Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,661 to 3,680 of 55,814
  1. Архівне управління Полтавського окружного виконавчого комітету рад робітничих, селянських та червоноармійських депутатів

    • Collection of Archival Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Poltava oblast (region)
    • Arkhivne upravlinnia Poltavskoho okruzhnoho vykonavchoho komitetu rad robitnychykh, selianskykh ta chervonoarmiiskykh deputativ

    Opys 20 (Inventory 20). Reference lists about members of political parties, White Guard members, gendarmes, Red Army deserters, and persons employed in the authorities during the German-Fascist occupation. Selected files related to the Nazi occupation period: File 1 – Clergy who served German occupiers in the churches of Poltava region, 8 pages. File 4a – Germans who lived in the region during the occupation of 1941-43, 17 pages. File 5 – Staff of gendarmerie during the German occupation, 10 pages. File 6 – Employees of district (raion) and agricultural commandant's offices, 38 pages. File ...

  2. Records of the Stockholm Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    Records of AJJDC’s Stockholm office during the years 1941-1967. The majority of the materials focus on the Stockholm office’s activities during World War II and in the postwar period from 1944-1949. Included are records of the AJJDC’s collaborations with other organizations to assist survivors, such as its work with the Red Cross on the White Buses. This project, headed by Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and then-president of the Swedish Red Cross, provided packages and medical care to survivors in concentration camps, as well as bringing concentration camp inmates to safety in S...

  3. Antisemitic propaganda of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto

    Street scenes of the Warsaw ghetto. Pedestrians cross a bridge over the street. Special attention is given to reverse rickshaws--bicycles with benches on the front--in which people are carted around. Jewish men have their documents examined. Some elderly men then meet in a well-decorated hall, possibly a restaurant. Jewish police, all in jackets and ties, stand at attention in two lines, then march down the street. One is shown chasing children away with a baton. A corpse is shown on a sidewalk; pedestrians pass it by. The interior of a luxurious home, with hardwood-paneled floors, floral w...

  4. Kreisgericht und Landesgericht Leoben: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court and state court in Leoben, Austria.

  5. Registre des Juifs de Belgique - Jodenregister van België. Series

    The German decree of 28 October 1940 made it compulsory for all Jews from the age of 15 to register in the Jewish register of the municipality where they officially lived. The names of younger children were added to the forms of the parents (in most cases the copy of the father). Each form has room for the following information : surname, first names, date and place of birth, profession, nationality, religion, date of arrival in Belgium, the country of migration, successive addresses, date and place of registration, and the person’s signature, but also name, date and place of birth and reli...

  6. Bujakowski and Brager families papers

    The collection documents the pre-war lives of the Bujakowski and Brager families of Poland and Germany, including the medical career of Hans Adolf Bujakowski (later Henry Adolph Boyer) and his family’s immigration to the United States from Berlin, Germany in 1938. Included are biographical and identification documents, papers relating to Hans’s medical career, immigration, restitution paperwork, and photographs. Personal papers consist of biographical and identification papers, paperwork related to Hans’s medical career, a small amount of correspondence, immigration documents, and restituti...

  7. Maurice P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice P., who was born in Brussels, Belgium to Polish immigrants in 1923, the oldest of five children. He recalls a happy childhood despite his family's poverty; the sacredness of Friday nights despite their general secularism; cordial relations with non-Jews; membership in Zionist and socialist organizations; leaving school to begin work at age twelve; non-Jewish friends attending his bar mitzvah; German invasion; traveling to Gravelines intending to enlist; returning after encountering German troops; obtaining authentic papers as a non-Jew; distributing Resistance...

  8. Labor Service Units der US-Naval Forces Germany

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Nach dem Muster der für Heer und Luftwaffe nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geschaffenen Deutschen Dienstgruppen in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone wurde im Februar 1951 eine weitere Dienstgruppe mit der Bezeichnung Labor Service Unit (LSU) innerhalb der US Naval Forces Germany aufgestellt. Die Labor Service Unit gliederte sich in: LSU (A) Deutscher Verbindungsoffizier beim US-Hauptquartier (Commander Naval Forces in Germany, ComNavForGer) in Heidelberg LSU (B) Minenräumverband, Schleppergruppe, Hilfsfahzeuge und ein Schiffreparaturbetrieb in Bremerhaven unter Ko...

  9. Organization of SS and German police presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 457) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 20, 1945. Maj. Warren Farr of the US prosecution explains the subdivisions of the SS organization. CU, rear view, Maj. Farr. LS, side view of the Tribunal in the courtroom. "The personal staff. ... First, when the question is asked, how many persons in the SS had something to do with the concentration camp program... you may find out how many people were in the Deaths Head ..." CU, SS organization chart. "I shall read only the Himmler directive appearing on Page 2 of the translation. The Tribunal will note that it is addressed to e...

  10. Canaris, Wilhelm (Admiral)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners General Wilhelm Franz Canaris Lebensdaten 01.01887 Aplerbeck/Dortmund 09.04.1945 gest. im KZ in Flossenbürg Werdegang 1905 Eintritt Kaiserliche Marine 1914 Schlacht bei den Falkland-Inseln auf dem Kreuzer "Dresden" 1915 Internierung in Chile und die Flucht nach Deutschland 1916 Geheimauftrag in Spanien, Kommando über ein U-Boot im Mittelmeer 1919 Mitglied Kriegsgericht 1920 Unterstützung des Putschversuches von Walther von Lüttwitz und Wolfgang Kapp; Amt der Adjutantur des Reichswehrministers Gustav Noske. 1920-1924 Erster Offizier auf dem Kreuzer Berl...

  11. LXIX. Reservekorps / LXIX. Armeekorps

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller Truppenteile und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die Kriegstagebücher der Generalkommandos und der bodenständigen Höheren Kommandos vom Mobilmachungstag (26. Aug. 1939) an beim Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten. Diese Zugangssignaturen wurden anfangs getrennt nach den Kriegsschauplätzen, nämlich P für Polen und W für Westen vergeben. Nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges wurden die Zugänge nur noch nach laufender Nummer signiert und in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, ...

  12. Okresní úřad Nová Paka

    • District Office of Nová Paka / NAD 1192

    The fonds contains documents of the political administration of the Nová Paka district, official books, file material and accounting material. General files are further divided according to subject groups. The following subject groups are relevant to Jewish issues: Handling period 1903-1936: 5. Church and religious affairs; 8. Police matters; census operators. Handling period 1937-1942: III. Security and criminal matters; VI. Trades, commerce, industry; VII. Education, religion, registry and foundation matters; VIII. Social care; IX. Health and veterinary matters; X. Agriculture. Direct ref...

  13. Henry and Grete Salomon collection

    The Henry and Grete Salomon collection contains primarily identification documents for both Henry Salomon and Grete Nathan Salomon. Both escaped Germany in 1939, and later married in England. Grete worked odd jobs while Henry enlisted in the British Army. Documents include identification papers such as certificates concerning parents, travel documents, certificate of good conduct, household goods directory, registration identity cards, and various other items. Other documents include newspaper clippings, correspondence, and reparations information. The Henry and Grete Salomon collection con...

  14. Okresný ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • District People´s Court in Košice

    Fonds contains files pertaining the post-WW II prosecution of various suspects and convicts for crimes committed at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945) as well as Hungary (1938-1945). It thus contains information on various forms of persecution of Jews, Roma and political opponents which took place not only at the territory of Košice and its vicinity but also at the territory of war-time Slovakia as well as quite distant places abroad. Besides files pertaining the so called Aryanization of Jewish property in Košice and its vicinity; blackmailing and denouncing of Jews; as well as the depo...

  15. Rywek Żytnik photograph collection

    The Rywek Żytnik photograph collection consist of photographs of the Żytnik family in Sawin, Poland, and the surrounding area before and during the Holocaust as well as a photograph of a memorial to Jews killed by the Germans in Dashev, Ukraine, from 1941 to 1942.

  16. Akta miasta Opatowa

    • Files of the town of Opatów

    I.Magistrat Miasta Opatowa 1890-1914 sygn.110 księgi ludności stałej II. Zarząd Miesjki powiatowego miasta Opatowa a/wydział Finansowo-Budżetowy 1938-1939 sygn.11,141 księga wymiaru podatku gruntowego b/Dział Administracyjny 1921-1939, sygn.12-27 Rejestry ludności i osób karanych III. Zarząd Miejski miasta Opatowa /Stadtvervatung der Stadt Opatow/ Dział Finansowo -Budżetowy 1939-1944 sygn.28-48 Budżety, księgi biercze podatku gruntowego Dział administracji społecznej 1940-1942, sygn,.49 sprawy grobów niemieckich. Dział Administracyjny 1939-1943, sygn. 50-65 spisy ludności polskiej i żydowsk...

  17. Americans visit Netherlands, Bavaria, and Croatia on a Mediterranean cruise; Nazi flags and posters in Bavaria

    Reel 32. European trip to pick up Dr. Pfister's daughter, Maja, after her junior year in Germany, including a Mediterranean cruise in 1934. Waterside town - the island of Marken, the Netherlands. House on stilts. The dock. People with baskets outside of a small marketplace, with a sign that reads, “Dutch Silver…” Men relax outside building next to that shop. The sign above reads, “Costumes and curiosities.” Women walk about along the pathway. A woman and a young girl. The young girl pushes a small baby carriage. Two men walk by. Laundry drying on a line. A girl holds the hand of a smaller y...

  18. Ernst Levy Collection

    The collection consists of official and private documents belonging to members of the Levy and Thilo families, including their correspondence and photographs. It provides insights into the lives of a German-Jewish and a German-British family before, during and after the Nazi era. Although containing materials from several individuals, the majority of the papers pertains to Ernst Moritz Levy and his wife Helen Levy-Thilo. Related to the lives of the protagonists, this exceptionally rich collection covers a wide range of subjects, including among others: German immigrants in the North of Engl...

  19. Refugee girls at the de Monbrison chateau in France

    Refugee girls living at a chateau owned by Count Hubert Conquere de Monbrison in Quincy-sous-Senart, located about 30 km south of Paris. De Monbrison and the Princess Irena Paley (a niece of the last Russian czar who later became Monbrison's wife) used the chateau to house refugee girls from the Russian and Spanish civil wars. In 1939 de Monbrison was approached by his children's Jewish physician, who was a member of the board of the OSE, and asked whether he would take in a group of forty German Jewish refugee children. The count agreed and the Kinderstransport of boys arrived on July 4, 1...

  20. Prüfungsstelle Holzverarbeitende Industrie

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Das Registraturgut der Prüfungsstelle Holzverarbeitende Industrie gelangte vermutlich nach 1955 direkt vom Custodian für die Reichsstellen, Wirtschaftsgruppen und anderen staatlichen Wirtschaftsstellen im amerikanischen, britischen und französischen Sektor ins Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Das Schriftgut der Holzverarbeitenden Industrie setzt 1942 ein und enthält nur einige Rundschreiben. Informationen zur Aufgabenverwaltung und Tätigkeit der Prüfungsstelle liegen aufgrund fehlender Unterlagen nicht vor. Bestandsbeschreibung Hier sind lediglich Unterlagen zur Überwac...