Archival Institutions

Displaying items 481 to 500 of 2,302
  1. Claims Resolution Tribunal

    • CRT
  2. CODA archief

    • Netherlands
    • Vosselmanstraat 299, Apeldoorn, Gelderland
  3. Columbus Ohio Jewish Historical Society

    • CJHS
  4. Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath

    • Dublin City Library and Archive
    • Ireland
    • 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin
  5. Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique asbl / Coordinatiecomité van de Joodse Organisaties van België VZW

    • Coordinating Committee of Jewish Organizations in Belgium
    • CCOJB
    • Belgium
    • Rue Fourmois / Fourmoisstraat 15, Elsene, Brussels Capital
  6. Comité international de la Croix-Rouge

    • International Committee of the Red Cross
    • ACICR
    • Switzerland
    • 19, avenue de la Paix, Geneva, Geneva
  7. Commission pour l'indeminisation des victimes de spoliations

    • Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force during Occupation
    • CIVS
    • France
    • 20 avenue de Ségur, Paris
  8. Commissione Anselmi

    • Anselmi Commission
    • Commissione Anselmi sui Beni Ebraici
    • Commissione per la ricostruzione delle vicende che hanno caratterizzato in Italia le attività di acquisizione dei beni dei cittadini ebrei da parte di organismi pubblici e privati
  9. Communauté Israélite de Bruxelles

    • Jewish Community of Brussels
    • CIB
    • Belgium
    • Rue Joseph Dupont 2 / Joseph Dupontstraat 2, Brussels, Brussels Capital
  10. Communauté Israélite de Genève

    • Jewish Community of Geneva
    • CIG
    • Switzerland
    • 21, Avenue Dumas , Geneva, Geneva
  11. Communauté Israélite de Lausanne et du Canton de Vaud

    • Jewish Community of Lausanne and the Canton of Vaud
    • CILV
    • Switzerland
    • 3 Avenue Georgette, Post office box 336, Lausanne, Vaud
  12. Communauté israélite de Liège

    • Jewish Community of Liège
    • CILg
    • Belgium
    • Rue Léon Frédéricq 19, Liège, Wallonia
  13. Communauté Israélite Libérale de Belgique

    • Liberal Jewish Community of Belgium
    • CILB Beth Hillel
    • Belgium
    • Rue des Primeurs 80 / Vroegegroentenstraat 80, Vorst, Brussels Capital
  14. Commune d’Anderlecht / Gemeente Anderlecht

    • Anderlecht Municipal Archives
    • Belgium
    • Veeweydestraat 100, Anderlecht, Brussels Capital
  15. Comune di Nonantola. Archivio storico

    • Municipality of Nonantola. Historical Archives
    • Archivio storico comunale di Nonantola
    • Italy
    • Via Marconi, 11, Nonantola (MO)
  16. Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa

    • Jewish Community of Lisbon
    • CI Lisboa
    • Portugal
    • Rua Alexandre Herculano 59, Lisbon, Lisbon
  17. Comunidade Israelita do Porto

    • Jewish Community of the City of Porto or Oporto
    • CIP
    • Portugal
    • Rua Guerra Junqueiro, 340 , Oporto, Porto
  18. Comunita ebraica di Bologna

    • Jewish community of Bologna
    • Italy
    • Via Gombruti, 9, Bologna
  19. Comunità ebraica di Casale Monferrato

    • Jewish Community of Casale Monferrato
    • Comunità israelitica di Casale Monferrato
    • Italy
    • Vicolo Salomone Olper, 44, Casale Monferrato (AL)