Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 163
Country: Moldova
  1. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Lists of Moldavian partisans nominated for government awards; materials on the verification of the facts of a rude attitude towards evacuees - citizens of Moldova; documents on the work of the Commission for Accounting for Damage to the MSSR; correspondence with the People's Commissariat of State Security of the MSSR; correspondence with various military organizations; information on the results of the German-Romanian occupiers in Chisinau; information about the political moods of the population of the MSSR; materials on the restoration of infrastructure in areas liberated from the German-R...

  2. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Telegrams and reports on the restoration of the national economy; correspondence about "contamination by alien elements in the Chisinau district"; report on the work of the group of the Union Control Commission for the return of property and equipment from Romania; lists of commissioners and commissions on accounting for the damage caused to the national economy of the Moldavian SSR; materials on the restoration of the national economy in cities liberated from the German-Romanian occupiers; certificates of political parties that existed in the territory of Bessarabia; lists of traitors and ...

  3. Jewish Central Office in Romania

    • Centrala Evreilor din România
    • Управление по делам евреев Румынии
    • Upravleniye po delam yevreyev Rumynii

    Requests from persons of Jewish origin to register according to the law of 1941; checklists and registration books of 69 individuals

  4. Chişinău City Executive Committee of Council of People's Deputies

    • Comitetul executiv orasanesc din Chişinău ale sovietelor de deputati ai oamenilor muncii din RSSM
    • Исполнительный комитет кишиневского городского совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet kishinevskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Correspondence about the consequences of the occupation of the city of Chisinau during WWII (1944-1945); correspondence with the Council of Ministers of the MSSR and the Commissioner for Religious Affairs on the opening of prayer houses for believers (1945-1948), etc.

  5. Chișinău City Hall

    • Primăria Chișinău
    • Кишиневская городская примэрия
    • Kishinevskaya gorodskaya primeriya

    The list: of voters from Chișinău; Chișinău residents who received Romanian citizenship in 1927; shops in Chișinău that sold kerosene in 1920-1921, indicating the sold quantity; public kiosks and boutiques rent by traders, and households and streets of Chișinău. Materials on the work of the Municipal Council for 1935-1937. Files on the investigation of Jewish traders accused of speculation. Materials on inventory and evaluation of real estate in hospitals, charitable institutions, curative and others from the Ministry of health and social care. Plans of buildings. Materials on inventory and...

  6. Chişinău District Agricultural Council

    • Consiliul agricol judeţean, judeţul Chişinău
    • Кишиневский уездный сельскохозяйственный совет
    • Kishinevskiy uyezdnyy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy sovet

    Materials on the privatization of (previously) rented land by peasants from Calaras Correspondence with Călăraş agricultural region regarding the inspection of the borders of allotments, rent of expropriated land and other issues; files on the issuing of certificates to the residents of Călăraş for the right to use land as result of long‐term rent; files on the issuing of certificates to the residents Hînceşti, for the right to use land as result of long‐term rent, to transfer the right to other persons; files on the issuing of certificates to the residents Călăraş, for the right to use lan...

  7. Chişinău Regional Administrative General Inspectorate

    • Inspectoratul general administrativ regional Chişinău
    • Кишиневский областной генеральный административный инспекторат
    • Kishinevskiy oblastnoy general'nyy administrativnyy inspektorat

    Correspondence about the requisition of grain from the population for the Romanian army; correspondence about public discontent with administrative authorities; complaints of residents of Orhei county about violence and lawlessness of the administrative authorities; correspondence about the arrest of members of the Bolshevik Committee of the village of Bayramcha; telegrams and information about the activities of the prefectures of the counties in Bessarabia, correspondence about the moral and political mood of the population, et. al.

  8. Chişinău Regional Administrative General Inspectorate

    • Inspectoratul general administrativ regional Chişinău
    • Кишиневский областной генеральный административный инспекторат
    • Kishinevskiy oblastnoy general'nyy administrativnyy inspektorat

    Correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania about the Communists working at the Soroca City Hall et al.

  9. Republican Board of the Moldovan SSR to promote the activity of the emergency state commission for the Investigation of crimes committed by German-Fascist invaders

    • Respublikanskaya Komissiya Moldovskoi SSR po sodeistviju v rabote chrezycainoi gosudarstvennoj Komisii po ustanovleniju i rassledovaniju zlodeyanij nemetski-fashistskih zahbatchikov
    • Реcпубликанская Комиссия Молдавской ССР по содействию в работе чрезвычайной государственной Комисии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний неметско-фашистских захватчиков

    Statistical data about people killed as a result of war crimes committed by Romanians and Germans; lists of Germans and collaborators accused of crimes committed in Chișinău; reports of the Commission of the Investigation of War Crimes committed in Chișinău; statements of witnesses of war crimes; informative reports about damages done by the Romanian government to Jews from Bessarabia.

  10. Republican Board of the Moldovan SSR to promote the activity of the emergency state commission for the Investigation of crimes committed by German-Fascist invaders

    • Реcпубликанская Комиссия Молдавской ССР по содействию в работе чрезвычайной государственной Комисии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков
    • Respublikanskaya Komissiya Moldovskoi SSR po sodeistviju v rabote chrezycainoi gosudarstvennoj Komisii po ustanovleniju i rassledovaniju zlodeyanij nemetski-fashistskih zahbatchikov
    • Comisia de asistență republicană a RSS Moldovenească pentru a sprijini activitatea comisiei de urgență de stat pentru investigarea crimelor comise de invadatorii germano-fasciști

    Materials about prejudices and crimes committed by Germans and Romanians in Bessarabia. Commission report on the investigation of crimes and prejudices committed against the population of Bălți county during Romanian administration.

  11. Soroca Jewish Community

    • Comunitatea evreiască din or. Soroca
    • Еврейская община города Сороки
    • Yevreyskaya obshchina goroda Soroki

    Register of synagogues maintained by tailors in Soroca. The list of Jews who received Romanian citizenship. The file of 32 young people from Zgurița, who initiated summer school - Zionist Organization - in Soroca. Minutes of the community council meetings, where they discussed the situation of schools, providing financial expenses for operation of the board, political issues (checking voter lists to ensure that all Jewish citizens are included). Ballot papers for community council records. Correspondence with Soroca prefecture on administrative matters. Correspondence with military institut...

  12. Statistical Department of Bessarabia

    • Direcția de Statistică a Basarabiei
    • Статистическое управление Бессарабии
    • Statisticheskoye upravleniye Bessarabii

    Information reports on population movement in Bessarabia in 1924

  13. Statistical Department of Bessarabia

    • Статистическое управление Бессарабии
    • Direcția de Statistică a Basarabiei
    • Statisticheskoye upravleniye Bessarabii

    Register of the rural population of villages Năvîrneț and Petrești, county Bălți

  14. Directorate of Administrative Affairs of the Bessarabian Government

    • Directoratul afacerilor administrative al Guvernămîntului Basarabiei
    • Бессарабский директориат административных дел
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat administrativnykh del

    Administrative documentation of the government bodies of Romania and the Bessarabian governorship; correspondence on the verification of the regime of prisoners in the camps; correspondence on the use of prisoners of war in the construction of railways; correspondence about correspondence on verifying the “trustworthiness” of employees; correspondence about requisition (confiscation) of transport from the population, as well as clothes and shoes; reports of the condition of the communities: regional budgets. Files of the Administrative Department (correspondence with the governor, police an...

  15. Directorate of Internal Affairs of Bessarabia

    • Directoratul afacerilor interne ai Basarabiei
    • Директорат внутренних дел Бессарабии
    • Direktorat vnutrennikh del Bessarabii

    Files on the issuing the permit to the resident of Marculesti, Ioffe Mendel, to open a cinema theater. Correspondence with the police prefectures regarding people deported for their anti‐Romanian propaganda. Identity cards of the agents of Siguranta [secret police] from Chisinau. The requests for being accepted to work for Siguranta. Information about publishing houses from Chisinau and their owners. Information about the teachers from Soroca district. Information about the functionaries of prefectures and subprefectures of Bessarabia. The lists of teachers from Soroca girls’ and boys’ tech...

  16. Directorate of the Transnistrian Civil Governor

    • Directoratul Guvernǎmîntului Civil al Transnistriei
    • Главное управление гражданского губернаторства Транснистрия
    • Glavnoye upravleniye grazhdanskogo gubernatorstva Transnistriya

    Orders and resolutions of the civil governor on the registration of Komsomol and Communist activists who remained in the occupied territory in 1941-1943; orders of civil governorship on the inventory of property

  17. Dubǎsari district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Dubăsari – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Дубоссарская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Dubossarskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administration Department (correspondence on administrative issues, files of the personnel, lists of employees of the prefecture, correspondence on issuing a permit to carry weapons); files of the Economic Department (orders by preturas on economic issues, information on the ethnic composition of the population); files of the Agricultural Department; files of the Department of Education and Cults (reports on the condition of education in the county, reports on the work of school inspectors, circular instructions on the issue of education and cults); files of the Sanitation Depa...

  18. Dubǎsari district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Dubăsari – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Дубоссарская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Dubossarskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the County Prefecture (orders of the governorship of Transnistria, reports of persons suspected of communist activity, correspondence with the county district officials on the activities of followers of a religious cult, lists of teaching staff in the counties, cases of issuing permits to employees of county offices for the right to evacuate to Romania, cases of issuing permits for the right to evacuation ) et al. Files of the Dubasari district prefecture; files of the Bosca village primaria; files of the Butur village primaria; files of the Grigiriopol town primaria; files of the ...

  19. Executive Committee of the Coroteni village council of workers' deputies in MSSR's Slobozia district

    • Исполнительный комитет Коротянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Слободзейского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Korotyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Slobodzeyskogo rayona MSSR

    List of 13 citizens shot by the Nazi occupiers in 1941-1945. List of Nazi invaders. The list was compiled by the village and collective farm commission on the basis of statements and testimonies by the local residents et al.

  20. Executive Committee of the Dubăsari district council of workers' deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Дубоссарского районного совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Dubossarskogo rayonnogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Summarized information about the established atrocities committed over the citizens of the USSR by the fascist German criminals in the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR. Information about the number of residents of the Dubossary district of the MSSR who were shot by the German invaders. Extract from the consolidated statement of damage and losses caused by the German fascist invaders and their associates on the collective farms of the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR during the occupation period