
Displaying items 7,641 to 7,660 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Ladislav L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ladislav L., who was born in Lazy pod Makytou, Czechoslovakia in 1918. He recounts attending school in Prešov; traveling to emigrate to the United States in spring 1939; German soldiers stopping him in Horní Lideč; apprenticeship as a mechanic in Trenčín; paying to avoid military draft; working for a farmer in Kuzmice, using false papers; visiting a friend in Bojná; denunciation and arrest in Radošina; incarceration in Nitra; assistance from the Jewish community; transfer to Sered; a privileged position working for Kommandant Imrich Vasina, allowing him to leav...

  2. Joseph W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph W., who was born in Przemys?l, Poland in 1922. Mr. W. vividly describes the Jewish environment of his childhood in Krzywcza; attending gymnasium in Przemys?l; the antisemitic atmosphere; Polish anti-Jewish laws; his father's and his own involvement in Zionist activities; German invasion; mass killings; escaping with his family; Soviet occupation; returning to Przemys?l; and the German invasion in 1941. He relates fleeing with his friends; returning to be with his family; anti-Jewish regulations; forced labor; appointment of the Judenrat; deportations; the impac...

  3. Rabbi David K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rabbi David K., who was born in Strasbourg, France in 1915, the youngest of seven children. He recalls his father's death in 1927; being placed in a Jewish orphanage so his mother could work; rabbinical studies in Paris; military service from 1936 to 1938; re-mobilization in March 1939; posting to Strasbourg; warning his family and fiancee of evacuation plans; and receiving rabbinical ordination in Paris while on leave in April 1940. Rabbi K. recounts capture by German troops in May 1940; posing as a non-Jew during eight months imprisonment; escaping to Paris in Janua...

  4. Samuel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel F., who was born in Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland in 1926, the oldest of four children. He recalls his father's service in the Polish military; attending public school; antisemitic harassment; being financially comfortable, but not rich; trips to Warsaw; German invasion; staying with relatives in Warsaw; returning home; transfer to the Warsaw ghetto; smuggling food from Jeziorna; ceasing after his arrest; escaping with a cousin to Czubin; singing and begging; briefly living with his family in Magnuszew; their deportation (he never saw them again); a German family...

  5. Benjamin S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin S., who was born in Longwy, France in 1924 to Polish immigrants. He recounts their move to Charleroi when he was six months old; his brother's birth; his father's socialist activities causing them to move frequently; living in Gilly; attending secular school and a weekly Jewish religious school; participating in socialist youth movements; his father's participation in the Spanish Civil War; their move to Brussels in 1939; German invasion; fleeing with his family to France; his father's enlistment in the Polish military; assistance from the Red Cross; incarcer...

  6. Henri B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri B., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1919 to an impoverished family of four children. He recounts attending Greek public school; military service in Albania; attending university in Athens starting in 1940; benign Italian occupation; German invasion in September 1943; anti-Jewish regulations; obtaining false papers from a Greek police officer; hiding with friends; arrest; incarceration in Haidari; denunciation as a Jew; pointless slave labor; escaping from a deportation train in September 1944; discovering he was near Zolna? in Slovakia; assistance from ...

  7. Hela U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hela U., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1925. She recalls her Orthodox family; German invasion in September 1939; two older brothers' Polish military service for six weeks; fleeing briefly to G?o?wno; returning to ?o?dz?; ghettoization; forced labor; one brother's death from a beating in June 1941; her father and second brother dying in January 1942; trying to keep her mother alive despite her resignation; her death in June 1942; living for her younger brother; hiding him prior to a selection (he was only eleven); assistance from a ghetto policeman; her brother nur...

  8. Peretz L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peretz L., who was born in Chemnitz, Germany in 1903, the oldest of four children. He recalls completing gymnasium; a year of military service; apprenticing in a large factory for two years; disillusionment with the German political situation after the assassination of party leaders in 1919; forming a Zionist group in Fröndenberg in 1921; living on a hachsharah in Wartenberg in 1923, then in Zwickau to learn technical skills; moving to Frankfurt; meeting his future wife's parents in Munich; marriage in Nuremberg in 1926; traveling to Vienna; living in Berlin; organiz...

  9. Shraga D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shraga D., who was born in Munkács, Czechoslovakia (presently Mukacheve, Ukraine) in 1930, the sixth of seven children. He recalls their comfortable life; attending public school and cheder; one brother's emigration to Palestine; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; his bar mitzvah; a brother and sister escaping to Budapest; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization; deportation with his family to Auschwitz; separation with his father from his mother and sisters; transfer a few days later to the former Warsaw ghetto; slave labor cleaning used bricks; a forced...

  10. Ben N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben N., who was born in approximately 1925 in ?a?cko, Poland, one of five children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in 1939; fleeing east to Ustrzyki Dolne; returning home via Biecz and Gorlice; German establishment of a Judenrat; evacuation with his family to Nowy Sa?cz in late 1940; sneaking home to obtain food from non-Jewish friends; transfer to Roznow; slave labor; visiting his family; their deportation (he never saw them again); transfer to the Tarn?ow ghetto in 1942; training with a cabinet maker who postponed...

  11. Izidor S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Izidor S., who was born in Ulic?, Czechoslovakia in 1918 to an impoverished family. He recounts his mother's death, his father's two subsequent marriages; having about ten siblings; apprenticeship as a tailor at age twelve; dismissal because he left without permission; a three year apprenticeship as a baker in Snina; working in Humenne?, then Uz?h?horod; Hungarian occupation; military draft in 1938; basic training in Michalovce; an officer allowing him to leave; recall in October 1939; serving in Romania (he was the only Jew in his unit); placement in a slave labor ba...

  12. Ya'akov V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ya'akov V., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1931, one of five children. He recounts attending a Jewish school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; fleeing with his family; arrest of his father and older brother; returning home; finding their home occupied by Lithuanians; ghettoization; visiting his brother and father at a work camp (he never saw his father again); his brother's escape; moving to his aunt's home with his sister; his sister caring for him; her marriage in 1943; working in a factory; deportation to Stutthof; separation from the women; transfer to La...

  13. Emmanuel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emmanuel F., who was born in 1922 in Kosiv, Poland (presently Ukraine), the oldest of six children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending engineering school in Warsaw beginning in 1936; German invasion; returning home; Soviet occupation; military draft; German invasion before he could report for duty; forced labor with his father and brothers in a brick factory; his father's death; selection as a mechanic (the rest of his family was deported or killed); transfer to Kuty; escaping with assistance from a German soldier; capture; escaping; joining partisans in fo...

  14. Israel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel M., who was born in Hanušovce nad Topl̕ou, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1922, one of six children. He recounts one brother's illness and death; attending a Jewish school, then yeshivas in Šurany and Galanta; Slovak independence; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor building roads; escaping with a friend to Sátoraljaújhely; assistance from local Jews; visiting his brother in Košice; traveling to Sárospatak, then Budapest; obtaining false papers; arrest; transfer to Žilina; his sister smuggling money to him in a toothpaste tube; deportation to ...

  15. Charles L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles L., who was born in Augusto?w, Poland in 1915, the youngest of eight children. He recounts his oldest brother's emigration to the United States in 1923; draft into the Polish military in 1937; German and Soviet invasion in 1939; deportation as a POW by the Soviets from Baranovichy; release with a group born in Latvia; escaping en route to Vilnius; returning home; German invasion in June 1941; ghettoization; deportation to Bogusze, then Auschwitz; separation from his parents and sisters (he never saw them again); selection for work with three brothers; a death ...

  16. Iakov M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iakov M., who was born in Vitsebsk, Belarus in 1928. He recalls his family's poverty; attending Russian school; some religious observances; his father's death in April 1941; German invasion in June; one sister's evacuation with her medical school; fleeing with his mother, younger sister, and neighbors to Shumilino; ghettoization; sneaking out for food; his mother ordering him to escape in November; returning the next day; learning all were murdered in a mass killing; a non-Jew in Pyatnitsa hiding him and advising him of hiding and survival strategies; going from villa...

  17. Josef C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph C., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926. He recalls poverty; his family's Hasidism; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; arrest by Jewish police for taking bread from the garbage; fleeing with a friend to Praga, De?blin, and Kuro?w; slave labor; kindness from one German soldier; returning to Warsaw; learning his father and one sister had died; deportation to Treblinka; escaping to a work group; gassings and mass shootings; a visit by Heinrich Himmler; vicious personnel, including John Demjanjuk, Franz Stangl, and Kurt Franz ("Lalka"); a ...

  18. Harold R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harold R., who was born in Fürth, Germany in 1922, the older of two brothers. He recounts attending public school; his bar mitzvah; anti-Jewish laws resulting in his expulsion from school and his family's eviction from their apartment; attending a trade school in Frankfurt; destruction of the family business and his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his father's return from Dachau three weeks later; futile efforts to emigrate; deportation with his family to Rīga in November 1941; slave labor on a farm with 500 others for two years; public hanging of a man for tradin...

  19. George S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George S., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1923. He recalls his intellectual home life; attending a Jewish school; his father's death in 1931; his mother's emotional breakdown; living with a family in Berlin while she recovered; returning to her; beatings by Hitler Youth; their emigration to Italy, then Palestine; living with foster parents so his mother could earn a living; his emigration to New York in 1938 to join his mother's sister; attending Columbia; his mother's suicide in Palestine; being drafted into the United States Army; training as an intelligence in...

  20. David B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David B., who was born in Mielec, Poland in 1921 and raised in Jarosław. He recalls antisemitic harassment in public school; emigration to Brussels at age nine; no discrimination; assisting German-Jewish refugees; German invasion; leaving for France with his parents and brother; living in Bordeaux; fleeing to Montpellier upon German arrival; moving to Agde; his father's return to Belgium and subsequent deportation in 1942 (they never saw him again); joining Mouvement des jeunesses sionistes; organizing escapes for Jews to the free zone; being warned of his own arrest;...