Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,521 to 2,540 of 3,431
  1. Ita Rozenczwajg Dimant collection

    Diary: written by Ita Rozenczwajg (donor's mother) during her forced labor on a farm in Germany, 1943-1945 on parchment paper she stole from the German owners of the farm. Collection of photographs (40), pre- and post-war; false documents; wartime correspondence from Ita's rescuer's family, Brust, pre and post-war correspondence; transcript of the Polish language diary; English memoir written by Ita Dimant based on her diary; Hebrew translation of the memoir. Fake tooth that contained cyanide which was installed in the mouth of Ita Rozenczwajg by members of the Polish underground. Ita was a...

  2. Zbiór akt instytucji niemieckich z Okręgów: Prusy Zachodnie [Gau Danzig-West preus sen] i Prusy Wschodnie [Gau Ostpreussen]

    Materiały zebrane przez GKBZHwP: akta instytucji i urzędów administracyjnych, policyjnych, wojskowych, NSDAP, Hitlerjugend i in. zawierające korespondencję i ankiety osób starających się o wpisanie na niemiecką listę narodową z powiatu Aleksandrów Kujawski; sprawy dochodzeniowe prowadzone przez Policję Kryminalną w Bydgoszczy; listy poszukiwanych, nakazy ujęcia oraz instrukcje policyjne pochodzące z Placówki Kierowniczej Policji Państwowej dla Rejencji Olsztyńskiej; zgłoszenia pobytu pracowników cudzoziemskich z terenu powiatu Kętrzyn; korespondencja starosty powiatu Ostrołęka z Gestapo w K...

  3. Pays étrangers

    Cette boîte contient 62 pièces variées. 1-25. Un ensemble de documents relatifs à différents pays et événements produits pendant la guerre (Yougoslavie, Belgique, Hongrie, Pays-Bas et des villes comme Riga ou Shanghai). Notamment des documents au sujet des procès de nazis, de la spoliation ou de la Gestapo. On y trouve également des témoignages et récits sur les conditions de vie sous l'Occupation. 26-38. Dossier J.M. Musy portant sur les activités du parlementaire suisse collaborateur puis ses tentatives de sauvetage des Juifs (témoignages, rapports sur le sauvetage des Juifs en Suisse et ...

  4. Rosenthal family: Copy Gestapo documents

    This collection contains copies of the files of the Rosenthal family compiled by the Gestapo immediately prior to their deportation and murder at Auschwitz.Documents including declaration forms of financial assets confiscated by the state. The family requested to see these documents as part of their compensation claim at the Restitution Office in Berlin in 1966.

  5. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion file concerning Roma property

    Includes information about the confiscation of property of Roma deported to concentration camps from Berlin. The bulk of the records are dated 1943 with others dating as late as 1961.

  6. M.12: Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC - Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation) in Paris

    M.12: Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC - Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation) in Paris The Record Collection contains documentation housed at the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation (CCJD) in Paris which was received by Yad Vashem Archives as microfilm during the 1950s and 1960s following the Schneerson-Di Nur Agreement. The Archives contain documentation of the Gestapo, the Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (CGQJ-Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs), the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF...

  7. 2.17. Korrespondenz bezüglich Rechtsstreitigkeiten und Entschädigungen

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Wolffsohn, Karl
    3. Gartenstadt Atlantic

    Antrag auf Entschädigung der Gartenstadt Atlantic AG und Korrespondenz hierzu mit dem Entschädigungsamt Berlin; Leitsätze und Beschlüsse des Obersten Rückerstattungsgerichts Berlin; Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit diversen Einzelpersonen (u.a. Ehepaar Willuweit) in Bezug auf Schadensersatzforderungen und der Hansa-Handelsgesellschaft. Teilsperrung der Unterlagen ab Mai 1945 (Genehmigungspflicht).

  8. Ida Gebel, Wilhelm Wensing, Else Wensing, and Klara Ditschi papers

    Consists of copies of documents relating to the experiences of Ida Gebel, Wilhelm Wensing, Else Wensing, and Klara Ditschi, all Jehovah's Witnesses, before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  9. "Mathias Barz: 30.8.1895 Düsseldorf - 19.10.1982 Margarten"

    Consists of a copy of the book "Mathias Barz: 30.8.1895 Düsseldorf-19.10.1982 Margarten" by Günter Goebbels. The book contains biographical information on Barz, his family history, his experiences as an artist during the Holocaust, and information concerning his art exhibitions. Newspaper articles concerning the artist are intermingled with the text of the book.

  10. Lazarus, Ludwig (Emigration Shanghai)

    1. Sammlungen

    Die in der Anlage verzeichneten Unterlagen wurden durch Initiative und Vermittlung des Herrn Werner Röder (Dokumentation zur Emigration 1933-1945) im Jahr 1970 erworben.

  11. O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

    O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book, "Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945" (The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004. Professor Dov Otto Kulka submitted cop...

  12. Copies of ordinances from the Army and from civil authorities regarding treatment of Jews.

    1. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Police Headquarters Chișinău
    • Copii ale ordonanțelor din partea armatei și ale autorităților civile privind tratamentul faţă de evrei
    • Копии постановлений армейских и гражданских властей относительно обращения с евреями

    Copies of ordinances from the Army and from civil authorities regarding treatment of Jews. Jewish work brigades in Chișinău. Report on killings of Jews by the GESTAPO. The ghetto in Chișinău. The ghetto in Chișinău. The pursuit of Jews known or denounced as having collaborated with the Bolsheviks. Mixed marriages and conversions. Reports asserting that Jewish elements had an undignified behavior during the retreat of the Romanians from Bessarabia in 1940. Report by the Siguranța on atrocities committed on October 8, 1941, when a convoy of ca 2,000 Jews were evacuated. They were robbed and t...

  13. Starostwo Powiatowe w Bytowie [Das Landratsamt Bütow]

    • akta administracyjne (zarządzenia, instrukcje, korespondencja dot. działalności i szkolenia Policji Ochronnej, Policji Kryminalnej i żandarmerii na terenie miasta i powiatu Bytów; korespondencja w sprawie zwalczania polskiego podziemia; meldunki o napadach; listy osób poszukiwanych przez Gestapo, zbiegłych jeńców wojennych i Żydów; zarządzenia i korespondencja dot. cenzury policyjnej oraz konfiskaty zabronionych wydawnictw, druków i ulotek)
  14. "My experiences in concentration camps"

    Describes Stanley Kania’s (Okocim, Poland, 07 May 1920 - ) arrest for anti-Nazi activities and interrogation by the Gestapo; his transport to and experiences in various Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz, Gusen, Wiener Neudorf, and Mauthausen; and his liberation.