
Displaying items 4,781 to 4,800 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Rosette L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosette L., who was born in approximately 1923. She recalls her family's relative affluence; living on a farm near Moson; moving to Gyo?r in 1938; her brother's emigration to the United States in 1940; apprenticing as a dressmaker in Budapest in 1943; returning home; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization enforced by Arrow Cross and Germans; transfer to an army barrack; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June; the trauma of separation from her parents ("the lowest point" in her life); transfer to Lippstadt six weeks later; slave labor in a munitions factory; i...

  2. Georges D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges D., a non-Jew, who was born in Ixelles, Belgium in 1911. He recounts his mother's death in 1918; his family's move to Brussels; training as a mechanic in a technical school; military service beginning in 1931; working as a policeman; marriage in 1936; the births of two daughters; German invasion on May 10, 1940; military draft; fleeing to France on May 16; encountering Germans; returning home the day after Belgian capitulation; joining the Resistance; delivering underground journals; hiding individuals sought by the Gestapo; obtaining false papers for Jews; ar...

  3. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Podhajce, Poland (presently Pidhai?t?s?i, Ukraine) in 1931. He recalls attending public school; one sister's emigration to the United States; attending high school in L?viv; antisemitic harassment; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; draft into the Polish military in 1936 for eighteen months; training to emigrate to Palestine in Khodoriv; military call-up in August 1939; posting to Nowy Sa?cz; German attack; being wounded; capture; hospitalization as a Polish POW; transfer to Stalag XIII-Nu?rnberg, then Stalag VIIIA; receiving mail and packag...

  4. Arkadii T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arkadii T., who was born in Smilovichi, Belarus in 1928. He recalls a fun-filled childhood, despite poverty; his family's orthodoxy; German invasion in 1941; his father's arrest (he was killed in a mass shooting); hiding during a round-up; watching his family leave their house; hearing constant shooting as the Jews were killed, including his mother, sister, and grandparents; local police participation in the killings; traveling to the Minsk ghetto; smuggling food; forced labor in a neighboring village; a German solider warning him of impending round-ups; leaving the g...

  5. Ruth M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth M., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1927. She recalls her childhood in Tarno?w; her father's medical practice; her mother traveling to Switzerland in summer 1939 while she and her brother stayed with an aunt in C?esky? Te?s?i?n; German invasion; her father's military draft; traveling to stay with an aunt in Krako?w; returning to her parents in Tarno?w; confiscation of their home; forced labor repairing military uniforms; ghettoization in 1941; a former non-Jewish employee hiding her cousin; refusing to hide, not wanting to leave her family; separation from the...

  6. Piotr R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Piotr R., who was born in Drahichyn, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1923, one of six children. He recounts living in Mokraya Dubrova; attending school in Lahishyn and Pinsk; his family moving to Pinsk in 1938; German invasion; Soviet occupation; one brother's draft into the Soviet military; German invasion in 1941; brief evacuation with two brothers; a mass shooting in which two brothers were murdered; ghettoization; his German supervisor's offer to help him; liquidation of the ghetto in October 1942 (his remaining family was killed); his supervisor giving him false pa...

  7. Karol P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Karol P., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1931, one of seven children. He recalls summers with his paternal grandparents in Wodzisław; antisemitic harassment in public school; German invasion in 1939; round-up with his family; escaping with his sister; her deportation (none of his family survived); imprisonment; escape with assistance from a Polish inmate; entering the ghetto in 1943; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; escaping the group selected for death; a privileged assignment as a messenger; receiving a tailored uniform; assignment to the privileged prisoners'...

  8. Louis H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis H., a non-Jew, who was born in Louvain, Belgium in 1919, one of four children. He recounts attending school; working at the University of Louvain; enlisting in the military in 1939; German invasion; retreating to Brussels; capitulation; returning home; joining the Resistance (learning after the war it was directed by Sûreté de l'État); spying on German military construction in Beauvechain; delivering weapons and information to his contacts; denouncement; his family's arrest as hostages; surrendering in March 1941 to obtain their release; incarceration in St. ...

  9. Andre? U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andre? U., who was born in Besanc?on, France in 1914, the youngest of five children. He recalls his family's strong Jewish identity and French patriotism; antisemitic harassment; attending law school in Dijon in 1934, then finishing in Paris in 1937; enlisting in the military; postings to several locations; retreating when the Germans invaded; capture as a prisoner of war; escaping to Besanc?on; traveling to Paris; joining his family in the unoccupied zone in Lyon; joining the Francs-tireurs resistance; creating false papers for others; attending a reunion of his mili...

  10. Sigmund S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sigmund S., who was born in Torun?, Poland, the son of a non-Jewish military officer. He recalls moving to Nowy Targ when his father was decommissoned due to his opposition to the Pilsudski regime; Catholic antisemitism; moving to Katowice; attending gymnasium, then military school; mobilization when Germany invaded; arrest in place of his father as a Polish intelligentsia; imprisonment in Tarno?w; transfer on the first transport to Auschwitz (his number was eighty-eight); obtaining a privileged job as a carpenter; testing of the first gas chamber on Russian POWs; ass...

  11. Paul S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul S., who was born in Gvozdets, Poland (presently Hvizdet?s??, Ukraine) in 1916, one of nine children. He recounts attending school; Polish military draft; antisemitism in the military; German invasion; capture and incarceration as a POW; release; returning home, which was under Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization; transfer to Kolomyi?a? ghetto; forced labor for the Wehrmacht; escaping (his family was killed); living in the Tolstoye ghetto; meeting his future wife; acquiring weapons; escaping from another forced labor camp; hiding in various places wi...

  12. Salvador B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salvador B., who was born in Preveza, Greece in approximately 1923 and lived in Io?annina, part of the Romaniot Jewish community. He recalls attending university in Athens; joining EAM (National Liberation Front) in March 1942; working with EPON (the youth group of EAM); partisan work in the mountains, Athens, and Io?annina; benign Italian occupation; German occupation in July 1943; obtaining false papers as a non-Jew from EAM people; assistance from fellow university students; evacuation to the mountains with assistance from EAM; joining ELAS, the military arm of EAM...

  13. Andre? R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andre? R., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Villefagnan, France in 1921. He recalls his childhood in Angoule?me; German invasion in 1940; protesting anti-Jewish restrictions in 1942; joining the Resistance in Paris; escaping to the Pyrenees in 1943 using false papers; arrest in Dax; interrogations in Biarritz; imprisonment in Bayonne and Bordeaux; transfer to Compie?gne in September; deportation to Buchenwald in October; transfer to Dora, then Majdanek, in February 1944; transport to Auschwitz in April; assistance from a Polish doctor; working near the crematoria in ...

  14. Leon J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon J., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Russia (presently Poland) in 1916, one of seven children. He recalls attending public school; antisemitic harassment; living with his mother in Gdan?sk for business reasons for eighteen months; his bar mitzvah there; participating in Maccabi; draft into the Polish military in 1938; German invasion in September 1939; being taken as a prisoner of war by the Germans; his release, traveling to Warsaw, then home; ghettoization; one brother who did not "look Jewish" smuggling merchandise for the family butcher shop; forced labor in a m...

  15. Harry U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry U., who was born in approximately 1909, to an Orthodox family of nine children. He recalls living in Zakopane; draft into the Polish military in 1928; recall in August 1939; German invasion; retreating to Przasnysz; returning home briefly; fleeing to Soviet-occupied L?viv via Cieszano?w, then to Pidhai?t?s?i; Soviet deportation by train to Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg), then a forced labor camp; release due to his Polish citizenship; learning of a Polish exile army organizing in Kazakhstan; traveling with other Poles to Alma-Ata, Samarqand, Tashkent and Bukhoro to e...

  16. George S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George S., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1925. He recounts moving frequently due to his father's career in the Polish military; living in Kielce, then Warsaw; participating in Maccabi; attending public school; German invasion in 1939; no contact with his father; he and his mother remaining outside the ghetto, posing as non-Jews; his mother placing him in a boarding school for children of Polish military; observing her hiding Jews when he visited; imprisonment in Pawiak in 1943; refusing to divulge where his mother was (she had been be...

  17. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad Komárno

    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Komárom
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Komárno

    The fonds consists of six groups of files: confidential files, mobilization files, administrative files, files concerning the misdemeanor, public procurement files, and core personnel files. In all groups of files one can find valuable documents concerning the political, economic and social status of Jews in and around Komárno. For example, the fonds contains the list of merchants and holders of licences, the list of construction material traders from 1942 etc. Besides that there are files concerning the internment of Jews, instructions and orders concerning the military labor units. Other ...

  18. Magistrát župného mesta Levice

    • The Municipality Office of the City of Levice
    • Megyei város Léva

    The fonds contains documents reflecting the fate and persecution of Jewish population of the town of Levice after its annexation by Hungary. Some documents pertain to the cancellation of Jewish associations in the town in 1939. After the adoption of the Second Jewish Law there were extensive business restrictions in Hungary. The fonds contains census of businesses, documents on the revision as well as cancellation of business licences and closing of stores. Some files pertain to the census of property, confiscation of agricultural property, requests (applications) for the allocation of Jewi...

  19. Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Sygn. 1346/0)

    Selected records collected by the Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK). Includes instructions, reports, correspondence, files of members of the Komunistyczna Partia Polski, KPP (Communist Party of Poland), the Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR (Polish Workers' Party), and the Gwardia Ludowa (People's Guard), propaganda materials, documentation of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, judgments of special military courts, and reports of the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), and various publications.The materials were collected and hidden in a secret archive-the so-ca...

  20. De Groot family walks to Sonsbeek Park; Castle Zypendaal

    1. Louis de Groot collection

    The de Groot family walking in Sonsbeek Park. People riding bikes. An older man (Max Turksma, Meijer de Groot's bridge parter) with a cigar on a bicycle greets the cameraman. Cut to a different outing in Arnhem with a view of Castle Zypendaal, the large mansion owned by Baron von Heemstra where Audrey Hepburn and her mother lived during the war, in a field surrounded by trees. Children play with a small dog. More shots of the castle and then of a smaller building on the grounds. Back to the de Groots walking in Sonsbeek Park along paths in the forest, all of them very well dressed. 01:05:41...