Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 521 to 540 of 56,066
  1. Fotosammlung

    Die Fotosammlung ist ein Teil der Sammlung in der Gedenkstätte Hadamar. Sie umfasst u. a. Fotos von Patientinnen und Patienten der früheren Landesheilanstalt, der Stadt Hadamar, der Gedenkstätte Hadamar, weiterer Gedenkstätten und -orte, Veranstaltungen und Mitarbeitende. Zur Fotosammlung gehören auch die Fotos aus dem Nachlass Ernst Klee. An den einzelnen Fotos hält die Gedenkstätte Hadamar nur teilweise die Rechte. Die Exemplare, auf die das nicht zutrifft, können als Arbeitshilfen verwendet werden. Die Rechte liegen bei den angegebenen beherbergenden Institutionen, die im Einzelfall kons...

  2. Audiothek

    Die Audiothek ist ein Teil der Sammlung in der Gedenkstätte Hadamar. Sie umfasst Interviews von Zeitzeugen, Audio- sowie Videodateien. Zu den Videodateien gehören auch Bänder aus dem Nachlass Ernst Klee. An den einzelnen Dokumenten hält die Gedenkstätte Hadamar nur teilweise die Rechte. Die Dokumente, auf die das nicht zutrifft, können als Arbeitshilfen verwendet werden. Die Rechte liegen bei den angegebenen beherbergenden Institutionen, die im Einzelfall konsultiert werden müssen. Die Audiothek besteht teilweise digital und teilweise analog und wird stetig erweitert.

  3. Nachlässe

    Nachlässe der Zeitebenen Konzentrationslager, Sowjetisches Speziallager und Geschichte der Gedenkstätten

  4. Selekte

  5. Sammlungen

    Sammlungen der Zeitebenen Konzentrationslager, Sowjetisches Speziallager und Geschichte der Gedenkstätten

  6. Hausarchiv

    Hausarchiv der Nationalen Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Buchenwald und der Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora

  7. Kazerne Dossin's library

    Kazerne Dossin's library is thematic and focused on the Holocaust. It contains mainly: - reference works on the persecutions and racial deportations (Jews and Roma people), the spoliations, the resistance, the rescue, the hidden children... in Belgium and in the north of France as well as in Europe, - undergraduate theses on Judaism and Jewish history - testimonies of survivors, hidden children, resistance fighters, sometimes published by authors. - a section of "precious books", published before 1950

  8. Steen Fischer papers

    Contains three Danish passports issued to Steen Fischer, a letter dated 1943 October 21, from Mr. Fischer to the Royal British Legation in Sweden asking to join the British military forces; and a response dated 1943 October 26. The third item is a letter dated 1985 April 29, from Danish Prime Minister Poul Schluter, responding to an earlier letter from Mr. Fischer.

  9. Družina Kukovec (1908-1981)

    • Kukovec family (1908-1981)

    Personal documents (diplomas, certificates); biography and obituary of Klara Kukovec.

  10. Weiss Žiga in soproga Paula roj. Freyer (Žid, Jud), Dolnja Lendava, vpis v mrliško matično knjigo, umrla v Veliki Kaniži in Auschwitzu, št. spisa 3088/47(Okrajni ljudski odbor Lendava)

    • Weiss Žiga and wife Paula, née Freyer (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Velika Kaniža and Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47(People's Committee of the Lendava District)

    Weiss Žiga and wife Paula, née Freyer (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Velika Kaniža and Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District). Also contains: testimonies of individuals about his suicide in Velika Kaniža and the death of his wife in a gas cell.

  11. Weiss Samuel (Žid, Jud), Dolnja Lendava, vpis v mrliško matično knjigo, umrl v Auschwitzu, št. spisa 3088/47 (Okrajni ljudski odbor Lendava)

    • Weiss Samuel (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District)

    Weiss Samuel (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District), also contains witness statements from individuals about his death in a gas cell.

  12. Odločba o proglasitvi Juda Jurija Baderja in njegove družine iz Dolnje Lendave za mrtve

    • Decision declaring the Jew Jurij Bader and his family from Dolnja Lendava dead

    Decision declaring the Jew Jurij Bader and his family from Dolnja Lendava dead. Note: Most of the Jews from Lendava were taken to Velika Kaniža on April 26, 1944, from where they were then transported to Auschwitz. According to the testimony of Jurij Bader's cousin, Pavel Bader, Jurij Bader was released in Velika Kaniža (Nagykanizsa) so that he could return to Lendava. In October 1944, they were interned once again. They were taken to prisons in Budapest, where they died during the bombing of Budapest at the end of 1944.

  13. Spisi Mestnega ljudskega odbora Dolnja Lendava za leto 1947

    • Files of the Municipal People's Committee of Dolnja Lendava for the year 1947

    From workflow number 2 to workflow number 2204. The following files from the series are of particular interest to Holocaust researchers: the 2-page file SI_PAM/0164/004/00007 (Potrditev internacije Judov trgovca Zsige Weisa in soproge Paule Weis iz Dolnje Lendave v Auschwitz, 1947.03.06), which is a confirmation of the internment of the Jews of the merchant Zsiga Weis and his wife Paula Weis from Dolnja Lendava in Auschwitz, 1947. 03.06), as it contains the confirmation of witnesses that both were interned on April 26, 1944, and that Zsiga Weis died in the camp in Velika Kaniža (Nagykanizsa...

  14. Seznam tujih državljanov, Judov, Romov ter demobilizirancev in invalidov v občini Dolnja Lendava

    • List of foreign nationals, Jews, Roma, demobilized and people with handicap in Dolnja Lendava
  15. Elaborat (podatki) o Judih v občini Dolnja Lendava

    • Elaboration (data) about Jews in Dolnja Lendava

    The Elaboration contains the following data: the number of Jews before the Second World War, the number of internees, the number of those who returned from internment, the health and material condition of those who returned, the time of their deportation, the question of movable and immovable Jewish property.

  16. Socialne zadeve

    • Social affairs

    Technical Unit 343: Red Cross: refugees, victims 1941; applications for support 1941; Technical Unit 356: Roma, support institution, application for support, marriage certificates, acknowledgments of paternity, family matters, photo IDs Karol Zagorc, Zupet Alojzija, Bučka 1942; Technical Unit 360: list of poor families of internees and prisoners of war, applications for support 1943; list of refugees in Novo mesto 1943; Technical Unit 364: Roma 1943; Technical Unit 358: Municipality of Šmihel-Stopiče: cards with census and social situation 1941-1943; Technical Unit 368: Prisoners, internees...

  17. Okrajno glavarstvo Novo mesto: Romi, prekrški, izseljenci, potni listi (klasifikacijska oznaka I)

    • District administration Novo mesto: Roma, misdemeanors, emigrants, passports (classification code I)

    Roma 1869-1940, criminal offenses 1851-1945; emigrants 1860-1941; passports 1920-1938.

  18. Begunjske knjige

    • Begunje books

    The collection includes 7 books: Index of the Begunje Book 14702 (Kazalo Begunjske knjige 14702); Index of the Begunje Book 14703 (Kazalo Begunjske knjige 14703); Begunje Book 14702/1 (Begunjska knjiga 14702/1); Begunje book 14702/2 (Begunjska knjiga 14702/2); Begunje Book 14703/1 (Begunjska knjiga 14703/1); Begunje Book 14703/2 (Begunjska knjiga 14703/2); Goričane Prisoner's Book (Zaporniška knjiga Goričane).

  19. Družina Dedijer (1933–1991)

    • Dedijer family (1933–1991)
    • Arhiv Republike Slovenije
    • SI AS 1979
    • English
    • 1933-1991
    • 49,90 running meters of files, manuscript material, printed material, photographic material

    The fond consists of a collection of treatises, newspaper clippings, correspondence, excerpts and copies of material from various archives and literature. The material is organized by topics related to specific policies and events: Tito / Kardelj / Jovanka / Ranković / Djilas / Hebrang / Waldheim / Dedijer / World War II / history of Yugoslavia / the Trieste question / foreign policy / internal tensions / the workings of the Russell Tribunal / the Informbiro / resistance movements in Europe / the Ustasha / the Chetniks / Stalinism / antisemitism / non-alignment / tradition / soccer, etc. Th...

  20. Republiški sekretariat za notranje zadeve Socialistične republike Slovenije

    • Republican Secretariat for Internal Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
    • Arhiv Republike Slovenije
    • SI AS 1931
    • English
    • 1918-2006
    • 420,00 running meters; 3297 boxes; 3220 items; 122 rolls; 948 35 mm microfilm reels (3 copies); 45 16 mm microfilm reels; 29 microfiche cassettes; 25677 files

    German interwar occupation material – originals; German interwar archive – reconstructions; Italian interwar occupation material – originals; Archive of the outside of Ljubljana VOS and OZNE – originals; OZNA secondary material; Archive of the Ljubljana VOS – transcripts; Provale; Materials of the National Protection, the National Militia; Partisan newspapers / Partisan graves / firefighting / miscellaneous material, etc.; intelligence services until 1945; post-war documentation on political convicts 1945-1953; court proceedings against active officers of the occupying army during the Secon...