
Displaying items 761 to 780 of 1,140
  1. Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl

    Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl was an early confidant of Hitler but fell increasingly out of favor after Hitler's assumption of power. In 1937 Hitler ordered Hanfstaengl to parachute over Spain and act as an agent for Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Hanfstaengl feared this was really a plot on his life and, in his telling, he convinced the plane's pilot to return to Germany. According to Albert Speer in his memoirs, this was all an elaborate practical joke and no harm was intended. However, Hanfstaengl was frightened enough to decide to defect. It is this episode which is documented in this foo...

  2. Personal papers of Elsa Lüthi-Ruth Nachlass Elsa Lüthi-Ruth

    Contains personal papers and photographs of Elsa Lüthi-Ruth, a nurse for the Swiss Red Cross and in various internment camps in France during World War II. Papers consist of biographical materials and documentation on the Elsa Lüthi-Ruth activities. The main part of the collection consists of six personal albums that document her youth and studies, as well as her work during the war.

  3. Legacy of Gershon Dua-Bogen Spuścizna Gerszona Dua-Bogena (Sygn. 329)

    The collection contains the papers of Gershon Dua-Bogen (1892-1948), an eminent activist of the socialist and communist parties. The papers includes personal documents from Gershon Dua-Bogen and his son, Jerzy Bogen, correspondence, notes, fragment of memoirs, press-cuttings, invitations, photographs, an index of the Dua-Bogen’s works, a resume, a collection of Jewish songs: Mir zingen. Lider zamlung, and miscellaneous.

  4. Touring Italy: horse race; cathedral

    "The Palio at Siena" Attending the horse race in Siena. HAS of riders dressed in elaborate costumes, marching band on streets. Crowd, balloons. Interiors, ceremony. Large crowd in square. 01:01:55 (switches to color). Procession of riders into the stadium, horses, flag-waving. Costumes represent the different city wards. 01:03:55 (switches to black and white) The cermony proceeds, including elaborate floats. Horse racing. Flag-waving. "The Cathedral at Orvieto" (color) VAR, EXT of the cathedral. 01:06:51 "The Ponte Vecchio at Florence" (color) Scenic views of homes along the river in Floren...

  5. Salomon family papers

    The Salomon family papers consists of correspondence and emigration and immigration files documenting Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon’s unsuccessful efforts to immigrate to the United States from Berlin. The collection also includes correspondence from Marianne Adler, Hermann and Edith’s daughter, and Elsbeth Stern, Hermann’s sister, documenting their efforts to bring their family to the Unites States. Salomon family correspondence includes wartime letters among Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon to Marianne Adler and Elsbeth Stern about Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte’s efforts to immi...

  6. Josef Nassy papers

    1. Josef Nassy collection

    The Josef Nassy papers include a letter thanking Nassy for art classes he taught at the Laufen internment camp, a travel permit allowing Nassy to cross the border into Austria and return, a program for Nassy’s October 1946 exhibition of internment camp artwork in Brussels, and Nassy’s 1953 employment card indicating his status as a foreign artist working in Belgium. The employment card falsely claims that Nassy was born in San Francisco in 1899.

  7. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  8. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  9. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  10. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  11. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  12. Abraham B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham B., who was born in Moscow, Russia in 1906. He recalls arrest in 1925 due to his leadership of Hashomer Hatzair; being condemned to death; transport to Odesa; exile to Palestine with his mother and sister (his mother had arranged it); working in Haifa, ?Afulah, and Zikhron Ya?ak?ov for two years; admission to engineering school in Paris; arriving in Marseille in 1928; studying in Toulouse; graduation; working in a coal mine, a hotel, and for a Swiss company in Paris; dismissal due to the depression; working as a salesman; establishing a lucrative textile compa...

  13. Benjamin H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin H., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1918. He describes his family's move to Belgium; his father's successful business in Brussels; attending school in Anderlecht; German invasion; his family's arrest attempting to enter Switzerland; arrest with his wife in the Pyrenees fleeing to Spain; internment in Gurs; his release through Abbe? Alexandre Glasberg; obtaining false papers; joining FTPF (the French communist underground movement); his second arrest; torture during interrogations in Limoges; transfer to Compie?gne, then Buchenwald; and slave labor in Gustlo...

  14. Liesel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Liesel A., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1930, one of four children. She recalls their affluence; destruction of their home on Kristallnacht; her father's incarceration and release from Dachau; his telling her she was going to camp before she was smuggled to France by a non-Jewish woman using her own child's documents; placement in a children's home in Paris; German invasion; traveling to Limoges with a group of Jewish children who were being brought to the United States by Quakers; stopping in Gurs so some children could visit their parents; traveling to Madr...

  15. Elsa and Kurt S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elsa and Kurt S. Kurt S. was born in Munich, Germany in 1917. He recalls being first in his class, but not matriculating due to anti-Jewish laws; confiscation of the family business; his father's death in 1936; his deportation to Dachau on Kristallnacht; release contingent upon his emigration; Hechalutz arranging his emigration to the Netherlands; working on a farm; and marriage in 1941. Elsa S. was born in Heidelberg in 1921. She recounts her family's move to Ludwigshafen in 1925; expulsion from school; preparing to emigrate to Israel with Hechalutz; meeting her futu...

  16. Konrad B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Konrad B., who was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1916. Mr. B. describes his childhood and education; his mother's decision to move the family to Paris after Hitler's rise to power; volunteering for the French army; and internment by the French in Nantes in 1939, then by the Germans in a POW camp at Montreuil-Bellay. He details a friendship; his parents' flight from Marseille through Spain and Portugal to the United States; his escape in October 1940; teaching in a Quaker school for children of Spanish refugees in Montauban; serving as a Resistance courier; reunion with ...

  17. Peter B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter B., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1920. He recalls his father's socialist activities; his mother's death in 1935; his family fleeing to Antwerp; his father's death while a physician in the Spanish Civil War; his brother's service in Spain; working in Brussels, then France; incarceration after war began in 1939; release; joining the Resistance; obtaining false papers; organizing a children's home near Montpellier with assistance from Cardinal Pierre Gerlier; imprisonments and escapes; arrest at the children's home; incarceration in Vénissieux, then Drancy ...

  18. Jacob R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob R., who was born in Dobromyl?, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Ukraine) in 1906. He recalls speaking Yiddish and German at home; his mother's death; his father's service in the first World War; abuse by Russian forces; becoming part of Poland after the war; antisemitism; moving to Berlin in 1926; the emigration of two siblings to Palestine; living in Ostende and Antwerp; expulsion because he was Polish; moving to Barcelona; burying dead from the civil war; moving to Paris in April 1939; German invasion; traveling to Orle?ans, Bordeaux, and Toulouse; arrest ...

  19. Mary L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary L., who was born in Zagreb, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (now Croatia) in 1910. She recalls the beginning of World War I; her father's military service; living in Vienna from 1916 to 1918; the family's move to Berlin in 1926; working for an insurance company; Hitler's ascent to power; losing her job due to anti-Jewish laws; the anti-Jewish boycott in April 1933; returning to Zagreb; studying English in Britain in 1935; marriage to a Catholic; German invasion in April 1941; moving to the United States Consulate where her husband worked; anti-Jewish measures; denuncia...

  20. Comunita Israelitica Ragusa Jewish Community of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) Jüdische Gemeinde Ragusa (Fond 1439)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records of the Jewish Community of Ragusa (Dubrovnik). Consists of marriage, death, and birth registers, financial documentation, registers of dues and fees, and an account book of the Jewish community of Dubrovnik.