Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,261 to 33,280 of 55,824
  1. Children in Horodok, Poland

    Distributing bagels to children. Children walk in a line, holding each others' shoulders, some boys wear gymnasium caps. Wooden synagogue or school, children pose in group. Teacher walks with children in pairs. Teacher receives a new yarmulke. Families on street. 01:08:43: Street scenes with water carrier. More families pose on street. Cattle through street, droshkes, water carriers.

  2. Hitler becomes chancellor

    Both daytime and nighttime scenes. Daylight scenes are good. Title: "Hindenburg and Hitler at the window of the Reichschancellery." Spotlit Nazi flags passing by. Hindenburg appears at the window, dimly lit from a lamp or candles behind him. SA men bearing torches run in formation. Hitler, spotlit at the window, salutes the crowd below. A brief closer view of Hitler at the window.

  3. Archief van de familie Van Dijk te Zaltbommel 1900-1985

    Het archief bevat persoonlijke stukken van de joodse familie van Dijk, stukken over de familiebedrijven en verzamelde documentatie over Zaltbommelse joodse inwoners. Veel inventarisnummers handelen over gedwongen verkoop/ontvreemding van bezittingen (onder andere door de Niederländische Grundstückverwaltung) van de familie tijdens de oorlog, (vergoeding) oorlogsschade en rechtsherstel (terugkrijgen bezittingen), zie hiervoor de digitale inventaris. Foto's behorende tot dit archief zijn opgenomen in collectie 500.

  4. Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia-Fabryczna*

    • akta sądowe dotyczące osób represjonowanych z motywów politycznych - akta sądowe spraw o uznanie za zmarłego lub zaginionego
  5. Służba Specjalna. Pułk nr 2 w Krakowie [Sonderdienst. Regiment 2 in Krakau]

    • akta osobowe (akta personalne członków Pułku nr 2 w Krakowie oraz członków SD z War sza wy i Radomia)
  6. Alexander Loewinger collection

    Consists of three DVD-ROMs containing a videotaped oral history with Alexander Loewinger, originally of Reteag, Romania. In the oral history, Mr. Loewinger discusses his childhood in Reteag, the events leading up to his deportation in 1944, and his experiences in the Dej Bungar ghetto and the Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Magdeburg, and Swalber concentration camps. He also discusses his post-war experiences in Europe and in the United States. Also includes four copyprints of pre-war and wartime family photographs.

  7. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of seven photographs taken after the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp. Includes photographs of corpses as well as survivors.

  8. Frida Rozen photograph collection

    Collection consists of six black and white photographs depicting the Rozenblum family (donor's husband's family) from Łódź, Poland. Chaim and Regina Rozenblum, their two daughters, Mania and Rozia and their son Menachem were deported from the Łódź ghetto to Auschwitz-Birkenau in August 1944. Menachem, who was a student in the ghetto high school, was the only survivor of his immediate family. These photographs were returned to Menachem by his uncles in the US after the war.

  9. Abraham Ackerstein collection

    Consists of two documents from the SS Marine Flasher, thirty photographs, and three small photograph albums from the displaced persons camp in Föhrenwald, Germany, relating to Abraham Ackerstein.

  10. Herbert L. Winograd collection

    Two envelopes; one sent to donor’s aunt “Beyla Katz…ul. Krasnoarmeiskaia in Pruzhany…Zapadnaia, Belorus, Brestskaia oblast [in Russian]…formerly Poland” from “Winograd, Beechwood…” Ohio, postmarked November 6 [no year] and stamped “RETURN TO SENDER.” One envelope sent from Else Guggenheim in Camp de Gurs to Norbert Guggenheim in Cleveland, Ohio and postmarked January 29, 1942. Else was deported to Auschwitz September 4, 1942.

  11. Adolf Stone papers

    Consists of photocopies collected by Adolf Stone, originally from Germany, who emigrated to the United States and joined the military. Includes information about the establishment of the Central Jewish Information Office and copies related to a memorial service held on June 10, 1945, at the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp. Included in the documents related to the memorial service are a short narrative of the service itself, a copy of a speech by Dr. Z. Grinberg in which Dr. Grinberg described his Holocaust experiences and the program of a musical performance led by Michael Hofmekler.

  12. Processo de pedido de visto para Berthe Marie Burnay e dois filhos

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Berthe Marie Burnay, de nacionalidade belga, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para dois filhos de Berthe Marie Burnay, de nacionalidade belga, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.

  13. Processo de pedido de visto para Sra. Reiner e filha

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Munique para Sra. Reiner, de nacionalidade americana, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Munique para filha de Sra. Reiner, de nacionalidade americana, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado.

  14. Pin

    Pin, “America first last & always / Home Mission Board / N.B.C. Inc. / Cleveland 1941” with image of soldier in front of American flag; from “T. Theo. Lovelace / 4834 Vincennes Ave. / Chicago”

  15. Несвижский районный мировой суд,г.Несвиж Барановичского округа

    • Zivil- und Strafgericht Nesviz

    Переписка с Несвижской районной управой по хозяйственным вопросам, дела по обвинению в нанесении побоев, по искам о признании права собственности на землю, разделе имущества, востановление даты рождения, расторжении брака и др.

  16. Gradsko poglavarstvo grada Križevci

    • The City Authorities of Križevci

    The collection is incomplete and contains various instructions and orders issued and received by the city authorities of Križevci. Researchers of the Holocaust will find files regarding the activities of the State Office for Renewal [Državno Ravnateljstvo za ponovu] here. This office oversaw the managing and distributing of property confiscated from Jews during the Holocaust. In addition, for scholars interested in perpetrator studies the files of the city employees are a potentially helpful source.

  17. Zehrer, Hans

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Ebbo Demant, Von Schleicher zu Springer. Hans Zehrer als politischer Publizist, Mainz 1971.- Meissner, Hans Otto (u.) Harry Wilde: Die Machtergreifung. Ein Bericht über die Technik des nationalsozialistischen Staatstreichs. Stuttgart 1958 Fritzsche, Klaus: Politische Romantik und Gegenrevolution. Fluchtwege in d. Krise d. bürgerl. Gesellschaft: Das Beispiel d. "Tat"-Kreises. Frankfurt a.M. 1976 Bestandsbeschreibung Allgemeine und Verlagskorrespondenz, Manuskripte Zitierweise BArch N 1311/...

  18. Green patch with a gray embroidered swastika within a diamond

    Green parch with a gray swastika to be worn by a Nazi party member or sympathizer.

  19. Hand towel

    Paul Kuttner received the towel from his mother, Margarete Kuttner, before his immigration from Berlin, Germany, to Great Britain through Kindertransport in February 1939.

  20. Kokocinski, Rozenberg and Rusak families collection

    Collection of correspondence and related documentation; from Rubin Kokocinski to his brother Markus Kokocinski [later Marcus Cook (donor's grandfather)]; Frymcia Kokocinski, Rubin's daughter in law to her uncle in the US; from Fiszel Rozenberg (Marcus Cook's brother in law) and Heniek Rozenberg (his nephew); the letters were written in Polish and Yiddish, dated 1946-1954.