Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,821 to 19,840 of 55,777
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- French Forces of the Interrior (FFI) delegates in New York

    Women come and go through an office door marked "Delegation de la France Libre aux Etats Unis." A Cross of Lorraine (two-barred cross, symbol of the French resistance) is painted on the door. Interior shots of drawings hanging on the wall, also marked with two-barred crosses. Two men sit at a desk: the man behind the desk is Jacques de Sieyes, formerly Charles de Gaulle's representative in the United States and now "appointed to Syria" (according to the March of Time dope sheet). His companion is Mr. de Manziarly. The next scene shows the delegate R. de Roussy de Sales as he dictates to his...

  2. Paul Koerner testifies re. Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Paul Koerner testifies under interrogation of a defense counselor. MSs, rear views, correspondents listening at trial. LSs, rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines the witness. Discussion of events in Goering and Thaelmann, in German. Break at 06:05, questioning beings in English. re. Thaelmann and Reichstag Fire. Koerner replies in German. Refers to Thaelmann in Buchenwald camp and complaints to Goering about conditions or treatment in concentration camps. 06:09:01 Would you tell us...ab...

  3. Leopold Prinz document

    Consists of German identification card (Kennkarte) of Leopold Prinz, born in 1888, which was issued on February 6, 1939. The document identifies Mr. Prinz as a Jewish man living in Berlin and includes a photograph. Mr. Prinz was able to leave Germany in 1939 and emigrated with his mother to Haiti and, in 1940, to the United States.

  4. Archief van het Ministerie van Justitie: Waarnemend Secretaris-Generaal en Raadadviseur, mr. J.P. Hooykaas, (1925) 1940-1947

    • Nationaal archief
    • 2.09.56
    • Dutch
    • 1940-1947
    • 0.5 meter; 67 inventarisnummers

    Het archief bevat documentatie over het beleid van het ministerie van Justitie ten tijde van de bezetting en stukken over de naoorlogse zuivering, zoals gevormd door J.P. Hooykaas als waarnemend secretaris-generaal (en later raadsadviseur) op het Ministerie. Daaronder correspondentie met mr. J.C. Tenkink, stukken over de antisemitische politiek van de Duitse bezetters, commentaren op maatregelen van H.A. Rauter tegen ordeverstoringen, stukken over de politie tijdens de bezetting, stukken over de bestraffing van dr. A. Seyss-Inquart, de zuivering van de politie en het beleid van de Nederland...

  5. "Vereinigung 1937"

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Am 20.07.1933 Gründung des "Reichsverbands christlich-deutscher Staatsbürger nichtarischer oder nicht rein arischer Abstammung e.V." als Zweckverband katholischer und evangelischer Christen jüdischer Abstammung mit Ortsgruppen im gesamten Reichsgebiet. Im August 1936 durch Verfügung des Reichskulturwalters Hinkel Namensänderung in "Paulusbund. Vereinigung nichtarischer Christen e.V."; im März 1937 Teilung in "Vereinigung 1937" (jüdische Mischlinge) und "Büro Heinrich Spiero" (Volljuden). Liquidation der "Vereinigung 1937" am 11.08.1939 durch die Gestapo. Ersc...

  6. Burmistrz jako Miejscowa Władza Policyjna. Oddział Policji Ochronnej w Krapkowicach [Der Bürgermeister als Ortspolizeibehörde-Schutzpolizei. Dienstabteilung Krappitz]

    • akta administracyjne (zarządzenia i korespondencja dot. spraw organizacyjnych, personalnych, finansowych, wyposażenia policji, rezerwy policyjnej, kursów szkoleniowych, urlopów, odkomenderowań, nadawania odznak, awansów, wykroczeń służbowych, obchodów dnia policji niemieckiej i związanej z nim zbiórki na pomoc zimową 1940/1941, przesiedlenia volksdeutschów z Wołynia i Besarabii, rejestracji żołnierzy zwolnionych z Wehrmachtu, Waffen-SS, obrony przeciwlotniczej, likwidacji szkód powstałych w wyniku bombardowań, meldunki o ucieczkach jeńców wojennych) - materiały inne (wycinki z Dziennika R...
  7. Photographs from Siedlce Fotografie z Siedlec (Sygn. 266)

    Contains various photographs (the size of a passport photo) submitted with applications for identity cards to the Jewish Council in Siedlce. The applications have probably not survived. Only some of the photographs contain name on the reverse side. Identification of the individuals on the photographs is mostly impossible to determine.

  8. Walter Hamann collection

    Contains photocopies of documents, copyprint photographs, and a memoir documenting the Nazi persecution of members of the Walter Hamann family who were Jehovah's Witnesses. Hamann's memoir, "Extract of Memories," describes the conditions of his seven-plus years imprisonment in the concentration camp of Neusustrum, in a Düsseldorf police prison, and in Sachsenhausen, where his brother-in-law died from mistreatment. The photograph of Hamann and some of his male relatives is accompanied by information about their imprisonment. The collection also contains a description of Hamann's education a...

  9. Wolff, Theodor

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1207
    • German
    • 1890-1942
    • Nachlässe 36 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 1,0 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Theodor Wolff, Pariser Tagebuch, München 1908 (Berlin 1927).- ders., Der Marsch durch zwei Jahrzehnte Amsterdam 1936 Gotthard Schwarz, Theodor Wolff und das Berliner Tageblatt, Tübingen 1958 Pariser Korrespondent (1894-1906) und Chefredakteur (1906-1933) des Berliner Tageblattes Bestandsbeschreibung Der Nachlass besteht in der Hauptsache aus Briefen, Tagebüchern und Manuskripten und stellt etwa ein Drittel des in der Emigration geretteten Gesamtnachlasses dar. Ein Teil des Nachlasses wurde von Wolff selbst aussortiert, weitere Unterlagen gingen in Nizza durch...

  10. YMCA boys, boxing

    Group of boys at YMCA in shorts, smiling, boxing, rolling carpet out to box. Various shots.

  11. Americans travel to Europe on Nieuw Amsterdam ship

    Title card reading: "Our Trip To Holland, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, France and England 1938". Liza Kurtz, Louis and Lillian Malina, and Essie Diamond on deck of Nieuw Amsterdam ship at sea. Napping and relaxing on deck. Lillian reads the NYTimes magazine dated July 24 about Henry Ford receiving a birthday award from Hitler. The ship departed the port in Hoboken, NJ at 12:40pm on Saturday July 23, 1938. HAS, crowds of people on board a ferry in Boulogne, France or Amsterdam, Netherlands, some waving. The Nieuw Amsterdam stopped first in Plymouth, England on July 30, then in Boulogne, and...

  12. Dyrekcja Policji Kryminalnej w Warszawie [Kriminaldirektion Warschau]

    • akta administracyjne (zarządzenia, pisma okólne dot.: planu specjalnej akcji pościgowej Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa dla dystryktu warszawskiego, poszukiwania zbiegłych jeńców wojennych, zwalczania spadochroniarzy, polskiej konspiracji, zachowania tajemnicy służbowej, akcji represyjnych, pozyskiwania konfidentów przez żandarmerię; kores pondencja dot. wydawania broni służbowej; schematy organizacyjne Policji Bezpieczeństwa, Policji Porządkowej, Policji Kryminalnej, Tajnej Policji Państwowej w Warszawie; wykaz przestępców kryminalnych; sprawy personalne funkcjonariuszy Po...
  13. Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes (Fond p 1289)

    Contains records related to the Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi crimes for the territory of Crimea during World War II.

  14. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a Museum development event in Florida in 2005. Segments include RG-60.3941, RG-60.4008, and RG-60.4116.

  15. Sentencing Fritzsche; Accusing Goering, Ribbentrop, Frank at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen, SOUND ONLY. Soviet voice at start, re. Funk. Adjournment for 10 minutes. "Hello, recording. Hello, recording." 02:25:40 Continuation of sentences pronounced by tribunal: 02:25:45 Hans Fritzsche: Not guilty Martin Bormann (fragment) 02:26:30 Resume of Goering's career in the Nazi Party. US Justice Fran...

  16. Štátny policajný úrad v Žiline

    • State Police Bureau in Žilina

    The fonds contains many files pertaining to the persecution of Jews at the territory of competence of the State Police Bureau in Žilina. These include various reports on Jews, reports on house searches of Jewish owners, various applications of Jews such as those asking for the permission to use public spaces after 10:00 PM or those asking for the exception from the obligation to wear the compulsory marking of Jews. The fonds contains documents on confiscation of Jewish movable property as well as documents pertaining the auctions of Jewish property. Various documents pertaining to the print...

  17. Collection Pfungst family

    Mile Braach, born Emilie Marie Auguste Hirschfeld, a Frankfurt annalist and entrepreneur studied the feminist Marie Eleonore Pfungst in the 1990s. To do so, she collected documents regarding the life of the Pfungst family. The Jewish entrepreneurial family owned the Naxos Union, one of the first producers of sanding machines. The family was persecuted during National Socialism. Braach's biography of Marie Eleonore Pfungst was published by the Fritz Bauer Institute in 1995. The records used to write the biography were then transferred to the Institute's archive. The collection Pfungst family...

  18. Powiatowy Oddział Państwowego Urzędu Repatriacyjnego w Lublinie

    • State Repatriation Office. Lublin County Branch

    Zarządzenia i materiały pokontrolne, 1946, 1948, sygn. 1-2 Sprawozdawczość dotycząca repatriantów, 1946, sygn. 3-4 Ewidencja repatriantów, 1945-1950, sygn. 5-8 Poszukiwanie rodzin, 1950, sygn. 9

  19. Comunità ebraiche in Italia

    Il fondo conserva per lo più carte inerenti la persecuzione degli ebrei nelle varie comunità italiane durante il periodo nazi-fascista. Tra esse, elenchi nominativi, richieste di informazioni, perizie dei danni causati dal vandalismo nazifascista, richieste di risarcimento danni, raccolte di articoli di giornale, dati inerenti la popolazione ebraica prima e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale nonchè cenni storici sulle comunità. Da segnalare il fascicolo contenente l'elenco delle comunità e degli enti ebraici al 1936 (b. 1, fasc. 1).

  20. Thomas R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thomas R., who was born in 1920 and served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts military draft after Pearl Harbor; serving in the 3rd army, 79th infantry division; deployment to Belfast, then England; crossing the channel; fighting in France, Austria and Germany; encountering several slave labor camps; entering Dachau; "skeleton-like" prisoners; freight cars filled with corpses; being stationed in Salzburg; observing evacuations of displaced persons; and military discharge.