Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 54,661 to 54,680 of 55,889
  1. Żandarmeria powiatu rawickiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Rawitsch
  2. Żandarmeria powiatu poznańskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Posen
  3. Żandarmeria powiatu ostrowskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Ostrowo
  4. Zakład Karny w Poznaniu

    • Stammlager Untersuchungshaftanstalt Posen
  5. Żandarmeria powiatu obornickiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Obornick
  6. Żandarmeria powiatu leszczyńskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Lissa
  7. Żandarmeria powiatu kościańskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Kosten
  8. Żandarmeria powiatu kępińskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Kempen
  9. Żandarmeria powiatu kaliskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Kalisch
  10. Żandarmeria powiatu jarocińskiego

    • Gendarmerie Kreis Jarotschin
  11. Niemieckie Towarzystwo Przesiedleńczo - Powiernicze w Poznaniu

    • Deutsche Umsiedlungs - Treuhand - Gesellschaft m. b. H Berlin zur Zeit in Posen
  12. Centrala Przesiedleńcza w Poznaniu

    • Umwandererzentralstelle Posen
  13. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (Amerykańsko-Żydowski Połączony Komitet Pomocy). 1939-1941

    • AJDC Joint
    • raporty, komunikaty i sprawozdania z działalności Centrali dotyczące rozmiaru pomocy i sposobu jej rozdziału; - sprawozdania z wizytacji w gminach i placówkach wspieranych przez AJDC; - dane inspektorów w poszczególnych dystryktach Generalnego Gubernatorstwa; - dokumenty finansowe; - korespondecja z delegaturami AJDC w Europie i placówkami dyplomatycznymi w Europie; - korespondencja delegatur AJDC w Warszawie i Krakowie z ok.. 400 gminami żydowskimi (gettami) w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie w sprawach pomocowych.
  14. The Society for the Protection of Majdanek (since 1945)

    The fund numbers 993 units and includes the materials documenting the activities of the Society for the Protection of Majdanek.

  15. Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission to Examine Crimes in the Area of the Concentration Camp at Majdanek (1944)

    Part of the materials collected in connection with the activities of the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission, mainly reports documenting the work of the commission (like the inspection of the area of the former camp and witness interrogation reports).

  16. NKVD camp

    The materials, most of which are photocopies, are connected with the NKVD camp functioning in the area of Majdanek from autumn 1944.

  17. Women’s Auxiliary Army Service (1942-1944)

    The records of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service, the organization which operated from 1942 at the Headquarters of the Home Army in the Lublin District. Most documents are connected with the organizational issues of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service.

  18. OPUS - Central Underground Care (1943-1944)

    The records of OPUS Central Underground Care include the reports from the Lublin district of the Home Army concerning the activity of the occupational authorities, such as reports from arrests of the Home Army soldiers and the financial situations of their families. This fund also includes the reports drawn up on the basis of the information about the situation in the camp provided by the Home Army soldiers imprisoned at Majdanek, and lists of prisoners’ names. The OPUS documents arrived at the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1971.

  19. Polish Red Cross – Lublin District (1939-1946)

    The records of the Polish Red Cross handed over to the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1957. The materials are connected with the activity of the Polish Red Cross in the Lublin district in the years 1939-1946. They include: the personal records of the prisoners of Majdanek and the Lublin Castle, who received parcels from their families by hand of the Polish Red Cross; postcards confirming the receipt of the parcels; lists of Polish soldiers who were wounded or killed in 1939; and a register of former forced labourers, people coming back from the camps, refugees and foreigners lo...