Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 901 to 920 of 3,449
  1. Fischer, Albrecht

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. F
    3. Faber du Faur - Flügge

    Brief Fischer an Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 20. September 1961 und Antwort Hoch an Fischer, 09. Oktober 1961; Bericht 20. Juli 1944-08. April 1945: Beziehungen der Firma Bosch zu Carl Goerdeler, Gestapo, Volksgerichtshof, Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen; Bericht (Auszug von Falkenhausen New Yorker Staatszeitung und Herold 24./ 26. April 1948 über Volksgerichtshof.

  2. Kaltenbrunner, Ernst

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. K
    3. Kadelke - Keudell

    Vernehmung Kaltenbrunner durch Selcke, 13. September 1946 betreffend Gestapo, Befehlsverhältnisse, Konzentrationslager, Stellung Pohl; Vernehmung Kaltenbrunner durch Selcke, 16. September 1946 betreffend Umsiedlungen, Persönlichkeiten führender NS-Leute, SS-Hauptamt, Germanische Leitstelle, Besetzte Ostgebiete.

  3. Roettig, Otto

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. R
    3. Robinson - Rothe-Roth

    Vier Vernehmungen Roettig durch DeVries und Tancos, 15. Oktober 1947-28. Januar 1948 betreffend Tätigkeit als Generalinspekteur des Kriegsgefangenenwesens; Zahl, Behandlung, Arbeitseinsatz und Herkunft der Kriegsgefangenen; Kriegsgefangenenlager; Aussonderung durch Gestapo; Tötung; Besonderheiten bei russischen Kriegsgefangenen; Fluchten und Behandlung vor Kriegsgerichten.

  4. Tajna Policja Państwowa. Oddział w Poznaniu. Ekspozytura w Lesznie [Geheime Staats polizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Posen. Aussendienststelle Lissa]

    • akta administracyjne (zarządzenia służbowe placówki Gestapo w Poznaniu dot. spraw personalnych, organizacyjnych, podróży służbowych, wysyłek i opłat pocztowych, wypadków samochodowych, urlopów, zbiórki na pomoc zimową 1940/1941; korespondencja dot. zbieg łych polskich jeńców wojennych, robotników przymusowych, więźniów, dezerterów, akta dochodzeniowe dot. utrzymywania niedozwolonych stosunków pomiędzy Polakami a Niem ca mi, porzucenia pracy; listy osób poszukiwanych przez Gestapo w Poznaniu)
  5. Lea R. (07.09.1898, Perehinsko (Kreis Dolina, Polen), mosaisch, polnisch), versuchter illegaler Grenzübertritt nach Holland, Schutzhaft, KZ Ravensbrück

    1. Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
    2. Gestapo Düsseldorf
    3. Außendienststelle Duisburg
    4. Ermittlung und Inhaftierung (Einzelfälle)

    Enthält auch: Angaben zu den jüdischen Schutzhäftlingen Jakob Z. und Schulim R., die in das KZ Sachsenhausen eingeliefert wurden, und Gedale F., die zwecks Ausreise freigelassen wurde; Schreiben bzgl. des Haftunterbrechungsgesuches der Ehefrau Maria R. des Schutzhäftlings Wilhelm R.; Überweisung des bei Max G. sichergestellten Geldbetrages an die Gerichtskasse in Goch

  6. Akta policji niemieckiej z terenu województwa bydgoskiego-zbiór szczątków zespołów

    I. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa w Bydgoszczy: wezwania, protokoły przesłuchań, ewidencja aresztowanych i więźniów obozów centrali przesiedleńczej i koncentracyjnych II. Placówka Gestapo w Bydgoszczy: organizacja, rozkazy i zawiadomienia, zajęcia mieszkań Polaków III. Placówka Kripo w Bydgoszczy: meldunki, zatrzymania Polaków pod zarzutem przestępstw pospolitych, ewidencja zatrzymanych IV. Prezydent policji w Bydgoszczy: wizy dla Niemców i innych obcokrajowców-zezwolenia V. Żandarmeria powiatowa w Chojnicach: obsada posterunków, wyposażenie, wyszkolenie, werbunek, sprawozdania z nastrojó...

  7. Rodyklė į žydų žudynių ir užkasimo vietą Tauragės r. sav., Skaudvilės sen., Pužų kaime

    1. Rinkinių apskaitos ir apsaugos skyrius

    Rodyklė į žydų žudynių ir užkasimo vietą Tauragės r. sav., Skaudvilės sen., Pužų kaime. Toje vietoje palaidoti 1941 m. birželio pabaigoje prie Skaudvilės nužudyti žydai (skaičius nežinomas). Žudynėse dalyvavo vokiečių gestapo ir SD kariai. Tikėtina, kad tai buvo Tilžės gestapo būrys. 1941 m. rugpjūtį toje pat vietoje nužudyta dar 300 vyrų. 1991 m. pastatytas juodo granito paminklas su iškalta Dovydo žvaigžde ir užrašu jidiš ir lietuvių kalbomis: 1941 M. HITLERINIAI / ŽMOGŽUDŽIAI NUŽUDĖ / 300 ŽYDŲ – VYRŲ. Josifo Levinsono archyvas  

  8. Sender Wajsman papers

    Contains a copyprint of a photograph of a wedding gathering in Vilna, Lithuania, in 1936; a brief testimony by Sender Wajsman dated 1991 describing the massacre if Jews in Ponary in September 1941 at the hands of non-Jewish Lithuanians under the direction of the Gestapo; and a photocopy of a photograph depicting the memorial to the dead in Ponary.

  9. Ivano-Frankovsky Regional Museum records

    Contains statements, reports, photographs, and articles relating to the German and Hungarian occupation of Ukraine; atrocities committed against Jews and Soviet citizens in the region; statistics for executions; names of Gestapo leaders suspected of crimes; and the Tabor Smertii "death camp" at Stanislav, Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).

  10. French liberation: FFI, Germans, collaborators, POWs

    Reel 2: FFI and German units fight in the streets. Collaborationists are rounded up. Gestapo torture chambers are examined; prisoners are released. FFI wounded are treated. A rifle is seized from a wounded German. FFI riflemen fire from barricades at German tanks. Shows smashed German vehicles and German POWs. Allied tanks and motorized info enter the city. The tricolor is raised and German signs torn down. Machine guns and rifles are fired at German snipers in the Place de la Concorde.

  11. War atrocities; exhumation of bodies

    War Atrocities, Dortmund, Germany, April 30, 1945. INTs, sick and tubercular slave laborers in hospital beds at former German concentration camp. MSs (VQ: mostly underexposed), US doctors and medics care for the sick. CUs, doctor treats severe head wound. CUs, various sick prisoners, many with wounds and bruises. The majority of the prisoners are emaciated. Exhumation of Bodies, Landwehr (sp?), Germany, April 30, 1945. HSs, MSs, CUs, former Nazi Gestapo agents and civilians remove bodies of murdered political prisoners from mass grave. MSs, entrance to cave where prisoners were held before ...

  12. War atrocities; exhumation of bodies

    War Atrocities, Dortmund, Germany, April 30, 1945. INTs, sick and tubercular slave laborers in hospital beds at former German concentration camp. MSs, US doctors and medics care for the sick. CUs, doctor treats severe head wound. CUs, various sick prisoners, many with wounds and bruises. The majority of the prisoners are emaciated. Exhumation of Bodies, Landwehr (sp?), Germany, April 30, 1945. HSs, MSs, CUs, former Nazi Gestapo agents and civilians remove bodies of murdered political prisoners from mass grave. MSs, entrance to cave where prisoners were held before their assassination. CUs, ...

  13. Autopsies, human skin discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd continues reading Dr. Franz Blaha's signed affidavit which tells of the Gestapo forcing him to work in the autopsy room. Dr. Blaha performed 7000 autopsies during his stay. He filled many requests for human skin that was cured in the sun and used for making saddles, gloves, and ladies' handbags. In his testimony, Dr. Blaha identifies Wilhelm Frick and Alfred Rosenberg, whom he saw touring the Dachau camp.

  14. Poster

  15. Col. Joseph Albert Meisinger (Butcher of Warsaw) surrenders

    Butcher of Warsaw, Kawaguchi, Japan, September 6, 1945. MSs, Gestapo Col Joseph Albert Meisinger, known as the "Butcher of Warsaw," walking into deserted dining room of Fuji Hotel and surrendering to war correspondents. CUs, MSs, correspondents interrogating Meisinger. MSs, CUs, Meisinger is shown to jeep by correspondents and escorted by them as they drive along road. CUs, Meisinger. Mitsubishi Aircraft and Engine Works, Nagoya, Japan, September 7, 1945. VS, US officer with Japanese civilians inspecct the aircraft plant. Scenes showing complete destruction of factory and equipment. AV, wre...

  16. TR. 19: Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others

    TR. 19: Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others Otto Bovensiepen served as a Gestapo commander in several places. On 18 March 1941, he was appointed head of the Gestapo in Berlin. In 1943 he was also appointed Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Chief of the Security Police and SD) in Berlin; in 1944 he was appointed Chief of the Security Police and SD in Denmark as well. In 1969, he was brought to trial at the initiation of the RSHA Work Group (a body which worked within the framework of the Attorney General's Office investigating criminals who had been part o...