Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 40,481 to 40,500 of 55,813
  1. Дирекція поліції у Львові дистрикту Галичини, м. Львів

    Циркуляри, бюлетні, інструкції, розпорядження генерал-губернаторства з питань структури і організації поліції; статистичні відомості про національний склад населення міста..Листування з питань прописки та виписки, підготовки кадрів, розшуку громадян, будівництва бомбосховищ. Анкети фольксдойче та рейхсдойче, списки поліцейських та добровільців дивізії СС Галичина, працівників установ та організацій. Афіші, плакати, об'яви, листівки.

  2. Greiff, Walter (Major)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 01.08.1879 - 22.10.1944, Major Bestandsbeschreibung Unterlagen aus der Tätigkeit in beiden Weltkriegen, u.a. bei der Luftschiffertruppe (1915-1916) und als Kommandeur von Sturmwagen(Panzer-)Abteilungen (1918). Zitierweise BArch N 89/...

  3. UN Security Council meets

    Delegates arrive at Hunter College, New York for a meeting of the UN Security Council. Shows scenes of the meeting as Sec. Byrnes speaks on international cooperation.

  4. Zilbert Family Collection

    Contains documents related to the donor's father's immigration from Poland, and subsequent correspondence from his family still in Białystok, Poland.

  5. Olga Degani photographs

    Contains three photographs: a portrait of Sara and Mordechai Warzager, donor's maternal grandparents, who both perished in the Holocaust; a group portrait, circa 1912, of the Warzager family, with Nela Necha Warzager, donor's mother, seated on the table; and a portrait of J. Edelman, circa 1967, a Warzager family relative, who survived the war in the Soviet Union.

  6. Jidiszer D.P. Lager in Schwäbish Hall

    Contains a book entitled "Jidiszer D.P. Lager in Schwäbish Hall," containing photographs of various aspects of camp life in the Schwäbisch Hall displaced persons camp, with transliterated Yiddish captions.

  7. Willstätter family collection

    Contains documents, correspondence, passports, ID cards, newspaper clippings documenting the experiences of the extended Willstätter family and their internment in Camp de Gurs.

  8. Nazi swastika armband acquired by an American soldier

    The armband was removed from a dead German soldier by the fiancé of Leslie Finch's mother. He sent the armband to his fiancé from Europe while serving in the US Army during WWII. He died in Europe.

  9. August Grüber: report re Dachau

    Report of conditions in Dachau concentration camp, giving a classification of prisoners in the camp also including mention of cabaret evenings replete with reference to jokes about conditions.German 1 page 

  10. Isidore Kirschner: school and university certificate

    School and university certificates of Isidore KirschnerGerman 

  11. Jerry Shmoys collection

    Consists of six postcards and two letters sent to the Jerry Shmoys' parents from friends and relatives in Warsaw and Łódź, Poland.

  12. Military Entry Permit

    Consists of a military entry permit for S. Wallace Kagan to move freely around the British, French, and American occupied zones of Germany, dated December 1946.

  13. Soult, Arthur

    Bestandsbeschreibung Biographische Angaben: Gewerkschafter; Mitglied des Gesamtbetriebsrates der Berliner Polizei (1945-1949) Bestandsbeschreibung: Materialien des Gesamtbetriebsrates der Berliner Polizei vom Juni 1945 bis März 1949 Ittershagen 07-2001 Umfang, Erläuterung 1 AE Zitierweise BArch NY 4447/...

  14. Bella and Benjamin Herson collection

    The Bella and Benjamin Herson papers consist of correspondence, a memoir, photographs, printed materials, prisoner of war materials, a plaque, an identification tag, and reference materials documenting Bella and Benjamin Herson, the Herszon, Sztajnhorn, and Rys families, Bella's experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz, and Birmbäumel, and Benjamin's imprisonment in prisoner of war camps Oflag XI A - Osterode and Oflag II C - Woldenberg.

  15. Więzienie w Koźlu

    • akta administracyjne (protokoły odpraw służbowych i kontroli, dokumentacja pracy polityczno-wychowawczej)
  16. Sąd Grodzki w Śmiglu

    • akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego lub zaginionego
  17. Sąd Grodzki w Sosnowcu

    • akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego
  18. Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Raciborzu

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  19. Berthe Pesses Cygelfarb photographs

    Contains wartime and post-war photoprints relating to the Holocaust experiences of Berthe Pesses Cygelfarb. Includes a 1942 photoprint of her father, Israel Pesses, as well as numerous post-war photographs taken at the Le Tremplin OSE children's home. Also includes one framed pre-war family photograph.

  20. Hanni Sondheimer Vogelweid family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and publications relating to the experiences of Hanni Sondheimer, her parents, Moritz and Setty, and her brother, Karl, as they emigrated from Berlin, Germany, to Kaunas, Lithuania, and then to Shanghai, China, before and during the Second World War. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.