Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,361 to 2,380 of 55,818
  1. The Itzhak Katzenelson Collection

    The collection contains the works of poet and educator Itzhak Katzenelson, based on periods in his life and crucial events from the early 20th C. through and including the Holocaust. Materials include manuscripts of plays, prose works, and poetry; his correspondence with figures in the spheres of culture, education and literature; his letters to family members; and more. Scope: The collection has four chronological divisions: (a) his pre-war writings and correspondence; (b) his Warsaw ghetto works; (c) his Vittel camp works; (d) correspondence about the fate of Katzenelson and about his wr...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 34 and 35-- Witnesses Dr. Melkman and David Melchior

    Session 34. Tape begins with Dr. Joseph Melkman (Michman) being sworn in as a witness for the Prosecution. He was born in Holland and immigrated to Israel. He was the director of Yad Vashem. 00:03:17 Tape jumps. Dr. Melkman is testifying, being asked about a man who helped organize the Judenrat in Holland because the Jews did not know how to deal with the Germans. Edelstein's status is discussed. He describes that at first, many Jews wore the yellow stars with pride; that they were not ashamed to be Jewish, and many Christians supported them in protesting the act. 00:08:21 Tape jumps. Dr. M...

  3. Schaap travels to Palestine via Italy in 1935

    Maurits Schaap visited his brother Meijer in Palestine in December 1935. Maurits showed the films to the Jewish community of Rotterdam after he returned. "ROTTERDAM-PALESTINA vice-versa, Camera: Mau Schaap. Caricaturen: Joseph Rosenberg. Chanoekah 5696" Title card: "VERTREK STATION D.P. met opnamen van Rotterdam - Parÿs - Milaan - Monza - Venetië - Triëst". Busy train station after 11AM. People moving about the station and getting on and off trains. The cameraman, shown to be Maurits Schaap from the title card, boards a train and films through an exterior window of the departure and the lan...

  4. Joseph Harmatz photograph collection

    The collection consists of twelve photographs relating to Joseph Harmatz and his family before and during World War II and his life after the war with members of the Nekama (Revenge) Group.

  5. Sammlung Berlin Document Center (BDC): Personenbezogene Unterlagen der NSDAP

    Bestandsbeschreibung personenbezogene Unterlagen der NSDAP Zitierweise BArch R 9361-I/...

  6. Process of isolating, labeling, deporting, murdering Jews

    DER KRIEG. Germans enter Poland. Lwow pogrom amateur footage; stills. Nazis entering towns via truck; Hitler speeches; clips from Nazi propaganda and newsreels, Jews forced to work for Germans in occupied territory, roundups in Jonava, Latvia. Hangings in occupied territory. German raid, checking papers, in various Polish locations. Riga scenes of harassing Jews. (locations and images intermixed) Jews in Balti, Romania, moved in large numbers along road. Krakow ghetto created, Jews moving in, others moving out. 10:06:45 [01:06:12] DAS GHETTO. Warsaw Ghetto scenes (includes b/w version of sc...

  7. Margot Schlesinger papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, and photographs related to Margot and Chaskiel Schlesinger, who were married in the Tarnow ghetto and survived together on Schindler's list. Includes correspondence between Margot and various members of her family, 1939-1946; a letter from the State Department sent to Edward Wind, of Chicago, dated 1940, regarding his efforts to assist with immigration of relatives from Europe; and photographs of the family in Europe and arriving in Chicago.

  8. Leibbrand, Robert

    Bestandsbeschreibung Robert Leibbrand 1.05.1901 in Stuttgart geboren 1915 - 1919 Lehre als Modelltischler 1918 Mitglied des Kommunistischen Jugendverbandes Deutschlands (KJVD) 1919 - 1951 Mitglied der KPD 1922 - 1926 KJVD-Bezirkssekretär in Königsberg, Halle und Berlin 1923 - 1929 Mitglied des ZK des KJVD 1923 Heirat mit Anna Wiedemann, die Ehe wurde 1939geschieden 1926 - 1929 Mitglied des ZK der Kommunistischen Jugendinternationale (KJI) in Moskau 1931 - 1932 Redakteur im Verlag für Literatur und Politik in Berlin 1932/33 Instrukteur der KPD in Braunschweig, beteiligt an der Bildung eines ...

  9. Processo de pedido de visto para Kneppelhout van Sterkenburg, mulher de Kneppelhout van Sterkenburg (nascida du Chastel), Srª. Hugo Andriesse, motorista da Srª. Hugo Andriesse, Cornelius Wout, Hendrik Willem van Freyburg, Maria Georgina van Freyburg - Freericks, Emy Mary Gusty van Freyburg, Annie Renée van Freyburg, Ellen Henriette Jeanne van Freyburg, Marlène Edith van Freyburg, Barão Theodore de Gunsburg, Baroneza Theodore de Gunsburg, dois filhos de Barão Theodore de Gunsburg, Deborah Granaat, Srª. Tass, Amelie Montezinos, irmã de Amelie Montezinos, Yvon Sander, Georges Sander, E. Vas Visser e Isaac Samuel Cohen

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação dos Países Baixos ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Kneppelhout van Sterkenburg, de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino não identificado. Sem informação de autorização de visto. Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação dos Países Baixos ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para mulher de Kneppelhout van Sterkenburg (nascida du Chastel), de nacionalidade holandesa, com destino não identificado. Sem informação de autorização de visto. Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação dos Países Baixos ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para ...

  10. Reichsmusikkammer

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die Aktenüberlieferung in dem alten Koblenzer Bestand R 56 II beschränkte sich auf 15 Akteneinheiten, die in diese Verzeichnung übernommen wurden (R 56 II/1-15). Dem Bestand neu zugeordnet wurden die Sachakten aus den Sammlungen "Reichsmusikkammer" des ehemaligen BDC. Sie beinhalten neben vereinzelten Akten aus der Verwaltung im Wesentlichen: 1.) Regionale Orchester aus der Fachschaft Kapellmeister und Orchestermusiker 2.) Unterlagen aus der Landesleitung Südhannover-Braunschweig Archivische Bearbeitung Die in dem Koblenzer Teilbestand vorh...

  11. Deutscher Kunstrat e.V.

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 255
    • German
    • 1949-1972
    • Schriftgut 261 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 6,8 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der Deutsche Kunstrat ist ein Zusammenschluss von bundesweit organisierten Verbänden der bildenden Künstler, der Kunstvermittler und Kunstverwerter. Er vertritt die Interessen des Kunstbetriebs und hat insbesondere das Ziel, der bildenden Kunst die gebührende Geltung zu verschaffen und die kulturpolitischen Rahmenbedingungen mitzugestalten. Der Deutsche Kunstrat ist eine Sektion des Deutschen Kulturrats und dort in den Fachausschüssen und im Sprecherrat vertreten. Die Mitglieder treffen sich in der Regel zwei Mal jährlich, um gemeinsame Initiativen zu gestalt...

  12. Sąd Obwodowy w Makowie

    • Amtsgericht Mackeim
    • Local Court in Maków Mazowiecki

    Akta spraw karnych rozpatrywanych przez sądy niemieckie I - szej instancji. Przeważnie dotyczą wykroczeń natury gospodarczej: handel, ubój, przemyt, spekulacja, uszkodzenie ciała, spowodowanie pożaru, fałszerstwo dokumentów, kradzieże.

  13. Deutsche Bundesbank.- Organisationsunterlagen

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 330-ORG
    • German
    • Sammlung 141 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 0,0 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Sitz in Frankfurt/Main. Sie wurde durch das Gesetz über die Deutsche Bundesbank (Bundesbankgesetz) vom 26. Juli 1957 (BGBl. I. S. 745) als bundesunmittelbare juristische Person des öffentlichen Rechts aus 9 Landeszentralbanken, der Berliner Zentralbank und der Bank deutscher Länder gegründet. Die bis dahin rechtlich selbstständigen Landeszentralbanken wurden Hauptverwaltungen der Deutschen Bundesbank, behielten jedoch die Bezeichnung "Landeszentralbank" und eine gewisse Selbstständ...

  14. O. 21 - M. Weichert Collection about Jewish Social Welfare in the Generalgouvernement: Documentation regarding the activities of the Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS - Jewish Social Self-Help Organization) in Poland during the German occupation, and documentation regarding Michal Weichert

    O. 21 - M. Weichert Collection about Jewish Social Welfare in the Generalgouvernement: Documentation regarding the activities of the Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS - Jewish Social Self-Help Organization) in Poland during the German occupation, and documentation regarding Michal Weichert Michal Weichert was born in Podhajce, eastern Galicia, Poland, 1890. He attended Polish schools, earned a degree in law at the University of Vienna, and also attended the Theater Arts Academy in Berlin. Upon his return to Poland, he established the Young Yiddish Theater in Warsaw. He served as a Yiddish t...

  15. Shaving brush received in a concentration camp

    Shaving brush given to Elias Cala for safekeeping by a fellow inmate in 1944 at Auschwitz III-Monowitz concentration camp. The other inmate was a barber who gave the brush to Elias when he became ill. He was sent to the infirmary, but never returned. Elias had been deported to Monowitz from the Jewish ghetto in Mlawa, Poland, in November, 1942, with his wife and one-year-old daughter. His wife and daughter were selected for death upon arrival at Auschwitz. Elias was assigned to work as slave labor in the I.G Farben company’s Buna plant associated with the Monowitz camp. In January 1945, Eli...

  16. 9. Gebirgs-Division

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller anderen Verbände, Einheiten und Dienststellen des Heeres auch, waren die Kriegstagebücher der Gebirgs-Divisionen vom Mobilmachungstag (26.8.1939) an dem Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten (anfangs getrennt nach Kriegsschauplätzen: P für Polen, W für Westen; nach der Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges aber nur nach laufender Nummer), in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, dann aber systematisch nach den kriegstagebuchführenden Stellen und deren Abteilungen in Eingangslisten erfas...

  17. Victory in St. Lo; rubble; US military parade; German prisoners

    Long line of troops, camera mounted on jeep. Civilians wheeling belongings in wheel barrel. Excellent shot of cameraman shooting on tripod on jeep covering. Tanks through crowd down road. MPs walking with French civilians. Tracking shot, civilians waving. Hamilton, Stevens toasting with French civilians. Americans drinking with French civilians sitting on jeep. Stevens gives "V" sign. Stevens and other Americans by sea. A flurry of activity near hedgerow. Ambulance truck has overturned. Bill Hamilton trying to unbend a crushed helmet. Moving shot down bombed out road, many overturned trucks...

  18. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Sygn. 185)

    Selected records of the Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice) related to complicated socio-political situation in Silesia after World War II: General and political situational reports, correspondence, regulations, registers, leaflets, appeals, and newspaper cllipings. It contains reports on the political and security situation in Katowice districts, such as terrorist acts, robberies, rapes on women by members of the Red Army stationed in Silesia, the strike in the Jowisz mine in Wojkowice Komornych, and strike in the Radzionków mine, Volksdeutsch ma...

  19. Charlene Schiff papers

    The collection primarily documents the postwar experiences of Charlene Perlmutter Schiff, originally of Horochów, Wolyn Poland (Horokhiv, Ukraine), including her life in the Föhrenwald and Bensheim displaced persons camps (DP camps) and immigration to the United States in 1948. Included are documents, correspondence, and photographs. Documents include a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) immunization card, notes, a copy of a legal document, and songs and poems. One poem, “I Remember” was written in 1985 and read by her at a Holocaust memorial service at Fort Bel...