
Displaying items 9,241 to 9,260 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Alexander Bachnár

    • Alexander Bachnár

    The fond contains mainly copies of documents on the Holocaust in Slovakia, which were collected by Alexander Bachnár during his research in various archives, as well as the study of press and gathering of testimonies. It includes original versions of his personal materials and correspondence, as well as his own works. The copies or transcripts include Anti-Jewish regulations, copies of decisions, regulations of the Ministry of Interior, the State Council and Jewish Center; the Jewish Census from before the concentration of Jews and transports in 1942; the Census of Jewish Property (and docu...

  2. Records of the Prefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1876-1944

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye főispánjának iratai, 1876-1944

    The most relevant Holocaust-related thematic groups of the collection are the following: 401/a. Confidential Records, 1882-1944 Holocaust-related records are scattered throughout the collection, mostly require file-level research, and include, but not limited to the following issues: political movements, including extreme right wing parties; supervision of the press, foundations and cultural and social organizations; passport issues, national and municipal elections; requests for and decisions about various kinds of trade licences and permits; supervision of extreme right wing movements and...

  3. 3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР

    • 3 Department of DIrectorate of State Security of NKVD UkrSSR -- 2 Directorate of NKGB-KGB UkrSSR

    The following documentary material is related to the history of Jews and the Holocaust: Materials on the search of the traitors of Motherland, agents of the Nazi intelligence, police and security bodies, as well as other individuals who actively collaborated with Nazi Germany during the Second World War (fond 1, op. 1, pp. 12-28, 108-246, 260-280). Materials on the search of individuals who served in the unit of Einsatzgruppe D detachment created by the occupants - the so-called "SD Caucasian company" and "SS battalion 32", and actively participated in police operations on the territory of ...

  4. 427.Central Committee of the Communist Party of Macedonia/ League of Communists of Macedonia - Skopje (1945-1990)

    • 427.Централен Комитет на КПМ/СКМ - Скопје (1945-1990) / Centralen Komitet na KPM/SKM-Skopje

    Jews from Macedonia - holders of the 1941 Partisan Commemorative Ribbon, participants in the National Liberation War: Beno Ruso, Moritz Shami, Rosa Kamhi, Berto Ruso, Viktor Meshulam, Nisim Alba, Zhamila Kolonomos, Haim Sadikario, Isak Sion, Haim Levi, Gjorgi Blaer, and Aleksandar Fritshand Register of all the Jewish participants of National Liberation Movement in Macedonia: from Skopje – Adolf Piskar, Aron Bahar, Gjorgi Blaer, Aleksandar Fritshand, Sami Mizrahi, Josif Polak, Dr. Avram Nisim, Dr.. Chaim Abrvanel, Jakob Biti, Deborah Kaserto, Rebecca Sason, Rashel Sason, Bela Sason, Isidor A...

  5. Akkerman district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town hall

    • Аккерманская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Akkermanskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
    • Judeţul Akkerman: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate

    Orders of the pretura of Volontiri district. Minutes of meetings of the committees coordinating the work of city (town) halls. Orders of the Bessarabian governor on administrative matters. Correspondence on administrative issues, on the number and composition of the population, on agriculture. Minutes of meetings of commune’s councils. Minutes of meetings of the magistrates. Information on issues of education and cults, on sanitation, on road construction. Requests from residents to issue various certificates. Documents on the requisition of food, cattle and horse-drawn transport from the p...

  6. UNRRA selected records AG-018-024 : Luxembourg Mission

    Consists of correspondence and reports of the mission. Records relate to tracing of displaced persons, settlement of non-repatriable Poles, and help to deported Jews.

  7. Nuremberg: Medical Case No. 1 - Trial of Karl Brandt & others

    Short film produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive for screening at a medical conference in Berlin on December 9, 1996. Final Edit dated November 21, 1996. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Roll call over opening title. From RG-60.2376: HAS, courtroom. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: "The secretary will call the roll of the defendants..." [barely audible]. Intertitle. From RG-60.2376: Secretary calls "Karl Brandt". Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Defendants names are called, including Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Gerhard Rose, Siegrie...

  8. Ada Abrahamer papers

    1. Ada Abrahamer collection

    The Ada Abrahamer papers primarily consist of a diary and photographs related to Ada Abrahamer’s wartime experiences in work camps and concentration camps in Poland, as well as her postwar life in displaced persons camps in Austria. Abrahamer kept a diary from September 1939 until March 1946, but the only remaining pages are from Spring 1944 to March 1946. The surviving pages describe her experiences in Oskar Schindler’s airplane parts factory, Plaszów concentration camp, Auschwitz concentration camp, the Lichtewerden bei Freudenthal (Consolidated Flaxspinning Factory) in Sudeten Germany, a...

  9. Alfred Traum papers

    The Alfred Traum papers consist of identification papers, a report card, family correspondence from Elias and Gita Traum in Vienna to their children in London, family photographs from Vienna, England, and Palestine, and a brief personal narrative documenting the Traum family from Vienna, and the family’s separation when Alfred and his sister, Ruth, were sent to England on a Kindertransport in 1939 and their parents were killed three years later in the Holocaust. Alfred’s personal narrative describes his memories of leaving his parents, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griggs of London thro...

  10. Dienststelle Rosenberg - Kanzlei Rosenberg. Records from Bundesarchiv, NS 8 (Germany)

    Contains lectures, essays, articles, and newspaper clippings relating to Rosenberg's personal and political activities. Records pertain to the Rosenberg's roles as the editor of the Völkschen Beobachter and the NS-Monatshefte; in the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (NSDAP) foreign office, in the Kampfbund für Deutsche Kultur; the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the NSDAP Hohe Schule in Vorbereitung, and in the other activities in the NSDAP. Collection also contains some correspondence from the Reichsministerium für die Besetzten Ostgebiete.

  11. Charles and Ruth Terner papers

    The Charles and Ruth Terner papers include biographical materials, correspondence, a drawing of Ruth Terner’s middle school, four photographs of the Terners, and several newspaper pages and clippings. The papers document Ruther Terner’s arrival in England on a Kindertransport, Charles Terner’s arrival in England via Switzerland and the establishment of his career, and the emigration efforts of family members remaining in Germany. Biographical materials include documents regarding Ruth Terner’s departure from Berlin on a Kindertransport; Charles Terner’s identity papers, membership cards, mi...

  12. Sven Sonnenberg papers

    1. Sven Sonnenberg collection

    One photograph of Elisabeth Sonnenberg donor's wife dated October 8, 1964, in Warsaw, Poland, and one photograph of Sven and Sylvia Sonnenberg at an orphanage in Helenówek, Poland, circa 1948.

  13. Handmade tennis racket

    1. Ester Reisel collection

    Tennis racket made by hand and given to Aldo-Yasaiiah (Eldad) Foà as a present in 1939 from a co-worker.

  14. Operation Annie - December 6, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    0:04-1:50: "Trojan Horse" theme (Radio Luxembourg signature tune). Organ. 1:51-2:13: General introduction of Radio 1212. 2:21: News from the Front: Saarfront. Fighting in the western part of Saargemünd; US infantry attempts to overwhelm the defenders of the three Saarbrücken (Saar-bridges); after a surprise attack yesterday morning, two American tank columns broke through the Maginot line. 2:52: In a fast forward march of 10km a tank column reached the Saar. overrunning German defense positions in Runtling and Hurling. 3:13: US troops are approaching the Saar in the area near Vorbach; artil...

  15. Operation Annie - December 18, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    1:28: Front News: German units are infiltrating the American front line through gaps, the Reich is investing its last resources in these counterattacks, overrunning American footholds. Tank divisions have been trained and mobilized from other areas of the Reich. The first convoy is being led by the SS tank divisions, leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and Hitlerjugend. The second convoy is being led by the 2nd and 116th tank divisions. New methods and strategies are being used: many members of the tank divisions are now wearing American uniforms, their tanks and trucks depict a white star. These Sp...

  16. Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle in Litzmannstadt. Aussendienststelle in Schieratz Tajna Policja Państwowa w Łodzi. Ekspozytura w Sieradzu (Sygn. 202)

    Contains records of Gestapo in Sieradz, an agency of Gestapo in Łódź Records relate to investigations of Polish resistance movement, actions against anti-German steps, participation in displacements and expropriation, interventions in the prohibited contacts between the German and Polish people (so-called "blood relations" between Germans and Poles), interference in the German national list. The Geheime Staatspolizei performed these tasks in the co-operation with the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo) and Schutzpolizei (Schupo) as well as security services.

  17. Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle in Litzmannstadt Tajna Policja Państwowa w Łodzi. Oddział w Łodzi (Sygn. 201)

    Contains mainly Gestapo investigations relating to violation of discipline of labor and prohibited blood relations between Polish and German people, as well as statistical reports of Gestapo office, a list of the staff, information about the political status and attitude of Polish population during 1942-1944, investigations concerning the illegal trespassing of the ghetto Litzmannstadt (Łódź), information about deportations of Poles to concentration camps and the labor camp at Sikawa, as well as official journals of Kripo in Łódź.

  18. Fritz Weinschenk papers

    1. Fritz Weinschenk collection

    The Fritz Weinschenk papers primarily consist of case files documenting his assistance obtaining witness testimony related to war crimes proceedings in Germany. The papers also include Weinschenk’s writing files related to articles he wrote about the war crimes trials, and Gestapo Bremen and Abwehr files, which contain guidelines and regulations related to the Gestapo and government security. The war crimes case files document Weinschenk’s work with the West German government and West German courts and prosecutors in the prosecution of war criminals from the 1960s to the 1990s. German judic...

  19. Clothes Jew Dress Costumes in Copenhagen Color print of a Jewish clothes peddler in Copenhagen

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Copper engraving depicting a clothes peddler with several colorful garments draped over his arm. Johannes Senn likely drew the original image as part of a series called, “Dress Costumes in Copenhagen,” published by GL Lahde in Copenhagen, Denmark, during the early 18th century. The man in the image has a large nose, fleshy lips, and a beard; stereotypical physical features commonly attributed to Jewish men. Peddlers were itinerant vendors who sold goods to the public. Clothes peddlers dealt in old garments they bought, cleaned and repaired, and then sold for profit. Peddling was a common oc...

  20. Crematorium tag, number 5893, acquired at Dachau postwar by a US soldier

    1. Charles Rudulph collection

    Unused clay crematorium disc with the number 5893 acquired by 22 year old Lt. Charles Rudulph, United States Army, during a July 10, 1945, tour of the crematorium at Dachau concentration camp near Munich, Germany. This type of disc was placed with a body to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers do not correspond to prisoner numbers. Rudulph found it in what he called the murder house, with the cremation urns in a cellar between the room where bodies were stored and the ovens. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the SS in March 1933, originally for political pris...