Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 941 to 960 of 973
Country: Ukraine
  1. Bureau of the House management No. 9 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 9 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #9 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 52, p. 16).

  2. Bureau of the House management No. 8 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 8 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #8 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 12, p. 6, file 31, p. 5, file 35, pp. 32-34).

  3. Editorial board of the "Sumy Herald" newspaper

    • Редакція газети "Сумський вісник"
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Sumskii Visnyk"

    The collection contains requests from institutions to produce seals and stamps, their samples. Articles for publication, announcements, poems, cuttings from the newspaper "Sumy Herald" and from German newspapers. Information on wage billing for editorial staff. The collection includes antisemitic articles published in the "Sumy Herald" newspaper under the German occupation (inv. 2, file 2, pp. 24-26, file 3, pp. 11, 14, 181).

  4. Notary's office at the Sumy city administration

    • Нотаріальна контора Сумської міської управи
    • Notarialna kontora Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    The orders of the Sumy city administration. Decrees, orders of the legal department at the city head about taxation of the population, creation of judicial commissions and department of legal acts. Protocols of meetings of the board of trustees. Logs of registration of documents issued by the notary's office. Certificates of death, birth, marriage. Collection contains log books registering deaths of Sumy dwellers, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, pp. 15, 25, 38, 43, 44, 50, 74); log books registering births of Sumy dwellers (file 6, pp. 1, 6, 38, 59, 249, 266, 293); death certificates...

  5. Bureau of the House management No. 11 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 11 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #11 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 30, p. 4, file 36, p. 2, file 42, p. 13).

  6. Klochkivka village administration in Chervonyi district

    • Клочківська сільська управа Червоного району
    • Klochkivska silska uprava Chervonoho raionu

    Collection contains decrees, orders, of the feldkommandant, burgomaster of the district on the provision of land, the plan of food supply, the issuance of personal identification. Population lists, lists and questionnaires of those individuals recruited to Germany. Information on the payment of wages. The collection includes order by the local administration to mark the Jews listed in the population register lists with the letter "ж" (file 3, p. 38).

  7. Berezivka village administration, Velykopysarivsky district

    • Березівська сільська управа Великописарівського району
    • Berezivska silska uprava Velykopysarevskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders of the commander-in-chief, the provincial commandant, the agricultural commandant, the elders of the district council on the execution of dwellers for helping partisans, the registration of the Communists and the Komsomol members, the dismission of the collective farms, and the implementation of the milk supply plan. Lists of individuals recruited to Germany, lists of persons for land allocation, police officers. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes order by the police head in Velykopysarevskyi district to mark the Jewish names in the register ...

  8. Bureau of the head of the city of Putivl

    • Управління старшини м. Путивля
    • Upravlinnia starshyny m. Putivlia

    The collection contains orders of the German and the local administrations. It includes the order by the head of Putivl administration to type in the letter "i" in the passports and interim certificates belonged to the Jewish population (file 2, p. 323, file 3, p. 272).

  9. Romny Executive committee of the District council of people's delegates

    • Роменський виконавчий комітет районної ради народних депутатів
    • Romenskyi vykonavchyi komitet raionnoi rady narodnyh deputatov

    Collection includes statement by the Soviet extraordinary commission on investigating the German-Fascist crimes about the atrocities committed against Jews, prisoners of war, Soviet activists in the town of Romny and Romny district (inventory 3, file 2, pp. 2-7).

  10. Central Library of the city of Kirovohrad

    • Кіровоградська центральна бібліотека
    • Kirovohradska tsentralna biblioteka

    Collection includes lists of prohibited authors received by the Central Library from the Propaganda Staffel-Ukraine through the Stadtskommissariat, totally 266 Ukrainian and foreign authors including those of Jewish origin (file 3, pp. 1-4).

  11. Beriuh village administration in Putivl district

    • Берюхівська сільська управа Путивльського району
    • Beriuhovska silska uprava Putivlskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders of the elder of the district, of chief agronomists to carry out agricultural work, supply of products and clothing for the German army, taxes, recruitment of citizens to work in Germany, registration of residents. Lists of individuals sent to Germany, prisoners of war. Individuals’ applications for tax benefits. Collection includes order by the head of Putivl district to stamp the letter "I" in the passports and other IDs of the local Jewish population (file 1, p. 124).

  12. Communal farms during the German-Fascist occupation of Sumy oblast

    • Громадські господарства періоду тимчасової німецько-фашистської окупації Сумської області
    • Hromadsky hospodarstva periodu tymchasovoi nimetsko-fashistskoi okupatsii Sumskoi oblasti

    Collection contains orders, announcement of German military authority, civilian institutions, agricultural management bodies on the security issues and fight against partisans, provision of products and materials for the German army, recruitment of laborers to Germany, management of public utilities, property distribution, land plots, livestock. Plans, reports, records of workdays. Accounting documents, economic acts. Collection includes letter from the head of Romny district to elder of Kashpury village about identification and registration of the Jews and all those who were hiding under t...

  13. Vlizky village administration in Lebedinskyi district

    • Влізьківська сільська управа Лебединського району
    • Vlizkivska silska uprava Lebedinskoho raionu

    The collection contains the order of the city commandant's office on the organization of the Ukrainian auxiliary police, on the activities of the city commandant's office, on the registration of persons to be sent to Germany, on the punishment of citizens who distributed leaflets and helped the partisans, on the registration of population. Certificates of confirmation of ethnicity. Collection includes order from Ortskommandantur to stamp letter "I" in the Jewish passports and IDs. (file 1, p. 164).

  14. Clearing house No. 1 at the Romny town administration

    • Роменська перша розрахункова контора Роменської міської управи
    • Romenska persha rozrahunkova kontora Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection includes statements from the Jewish individuals to give them apartments because their own apartments had been occupied by the German soldiers (inventory 1, file 4, p. 4); lists of the Jewish house-owners (inventory 2, file 3, pp. 34, 43).

  15. District polyclinic at Romny Board of health

    • Роменська районна поліклініка Роменського відділу охорони здоров'я
    • Romenska raionna poliklinika Romenskoho viddilu ohorony zdorov`ia

    Collection contains orders, decisions of the mayor of Romny, and of the head of health department on the education of the labor force, the fight against typhus, cleanliness of the city of Romny and the villages. Instructions for treating tetanus. Applications, certificates. Collection includes order by the major of the town of Romny to register Jewish population not at town's Labor Registry Office but at the office of the Commissioner for the Jewish Labor (file 1, p. 1).

  16. Zhytne village administration in Romny district

    • Житнянська сільська управа Роменського району
    • Zhytnianska silska uprava Romenskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders of the Romny town administration, orders and announcements on road repairs, milk delivery, population checks, taxes, and the creation of "Hiwi" units to assist the German army. Personal cards and livestock books. Lists of dwellers. Collection includes order by major of the town of Romny to struggle actively against Jewish masonry (file 1, p. 144); leaflet by the town administration addressed to citizens containing greetings with liberation from the power of Jews and Bolsheviks (file 2, p. 25).

  17. Nursing home at the Romny town administration

    • Будинок інвалідів Роменської міської управи
    • Budynok invalidiv Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains orders of the German command and the chairman of the city administration on the order of allocation land and gardens to the population, on the taxes. Property lists. Information on the payment of wages. Lists of disabled persons. Collection includes lists of the Jewish patients of the Romny nursing home (file 3, pp. 2,12), and materials about admission of the Jews to the nursing home (file 3, pp. 13-19).

  18. Regional department of militia in the city of Kirovohrad

    • Кіровоградське обласне Управління міліції
    • Kirovohradske oblasne upravlinnia militsii

    File 1 at the Inventory 2 of the collection contains reports and statements about atrocities of the German occupiers and material damage caused by them in Kirovohrad region during the occupation: P. 8 - Statement of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission about the murder of the Jewish population in Kirovohrad by the German occupiers; P. 21 - Statement of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission about the murder of the Jews in Holovanivsk village of Odesa region by the German occupiers; P. 22 - Statement of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission about the murder of the Jewish population in village Novo...

  19. Volodymyrivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Володимирівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Volodymyrivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders by Field Commandant, Kirovohrad Chebitskommissar, Pidvysotsk district administration, and the district land commissariat on administrative, agricultural affairs, mobilization of labor to Germany, the fight against partisans, the organization of committees of the Red Cross, the collecting of things for the German army. Book of orders of Volodymyrivska village administration. Lists of Soviet prisoners of war and the population living on the territory of the village Volodymyrivka, workers and employees of the village administration. Lists of persons sent to work in G...

  20. Clearing house No. 2 at the Romny town administration

    • Роменська друга розрахункова контора Роменської міської управи
    • Romenska druha rozrahunkova kontora Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains petitions to grant apartments (file 3, p. 11); report about appropriation of the Jewish belongings (file 3, p. 57); order by the head of town's communal service to appoint a Jewish elder to each Clearing house in order to run effectively the census of the Jewish population (file 4, p. 3).