
Displaying items 4,341 to 4,360 of 7,748
  1. Morris F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris F., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1914, one of eight children. He recounts his father's service in World War I; attending yeshivas in Kerets'ky and another town; working for his uncle in Berehove; frequent business trips to Khust; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; slave labor in Uz?h?horod, Sighet, then I?A?sini?a?; brief reunion with relatives; transfer to Kolomyi?a?; slave labor moving stones and dirt; transfer to Vinnyt?s?i?a? to work in a munitions factory, among other jobs; praying with others during Yom Kippur; transfer to K...

  2. Lucy R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lucy R., who was born in Poland in 1920, one of eight children. She recalls her family's move to Krosno; German invasion; marriage in 1940; ghettoization; her father's death; transfer with her family to a concentration camp in Krosno; working in the laundry; separation from her mother and brother; her brother's escape and return; transfer to P?aszo?w with her mother, brother, and husband; Amon Goeth randomly shooting prisoners; her brother hiding during the children's deportation; her husband's and brother's transfer to Mauthausen; her transfer to Auschwitz-Birkenau i...

  3. Ann C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann C., who was born in approximately 1925, the oldest of four children, and raised in K?obuck, Poland. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; attending school; her father's beating by antisemites; German invasion; separation from a family friend who was taking her to a nearby farm; returning home; obtaining work on a German farm; the owners warning her of round-ups; her father's deportation (they never saw him again); ghettoization; hiding with her future husband and his sister during the ghetto's liquidation in June 1942; marriage; entering K?obuck concentration camp;...

  4. Helena M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena M., who was born in a Polish village in 1923, one of four children. She recounts her family's affluence; their orthodoxy; attending school in Bochnia; working on her family's farm; her father and brothers fleeing east; German invasion; hiding belongings with neighbors; Volksdeutsche evicting them; her father's and one brother's return; their transfer to Bochnia in 1942; escaping deportation (her parents and many other relatives were deported and killed); finding one brother; living in the Bochnia ghetto; forced labor at a sewing factory; hiding in a bunker duri...

  5. Louis B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis B., who was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1911. He recalls his family's poverty; receiving scholarships for violin training; graduating from music school; playing in a cafe? in Katendrecht; a highly-paid orchestra job; purchasing a trumpet; teaching himself to play; employment in a nightclub; playing with Louis Armstrong; joining the underground in 1942; hiding under false papers in Made en Drimmelen; arrest; not divulging names under torture; transfer to Westerbork, then Birkenau; being recognized by a Dutch prisoner who told him to volunteer as a musician;...

  6. Leslie K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leslie K., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1927. He recalls growing up in Oradea; antisemitism; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish laws; German occupation in April 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his brother and a cousin; slave labor in a coal mine; learning about the extermination process, but repressing it; extermination of the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); difficulty communicating with other prisoners since he did not speak Yiddish; learning of the Sonderkommando revolt from an escapee (a former teacher) who joined his barrac...

  7. Bella H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bella H., who was born in Bilky, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1924, one of seven children. She recounts a happy childhood despite her family's poverty; a large, extended family; attending Czech school; Hungarian occupation; her brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; deportation to the Berehovo ghetto, then to Auschwitz about five weeks later; remaining with her sister (she never saw her mother or younger brothers again); a brief encounter with her father, when she was beaten for running to him (she never saw him again); transfer to Boizenburg...

  8. Sonia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia S., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1925, the third of five children. She recalls German invasion; incarceration with her family in the Seventh Fort; a mass killing including her father; transfer with her mother and siblings to the Ninth Fort; release; ghettoization with her younger siblings and mother; smuggling food; hiding her siblings; forced labor; their deportation to an Estonian labor camp; deportation to Auschwitz; a prisoner giving her life-saving advice; learning her mother and siblings had been gassed; recognizing one of her older brothers (she h...

  9. Aron B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron B., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1927. He recalls his father's position as a cantor in a modern synagogue; attending a secular Jewish school; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in June 1941; his father's arrest on June 28 (he never saw him again); anti-Jewish restrictions; escaping with his mother, brother, and sister from a selection for a mass killing while on their way to the ghetto; hiding with his family during liquidation of the small ghetto in October; a German saving them; moving into the second ghetto; hiding during selections; his mother's d...

  10. Lala F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lala F., who was born in Kam?i?a?net?s??-Podil?s?kyi?, Russia in 1922. She recalls her family fleeing from the Bolsheviks to Lwo?w, Poland; attending a private school; her sister's birth in 1931; Soviet occupation; her mother assisting Jewish refugees from Poland; her brother's draft into the Soviet army; her father's disappearance during a round-up; refusing to move into the ghetto; obtaining a work permit; arrest during a round-up; escaping from Janowska (she later learned that her father saw her there); obtaining false papers for her mother, sister, brother's girlf...

  11. Felix W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Felix W., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924. He describes antisemitic incidents; the Anschluss; expulsion from school; Kristallnacht; his father's incarceration in Dachau; confiscation of their apartment; his mother's decision that he was to leave while she waited for his father's release; attempting to enter France in December 1938 from Saarbru?cken, then crossing from Karlsruhe to Lauterbourg; being returned by French authorities; crossing from Freiburg to Basel; assistance from the Committee for Jewish Refugees; and joining relatives in Paris in July 1939. Mr...

  12. Sol U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sol U., who was born in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland in 1926, one of six children. He recounts his family's poverty; their moving to Romania in 1928, then to Borek Fa?e?ck in 1933; attending cheder in Podgo?rze; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced factory labor; ghettoization in Krako?w; working in Oskar Schindler's factory in 1942; Schindler protecting his Jewish workers when the ghetto was liquidated in March 1943; deportation of Mr. U.'s family (he never saw them again); transfer to P?aszo?w; public hangings; living in...

  13. Betty F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Betty F., who was born in Vis?eu de Sus, Romania in 1930, one of seven children. She recalls attending a Beth Jacob school; antisemitic violence; Hungarian occupation; ghettoization in March 1944; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in May; separation from her family; encountering her older sister and remaining with her; stealing food; sharing it with her sister and cousin; often praying and speaking to God; transfer to Torgau in October; slave labor in a munitions factory; prisoners sabotaging the work; a German officer helping her; liberation by United States troops; ...

  14. Rachel Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel Z., who was born in Zamość, Poland in 1931, one of three children. She recounts attending first grade in a Polish school; German invasion; briefly fleeing with her family to a nearby village; returning home; ghettoization; moving to an aunt's home in Szcelatyn; a round-up to Grabowiec; the family being chosen for farm work by a German farmer who knew them; her parents paying a farmer to hide her and her younger brother; overhearing that all the Jews had been killed; the farmer telling them he was taking them to their parents; jumping from the horse carriage e...

  15. Irwin L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irwin L., who was born in Borislav, Poland in 1925. He recalls his extended family's prewar life; brief German invasion, followed by Soviet occupation; German occupation in 1941; fleeing with his father and brother to Dnipropetrovs?k, then to Rostov, Stalingrad, Astrakhan?, and Ferganskai?a? oblast?; working in a small village; hunger and disease; his father's death in 1942; his brother being drafted into the Soviet army in 1944; learning of his mother's and sister's deaths; and returning to Poland in 1946. Mr. L. describes living in a kibbutz in Szczecin, then in Bie...

  16. Ernest S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest S., who was born in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), Czechoslovakia in 1923. He recalls pervasive antisemitism; his sister's marriage and move to Plzen? in 1933; German annexation in 1938; immediately moving to his sister's (Plzen? was not annexed); German invasion; his parents sending him on an illegal Youth Aliyah transport to Palestine in 1940; his sister's emigration to England in 1941; enlisting in the Jewish Brigade of the British army; transferring to the Czech army in exile; transport to England; training there and in Scotland; moving through Germany to Czechos...

  17. Odette H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Odette H., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1927, one of three children. She recounts her family's emigration to Brussels in 1930; attending school; German invasion; fleeing to Paris, then Toulouse; attending school; her brother fleeing to Spain, and ultimately to Israel; returning to Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; going into hiding with her family in November 1942; obtaining false papers; arrest in 1944; incarceration in Avenue Louise; transfer to Malines; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with her mother and sister; hospitalization; avoiding selection...

  18. Shalom K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shalom K., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1925, one of four children. He recounts his father's death; his mother running his father's factory; attending school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; Germans killing his mother when she tried to keep them from taking his older brothers, then killing his brothers (he and his sister were hiding under a bed); transfer to an orphanage; slave labor in a shoe factory; his sister's transfer to a hospital; her murder there; living at a former Hechalutz hachsharah; deportation to Birkenau in 1943; transfer...

  19. Cornelia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cornelia S., who was born in a Hungarian village in 1915. She recalls life in the village and Budapest; attending boarding school in Budapest; marriage in 1937; the births of her sons in Novi Sad in 1938 and 1941; anti-Jewish measures; going to Budapest with her older son in 1942; learning her husband was killed in December; having her younger son brought to Budapest; German occupation; her arrest in Budapest (she never saw her mother and children again); transport to Kistarcsa, then Auschwitz; digging ditches in Birkenau; working in the Canada Kommando; assistance fr...

  20. Joseph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Tripoli, Libya (then Italian) in 1928, the youngest of four children. He recounts his family's British citizenship based on their roots in Gibraltar; their orthodoxy; attending cheder and Italian school; anti-Jewish laws with the rise of fascism; the outbreak of war; his father's imprisonment as a British national; his aunt's death in an Allied bombing; their move to the countryside to avoid bombings; their arrest as British nationals, then transfer to an internment camp in Civatella del Tronto; his father joining them in March 1942; receivi...