to Paris after Hitler's rise to power; volunteering for the French army; and internment by the French in Nantes in 1939, then by the Germans in a POW camp at Montreuil-Bellay. He details a friendship; his parents' flight from Marseille through Spain and Portugal to the United States; his escape in October 1940; teaching in a Quaker school for children of Spanish refugees in Montauban; serving as a Resistance courier; reunion with ...

  19. David J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David J., who was born in Poland in 1927. Mr. J. recalls his childhood in Sieradz; his mother's death in 1938; German invasion; forced labor; his father's and brothers' arrest; his father's release; being beaten by a Jewish policeman (they subsequently met in Israel); substituting for his father for forced labor; transfer to Otoczna; escaping with a friend; recapture in Sieradz; return to Otoczna; a severe beating; escape and recapture; transfers to Poznan?, Go?ttenburg, then Kreising; receiving food from Polish prisoners; escape and recapture again; a reprieve from e...

  20. Alegra K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alegra K., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1930. She recalls moving to Athens in 1938; benign Italian occupation; attending high school; German occupation in 1943; her brother joining the partisans; obtaining false papers from the police chief, Angelos Evert; moving with her parents to a suburb, with assistance from her brother's non-Jewish friend; returning to Athens after a local family was executed for aiding partisans; hiding in her father's friend's house; financial support from Archbishop Damaske?nos; liberation; finishing school; and marriage in Thessa...