
Displaying items 7,761 to 7,780 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Одеська обласна комісія сприяння у роботі надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню лиходійства німецько-фашистськими загарбниками та їх спільниками і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям, підприємствам та установам.

    • The Odessa Regional Commission to Aid the Work of the Extraordinary State Commission to Ascertain and Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices and the Damages Caused by them to Citizens, Collective Farms, Public Organizations, Enterprises, and Institutions of the USSR

    The fond includes one inventory systematized chronologically by year, and within years, by file significance. Contained in the fond are summary statistical data by district of the city of Odessa and the Odessa region regarding casualties among the civilian population during the German-Romanian occupation of 1941-44 (numbers of those killed, deceased, expelled to Germany, etc.), including information on the number of individuals located in ghettos. Similar information – on Odessa Jews discovered by the occupiers in their places of residence and sent to prisons and ghettos – is found in certa...

  2. Československý červený kříž, Londýn

    • Czechoslovak Red Cross, London
    • ČsČK-L
    • NAD 634
    • Národní archiv
    • 634
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • The collection consists of 25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The collection primarily consists of organisational material of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, including its main offices in London and its branches, as well as documents concerning their tasks. The annual report provides information about the medical and social care of Czechoslovak citizens in exile. The most important Holocaust-related documents in the collection of the Czechoslovak Red Cross - London include the card files and directories of Czechoslovak Jews who were interned in concentration camps erected shortly after the Reichskristallnacht in the Sudetengau, of Jews who were interned i...

  3. A kormányzói iroda iratai

    • Records of the Regent’s Cabinet Office

    In 1920, in order to facilitate the administrative work of the Regent of Hungary, new offices were established called the Cabinet Office, the Military Office and the Economic Office though the last of the three was soon merged into the Cabinet Office. A tiny fraction of their documents survived and many of the other materials of the Office of the Head of State was also destroyed. For the Cabinet Office, practically the only remaining documents are from the years 1945-46 and concern economic matters (K 588). The scope of these economic affairs was rather restricted as it concerned the salary...

  4. Budapest Székesfőváros Főpolgármesterének iratai

    • Records of the Mayor of Budapest

    Unified Budapest was created in the early 1870s and the city would soon emerge as a modern metropolis that in many ways acquired a dominant role in Hungarian affairs. The Mayor of Budapest was therefore a highly significant function. Since Budapest also had the second largest Jewish community on the continent with over 200 000 members and Jews played particularly prominent roles in the life of the city, the Records of the Mayor of Budapest are also of special interest to the study of how the country’s anti-Semitic radicalization was negotiated in the capital city. The story of Budapest and ...

  5. Bessarabian Governorate

    • Guvernǎmântul Basarabiei
    • Губернаторство Бессарабии
    • Gubernatorstvo Bessarabii

    Orders of the Governorate on administrative and economic matters; directives on the introduction of labor service for the construction of roads of military importance; orders of the governorship; complaints of landowners about the return of the crop and the restoration of their land use rights; governorship lists; correspondence with the ministry of cults about the dissolution of religious sects; the fact of the abduction of wealth from the ghetto of Kishinev by the commander of the gendarme legion, Vartik; the conclusions of the legal counsel of the province on the resolution of controvers...

  6. Velika Župa Posavje

    • The Great Governorate of Posavje

    Velika Župa was the highest regional authority in the Independent State of Croatia. It was responsible only to the Poglavnik Ante Pavelić, who personally named its leader, and to the respective state ministries. Velika Župa Posavje was founded on 10 June 1941 with the seat in the contemporary town of Slavonski Brod and continued to function until 1945. Velika Župa Posavje included the administrative units (kotar) of Bijeljina, Brčko, Brod na Savi, Derventa, Gradačac and Županja. Researchers of the Holocaust will find the “Very secret files” (1 box) and “Secret files” (14 boxes) useful. “Ver...

  7. Rattner and Breindler families papers

    1. Rattner and Breindler families collection

    The Rattner and Breindler families papers consist of biographical materials and correspondence documenting the families of Beno Rattner and Edith Breindler in Vienna, the couple’s lives and marriage in England, and their parents’ unsuccessful efforts to emigrate. Biographical materials include Beno’s German passport, two of Edith’s British passports, birth and registration records, Beno’s World War II military papers, and certificates documenting the deportation of Beno’s parents. Most of the correspondence is addressed to Beno and Edith in England from their parents in Vienna. The letters ...

  8. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of K. G., who left Warsaw on November 7th, 1939. K. G. describes his return to Warsaw with the evacuee-trains from Łomża, the bombing of trains and the destruction of train-stations along the way. In Warsaw, K. G. formed part of the Jewish Citizen's committee, a body that was responsible for the Jewish population of Warsaw and the upcoming war. The committee conducted several meetings, all under fire, and coordinated with other organizations in Warsaw both receiving and giving philanthropic aid. The heavy bombardments and destruction of buildings city-wide have, however, disrupted...

  9. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic Countries]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  10. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of G., a woman from Kutno. She describes the bombings and the ruin of the town, which was burnt completely leaving not a single house whole. The casualties were so numerous the hospitals and public buildings were packed with them. Gąbin and Plock, the neighboring towns, were also destroyed. She describes how after the occupation of Kutno by the Germans the local Jewish intelligentsia was arrested and conscripted to forced labor with the assistance of the local Poles, and Yom Kippur services were forbidden. She and her 2-year-old child left Kutno to find her husband who was in the ...

  11. Allies' and anti Nazi propaganda

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several leaflets of the student organization in Munich, known as the Weisse Rose (white Rose) and anti-Nazi leaflets dropped by the Allies. Airborne leaflet propaganda is a form of psychological warfare in which leaflets are scattered in the air. Military forces have used aircraft to drop leaflets to attempt to alter the behavior of combatants and non-combatants in enemy-controlled territory. Leaflets, written in German by the white Rose, appeared in England and the Allies decided to duplicate it and drop it above Germany. The white Rose was a student group in Munich, acti...

  12. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of A. K., b. 1908, a mill worker from Wyszków. He describes the bombings and the flooding of refugees from Mlawa, Przasnysz and Pultusk, and the panic which caused the residents of Wyszków to flee into the forests, where they lost their way. They were overtaken by the German occupation in the city of Stoczek, where men, both Jews and Poles, were taken and marched out into the forest and to a camp at Ostrów Mazowiecka where military and civilian personnel were separated. He describes discrimination between Jews and Poles along the way, and the hunger in the camp. Eventually the Jew...

  13. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  14. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of J. F., 27 years old lacemaker from L'viv. After initial bombardments, he describes the German control of L'viv, and the sabotage of efforts to establish Jewish civilian authorities after the invasion. He describes the welcome of the Ukrainian population and their actions against the Jews of the city by serving as informers. Likewise, he described the fleeing of the Jewish population from the neighboring city of Krystynopol, and the temporary retaking of it by the Polish military. The Jews of Krystonopol received the Poles with joy and resisted the Germans with Molotov cocktail ...

  15. Uebersetzung aus den Memoiren von H. Sliesberg

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    The file contains a document, which deals with the Dreyfus Affair. The Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal that divided the Third French Republic from 1894 until its resolution in 1906. The affair is often seen as a modern and universal symbol of injustice, and it remains one of the most notable examples of a complex miscarriage of justice and antisemitism. The scandal began in December 1894 with the treason conviction of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a young Alsatian French artillery officer of Jewish descent. Sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly communicating French military secrets ...

  16. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Wenzel Daniel (born on 2 February 1900 in Wapenka), son of a gypsy couple, who received no formal education growing up. Before joining the military he used to travel in the countryside with his father to help him craft and sell metal goods. In the years 1920 and 1926 he served as a soldier in the Czech army. After his discharge he worked in a sawmill and tried to keep his head above the water doing occasional jobs. He was convicted 18 times due to robbery and fighting. In the end of March 1942 he watched a knacker bury a dead pig. After ensuring that the kna...

  17. Lakáshivatal iratai (Documents of the Housing Office)

    1. XX. Holokauszttal kapcsolatos iratgyűjtemény
    2. Magyar Zsidók Központi Tanácsának iratai
    3. Core documents

    This body of documents contains the records of the Housing Office of the Jewish Council. They regard predominantly the concentration of Budapest Jews into so-called yellow-star houses in June 1944.The material also holds correspondence between the Housing Office and various other departments of the Jewish Council. The records include, for example: • lists of buildings designated as yellow-star houses • list of apartments rented or owned by Jews and confiscated by the Jewish Council on the order of the Hungarian authorities • correspondence of the Office with various Jewish individuals regar...

  18. [Documents relating to 'Der Hammer-Blätter für deutschen Sinn']

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several transcription, letters adressed to the 'Der Hammer-Blätter für deutschen Sinn' and the responds of the newspaper, further newspaper cuttings of the 'Der Hammer-Blätter für deutschen Sinn' can be seen. One reader of the 'Der Hammer-Blätter für deutschen Sinn' complained about the absence of professionality when authors wrote their articles and their reports, the quotations and the informations itself were not correct. In addition they used wrong datas and old books for comparisons. As the reader argues, these are mistakes which will help their enemies to undermine t...

  19. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of J. K., 19 year old yeshiva student from Zawady, a small village by Ostrow Mazowiecka. He describes the village being relatively unharmed at the beginning of the war, but tell that once the Germans entered it, they took all men, Jews and Poles, and deported them ot Germany. The men were held confined in a church for several days in harsh conditions, without food, then sent off by train. In Germany the Jews were separated from the Poles and sent on to a prisoner camp (stalag) near Stablak. They did forced labour on a minimal amount of poor food. The Poles also were brought there,...

  20. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...