Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,881 to 49,900 of 55,889
  1. Materials related to Nazi occupation regime in Smolensk Oblast

    • Материалы по оккупационному режиму немецко-фашистских захватчиков в Смоленской области
    • Р06-2
    • Russian
    • 1945
  2. Zeitgeschichtliche Sammlung

    • Historical Collection
    • Niederösterreichisches Landesarchiv
    • 80001204
    • German
    • 1876-1959
    • Papier, Audiokassetten, Tonträger; 10 Kartons. Tagebücher liegen in Papierform vor, Interviews auf Tonträgern und teils als Transskript.

    Der Bestand "Zeitgeschichtliche Sammlung" enthält vier Subbestände: - Oral History Projekt "Niederösterreich im Umbruch 1938/45", Tonträger und Transkripte von Interviews über die NS-Zeit und die Besatzungszeit in Niederösterreich (Themen: "Anschluss", politisches Leben unter der NS-Herrschaft, Kriegsende, Besatzung). Die Interviews wurden in den Jahren 1993, 1994 und 1996 durchgeführt. Es geht um die persönlichen Erfahrungen der Interviewpersonen (5 Kartons). - Interview Franz Olah, Schwerpunkt sind KZ-Haft und österreichische Innenpolitik der 1950er Jahre. Tonträger (1 Karton). - Intervie...

  3. Bezirkshauptmannschaften

    • District Commissions

    Die Bestände enthalten an NS-Zeit-relevanten Akten u.a.: - NS-Verordnungen und -Erlässe - Akten der Jugendämter aus den 1940er Jahren - NS-Registrierungslisten (vgl. StGBl Nr. 18/1945) (wahrscheinlich Gruppe XI) - Vermögenssicherung – beschlagnahmte Betriebe und Deutsches Eigentum (wahrscheinlich Gruppe IX) - Besatzungsakten Rote Armee (zweite Hälfte der 1940er Jahre und erste Hälfte der 1950er Jahre) - Lageberichte (Zeitraum unbekannt).

  4. Manuscript Collection, IV. Denmark-Norway's general history

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Håndskriftsamlingen, IV. Danmark-Norges almindelige historie
    • Danish, English
    • 3 parcels

    Reports from Jews and others regarding their escape to Sweden (made after the war) - IV T 48 O. Barfoed, correspondence and reports, pcl. 224-226.

  5. Jüdisches Zentralarchiv des Burgenlandes

    • Burgenland Jewish Central Archives

    Er enthält keine Matriken, sonder Vermögensentzug der Kultusgemeinden.

  6. Bezirksgerichte- und Bezirkshauptmannschaften-Archiv

    • District Courts and District Hauptmannschaften Fonds

    Im Folgenden sind die für das Thema der Plattform relevanten Bestände angeführt. Bezirksgerichte: - Akten des BG Eisenstadt (1921–1967) - Akten des BG Neusiedl am See (Exekutionsakten 1933–1941, Indizes 1925–1942, andere Akten 1936–1978) - Akten des BG Mattersburg (1922–1965) - Akten des BG Oberpullendorf (1922–1973) - Akten des BG Güssing (1922–1956) - Akten des BG Jennersdorf (1922–1961) Bezirkshauptmannschaften: - Akten der BH Eisenstadt (ab 1922) - Akten der BH Neusiedl am See (ab 1922) - Akten der BH Mattersburg (ab 1922) - Akten der BH Oberpullendorf (ab 1922) - Akten der BH Oberwart ...

  7. Okresný úrad v Poprade

    • Distric Office in Poprad

    Fonds is very well preserved and contains important documents about the persecution of Jews living at the territory of district Poprad. It contains various documents concerning the aryanization of Jewish property, work permissions for Jews, employment of Jewish doctors and other experts etc. Fonds also contains the documents pertaining to the Concentration center for Jews in Poprad, such as reports on the deportations from that center during the 1942 deportation of Jews from Slovakia, report on the activities of Hlinka guard during the deportation etc. Besides that it contains various lists...

  8. Odbočka Ústredne štátnej bezpečnosti pri Policajnom riaditeľstve v Prešove

    • State Security Headquarter´s Branch at the Police Directorate in Prešov
    • UŠBO

    The fonds contains the preserved documents of the State Security Headquarter´s (Ústredňa štátnej bezpečnosti), which was the political police and the secret service of the Slovakia (1939-1945). More precisely it contains the documents of one regional branch of this political police: it branch in Prešov. The majority of the fonds consists of files on specific persons. The fonds contains information on various issues including ethnic relations, minorities, resistance as well as the persecution of Jews. The fonds contains personal files of many Jews with reports on their activities. This inclu...

  9. Okresný ľudový súd v Humennom

    • District People´s Court in Humenné

    The fonds contains the files concerning various cases of Aryanization of the enterprise property in district Humenné. It also contains the files pertaining the denunciation of Jews in 1942 and 1944, beating and harassing of Jews and deportation of Jews from the district Humenné in 1942.

  10. Okresný ľúdový súd v Rožňave

    • District People´s Court in Rožňava

    Fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews at the territory of Hungary as well as Slovakia (1938-1945). It contains the information on various forms of persecution Jews and handling of Jewish property in Rožňava as well as on handling the Jewish property in ghetto in Plešivec. Besides that fonds contains the file concerning the prosecution of the former member of SS who served as a guard in Auschwitz from Summer 1943 to 1945. It also contains file with the information on persecution of Roma members of the partisan unit in Sadovce and several files concerning the persecution of ...

  11. Okresný ľudový súd v Revúcej

    • District People´s Court in Revúca

    The fonds contains the files concerning various forms of persecution of Jews in Revúca. It contains testimonies of Jews from Revúca on their harassment and persecution. Fonds also contains the information on partisan activities in the vicinity of village Muráň as well as on the anti-partisan operations of German security forces in that area. One file concerns the prosecution of the former member of the Hlinka Guard who served as a guard in the Labor and concentration camp in Sereď (Slovakia).

  12. Okresný ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • District People´s Court in Košice

    Fonds contains files pertaining the post-WW II prosecution of various suspects and convicts for crimes committed at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945) as well as Hungary (1938-1945). It thus contains information on various forms of persecution of Jews, Roma and political opponents which took place not only at the territory of Košice and its vicinity but also at the territory of war-time Slovakia as well as quite distant places abroad. Besides files pertaining the so called Aryanization of Jewish property in Košice and its vicinity; blackmailing and denouncing of Jews; as well as the depo...

  13. Okresný ľúdový súd v Lučenci

    • District People´s Court in Lučenec

    The fonds contains various files concerning the persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1938-1945) and Hungary (1938-1945). Among others there is a case file of the former detective of Hungarian state police which contains the information about the investigation and the death of Jewish man in Lučenec (Losonc). Another file of former dignitary of the Nyilaskeresztes Párt (Arrow Cross Party) in Lučenec contains the information on the division of Jewish property in Lučenec (Losonc). One file contains the information on the ghetto in Lučenec (Losonc). There is also a file concerning the blackmailing o...

  14. Okresný ľúdový súd v Kremnici

    • District People´s Court in Kremnica

    The fonds contains various files concerning the persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1938-1945). There is a file of the former local dignitary of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party in Kremnica which contains the information on the persecution of the specific Jewish family in Kremnica. Two files contain the information on the activities of the Emergency Unit of the Hlinka Guard in Kremnica (Pohotovostný oddiel Hlinkovej gardy) in 1944. THese files contain the testimonies of Jewish survivors. Another file contains the info on activities of the Abwehrgruppe 218 Edelweiss and its action in Krížna. Th...

  15. Okresný ľudový súd v Krupine

    • District People´s Court in Krupina

    The fonds contains the file with the information on the so called aryanization of the local hardware store in Krupina. The fonds also contains files pertaining the activities of the Hlinka Guard in Krupina in late 1944. There are two files with the information on arrest of approximately 30 Roma in Krupina who were subsequently executed in Kremnička near Banská Bystrica in late November 1944.

  16. Okresný ľudový súd vo Feledinciach

    • District People´s Court in Feledince

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews in Feledince (Feled, today Jesenské) which belonged to Hungary in 1938-1945, Rimavská Seč (Rimaszécs) and Bátka. Several files contain the information on persecution of Jews living in Feledince (Feled), two files pertain the forced labor of Jews and the specific company 107/9 at the territory of Ukraine. One file pertains the arrest of six Jews who tried to cross the Hungarian-Slovak border in June 1944 near Ivanice (Balogiványi). One of the files contains the information on the arrest of Communists and Jews in Komárno detention camp.

  17. Okresný ľudový súd v Brezne

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945). Three files pertain the so called aryanization of Jewish enterprise property in Brezno nad Hronom and Mýto pod Ďumbierom. Some of the files contain the information on deportation of Jews from Brezno nad Hronom in 1942 and Mýto pod Ďumbierom. There is a file pertaining the mass murder of political opponents and Jews at the field Krtičná near Brezno nad Hronom commited by the Einsatzkommando 14 in 1944. Another file concerns the mass murder of Roma in Čierny Balog.

  18. Okresný úrad v Kežmarku

    • District Office in Kežmarok

    The fonds contains the documents of the District Office in Kežmarok which was the state administration body at the territory of district Kežmarok. The fonds is very well preserved and contains many documents covering the political, economical and social history of the respective district during the period 1923-1945. Besides documents pertaining the history of Jews before 1938 there are many documents pertaining the persecution of Jews during the period of years 1938-1945. The fonds contains documents pertaining the deportation of Jews from Slovakia in November 1938 as well as documents pert...

  19. Okresné veliteľstvo Hlinkovej gardy v Trebišove

    • District Command of the Hlinka Guard in Trebišov

    The fonds contains one folder of various documents pertaining the District Command of the Hlinka Guard in Trebišov. Besides the application forms of the members of HG it contains lists of public functionaries with the note on their membership in the HG. It also contains the Situation Report on deportation of Jews from Trebišov from May 9, 1942, written in Prešov (the seat of the County Office).