
Displaying items 7,321 to 7,340 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Pierre-Etienne E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pierre-Etienne E., a Catholic, who was born in Ghent, Belgium in 1913, one of nine children. He recounts his family's very Catholic background; entering the abbey of Maredsous in 1931; studying at a Benedictine college in Rome from 1936 to 1939; Hitler's visit to Rome; ordination as a priest in 1938 at Maredsous; his family's and his colleagues' antipathy toward Nazism; mobilization into the military in September 1939 for a few weeks and again during the German invasion in 1940; evacuation to the abbey of Saint-André; traveling to his parents' home in Ghent; returni...

  2. André C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of André C., a non-Jew, who was born in Liège, Belgium in 1921. He recalls his parents were both teachers; his academic success; housing German refugees, from whom he learned the personal results of antisemitic policies; entering medical school in 1938; conscription with all other medical students; retreating with the Belgian military to Le Mans, Nantes, and Les Sables-d'Olonne; capture by the Germans; release; returning to Liège; resuming medical school in September 1940; joining the Resistance; his engagement; arrest in August 1942; violent interrogations leading to...

  3. George E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George E., who was born in Sasiv, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1925. He recalls Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; mass killings; incarceration with his father at a work camp; slave labor; escaping the camp liquidation in 1943 (his father was killed); hiding in the woods with other escapees; receiving food from a peasant woman; constructing a bunker; escaping from a peasant who tried to kill him; burning the peasant's house; taking more Jews into the bunker; liberation by Soviet troops in March 1944; obtaining Soviet military documents to protect him...

  4. Leonid O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonid O., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1929, one of four children. He recounts attending school; his brother volunteering for the Soviet army (he never returned); his sister and father traveling to Moscow; German invasion; briefly fleeing during bombings; not knowing he was Jewish until defined as such by the Germans; round-ups and executions; ghettoization; forced labor in a carpentry shop; the arrival of German Jews in 1942; contact with the partisans; bringing Jews to the forest to the partisans led by Shalom Zorin in the forest; building hiding places for ot...

  5. Iakov N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iakov N., who was born in Minsk, Soviet Union in 1925. He recalls his parents laboring in factories; hunger until 1938; speaking Yiddish at home; German bombing in June 1941; fleeing and returning to Minsk twice; ghettoization; mass shootings in which relatives were killed (one cousin survived by crawling out of a mass grave); forced labor; building hiding places to use during mass shootings; arrival of German Jews; escaping in summer 1943 with help from the underground; joining the partisans in the forest; Hersh Smolar directing them to another unit; learning his par...

  6. John S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John S., who was born in Stanisławów, Poland (presently Ivano-Frankivsʹk, Ukraine) in 1925, the younger of two sons. He recalls his family's upper-class, assimilated lifestyle; Soviet occupation in 1939; German/Hungarian invasion in 1941; ghettoization; his father's participation in the Judenrat; escaping with his parents and brother to the Buchach ghetto; his round-up for deportation; his father bribing a guard to let him go; his mother obtaining false papers for all of them; moving to Warsaw by himself; arrest for not having travel papers while on a train; imprison...

  7. Dorothy F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dorothy F., who was born in Stanislav, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1929. She recalls her large extended family; Soviet occupation; German occupation in summer 1941; briefly hiding with her mother during an "aktion" (she never saw her father again); ghettoization; a non-Jewish farmer hiding her and her mother; fleeing to two aunts in another ghetto; transfer to a labor camp with her aunt and two cousins (she never saw her mother again); slave labor building roads; escape with her aunt and cousins to a forest; building crude bunkers; a raid in which her aunt was kille...

  8. Adolphe L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adolphe L., who was born in Fumal, Belgium in 1919. He recalls that his family were very religious Christians and Belgian patriots; attending school in Huy; military enlistment in 1938; German invasion; fleeing with his battalion to France; sailing from La Turballe to England; enlisting in the Special Operations Executive (SOE) to continue to fight against Germany; months of physical and intelligence training; parachuting into Belgium in fall 1941; reunion with his fiancée and family; living in Liège; condemning the treatment of Jews based on his Christian beliefs; ...

  9. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt G., who was born in Krefeld, Germany in 1927. He relates his family's German identity and having lived there since the Middle Ages; few memories of his father who died; attending a Jewish school; moving to Mülheim in 1934; his next older brother being sent to Scotland; antisemitic harassment in school; his oldest brother evading arrest on Kristallnacht; expulsion from school; shopping since he looked Aryan; placement on a Kindertransport in spring 1939; painful departure from his mother and brother; traveling to London; joining his brother in a Jewish orphanage ...

  10. Bernard D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard D., a Catholic, who was born in Gerponville, France in 1915. He recounts moving to Belgium when he was five; a Jesuit education; becoming a textile engineer; marriage; the births of three children; military service in 1937; remobilization immediately prior to German invasion; returning home; Resistance activities in Brussels; denunciation; surrendering when his wife was threatened with arrest; beatings during interrogations in St. Gilles; transfer to Bochum; slave labor; punishment for sabotaging the work; transfer to Esterwegen; slave labor sorting cartridges...

  11. Paulina D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulina D., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Čierny Balog, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1935, one of four children. She recalls her mother was a widow; their poverty; working in fields or as house servants; working for the one Jewish family in town, who liked them very much; her sister's marriage in ľubietová and the births of her two children; she and her mother living with her sister; vandalism of the house when the war started; her sister and her sister's husband being killed; she and her mother raising their children; returning to their town to find...

  12. Cyla S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cyla S., who was born in a Polish/Ukrainian village in 1927. She recounts living with her grandmother in Buchach to attend school with her brother; antisemitic violence against her parents; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; her father's beating by Ukrainian police; hiding with a non-Jewish family; moving with her parents and brother to Tovste; her father's disappearance during a mass killing; her mother's disappearance; hiding with her brother in a bunker; paying a local farmer for food and protection; brief separation from her brother; attack and retreat of...

  13. Jiri R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jiri R., who was born in S?te?novice, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He recalls being the only Jewish boy in town; cordial relations with non-Jews; German annexation in March 1939; expulsion from school, being shunned by friends, and confiscation of the family business; orders to report to Plzen? in January 1942; deportation to Theresienstadt; working in the carpentry shop; his father working in the police and his mother in the police kitchen; constant hunger; sham improvements during a Red Cross visit; deportation with his father to Auschwitz in September 1944; separation u...

  14. Rose S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose S., who was born in Vranov, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1910, one of four siblings. She recounts her mother's death in childbirth; her father's extraordinary devotion to his children; his death at age thirty-eight; her marriage in Kos?ice; Hungarian occupation; disbelief upon hearing of the fate of Jews elsewhere; concentration of Jews from the surrounding area in Kos?ice; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her husband (she never saw him again); selection; regret that she was chosen to live; witnessing atrocities; transfer after three...

  15. Miriam O. and Ilona S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Miriam O., who was born in Osijek, Yugoslavia, in 1930. Mrs. O. recalls her father's departure for military service in 1941; fleeing to Sarajevo with her mother, grandmother and sister; air raids; returning to Croatian-occupied Osijek; harsh anti-Semitic measures; eviction from several apartments; and public harassment. She relates being sent with her sister to Sarajevo to live with a Christian aunt; reunion with her mother and grandmother; their flight to Mostar; Italian internment on the island of Lopud; her grandmother's death; transfer to a camp on the island of R...

  16. Jack G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack G., who was born in approximately 1925, one of eight children. He recounts living in Tarnowo, Poland; his family's orthodoxy; attending school in Ostro?e?ka; his father's death when he was nine; transferring to school in ?omz?a; antisemitic harassment; one brother's military draft (he never saw him again); Soviet occupation; working as a carpenter; German invasion; forced relocation with his family in 1942 to the ?omz?a, then Zambro?w ghettos; his brother's escape (he did not survive); deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in January 1943; separation from his mother ...

  17. Celina L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celina L., who was born in Zbaraz?h?, Poland in 1931. She recalls her family's Zionist commitment; her father's military career; German invasion; Soviet occupation; fleeing to L'viv with her parents in 1940 to avoid Soviet deportation to Siberia; German invasion; ghettoization; smuggling food to her father in Janowska; her mother arranging her escape to Zbaraz?h? with a non-Jew; living with her uncle and aunt; hiding during round-ups; her uncle arranging to hide her with a Ukrainian woman in Mala Berezovyt?s?i?a?; leaving when villagers became suspicious; rejecting an...

  18. Henry M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry M., born in approximately 1915, one of nine children. He recalls living on a farm in Ti?a?chiv, Czechoslovakia; his family's orthodoxy and Zionism; apprenticing as a tailor; cordial relations with non-Jews; draft into the Czech military in 1937; German annexation in 1938; returning home; Hungarian occupation; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; assignments in Kyjov and Dormitz; returning home in March 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his father, brothers, and uncle; slave labor cutting hay; seeing his sisters in an...

  19. Rudy R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudy R., who was born in Charleroi, Belgium in 1930. Mr. R. describes not knowing he was Jewish until 1935; his parents' marital problems, many due to gambling; moving to Namur, then Brussels; his parents placing him and his sister in a Protestant orphanage, where they were later converted; German invasion in May 1940; returning home when his father's black marketeering could support them; anti-Jewish laws; harassment by other children; his mother's friendship with an SS officer; plastic surgery to minimize his "Jewish" ears; being hidden with his sister by friends in...

  20. Charles V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles V., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1913. He recalls feeling Belgian rather than Jewish; military service beginning in 1937; German invasion; capture; one year imprisonment as a Belgian POW; returning home; anti-Jewish restrictions; obtaining false papers; forced closing of the family business; hiding with his parents and sister; denunciation as a Jew in June 1944; imprisonment; transfer to Malines, then Auschwitz (his family remained hidden); slave labor; fierce struggles for food; his sense of complete isolation; willing himself to forget his past and f...