Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 48,181 to 48,200 of 55,889
  1. Gradsko poglavarstvo Banjaluka

    • Municipality of Banjaluka 1941-1945

    Contains records of local, municipal government of Banjaluka for 1941-1954, during the Independent State of Croatia's rule.

  2. Objedinjeni fond Komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Banja Luci

    • Combined fond of the Committee for crimes of occupation forces and collaborators in Banja Luka

    Just after the war Committee's were organized with the goal to research and document all war crimes committed by the Axis powers and their local collaborators. The documentation contains information about victims, war damages, etc.

  3. Photo and document collection

    The Jewish Community in Doboj possesses a collection of photographs, memoirs, family and personal documentation, etc.

  4. Okružna uprava narodnih dobara Tuzla

    • The Office for Regional Management of public property Tuzla

    The fond contains dossiers with information about property of all types (mostly movable goods) that was either confiscated from enemies (German nationals and other enemies of the state after World War 2) or restored to their original owners that lost it during Ustasha regime of the Independent State of Croatia (Serbs and Jews in most cases). Each dossier carries a name of individual (or several of them) whose property was confiscated, restored, or was involved in the work of the Office in some way. Often included are documents noting public auctions of goods (clothes, furniture, etc.) that ...

  5. Okružni narodni odbor Tuzla

    • County People's Committee Tuzla

    Records contain details from local (county) administration right after the Second World War and the Holocaust. Contains different types of documentation about formation of special committees for assessing of war damages and losses, seizure of illicit war gains (some obtained at the expense of Jewish community), dossiers, minutes and reports from conferences, etc.

  6. Imamat džemata Tuzla

    • Muslim Community of Tuzla

    During the Second World War (and the rule of the Independent State of Croatia) the Muslim community received numerous requests for conversion to Islamic faith by Jewish families from Tuzla and nearby towns. The documentation includes these requests for approval of conversion, minutes and decisions in this regard. Jewish families applied for conversion in order to avoid persecution, arrest and being sent to concentration camps by Ustasha regime of the Independent State of Croatia.

  7. Gradsko poglavarstvo Brčko

    • City municipality of Brčko

    Contains projects for different communal buildings (schools, power plant, etc), minutes from meetings of municipal administration, property lists, permits to open shops and taverns, bills, dossiers of employees in the municipality, list of debtors of the town power plant (among them members of Jewish community), service records of employees and forced retirement of Jewish ones (1941), etc.

  8. Državna realna gimnazija Tuzla

    • The State Gymnasium Tuzla

    The Gymnasium in Tuzla was formed in 1899 and always had significant number of Jewish students as well as Jewish teachers. It was one of the oldest and prestigious high schools in the country. The fond contains general documentation, personnel dossiers, yearly reports, minutes from exams, grades and class presence of students, dates and places of birth, names of student's parents, profession/job of parents, home addresses, religion and nationality of students, notes on transfers to another school or town, diseases, etc. While it gives details about operation of the school during World War 2...

  9. Gradsko poglavarstvo Tuzla

    • City municipality Tuzla

    The collection includes documents relating to the work of the Office for "renewal", which dealt with the confiscated Jewish and Serbian property within the Independent State of Croatia. Property of Jewish families that were sent to concentration camps was seized by the authorities. Documents of the collection can serve as a valuable source for studying of the activities and work of the Government of the city of Tuzla in the stated period, but also the history of this region, because the documents can follow the work and procedures related to the property of Jewish families from Tuzla during...

  10. Fototeca. Collezione fotografica vittime della Shoah

    Vengono qui presentate le fotografie di coloro che furono vittime della shoah, ossia persone deportate nei campi di concentramento o morte in Italia in eccidi, in stato di detenzione, per disagi o privazioni.

  11. Prefettura

    • Prefecture

    Holocaust-relevant information about the concentration camps PG70 in Monte Urano and PG59 in Servigliano is arranged inside the fonds "Prefettura" in four series: 1. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra; 2. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra. Impianto stabilimento industriale. 3. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento; 4. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento.

  12. Regional Administration: Nistru Region (Lăpuşna, Orhei, Tighina counties)

    • Administraţia ţinuturilor: ţinutul Nistru (judeţe Lăpuşna, Orhei, Tighina)
    • Управление Днестровского края
    • Upravleniye Dnestrovskogo kraya

    Decrees and orders of the Orhei city hall; correspondence on administrative matters; statistical data on the number and composition of the population of Bessarabia; cases on consideration of petitions and complaints of the population; correspondence about lease of businesses and property owned by the city hall; reports of the departments of the administration of the Nistru region; the status reports of cities and activities of different city halls; the list of activists of the organization “Front of national rebirth”; the list of orphans of the First World war who live in Chişinău; data on ...

  13. Administrative office of Bessarabia, Bukovina and "Transnistra"

    • Кабинет по администрации Бессарабии, Буковины и „Транснистрии”
    • Kabinet po administratsii Bessarabii, Bukoviny i „Transnistrii”
    • Cabinetul civil-militar pentru administrarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transnistriei

    Orders and Dispositions issued by the Romanian government and Romanian Army Headquarters to General George Alexeianu about taking the control in Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Transnistria, about the disposal of military units, nationalization of population inspection of ghettos, and about the situation of prisoners of war. The memorandum on the Jewish issue of Bessarabia. Regulations related to the organization of the ghettos. Materials about the confiscation of Jewish property. Documents and reports about inspections conducted in Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1941. Statistical data on violations ...

  14. Police Headquarters Tighina. Questura

    • Poliţia Tighina. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура Полиции города Тигина
    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspectorat politsii. Kvestura Politsii goroda Tighina

    The fund contains material about the placement of Jews in various ghettos; rules and regulations governing the treatment of Jews; statistical data on the Jews in Tighina County; documents on the Jewish population throughout the province; personal files of people suspected of loyalty to the Soviet state, etc.

  15. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii
    • Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova
    • 680.1
    • English, Romanian
    • 1918-1929
    • Inventory 1 - files from no.1 to no.1443; inventory 2 - files from no.1444 to no.2953; inventory 3 - files from no.2959 to no.4014; inventory 4 - files from no.4015 to no.5179

    Articles about Jews in Chisinau; data on mixed marriages; lists of Jews who have not converted and those who have converted to another religion; a copy of the order signed by General Headquarter of Romania's Army on the Jews in labor brigades; information on the work of the group headed by Filderman; census on the Jews; personal files of the police employees in Bessarabia, files on secret agents and the Jews accused of spying for the USSR. Surveillance materials related to activities carried out by the political Romanian party- "Blocul cetățenesc pentru mîntuirea țării" (Citizens' Block for...

  16. Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Kaliszu

    • County Office of the State Police in Kalisz
    1. Sprawy organizacyjne: rozkazy, protokoły odpraw i kontroli, sprawy personalne, wybory do rad gromadzkich i gminnych (6 j.a.; 1920-1938). 2) Życie polityczne w Kaliszu i powiecie kaliskim: sprawozdania sytuacyjne, tygodniowe, miesięczne i kwartalne dotyczące działalności partii i stronnictw politycznych. (19 j.a.; 1919-1939).
  17. Sezione I

    Raccoglie le serie, prodotte dalle divisioni 1^Gabinetto e 2^ Polizia Giudiziaria, versate tra il 1953 e il 1984: Atti in materia annonaria, Massime, cat. A1-Informazioni, cat. A3A/A3B-Provvedimenti per appartenenti a razza ebraica, cat. A8-Schedario politico provinciale, cat. A12-Stranieri, Casellario di polizia giudiziaria, .

  18. Questura di Bari

    E' conservata documentazione relativa agli affari trattati dalle autorità di P.S. della provincia di Bari, in relazione alle attribuzioni stabilite a partire dalle disposizioni del prefetto di Bari del 1868 fino al T.U di P.S. del 1931 e alle successive disposizioni emanate con l'avvento della Repubblica. Il fondo è strutturato secondo gli Ordinamenti degli archivi di P.S. del 1931 (Istruzioni ministeriali del 1.12.1931, n. 10083-D) e del 1971 (Istruzioni ministeriali del 20.12.1971 n. 10.6265/10083) che prevedono un'articolazione in categorie, all'interno del carteggio prodotto dalle tre d...

  19. Provveditorato agli studi

    Il fondo è stato versato nel 1994 ed è ordinato cronologicamente per anno, e per ogni anno, in categorie dotate di un codice alfanumerico, secondo il titolario rimasto in uso fino al 1962, e modificato, fino ad oggi. Le categorie sono A - affari generali; B - scuola elementare e materna; C - istruzione secondaria e personale non docente e sono affiancate dalle classi con indice numerico, con numero variabile nel corso degli anni, con una corrispondenza tra categoria e numero della classe abbastanza costante negli anni. Serie per anno: contabilità generale; direzione didattica; relazione fin...

  20. Intendenza di Finanza di Pavia

    Documentazione riguardante gli accertamenti sulla razza ebraica (1918-1946; 2 buste) e danni di guerra (1945-1984; 2 buste) versata dall'Intendenza di Finanza nel 2004. Il fondo è consultabile solo previo contatto con la Direzione.