Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,141 to 3,160 of 55,814
  1. Alexander Bachnár papers

    The Alexander Bachnár papers consist of correspondence and biographical, photographic, and printed materials documenting Bachnár’s forced work on Sixth Labor Battalion (VI Prapor) in Slovakia during World War II, his confinement to the Nováky labor camp for Jews, his participation in armed resistance with partisans, awards he received for his wartime service, and his work as a journalist after the war. Biographical materials include certificates, correspondence, lists, speeches, and an interview documenting Alexander Bachnár, his forced work on the Slovak Jewish labor battalion, his confine...

  2. Documentation of the Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry)

    This Record Group is the private archive of the director-actor Fritz Wisten, who was one of the organization activists. The documentation that arrived at Yad Vashem consists of photocopies of the original documentation in the archive, which is housed at the Stiftung Akademie der Kuenste Archive in Berlin. Most of the documentation in this Record Group is in German, dealing primarily with the Kulturbund activities after 1938. The Record group contains documentation of all the Kulturband activities:- Discussions with Hans Hinkel; - Organizational activities;- Surveys of organizational activit...

  3. Albert David Hamburger papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Albert David Hamburger and his parents Abraham and Rosa Hamburger of Gorinchem, Netherlands. Included are four letters written by Betty Bouten-Bergen, who hid David and his sister in Amsterdam; family photographs; copies of documents related to Albert’s release from Theresienstadt; and a Dutch translation of a diary written by Sergei Kaplan, husband of Olga Kaplan, who adopted Albert while he was in Theresienstadt.

  4. XXI. Armeekorps / XXI. Gebirgs-Armeekorps

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller Truppenteile und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die Kriegstagebücher der Generalkommandos und der bodenständigen Höheren Kommandos vom Mobilmachungstag (26. Aug. 1939) an beim Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten. Diese Zugangssignaturen wurden anfangs getrennt nach den Kriegsschauplätzen, nämlich P für Polen und W für Westen vergeben. Nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges wurden die Zugänge nur noch nach laufender Nummer signiert und in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, ...

  5. Charcoal and watercolor sketch of six Orthodox Jewish males

    Watercolor sketch called Pozsony, Hungarian for Bratislava, Slovakia, of 6 Orthodox Jewish males created by Magda Frank, a professional sculpture, at an unknown date. Magda, 30, a native of Kolozsvar, Hungary (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania) was in Budapest attending art school when it was occupied by Nazi Germany in March 1944. Magda was relocated to a yellow star building and, in November, confined to the Jewish ghetto. In early 1945, Budapest was liberated by Soviet forces. In 1950, Magda emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to join her only surviving relative, a brother Stefan.

  6. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  7. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  8. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  9. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  10. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  11. Expressionistic lithograph by Richard Grune depicting concentration camp inmates begging a guard for food

    Lithograph created by Richard Grune for a 1947 series of works based upon his experiences as an inmate in German concentration camps and prisons from 1934-1945. Grune was a Bauhaus trained artist who moved to Berlin in February 1933, as the Nazis were consolidating their control of the government. In December 1934, he was denounced and arrested. Under interrogation, Grune admitted to being homosexual. He was held in protective custody for five months, then returned to Flensburg, his childhood home, to stand trial for violating Article 6, §175 of the penal code which punished indecent acts b...

  12. Reichsschatzministerium

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Nach Auflösung des Reichsschatzministeriums wurden die Akten zum Teil direkt, zum Teil über Nachfolgebehörden (v. a. Reichsfinanzministerium und Restverwaltung für Reichsaufgaben) dem Reichsarchiv übergeben. Nach kriegsbedingter Auslagerung gelangte der Bestand annähernd vollständig ins Zentrale Staatsarchiv Potsdam. Bestandsbeschreibung Die heute vorhandenen Überlieferung umfasst alle Abteilungen, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei der Abteilung III (später A): Verwertung und Verwaltung von beweglichem Militärgut liegt. Die Überlieferung umfasst im...

  13. Kriegsfell AG

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die Bestände der Kriegswirtschaftsorganisationen des I. Weltkrieges waren in den Jahren 1943 und 1944 zunächst auswahlweise nach Staßfurt und dann unter Einbeziehung der gesamten zunächst zurückgelassenen Bestände und Bestandsteile nach Schönebeck ausgelagert worden. Im Zuge der Nachkriegsereignisse gelangten sie in das Deutsche Zentralarchiv, Abt. Merseburg, wo sie bis 1955 verblieben. Im Juli/August 1955 wurden die Bestände der Kriegsorganisationen des I. Weltkrieges nach Potsdam in das Zentralarchiv überführt. Archivische Bewertung und B...

  14. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in New York Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nowym Jorku (Sygn.493)

    Selected records of Polish Consulate General in New York, reports, correspondence, press clippings, notes, consular letters, and minutes related to minorities in Poland and in foreign countries, mainly Polish Jews in the US, activities of Jewish organizations and their contacts with the Polish authorities, protests in USA against the persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland, reports on persecution of Poles in Germany, a report of the Polish Consulate General in Chicago, 1940 related to cooperation between Polish and Jewish immigrants in the USA, protest of Jewish organizations against anti...

  15. Akta gminy Kąkolewnica

    • Files of the commune of Kąkolewnica

    Okres zaborów: Dział finansowy z lat 1912-1914 (1 j.a.): księga kasowaOkres międzywojenny: Dział ogólno-organizacyjny z lat 1927-1928 (1 j.a.): protokoły z sesji sołtysówOkres PRL: Dział ogólno-organizacyjny z lat 1944-1954 (47 j.a.): przepisy i zarządzenia ogólne, sprawy organizacyjne prezydium, zebrania i urzędowanie ciał samorządowych, protokoły posiedzeń GRN, protokoły z posiedzeń Prezydium GRN, protokoły z sesji sołtysów, protokoły z posiedzeń komisji, kontrole wewnętrzne i społeczne, sprawozdania sytuacyjne wójta gminy, skargi i zażalenia, sprawy osobowe członków organów gminy i praco...

  16. Sąd Specjalny w Bydgoszczy

    • Sondergericht Bromberg
    • Special Court in Bydgoszcz

    Nieliczne akta prezydialne, głównie akta spraw

  17. Alexander Primavesi papers

    The Alexander Primavesi papers contain German reports written by Alexander Primavesi relating to activities of the Gestapo in Dortmund, Germany between 1933 and 1945. The papers include records relating to the development of the Westphalian state police office in Dortmund, Arnsberg, forced labor, persecution of Jews, religious communities and other minorities in the district of Arnsberg. The Alexander Primavesi papers primarily contain German reports written by Alexander Primavesi concerning Gestapo activity in Dortmund Germany from 1933-1945. The contents of each report are as follows: Fol...

  18. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 488) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. SILENT: Judges enter courtroom. An unidentified woman who was a victim of the Ravensbrueck experiments on the stand, questioned by Dr. Alexander about the wound received at Ravensbrueck. She walks to dock and points out the defendants Gebhardt, Oberhauser, and Fischer. MLSs, defendants in dock. 10:13:02 SOUND: Polish survivor Jadwiga Dzido on the stand. Dr. Leo Alexander identifies the X-ray of Dzigo's leg and explains the nature of the medical experiment performed on her at Ravensbruec...

  19. Deutscher bevollmächtigter General in Kroatien

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Nachdem die deutsche Wehrmacht das Königreich Jugoslawien überfallen hatte, marschierte sie am 10. April 1941 in Zagreb ein. Am 17. April 1941 kapitulierte Jugoslawien vor den Achsenmächten, Kroatien wurd e zum deutschen Vasallenstaat. Mit Unterstützung der Achsenmächte hatte die Ustascha unter Ante Paveliæ bereits am 10. April den Unabhängigen Staat Kroatien (NDH) ausgerufen. Ein deutscher Verbindungsstab zur kroatischen Regierung bestand vom Tag des Beitr itts Kroatiens zum Dreimächtepakt an bis zum Kriegsende unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen: Mai 1941 - E...

  20. P.16 - Collection of Rachel Auerbach, author and founder of the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem

    P.16 - Collection of Rachel Auerbach, author and founder of the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem archives Rachel Auerbach was born on 18 December 1903 in the village of Lanowce in the Borszczow district of eastern Galicia. She completed her elementary school studies in 1913 , and her high school studies in 1920 in Lwow. Afterwards she studied philosophy and history. In 1925, Rachel Auerbach began to publish articles in the Polish-Jewish newspaper "Chwila" in Lwow. Two years later she was accepted onto the Editorial Board of the "Der Nayer Morgan" newspaper, and she edited journals ...