
Displaying items 8,341 to 8,360 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Dov N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov N., who was born in Nové Zámky, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovkia) in 1930, the fifth of six children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending a Jewish school; Hungarian occupation in 1938; increasing antisemitism; his bar mitzvah; German occupation in March 1944; draft of his father and brother into a Hungarian slave labor battalion (they did not survive); ghettoization; deportation with his family to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June; a prisoner advising him upon arrival to say he was eighteen; separation from his mother, brother...

  2. Yvonne P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yvonne P., a non-Jew, who was born in Havré, Belgium in 1912. She recounts her father becoming an invalid in World War I; completing teacher training in 1930; her father's death in 1933; marriage in 1935; moving to Antwerp in 1938; participating with her husband in anti-fascist activities; his military draft; German invasion on May 10, 1940; fleeing to Havré; her husband's return; participating in the Resistance; hiding using false papers; visiting her husband in Tertre; his arrest in December 1941 and execution in February 1942; hiding with a friend, then with an a...

  3. Maďarský kráľovský policajný kapitanát v Košiciach

    • Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice

    Fonds contains documents of the Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice (Kassa), including many documents related to the anti-Jewish measures of this security body during the period (1938-1944). Besides the documents on the so called check of the citizenship of specific Jews, expulsion of Jews trying to escape from Slovakia or search for persons who refused to enter the army there are also documents on the history of Jewish ghetto in Košice (Kassa), and the transit camp in the brick factory. This includes documents on the investigation of the smuggling of food into the brick factory cam...

  4. Diaries of Wilhelm Hollitscher

    This set of manuscript war-time diaries from an Austrian Jewish refugee provide a unique insight into a refugee's life and his interpretation of national events. A number of enclosures were found loose within the diaries. These have been catalogued separately [1277/16] with a note of their place of origin. Hollitscher begins his English diaries by remembering his last days in Vienna, but soon turns to a discussion of the political news of the day. In this case a secret meeting between Hitler and Mussolini. Hollitscher is furious about Hitler's treachery, abandoning South Tyrol as a gift to ...

  5. Fokschaner family: personal papers

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to access this materialThis collection consists of the personal papers of the Fokschaner family, Rumanian Jews from Czernowitz (Chernivtsi, now Ukraine).Family papers including the papers and authenticated copies of papers of Max and Sarina Fokschaner (1728/1-2), Otto and Erika Fokschaner (1728/3-5), Erich Lupul and Else Fokschaner (1728/7), Wolfgang Fokschaner (1728/6), Karoline Fokschaner, Johanna Fokschaner (1728/8) and Klara Löwner (1728/5). Documents include certificate of Palestinian naturalisation; affidavit in lieu of passport; nationalit...

  6. Toch and Korn families: personal papers

    This collection consists of the papers of the Toch and Korn families, Jewish refugees from Vienna. Whilst the children Erika and Harry Toch emigrated to England and Palestine, respectively to flee Nazi persecution, their parents Wilhelm and Margarethe Toch were deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp from where only their mother returned. Erika got married to Polish refugee, Salman Korn, in 1941 whose papers and correspondence are also included.Included are correspondence and papers from Theresienstadt, Deggendorf DP camp as well as Kitchener and Mooragh internment camps; school repor...

  7. Stefanie and Walter Simon and Max Auerbach: family papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Walter and Stefanie Simon and Stefanie's father Max Auerbach, Jewish refugees who were forced to flee Germany in the mid 1930s because of the increasing difficulties in earning a living.Personal papers including Max Auerbach's school reports, qualifications, death certificate, two Iron Cross medals (1914-1918) and internment badges; Stefanie Simon's identify cards and passport, CV, school reports and qualifications,  birth, marriage and naturalisation certificates as well as photographs, internment badge and family history report; and Wal...

  8. Erich and Fanny Walter and Pilpel: family papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Erich and Fanny Walter (née Pilpel) and those of her father Emil Leon Pilpel and sister Charlotte Smith (née Pilpel).

  9. Terfus family: personal papers

    This collection comprises the papers of Michael and Charlotte Terfus, Jewish refugees from Berlin who fled Nazi persecution in March 1939. Charlotte's parents and Michael's sister were unable to emigrate and were later deported to concentration camps where they perished.Personal papers including Michael Terfus' qualifications and work references, medical certificate, copies of marriage certificate, military service papers such as official record of Army service, prayer book for Jewish sailors and soldiers, British Legion membership card, Ex-Service (N.B.) Association membership card as...

  10. Kupfer family: papers

    This collection contains the papers of the Kupfer family, former Jewish refugees from Germany.Family papers of the Kupfer family including papers relating to the family's restitution claims and pensions (1849/1-2); personal documents such as Erich Kupfer's birth certificate, qualifications, work references and conduct certificates, US immigration affidavit, military papers as well as Ruth Kupfer's criminal record certificate, UK certificate of registration and friendship book ('Poesiealbum') (1849/3). Also included are personal papers and war-time correspondence (1942-1943) of Karl and Selm...

  11. Адресне бюро Черкаської української охоронної поліції, м. Черкаси

    • Address Bureau of Cherkasy Ukrainian Schutzpolizei, city of Cherkasy
    • Adresne biuro Cherkaskoi ukrainskoi okhoronnoi politsii, m. Cherkasy

    Local administration documentation can contain information connected to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: Inventory 1. Selected file titles: File 2. Correspondence with district police, district board and other bodies of the German occupation authorities about issuance of passports to the city and district population. January-July 1942, 106 pages. File 3. Lists of the plenipotentiaries of the district board, correspondence with the police about people who had fled from the labour camp and those who had violated passport regulations. Pe...

  12. Newborn child welcomed into the Frank family

    EXTs hospital in Munich (where Brigitte Frank gave birth to each of her 5 children), snow on ground. Hans Frank steps out of a car with license plate reading: "IIA - 23818." INTs, CUs of newborn child, possibly Brigitte (Gitty) born in January 1935. Family members pose with mother Brigitte and baby - Lily (Hans Frank's sister) on left. Nurses. Flowers in the room. On the sidewalk with a tram behind, the children - Sigrid and Norman - push the baby in a pram, with mother Brigitte and a nanny. Sigrid mimics the cameraman. INT shots of woman holding newborn child.

  13. Jewish Equilibrium Propaganda poster of Churchill and FDR on a Jewish controlled seesaw

    1. Serbian antisemitic poster collection

    Antisemitic propaganda poster issued in German occupied Serbia in the fall of 1941. It has caricatures of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill sitting on a makeshift seesaw balanced on a globe, controlled by a giant caricatured Orthodox Jew. The poster was created for the Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition held in Belgrade from October 22, 1941, to January 19, 1942. The exhibit focused on the alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic conspiracy to achieve world domination. Jews were portrayed as the source of all evil, which had to be destroyed, along with Jewish controlled countries, such as the ...

  14. Propaganda; Soviet POWs

    A German propaganda poster depicts a tank with a Nazi flag/swastika banner in the background. It reads, in Russian, "Growing every day." Another propaganda poster depicts a German soldier in the foreground, turning back to face local peasants, who are standing behind him and waving to him. It reads, again in Russian, "The German Army, your protector and friend!" A third propaganda poster shows a farmer tending to his field, and reads: "Now, I work in peace". A fourth poster shows a farmer planting seeds, but the caption is illegible, as the time code was burned in on top of it in a moment o...

  15. When Jews Laugh Antisemitic Der Stürmer advertising flier showing several Jewish people smiling

    Antisemitic flier for the Der Stürmer newspaper showing photographic images of the “devilish grins” of Jews. The text claims that Jews are born criminals, who are incapable of laughter, and can only smile nefariously, which implies their untrustworthy nature. Two versions of the flier were published: this one with red lettering and an advertisement on the bottom, and one with black-and-white text without a bottom advertisement. The antisemitic newspaper was founded by Julius Streicher and published from 1923 to 1945. Striecher used the paper as a platform to foment public hatred of the Jewi...

  16. Industry along Rhine, production, farming, German trade show

    Koblenz city scape from balcony. VLS down to long train, river, men. Statue of Wilhelm I with a horse, teenage boys at balcony, slow pan view. 00:02:10 Mostly empty courtyard of military fort, Festung Ehrenbreitstein. Workers on the banks of the Rhine River, LS, gray, crossing small wooden bridge. 00:03:05 Coca-Cola sign: "Hier stets eiskalt", boy drinking cola, CUs. Trucks, cars, CU "Krupp" on motor. Slow tug, long low boats rolling down river. 00:04:12 Scientist with microscope, lab with other workers, women and men in lab coats, making cameras, zoom lens, various MS and CU of workers at ...

  17. The District Commission in Częstochowa to Investigate the Nazi Crimes Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Częstochowie

    Contains diverse records relating to the activity of the District Commission in Częstochowa to Investigate Nazi Crimes in the Częstochowa region. Includes files related to the investigation of German crimes; administrative files, including lists of the members of the commission and day-books; questionnaires with information about places and facts of German crimes; name lists of the people sentenced for death by the German Sondergerichte; name lists of the people shot or deported from Częstochowa it's vicinity to concentration camps; name lists of the German officers of the Częstochowa town ...

  18. Dulberg family papers

    1. Lester and Esther Suna Dulberg family collection

    The Dulberg family papers contain documents and photographs related to Louis and Esther Dulberg’s families in the years before and after the Holocaust. Included in the collection are several documents pertaining to Louis’ immigration. Among them, copies of his birth certificate, Polish identification cards, correspondence regarding his Visa application, and affidavits affirming his Polish military service and nationality. The photographs contain images of Esther’s first husband, Moshe and their children, Bella and Henry, and Louis’ first wife, Sara and their three children. Also included ar...

  19. Key fob commemorating the bicentennial of George Washington’s birth with a swastika on the back

    Hard plastic key fob commemorating the 1932 bicentennial of George Washington’s birth bearing his image on one side and a lucky swastika on the other. The fob was most likely manufactured in the United States around 1932, when the US had an official commission to manage nationwide bicentennial celebrations. Many prominent manufacturing companies produced medals, medallions, tokens, fobs, and other novelties for use during those celebrations, and their designs were widely copied by less reputable manufacturers. This fob is likely one of those copied novelties with a common image of Washingto...

  20. Werner Kleeman collection

    Consists of material collected by Werner Kleeman, originally of Wurzburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States and was a member of the 4th Infantry Division and participated in the liberation of a subcamp of Dachau. The collection includes a typed copy of the diary of Col. Norborne P. Gatling about his experiences in the American Army, including a tour of Ohrdruf; information about wartime Wurzburg; copies of Mr. Kleeman's postwar correspondence from Wurzburg; correspondence with Ulrich Strauss and Leila Levinson; restitution paperwork for Mr. Kleeman's father, Louis Kleeman; and an...