Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,821 to 26,840 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Police Headquarters Chișinău

    • Inspectoratului Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia centrelor județene. Chișinău
    • Полиция города Кишинева (Кишинэу)
    • Politsiya goroda Kishineva

    Copies of the Orders signed by the military and civil authorities regarding the treatment of Jews; written materials about the Jewish labor brigades in Chisinau; report of murdered Jews by the GESTAPO; Chisinau ghetto - the execution of Jews accused of collaboration with the Bolsheviks; Security Department report on atrocities committed on October 8, 1941, when a convoy of about 2,000 Jews were evacuated; reports on the living conditions and the state of mind of the Jews in the ghetto.

  2. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Police Headquarters Orhei

    • Inspectoratului Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia centrelor județene. Orhei
    • Полиция города Оргеева
    • Politsiya goroda Orgeeva

    Orders and circulars issued by the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Regional Police Inspectorate in Bessarabia on the placement of Jews in camps and ghettos. Order that governs the interaction with Jews. Correspondence of Orhei Police with the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Romania, the Regional Police Inspectorate in Bessarabia, Police Qustura of Chisinau and Prefecture of Orhei about statistics and lists of Jews from the Orhei county in Bessarabia. Copies of documents related to the Jewish population in Bessarabia.

  3. Okresný ľudový súd v Banskej Štiavnici

    • District People´s Court in Banská Štiavnica

    The fonds contains various files concerning the persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1938-1945). Several files pertain the so called aryanization of enterprise property in Banská Štiavnica. Two separate files pertain the former Hlinka guard members who served as a guard in the labor and concentration camp for Jews in Nováky and the labor camp in Vyhne. There is also a file of the former deputy commander of the Emergency Unit of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) in Banská Štiavnica. There are also several files with the information on denunciation and detention of Jews in 1944.

  4. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Documents on the work of gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums. Statistical data on the number of students in different gymnasiums. Pupil performance reports. Certificates of preschool education. High school graduation certificates.

  5. Inspectorate General of Gendarmery / Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces

    • Cartierul General al armatei române
    • Ставка Верховного командования румынских войск г. Бухареста
    • Stavka Verhovnogo komandovaniya rumynskih vojsk g. Buharesta

    Instructions from the Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces on the evacuation of the Jews from Bessarabia to the ghettoes in Transnistria and the organization of the police groups alongside the military units; orders issued by the General of the Quarter about the placement of Jews in the ghettos

  6. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Soroca Police Station

    • Inspectoratul regional de poliţie al Basarabiei. Poliția oraşului Soroca
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Полиция города Сорока
    • Bessarabskoi oblastnoi inspektorat politsii. Politsia goroda Soroca

    The Jews in District Soroca; lists of Jews who were active in various Bolshevik organizations (on 11 August, 1941 all Jews were evacuated to a camp. Only 51 Jews, men and women, were left in town working for the Germans and under their control); nominal lists of Jews for year 1941 in Soroca: in the camps, working for the Germans, by occupation etc. Interrogation of Jews suspected of collaboration with the Soviets; situation of Jews in Soroca; problem of mixed marriages and conversions; situations of Jews from West of Dnjestr working in labor brigades in Bessarabia; copies of ordinances from...

  7. Police Headquarters Bălţi. Questura

    • Poliţia Bălţi. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура полиции города Бельцы
    • Bessarabskoi oblastnoi inspektorat politsii. Kvestura politsii goroda Beltsy

    Auctioning off Jewish properties; internment of 2164 Jews; activity related to internment of Jews in camps and using them for labor by both Romanians and Germans; list of Jews in Camp Răuțel; lists of Jews by trade (all Jews from Camps in Bălți were transferred in September (?) 1941 to a Camp in Mărculești, district Soroca); documents on the 'Jewish question' (on September 1941 there are no more Jews in the district Bălți); Jews caught after that date were sent to camps in other districts; dispositions for mixed marriages, the wife having converted; order to confiscate pictures taken at the...

  8. Lăpușna district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and primarias

    • Judeţul Lăpușna – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor
    • Лапушнянская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Lapushnyanskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Correspondence with Ministry of Internal Affairs and sub prefectures regarding passport regime and control of foreign subjects; files on the issuing of foreign passport to the locals of Lăpușna district; materials about the firing of workers who did not pass the exam of Romanian language; the list of praying houses and number of members of sects in the district in years 1923‐26; files of the permission to leave the country for the locals of Lăpușna district; documents, requests, correspondence with the Ministry of Internal affairs regarding the transfer of confiscated property to the prefec...

  9. Синагогальная община (г. Бромберг)

    • Synagogen - Gemeinde (Bromberg)

    Letters, records of meetings of members of community

  10. Министерство авиации Германии, г. Берлин

    • Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Berlin)
    • RLM
    • Ministry of Aviation

    Leaflets, photos of airplanes, intelligence reports

  11. Национал-социалистическая рабочая партия Германии (НСДАП) (г. Мюнхен)

    • National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (München)
    • National Socialist German Workers' Party (Munich)

    Varios documents from the Nazi party: Index cards of members, records of Hitler`s speaches, Propaganda newspapers and other administrative documentation of the party

  12. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Солецкого района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Soletsky District

    Documents related to the German occupation policy in Soletsky District

  13. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Старорусского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Starorussky District

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy in Staraya Russa

  14. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Батецкого района немецко-фашистскими

    • Collection of documents related to the period on Nazi occupation of Batetsky District

    Documents related to Nazi occupation policy of Batetsky District of Novgorod Region

  15. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Волотовского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection od documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Volotovo district

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy of Volotovo district of Novgorod Region

  16. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Шимского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Shimsky District

    Documents related to the Nazi occupation policy in Shimsky district of Novgorod Region

  17. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Новгородского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of Nazi occupation of Novgorod Region

    Documents related to Geman occupational policy and liberation of Novgorod

  18. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Уторгошского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of nazi occupation of Utorgosh Region

    Collection of documaents related to German occupational politics and liberation of the Region

  19. Орловский плацдарм

    • Orel Beachhead

    Views of destroyed Oryol. Military entry of Soviet Army in Oryol, mine clearance of the bridge, cemetery of Soviet and German soldiers, concentration camp — prisoners release; captured German vehicles; funerals of deceased Soviet soldiers. Work of the commission for investigation of fascist crimes. Group of Soviet commanders. Residents return home. Medical help for injured Soviet pilot.

  20. Бюро судебно-медицинской экспертизы по Орловской области

    • Bureau for forensic medical examination for Orel oblast

    Lists of dead and buried prisoners of POW camp in Orel