
Displaying items 6,021 to 6,040 of 10,858
  1. Претура Францфельдського району, с. Францфельд Овідіопольського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Frantsfel’d District, Village of Frantsfel’d (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these is a copy of orders of the migration service and the Governorate Directorate of Labor on procedures for transmitting material aid to Transnistrian Jews from the Central Office of the Jews of Romania (1943). Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include copie...

  2. Претура Троїцького району, с. Троїцьке Троїцького р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Troitskoe District, Village of Troitskoe (Anan'ev County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these are documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include copies of the order of the Governorate of Transnistria on the resettlement of Jews in ghettos and conditions for maintaining them there (1942) The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  3. Претура Гросулівського району, с. Гросулове Велико-Михайлівського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Grossulovo District, Village of Grossulovo (Tiraspol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. There are also lists of residents of the Grossulovo district and the village of Liubashevka having occupied the homes of Jews interned in ghettos (f, R-2383, f. R-2387, 1943); etc. The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  4. Претура Цебриківського району, с. Цебрикове Цебріковського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Tsebrikovo District, Village of Tsebrikovo (Tiraspol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include the order (31 December 1942) that all Jews interned in the Vapniarka camp be removed, that able-bodied Jewish workers be assigned amongst sectoral directorates of the Governorate, and that ghettos be set up in the villages of ...

  5. Ravnateljstvo ustaškog redarstva. Židovski odsjek.

    • Directorate of the Ustasha police. Jewish section.

    Collection includes pleas of Jews not to have to wear the Jewish sign; pleas to have their aryan rights recognized for different reasons; requests for protection; reports on arrests of Jews and deportations; reports from camps. Preserved are also office records from 1941 and 1942.

  6. Documentation from the State Archive in the Odessa Region, 1939-1945

    In the collection there is official documentation from the Romanian regime in Transnistria, including the decision made by Marshal Ion Antonescu regarding Romanian military officials in Transnistria and a list of names of the government officials. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the deportation of Jews to camps in Transnistria, lists of Jews deported to Transnistria and where they were located in 1942, prepared by the Jewish Center, lists of Gypsies deported from Romania to Transnistria, documentation regarding the transfer of funds from the Romanian Jews to the deportees, re...

  7. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στη Βουλγαρία

    • National Archives (USA), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Bulgaria
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis sti Voulgaria

    The documents in this file are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions and events in Bulgaria. Other types of material represented are reports and memoranda prepared by State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments of the U.S. government, private firms and individuals. Some materials are related to the Bulgarian alliance with the Nazis, the position of the Jews, and anti-Semitic laws.

  8. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στη Ρουμανία

    • National Archives (NARA), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Romania
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis sti Roumania

    The documents in this file are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions and events in Romania. Other types of material represented are reports and memoranda prepared by State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments of the U.S. government, private firms, and individuals.

  9. Atrinkti dokumentai iš Tsentr Khroneniya Istoriko-Dokumentalnykh Kolektsyi (TsKIDK)

    • Selected Records from the Tsentr Khroneniya Istoriko-Dokumentalnykh Kolektsyi (TsKIDK)/ Centre for the Preservation of Historical Document Collections

    Walter Stahlecker's second report and Karl Jäger's report on the actions of Einsatzgruppen A and local collaborators in Lithuania (October 1941-February 1942).

  10. Nyilas Képviselőház, 1944-1945 (Sopron)

    • The Arrow Cross Parliament, 1944-1945 (Sopron)

    After the botched attempt of Regent Miklós Horthy in mid-October 1944 to switch sides in the war, power in Hungary was taken over by the Arrow Cross who committed the country to the war effort on the side of Nazi Germany. The military situation deteriorated further for the Axis powers and by November the Arrow Cross leadership decided to move its seat westward from Budapest to the Hungarian-Austrian border area. The central offices of the leadership moved to Kőszeg while the sessions of the rump parliament were held in Sopron where they operated until March 1945. This collection contains do...

  11. Atrinkti duomenys iš Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji

    • Selected Records from the Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji
    • Selected Records from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
    • Atrinkti duomenys iš Rusijos Federacijos Centrinio Gynybos ministerijos archyvo
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Podolsk
    • English
    • 130 pages of the paper copies from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (in the town of Podolsk). The copies were brought to the museum in 1995 by a visitor of the museum. The copies are with the stamp of the archives only, without any references except number of description.

    The copies of the documents (numbers of the description: 288278, 288287, 288289, 288290, 288291, 288292, 288339, 288340, 288344, 288390, 288787, 288790, 288792,289462, 353266, 353267) consist of the information (name, surname, father's name, date and place of birth, military rank, date and place of death, place of burial) for 277 Lithuanian Jews who were soldiers in the Soviet Red Army's 16th Lithuanian Division and were killed in 1943-1944 in battles with the Nazis.

  12. Reports

    of mobilization, evacuations and internment of Jews (Jidani). Evacuation of Jews from Moghilau to the Northern part of Transnistria, for military reasons. Creation of ghettos for Jews. Report of 6,500 and of 8,000 Jews from Bessarabia and Bucovina sent over the Bug; other 60,000 are assembled in Berezovka waiting to be transferred. A report of the Jewish Committee for the coordination of the work force and for assistance of the Jews in Moghilev, sent to the Jewish Center in Bucharest, is intercepted by the censor; it generates admiration at the Commandment of the III-d Army for the organiza...

  13. Historical archive at the Romny town's Department of education and propaganda

    • Роменський історичний архів Роменського міського відділу освіти та пропаганди
    • Romenskyi istorychnyi arhiv Romenskoho miskogo viddilu osvity i propahandy

    Collection includes leaflets, announcements, appeals, orders by the German occupation authorities and local administration on various aspects of the life of the Jews (file 1, pp. 1, 10, 19, 23, 24, 31, file 4, pp. 1, 9, 16, file 6, pp. 6, 36, 98, file 27, pp. 44); Order by Ortskommandant of the town of Romny about the execution of the Jewish partisans (file 1, p. 25, file 2, p. 29); a poem flyer with a call to struggle against the Jews (file 4, pp. 2-5); the Easter letter of the Kiev bishop Panteleimon against the Jews (file 4, p. 13, file 27, p. 31).

  14. Organization of army mobilization for temporary service

    Regulations for maintaining secrecy: correspondence, picture taking etc. Creation of Censoring services for news release and personal correspondence. Restrictions of military service for some minorities. Orders and regulations after the occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina by the Soviets. Due to the supposed non-patriotic attitude of the Jews in the province Moldova, every contact with army personnel is forbidden. Confidential reports regarding the actions of the Soviets in the occupied territories. The association German Embassy hat sent letters denigrating the Romanian state...

  15. Scuole ebraiche

    1. Provveditorato agli studi di Mantova
    2. Provveditorato agli studi di Mantova. Secondo versamento
    3. Busta n° 36
    • Jewish schools
    • fascicolo n° 5
    • file n° 5

    These documents are very important, as they attest the way in which discriminatory laws were applied in the Italian school system, too. Starting from November 1938 no one who was considered to be “of Jewish race” was allowed to work in any public place; thus, special schools - only for “Jewish” students - were created (Jewish children who had been baptized might ask to be enrolled in private Catholic schools). Teachers could be Jewish or not. This file contains official documents concerning anti-Semitic laws and practical advices for its fulfilment; requests made by Jewish people to be hire...

  16. Feldafing (Germania). Ritratto dei membri del C.I.C. tra cui Martino Godelli

    1. Fototeca. Collezione fotografica vittime della Shoah

    Martino Goldstein, in seconda fila, il quarto da sinistra, nel campo di raccolta di Feldafing, dopo la liberazione e la convalescenza in ospedale, con tutti gli appartenenti al C.I.C. (probabilmente Counter Intelligence Corps), promossa da Imre [?], l'uomo seduto, primo a sinistra, con l'avvallo di David Michael Marcus, membro del governo alleato in Germania. Sebbene non avesse un ricevuto un mandato ufficilale e i suoi appartenenti fossero senza divisa, il C.I.C. operò per circa un mese. Era composto da reduci dei campi nazisti col compito di raccogliere segnalazioni su ufficiali SS in fug...

  17. Uhlman family

    Copies of papers including a transcript of two documents, with translation, granting certain rights and privileges to David Uhlman, Hofaktor of the Duke of Wrttemberg, 6 Jul 1747; a letter, in German, in Hebrew script, from H.Uhlman to his children Simon and Lehna, 5 Oct 1867, together with a transcription; discharge of Simon Uhlman from the American army, 1863; photographs of Fred Uhlman and friends, in military uniform, 1920-1; a portrait of Isak Elsas, the great grandfather of Fred Uhlman; transcript of gravestone inscriptions of Isak and Rosle Elsas, Jewish cemetery, Hochberg; `A man an...

  18. Samuel Schalkowsky papers

    1. Samuel Schalkowsky collection

    Contains three black-and-white photographs, one letter, and two legal documents pertaining to Samuel Schalkowsky's post-World War II experiences as a displaced person following his internment in the Magdeburg Brabag concentration camp. The letter requests that Allied military personnel grant Mr. Schalkowsky any needed assistance in his attempts to locate his sister.

  19. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdict of Franz Klapec (born on 30 November 1877 in Schlesisch-Ostrau). He was found guilty of illegally possessing a military pistol and 25 rounds of ammunition. He was sentenced to death.

  20. [Basic Information regarding the Analysis of Germany]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains assessments and basic, statistical as well as geographical, political, economic and anthopologial data regarding Germany and its analysis. The file contains deliberations of Wilfrid Israel regarding the political system and also thoughts on post war reconstruction and restructuring of government offices as well as their respective responsibilities.