
Displaying items 1,641 to 1,660 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Selected records from the Sąd Okręgowy w Rzeszowie (SOR), (Sygn. GK 283)

    Selected records from trials at the district court in Rzeszὀw, 1945‒1966, for crimes by the Germans and their collaborators. Prosecutions based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (Sierpniówka) of the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN, Polish Committee of National Liberation), one of the world's first laws on liability for crimes of World War II. Decree also applied against former partisans of the anti-Communist Armia Krajowa, or Home Army, whom Stalinist propaganda portrayed as collaborators.

  2. Charles Burns collection

    The Charles Burns collections contains two drafts of Douglas Kelley’s book, 22 Cells in Nuremberg. The book describes the psychological profiles of high ranking members of the Nazi party, who eventually stood trial at the Nuremberg War Trials. Douglas Kelley who was in charge of evaluating the defendants, writes of his experiences with the individuals. The drafts are heavily edited by Kelley’s editor, Charles Burns. Also included in this collection are some notes made by Charles Burns, a letter to other editors about the book, and some news clippings concerning notorious Nazi members. The C...

  3. Trial against Artur Greiser Proces Artura Greiser (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigative records, evidence, and court documents and verdicts relating to the trials of Artur Greiser, in relation to crimes he was found guilty of, including the implementation of policies of persecution, deportation, and murder of Polish Jews during the German occupation of Poland. Includes trial protocols, interrogations of witnesses, preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against war criminals.

  4. Trial against Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss Proces Rudolfa Hoessa (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Rudolf Hoess (Höss), chiefly for crimes committed while he was commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Includes Nazi guidebook for camp personnel on how to handle prisoners, medical histories of Polish prisoners, photographs, charts, maps and plans of Auschwitz concentration camp, SS personnel documents, testimonies by French and Hungarian physicians, Polish poetry from camp, memoirs written by Polish survivors, copies of Polish and German books on the camp and German war crimes, and statements...

  5. Trial against Albert Forster Proces Alberta Forstera (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Albert Forster. Includes preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against Albert Forster, trial protocols, testimonies of Polish legal and medical expert witnesses, German documents on restrictions on use of the Polish language, on Polish citizens, and informatoin about the germanization of Polish children; personal documents and speeches of Albert Forster, names lists of Poles killed by Germans, names lists of Poles enrolled in the "Volksliste," census of 1939 of Gdansk and West Prussia, press...

  6. Okresný ľudový súd v Žiline

    • District People´s Court in Žilina

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Žilina contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members who were accused of propagation of the fascism and ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies during the occupation of Slovakia in 19...

  7. Okresný ľudový súd v Čadci

    • District People´s Court in Čadca

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Čadca contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies duri...

  8. Okresný ľudový súd v Dolnom Kubíne

    • District People´s Court in Dolný Kubín

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Dolný Kubín is not extensive, however, it contains several relevant Holocaust-related documents. It provides with information about various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities...

  9. Okresný ľudový súd v Považskej Bystrici

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Považská Bystrica contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and Special Units of Hlinka Youth (POHM) a...

  10. Okresný ľudový súd v Ilave

    • District People´s Court in Ilava

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Ilava provides with relevant information about various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboratio...

  11. Okresný ľudový súd v Liptovskom Mikuláši

    • District People´s Court in Liptovský Mikuláš

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Liptovský Mikuláš is fragmentary, however, it contains several relevant case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It provides with documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and also Speci...

  12. Okresný ľudový súd v Ružomberku

    • District People´s Court in Ružomberok

    This fonds contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies during the occupation of Slovakia in 1944-1945, in pa...

  13. Okresný ľudový súd v Martine

    • District People´s Court in Martin

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Martin is not extensive, however, it provides with relevant information about various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and t...

  14. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Siedlce Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Siedlcach (GK 180)

    Minutes, official correspondence, a study entitled "Losses of the Siedlce county during the Nazi occupation", a study about the Treblinka camp based on the investigation materials of the prosecutor Zdzisław Łukaszewicz, testimonies of witnesses and lists of those murdered in the Biała Podlaska, Łuków, Siedlce county, testimony of Piotr Litwiniusz on the mass execution of Jews in the Łomża Podlaska counties, materials on Soviet prisoner-of-war camps in Ostrówek, Kaliłów, Sielczyk, Suchożrebach and Wola Suchożerbska, camp for Italian and French prisoners of war in Siedlce, materials on war cr...

  15. Collection of H. G. Adler, 1937-1959

    Collection of H. G. Adler, 1937-1959 H. G. Adler was born in Prague in 1910; he was a poet, historian, sociologist and multidisciplinary researcher; he was an inmate in Niederorschel, Langenstein-Zwieberge, Theresienstadt and Auschwitz camps; after the war he wrote important books regarding Theresienstadt and regarding totalitarian regimes; he died in London in 1988; Included in the collection: List of senior officials who served in Nazi organizations and institutions; Subjects related to the handling of the "Jewish Problem" that were discussed by Nazi organizations, including among others ...

  16. Crimean Republican Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of crimes of the German-Fascist invaders and damage caused by them to the citizens, collective farms, civic organizations, state enterprises and establishments of the Crimean ASSR

    • Крымская Республиканская чрезвычайная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям КрАССР
    • Державний архів в Автономній Республіці Крим
    • P-1289
    • English, Russian, Ukrainian
    • 1943-1944
    • 205 files in two inventories. Inventory 1 holds titles of 28 files, which contain information about German and Romanian atrocities in the Crimean localities. Inventory 2 holds titles of 100 files, which contain information about material damage caused by the German and Romanian occupiers.

    Inventory 1 - 28 files. File 1. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the cities of Simferopol, Sevastopol, and in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Yalta districts. 1944. 87 pages. File 1а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Sevastopol. 1944. 61 pages. File 2. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the city of Kerch, and in Ak-Sheikh and Telman districts. 1944. 191 pages. File 2а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Simferopol district. 1944. 94 pages. File 3. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in Feodosia and Kerch. 1944. 46 pages. Fil...

  17. Gradska komisija za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača

    • City Committee for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by the Occupiers and Their Helpers
  18. Budapesti Népbíróság iratai. Büntetőperes iratok

    • People’s Court of Budapest. Criminal Trial Records. 1945-1949

    Documents of the Budapest People’s Court are one of the key sources pertaining to the interwar and wartime history of Hungary as well as the Holocaust. The materials include trials against former prime ministers Béla Imrédy, László Bárdossy, Döme Sztójay and Ferenc Szálasi, several ministers, undersecretaties of state and other protagonists of the anti-Jewish policies as well as the direct perpetrators of murders and other atrocities against labor servicemen and Jewish civilians, trials against members of the Arrow Cross, the Volksbund, gendarmerie and various other pro-Nazi organizations a...

  19. Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    The Erich Kulka Record Group contains: Personal and family documentation; documentation regarding the trial conducted against Sebesta, an antisemitic Czech writer who libeled Erich Kulka; the struggle to clear the names of the Sonderkommando workers as set forth in the book "People In Auschwitz" by Herman Langbein; trials against Nazi war criminals; documentation regarding Holocaust denial; escape of inmates from Auschwitz-Birkenau; research he conducted and published throughout his life, mainly regarding Jewish fighters in the Svoboda Army in the Soviet Union; Kulka's struggle against anti...

  20. Selected records of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce (Sygn. GK 162)

    This collection contains correspondence, lists of documents, copies of lawsuit files, personal files, minutes of sessions, reports, as well as materials collected in the course of the work conducted by the Main Commission such as: name lists of German officers; materials related to the notes of Sonderkommando (including snapshots) found on the area of Birkenau in 1961; writer’s studies of Stanisław Płaski, Janusz Gumkowski, Szymon Datner, Tadeusz Kułakowski, Leszczyński, Mieczysław Roman, Hubert Jan Urbasik, Leon Popławski and Stanisław Krośnicki; list of ordinances of General Government (G...