
Displaying items 2,181 to 2,200 of 2,734
  1. Records of the Generalgouvernment- Kraków (Sygn. 880)

    These records contain information about activities of the General Government and its officials in Kraków. Also included is information about the administration of prisons in Kraków and Rzeszów, the establishment of a separate Jewish section in Kraków, and the treatment of prisoners of war. Included are instructions, orders, guiding principles, and correspondence of the cabinet of the Governor General and the office of the Governor of the District of Kraków, which mainly relate to legal and prison matters concerning the prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment of criminals, as well as staff...

  2. Joseph Dainow collection

    Contains letters written by Joseph Dainow from September to December 1945 describing his experiences while working in the Office of the U. S. Chief of Counsel during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, and his visits to Fürth, Germany, and encounters with the remaining members of the Jewish community there; "Joe Dainow : Letters from Nuremberg 1945," which contains photocopies of a 1973 article from the Louisiana Law Review describing Dainow's career at Louisiana State University and photocopies of Dainow's Nuremberg correspondence with highlighted statements and ann...

  3. Ferencz lecture: First Unitarian Congregation

    Lecture: "Peace, Planethood, and World Law: A Roadmap to the Future" First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Text scroll: "Benjamin Ferencz has dedicated a good portion of his life seeking a just and tranquil world society where all may live in peace and dignity, regardless of race or creed. He is a graduate of the Harvard Law School and saw active military service in World War II where he participated in the liberation of several Nazi concentration camps. At the age of 27, he became the chief prosecutor for the US in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. During this trial he cr...

  4. Paul M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul M., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1920. He recounts attending school in Piotrko?w and Warsaw; antisemitic harassment and beating by fellow students; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; burning of the synagogue; ghettoization; forced labor; arrest and beating by the Jewish police; his workshop director securing his release; his brother's deportation; working in another factory; being denounced as a saboteur; arrest; transfer to Katowice; a beating; hospitalization; recruitment by Armia Ludowa; release with his factory director's assistance; smuggling h...

  5. Arnold K. Hocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold K., who was born in Suwa?ki, Poland in 1928, the second of four brothers. He recalls his family's affluence; vacationing with his mother and brothers in summer 1939 (he never saw his father again); German invasion; living in Soko??ka with his mother, brothers, and other relatives; moving to Vilnius; Soviet occupation; his relatives' deportation to Siberia; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor with his older brother; smuggling food to his mother and younger brothers; hiding during round-ups; being found; separation from his mother and younger brothers; d...

  6. Abraham L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham L., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1920. He recounts his father's scholarship; his family's focus on education; rabbinical ordination at age nineteen; German invasion in 1939; ghettoization; slave labor; a Jewish engineer giving him a desk job; his father's selection in 1942 (he never saw him again); his mother's hospitalization; his sister clandestinely retrieving their mother; deportation with his mother and siblings to Auschwitz in 1944; separation from his sister and mother; transfer with his brother ten days later to Altenhammer; his brother sharing fo...

  7. George S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George S., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1923. He recalls his intellectual home life; attending a Jewish school; his father's death in 1931; his mother's emotional breakdown; living with a family in Berlin while she recovered; returning to her; beatings by Hitler Youth; their emigration to Italy, then Palestine; living with foster parents so his mother could earn a living; his emigration to New York in 1938 to join his mother's sister; attending Columbia; his mother's suicide in Palestine; being drafted into the United States Army; training as an intelligence in...

  8. Siegfried H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Siegfried H., who was born in Zdzieci, Poland in 1909. He recalls the family move to Tarnowskie Gory in 1914; attending German school; learning Polish after the area became Poland in 1922; forming a Zionist group; apprenticeship with a pharmaceutical company; attending Polish military officer's school; antisemitic incidents; participating in the Zionist group Akiba; German invasion; rejoining the Polish army; returing to Tarnowskie Gory during the retreat; traveling to Berlin for the Zionist movement; returning home; arrest with a friend while fleeing to Yugoslavia in...

  9. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Correspondence with the Bessarabian police police inspectorate about the communist activities of the county residents; the case against Shmerl Feinstein, Shlema Usmansky and others for illegally crossing the border between the USSR and Romania; the case of charging Khaim Katsap of communism; lists of employees of the prosecutor’s office; correspondence with the Bessarabian regional police inspectorate about the results of searches; the case of Elнa Kiegel suspected in communist agitation; the case on charges of George (Gersh) Vladimirsky in giving false information about his origin; cases a...

  10. M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region

    M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region History of the Archives: The special archival committee of the Kherson district was established in April 1922, which was subordinate to the archival committee of the Mykolaiv sub-division. The committee became subordinate to the archival committee of the Odessa sub-division in 1922. In November 1925 the archival committee became subordinate to the regional archival administration of Kherson, which began its work in October 1926. The regional archival administration underwent reorganizing and became a local archival a...

  11. Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Warsaw Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie (GK 453)

    Court investigative files for crimes committed by the Germans and their collaborators. Prosecutions based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (Sierpniówka) of the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN, Polish Committee of National Liberation), one of the world's first laws on liability for crimes of World War II. Decree also applied against former partisans of the anti-Communist Armia Krajowa, or Home Army, whom Communism propaganda portrayed as collaborators.

  12. Kreisgericht Wiener Neustadt: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The collection includes following cases: Vr 229/92 Otto Merich; Vr.517/74 Franz Kandler; Vr 671/72 Erwin Johann Schober, and StA Wiener Neustadt Bruno Eggerth.

  13. Władysław Żeleński Collection-materials for the history of the crimes of Lviv professors in July 1941 Akta Władysława Żeleńskiego-materiały do historii zbrodni na profesorach lwowskich w lipcu 1941 (Sygn. 1941)

    Materials collected by Władysław Żeleński on the mass murder of professors in Lviv committed by Germans in July 1941: Correspondence, protocols of hearings of witnesses and alleged perpetrators, newspaper clippings and other investigative files.

  14. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Poznań Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Poznaniu (GK 178)

    Investigation records regarding crimes committed in the territory of the Warthegau, such as hearings of witnesses, exhumation, medical and autopsy reports, examination of corpses, correspondence, reports of former concentration camp prisoners, questionnaires regarding mass graves, lists of war criminals, files of the case of Artur Greiser (Reichsstatthalter der Warthegau), a collection of files from criminal proceedings and many others. Records relate to: Poznań, Żabikowo, Chełmno (Kulmhof) Śrem, Kórnik, Łódź, Kalisz, Włocławek, Gniezno, Ostrów, Kepno, Szamotuły.

  15. Kreisgericht Krems: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Krems, Austria.

  16. Selected records from the General State Archives in Chalkis (GAK Euboea)

    The collection includes archival materials from two record groups: 1. Postwar records of the Court of Appeal of Chalkis (Chalkida) - Special Court for theTrials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Chalkis (Euboe/Evia Prefecture) in the former Italian and German Occupation Zones of occupation. It contains court proceedings and verdicts against local collaborators, who took part in the persecution and killings of civilians during the occupation; 2. Selected records from the private archives of Lefteris Ioannidis (1879-1993), a former employee of the Prefecture of Chalkis. It contains th...

  17. Miscellaneous records. Materials in special custody Materialien in Spezialverwahrung (Fond 1525)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Diverse records including the archive of the former SS officer Prützmann; records about an SS doctor's work on forced sterilization; name lists of foreign nationals, annotated by the Hungarian police; details about atrocities at KL Sachsenhausen; records about Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, a commander of SS anti-partisan units, including his military tribunal hearing; Gestapo information about the "Mopper" underground organization in Hessen-Frankfurt in 1936; lists of Gestapo documents found in the building of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt in Berlin; materials on German crimes in Belorussia...

  18. I'm An American Day 1942 part 1

    1. "I'm An American" NBC radio broadcasts

    On May 17, 1942 at 1:45PM, the program begins in the middle of a broadcast. Sir Norman Angell speaks of accountability in New York City's Central Park. He speaks of Hitler and his hate for the Jews, capitalists, and bankers. He also reveals the reason behind the alliance of several nations with Britain during WWI. The famous British author reflects on the history of divided nations. He warns Hitler will be victorious if he is able to end the alliance between Britain and America. He points out France’s fall to Hitler. Sir Angell states, “If each person is to defend their rights for themselve...

  19. M.52.DAVO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Wolyn Region in Lutsk

    M.52.DAVO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Wolyn Region in Lutsk The archives was established in 1939 as the Historical Archives of the People's Commission for Ukrainian Internal Matters - UNKVD. In 1941, the archives became the State Archives of the Volyn Region. During the years of the German occupation, 1941-1944, the archives was inactive; the archives includes, however, documentation from the occupation period and regarding the activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in the Volyn region. This Sub-Record Group i...

  20. M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region

    M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region History of the Archives The Archive was first established in Cherkasy in April 1919; it was called the Regional Archive of Cherkasy in 1925. The name of the Archive was changed to the State Historical Archive of Cherkasy in 1932 and it became a branch of the State Archive of the Kiev Region in 1941. During World War II much of the documentation in the Archive was damaged. Following the establishment of the Cherkassy region in 1954, the name of the Archive was changed to the State Archive of the Cherkassy Region. A b...