
Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 10,857
  1. Muzeum Wojska Polskiego collection

    The collection consists of artillery shells, a rifle, and a pistol relating to military activities in the Kampinos Forest and the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland during the Holocaust.

  2. USHMM Tribute to Liberators

    AV production honoring the role of liberators during the Holocaust shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in May 2004 during the opening of the national World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

  3. Manual

    Handbook for the Nazi Storm Troopers and the Nazi Schutzstaffel elite military forces.

  4. Serbian antisemitic poster collection

    The collection consists of antisemitic posters created in Serbia during the military occupation by Nazi Germany from 1941-1944.

  5. Funeral ceremony

    Funeral ceremony, including speeches, display of flags, parade, church scenes. Civilians and soldiers watch. Mr. Gassowski assassinated in Marseilles?

  6. Christmann, Kurt

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. C

    Personalblatt OMGUS Kurt Christmann; Zwei Photographien von Kurt Christmann.

  7. A 5174

    1. Photographic and Film Material

    Osvobození ghetta - stráž v době karantény Liberation of the ghetto - Guard at the time of quarantine

  8. A 5456

    1. Photographic and Film Material

    Osvobození Terezína - stráž v době karantény Liberation of Terezin - Guard at the time of quarantine

  9. A 5457

    1. Photographic and Film Material

    A. I. Rodimcev a I. A. Samčuk Photo of A. I. Rodimcev and I. A. Samcuk

  10. A 5458

    1. Photographic and Film Material

    Skupinové foto příslušníků RA v Terezíně Group photo of soldiers of the Soviet Red Army

  11. A 813

    1. Photographic and Film Material

    Čtyři příslušníci Sovětské armády v Terezíně Four members of the Soviet military in Theresienstadt

  12. Defence: Witness Pancke, Prosecution: Witness Ehlich

    1. Alliierte Militärtribunale
    2. Amerikanisches Militärtribunal I, Kammer I, Fall VIII: SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt

    Enthält: Testimonies of defence witness Pancke and prosecution witness Ehlich given before Court on October 29th 1947 Folder 0011

  13. Conscription, Document Book No. 6-A

    1. Alliierte Militärtribunale
    2. Amerikanisches Militärtribunal I, Kammer I, Fall VIII: SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt

    Enthält u.a.: Letters, reports and instructions regarding Registration and Recruitment of racial Germans of foreign nationality for military service Folder 0083

  14. Prefectura Ialomiţa.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Measures against military personnel and hoodlums who attack and rob Jews in the streets.

  15. Legion Gendarmes Timiş-Torontal.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Jewish photographers restricted from access to military buildings.