Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,441 to 33,460 of 55,818
  1. Βιβλία πρακτικών της Κοινοτικής Συνέλευσης

    • Books of Minutes of the Communal Assembly
    • Vivlia Praktikon tis Koinotikis Synelefsis

    It contains information on the postwar Jewish life in Thessaloniki.

  2. Zakład Karny we Wronkach

    • akta osobowe więźniów - materiały ewidencyjne (księgi, skorowidze, kartoteka osób, które zginęły na terenie Zakładu Karnego we Wronkach)
  3. Sąd Powiatowy dla Miasta Krakowa w Krakowie

    • akta sądowe dotyczące osób represjonowanych z motywów politycznych - akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego
  4. Stadt Remagen

    19./20. Jahrhundert: Landesverwaltung (Landeshoheit, Domänen); Gemeindeverwaltung (Personal, Vermögen, Grenzen); Polizei (öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung, Feuerpolizei, politische Polizei); Recht; Finanzen (Haushalts- und Rechnungswesen, Steuern und Abgaben); Kultus (Kirchen, Schulen, Archive und Denkmalpflege, Naturschutz, Vereine); Wirtschaft (Handel und Gewerbe, Verkehr, Wasser- und Energieversorgung); Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Weinbau; Bauwesen (Straßen und Wege, Wasserbau); Fürsorge (Armenwesen, Jugendfürsorge, Kriegsbeschädigten- und Hinterbliebenenfürsorge, Katastrophengeschädigt...

  5. Finanzamt Frankenthal

    Organisation der Finanz- und Steuerverwaltung; Organisation und Betrieb der Vermögensverwaltung, Verwertung entzogenen ehemals jüdischen Vermögens (keine Einzelfälle), Reichs- und Parteivermögens; Einnahme- und Ausgabebücher zur Verwaltung ehemaliger Parteivermögen und jüdischer Vermögenswerte; Haushaltskassen- und Rechnungswesen, Bewirtschaftung der Geschäftsbedürfnisse; Dienstbetrieb, Tätigkeit, Aufgaben und Funktionen; Erhebung von Landes- und Gemeindesteuern; Finanzausgleich; Personalverhältnisse bei der Finanzverwaltung; Hausiersteuerlisten mit Belegen; Verwaltung von Stiftsgütern; Gru...

  6. Arthur Kemp Papers

    Correspondence, writings, memoranda, notes, typed copies of documents, and printed matter, relating to Herbert Hoover, American foreign policy and domestic policies during and after the presidential administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, World War II, international relief and reconstruction, and communism. Used as research material for writing projects of Herbert Hoover. Includes draft writings by Hoover. Includes materials on Zionism and Palestine. See also Hoover, Herbert

  7. Фонд домаћих филмова

    • Domestic films fund
    • Fond domaćih filmova

    Various newsreels, documentaries and movies produced during WW II by propaganda authorities in Independent state of Croatia and in German occupied Serbia.

  8. Opferfürsorge-Akten Oberösterreich

    • Upper Austria Victims' Welfare Records

    Der Bestand enthält nur jene Antragsakten nach dem Opferfürsorgegesetz (vgl. BGBl Nr. 183/1947), die sich auf noch lebende Personen beziehen (ca. 150). Die restlichen Akten wurden dem OÖLA übergeben (vgl. Amt der Landesregierung seit 1945 / Opferfürsorge).

  9. Otmar Pirnat papers

    The papers consist of two letters written by Otmar Pirnat, a political prisoner at the Mauthausen concentration camp, to his parents on Mauthausen camp stationery. Mr. Pirnat, originally of Maribor, Slovenia, was wrongfully arrested as a partisan, sent to prison in Vienna, then to Mauthausen, were he was imprisoned for more than two years.

  10. Yakov and Tosia Klinger collection

    Collection consists of a letter from Yakov and Tosia Klinger in the Warsaw ghetto to Yakov's sister, Rozia Piotrkowski; the letter was written shortly before the Klingers and their young son, Sunio, were deported to Treblinka in 1942, where they were murdered. Also includes an original photographic print of Yakov and original modern writings by Michael Koenig, the nephew (by marriage) of Yakov Klinger.

  11. Shmuel and Miriam Kaufman Collection

    Photographs of Kaufman and Gliklich family members before the war in Łódź, Poland and after the war in the Wels DP camp. Includes photographs of Braun family members in Berlin, Germany before they immigrated to Palestine in 1937. Also includes a Polish passport issued in Sweden to Shmuel Kaufman in 1948 and a copy of the marriage certificate of the donor's parents.

  12. "Sieben Johre"

    Contains a book of nine drawings, entitled "Sieben Johre." The cover is thick paper with fabric spine; metal rivet at top and bottom. The right side is torn and missing.

  13. Heny Hersh papers

    The collection includes about 25 prewar and DP camp photographs documenting the donor's parents: Heny Hersh nee Stern (1926-2017) and Artie Hersh (b. 1927, Osoj – currently residing in Boynton Beach, FL). Heny Hersh survived Romanian ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ober Hohenelbe, DP camps Admund, Salfenden, Rivoli, Barletta, and immigration to the US in 1950. Artie Hersh survived Auschwitz, Hausdorf, Ebanzei, DP camps Rivoli, Kobenz, Bagnoli, and immigration to the US in 1950.

  14. Fritz Weisskopf collection

    Correspondence and photograph

  15. Processo de pedido de visto para Marguerite Mayers e dois filhos

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Lyon para Marguerite Mayers, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Lyon para dois filhos de Marguerite Mayers, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado.

  16. Processo de pedido de visto para Dansey Browning e mulher

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Cairo para Dansey Browning, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino à África do Sul. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Cairo para mulher de Dansey Browning, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino à África do Sul. Visto autorizado.

  17. Processo de pedido de visto para Joe Allen e mulher

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Ministério das Colónias para Joe Allen, de nacionalidade britânica e residente na Nigéria, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Ministério das Colónias para mulher de Joe Allen, de nacionalidade britânica e residente na Nigéria, com destino ao Reino Unido. Visto autorizado.

  18. Processo de pedido de visto para Geoffrey Linton Thorp e mulher

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Londres para Geoffrey Linton Thorp, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Londres para mulher de Geoffrey Linton Thorp, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.

  19. Processo de pedido de visto para Mansueto Zandale e Theresia Maria Sabine Liebe

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Berlim para Mansueto Zandale, de nacionalidade italiana, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Berlim para Theresia Maria Sabine Liebe, de nacionalidade alemã, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.

  20. Processo de pedido de visto para Meijer van Embden e Walter Karl Kahle

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Roterdão para Meijer van Embden, de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Roterdão para Walter Karl Kahle, de nacionalidade mexicana, com destino a Itália. Visto autorizado.