
Displaying items 9,901 to 9,920 of 10,857
  1. Вінницька міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia city administration
    • Vinnytska miska uprava

    Inventory 1, files 1, 2, 12, 13, 22. Documents on the use of Jewish labor at the objects related to Hitler's headquarter in the suburbs of Vinnitsa, the eviction of the local population, in particular Jewish, from the city districts, where later the German military and occupation agencies were stationed. Inventory 1, files 12, 18, 22. Documents on activity of the passport registration department of the city administration: obtaining passports, residence permits, registration of the Jewish population, the search for fugitives, etc. These issues and similar ones are covered in the instruction...

  2. Documentation from archives in Belorussia, 1930-1960

    In the record group there are files selected from the State Archive of Belorussia and the Archive of the Public Associations (the archives of the former Communist Party) of Belorussia, the State Archive of the Grodno Region, the State Archive of Belorussia which was attached to the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia, the State Archive of the Public Associations of the Grodno Region, the State Archive of the Gomel Region, the State Archive of the Public Associations of the Mogilev Region; the Historical Museum of the Great War for the Motherland (the Great Patriotic War - World W...

  3. Austrumzemes Valsts komisārs

    • The Reich Commissioner for the Ostland
    • Der Reichskommissar für das Ostland

    Instructions for treatment of Jews, including information about who was considered a Jew; wearing of David stars registration, mixed marriages and children; identity cards for Jewish women married to Aryans; Jewish property, including a form for declaration of property; treatment of foreign Jews; printed edition about Organization of the Administration in the Occupied Eastern Areas, which included guidelines for the treatment of the Jewish population, with the goal to solve the Judefrage throughout Europe; regulations for the generation population should treat Jews; zoning off the Jewish po...

  4. Odvjetnička pisarnica Licht Aleksander

    • Law Office of Aleksander Licht
    • Državni arhiv u Zagrebu
    • HR-DAZG-96 Odvjetnička pisarnica Licht Aleksander
    • English
    • 1913-1941
    • 65 boxes, 1 book

    The collection contains documentation concerning legal representation in property disputes and disputes of journalists in the publishing and film industries, as well as documentation about the Zionist movement in Croatia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Dr. Aleksandar Licht (1884−1948) was a Croatian Zionist leader and founder of the Zionist movement in Croatia. Licht was born in the village of Sokolovac, near Koprivnica, to a Croatian Jewish family. As a child he moved with his family to Zagreb. Licht was educated in Zagreb, where he finished elementary and high school. He earned a law degre...

  5. Tighina Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Tighina
    • Тигинская городская примария
    • Tiginskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Administrative documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania, of the Bessarabian governorship, of the Prefecture of Tighina district and other higher authorities on administrative and organizational issues; resolutions and orders of the City hall, minutes of meetings of the city council; documents on the preparation for elections to the Romanian parliament; statistical information on the economic and cultural situation in the city; affairs on renting out commercial premises and land plots to residents of the city; on issuing permits for the right to trade, building and renovating...

  6. W.P. Crozier Papers

    Accounts, both typescript and holograph, of interviews conducted by Crozier, with 62 statesmen and politicians, between 1931-1944. The interviews are concerned with European politics and the Nazi threat, the Jewish National Home and the Far East (India and China). There are 175 major interviews with 23 leading politicians, including Stanley Baldwin, Eduard Benes, Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, Leslie Hore Belisha, Ivan Maisky, Herbert Morrison, Jan Masaryk, Sir John Simon, Sir Robert Vansittart. There are also 57...

  7. Looft (Louft) family. Collection

    This collection contains pre-war passport photos from Looft (Louft) family members, including Marcus Looft, his brother Mozes Louft, his sister Betsy Louft and their mother Braine Bolda; pre-war holiday photos; a pre-war school picture including Marcus Looft; wedding photos of Marcus’s best friend Maurice (unidentified); a wedding photo of Betsy Louft and Maurice Poznanski; post-war family pictures of Marcus Looft with his wife Constance Van Beek and their daughter Liliane; post-war family photos of hidden child Mina Poznanski (alias Louft, adopted Bols); a photo of Mozes Louft’s tombstone;...

  8. Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe H (Oberbefehlshaber Nordwest)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Das im Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv befindliche Schriftgut der verschiedenen Heeresgruppen stammt im wesentlichen aus Rückgaben aus den USA nach 1962. Bestandsbeschreibung Es sind nur vier Akten überliefert, eine des Heeresgruppenintendanten, eine des Generals der Pioniere und zwei des Oberbefehlshabers, wovon eine nach der Kapitulation entstanden ist. Kriegstage bücher und Tätigkeitsberichte sind nicht überliefert. Erschliessungszustand Findbuch Zitierweise BArch RH 19-XIII/...

  9. Steenberg, Sven: Sammlung zur Wlassow-Bewegung

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Lebensdaten: Sven Steenberg war der Künstlername des deutsch-baltischen Schriftstellers, Drehbuchautors und Juristen Arthur Doellert 1905 in Riga geboren; verstorben 1994 1941 bis 1945 war Doellert im Feldzug gegen die Sowjetunion als Dolmetscher und dann Sonderführer (Z), als Dolmetscher mit Sonderaufträgen, im Stab der 2. Panzerarmee eingesetzt. Zuvor wurde er als Dolmetscher im Stab der 293. Infanterie-Division verwendet. Bestandsbeschreibung Die Sammlung wurde im Mai 1978 vom Bundesarchiv erworben. Die darin enthaltenen drei Tonbänder mit Interviews der Z...

  10. Mende, Gerhard von: Sammlung zu den ostvölkischen Freiwilligen in der deutschen Wehrmacht

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Lebensdaten: Gerhard von Mende geb.12. Dezember./ 25. Dezember 1904 in Riga; verstorben 16. Dezember 1963 in Düsseldorf deutschbaltischer Professor. Als Russlandforscher hatte er sich während der NS-Zeit rassenideologisch auf die „turko-tatarischen (sowjetasiatischen) Völker" spezialisiert (Turkologe) und in der frühen Nachkriegszeit sein Wissen in den Dienst der Bundesrepublik gestellt. 1941 wurde von Mende Referatsleiter im Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete (RMfdbO) und für den Kaukasus zuständig war, zunächst Abteilung I 5 „Kaukasien", später ...


    The collection contains the following materials: 1. 85 questioners with testimonies of children. In each questionnaire the children were required to write down their names, place and year of birth and also share their experiences during the war. Because the children were deported to different places in Transnistria it is possible to form a comprehensive picture of the camps and ghettos in Transnistria. (85 testimonies, handwritten original in Yiddish [with Hebrew translation]). 2. Two Booklets with a selection of 25 testimonies in Yiddish [Written in Hebrew letters]. (120 pages, Handwritten...

  12. Korrespondenz v.a. der Nachkriegszeit, auch die Entnazifizierung betr. und private Korrespondenz

    1. Nachlass Theophil Wurm

    Enthält u.a.: - Dankschreiben zu verschiedenen Betreffen; u.a.: Der Frauenkreis Stuttgart-Münster an W., betr. einer Danksagung und der Bitte, sich für die Ehrerhaltung der im Krieg gefallenen Söhne einzusetzen, 18.6.1947; Schreiben von Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing an W., betr. die Mitteilung seines Freispruchs und Dank für den Fürspruch W.'s, Oberaudorf am Inn Oberbayern 4.2.1948 - Versch. Korrespondenzen die Entnazifizierung und Wiederbesetzung versch. Kirchenämter betr., Entlastungsschreiben/ Persilscheine und andere Betreffe an die alliierten Regierungen, u.a. Entwurf eines Schreibens ...

  13. War Crimes and Retribution

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Institute of Jewish Affairs

    Contains mostly country-by-country files pertaining to individual war crime and retribution cases. This subseries contains background materials and related information as well, including files on searches for Holocaust witnesses and witness testimony, together with war crimes trial correspondence. Of particular interest are the files on war crimes and atrocities in individual communities in Poland, as well as the section on the Nuremberg trial proceedings and cases. Box C149. Folder 17. Legal definitions and cases cited, "A" - "B.", undated Box C149. Folder 18. Legal definitions and cases c...

  14. Himmler Heinrich

    • Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heinrich Luitpold, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrich 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heini, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrikh, 1900-1945
    • ...



    Various positions, most influential: Reichsführer SS (RFSS), head of the Deutsche Polizei (German police), directly subordinated to Hitler. Also: "Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums" (RKF) for the Occupied Eastern Territories, since 25 Aug 1943 also Minister of the Interior, and since 1944 additionally commander of the reserve army (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres).

  15. Kramer Josef

    • Kramer, Josef, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Josef



    KZ-Kommandant and SS-Hauptsturmführer. Since 1934 in Dachau, 1937/1938 in Sachsenhausen, 1939 in Mauthausen, May 1940 in Auschwitz, April 1941 Schutzhaftlagerführer , Oct 1942 Kommandant in Natzweiler, since May 1944 Kommandant in Auschwitz-Birkenau, since 1 Dec 1944 in Bergen-Belsen. Sentenced to death in Belsen Trial, executed.

  16. George and Katie Frankfurter papers

    1. George and Katie Frankfurter collection

    The George and Katie Frankfurter papers include documents relating to the experiences of Kato Ritter (later Katie Frankfurter) and her husband, Gyorgy Frankfurter (later George), who both survived concentration and slave labor camps. Documents relating to Kato include a handwritten list of items requested by Kato and her family in the Budapest ghetto from an uncle in Budapest, a personal account written on scrap paper while interned in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Peterswaldau labor camp, and correspondence relating to her immigration to the United States in 1951. The collection also includes pos...

  17. Felix and Flory Van Beek correspondence

    Collection of documents, correspondence, receipts and papers relating to Holocaust survivors Felix Levi and his wife Flory (later known as Felix and Flory Van Beek) in Rotterdam, Netherlands to friends and family including Felix's brother Hugo and Theo in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and New York; bound in binder; dated 1946-1948; in German, Dutch and English.

  18. Dog tag identification issued to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Dog tag with his name, birth date and place, and blood type issued to Dr. Edmund Lusthaus, a medical officer in the 2nd Polish Corps, a unit of the British Armed Forces during World War II. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and seventeen days later, the Soviet Army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Polish POWs were released to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volunteer Polish Army of the East, known as Anders Army...

  19. Hersh Smolar - Minsk ghetto

    Hersh Smolar, was the editor of a Yiddish daily newspaper. After the war began, he became a leading member of the resistance in the Minsk ghetto and the commissar of a partisan group operating in the Belorussian forests. He discusses conditions in the ghetto and resistance activities. FILM ID 3376 -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 01:00:07 to 01:30:17 Hersh Smolar was an editor of a Yiddish daily paper in Bialystok and left for Minsk by foot in June/July 1941 to get out. [The Germans advanced into Minsk on June 28, 1941, blocking all roads for evacuation]. He found Minsk abandoned by the Russian gove...