Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,981 to 47,000 of 55,889
  1. Alex F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alex F., who was born in Ladmovce, Czechoslovakia, in 1926. He describes the Hungarian occupation in 1938; being taken as a hostage by the Hungarian police in 1944; the relocation of the region's Jews to the ghetto in Sa?toraljau?jhely in the same year; his deportation to Birkenau, where he was separated from his parents; and his transfer to the labor camp of Auschwitz, where he worked making fertilizer. He relates his experience as an experimental subject in Auschwitz, after which he hid to escape a selection; the death march from Auschwitz to Breslau in January, 194...

  2. Joseph K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph K., who was born in W?odawa, Poland in 1912. He recalls serving in the Polish army until 1937; working in the family business; German invasion; mobilization; fleeing to W?odawa; his mother's illness and death; round-ups and beatings; serving a few days in the Jewish police; hiding with Ukrainians; learning of a mass murder; ghettoization; transfer to a nearby labor camp; and his father's and two sisters' deportation to Sobibor. Mr. K. recounts escaping; his leadership of a group hiding in the forest; joining Soviet partisans; help from local farmers during an i...

  3. Illeen G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Illeen G., who was born in Gol?shany, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1926. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; a large, extended family; her father's emigration to the United States in 1938; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; trading with non-Jews for food; ghettoization; her sister's deportation; deportation to Dundangen; encountering her sister; slave labor building roads; a German soldier giving her extra food; her mother's and other sister's arrival in 1942; transfer with her mother and sisters to Kaiserwald, then a month later to Stutthof; encoun...

  4. Gisela G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gisela G., who was born in Tarnów, Poland in 1924, one of four children. She recalls her close and large extended family; her father's death in early 1939; working in his hat business; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; arrest for walking on the sidewalk; release; her mother and younger brothers hiding with a former non-Jewish employee during round-ups; she and her sister being exempted from round-ups due to their factory jobs; her mother being caught; ghettoization; building a bunker for those with no work permits; one brother's deportation; a selection in w...

  5. Klara M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara M., who was born in Dolné Saliby, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1925, the oldest of three children. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending a local Catholic school, then high school in Bratislava; Hungarian occupation in 1938; expulsion from school; forced relocation in 1944 to the Galanta, then the Nové Zámky ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz in June; separation from her parents and siblings (she never saw them again); transfer to Allendorf; slave labor in a munitions factory; exposure to chemicals that turned t...

  6. Lena A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lena A., who was born in Zboriv, Poland (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1929. She recalls attending Hebrew and Polish schools; holidays and sabbaths with a large, extended family; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; seeing puddles of blood after a mass killing of men, for which her father, uncle, and brother were not taken; ghettoization; learning through a friend in the Judenrat of the final liquidation; being hidden in her mother's bed when her family was moved to the Zboriv labor camp; learning her younger sister and grandmother were not hidden...

  7. Mitchell W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mitchell W., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1926. He recalls his large and close extended family; German invasion; confiscation of Jewish property resulting in loss of family income; ghettoization; working as an electrician; his father's death from starvation in April 1941; deportation with his mother to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944; transfer to Mys?owice (Gu?nthergrube) after volunteering as an electrician; forced labor in coal mines; being saved from a selection by doctors in the infirmary; prisoner variety shows on Christmas and New Year; the death march in...

  8. Marcel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel K., who was born in Paris, France in 1932 to Polish e?migre?s. He recounts his mother's death in 1938; his father's tailor shop in their apartment; evacuation to south of Orle?ans during German bombing; anti-Jewish laws upon his return, including wearing the yellow star; a non-Jewish neighbor warning them of round-ups; hiding with her; his eldest brother leaving for the unoccupied zone; his father and other brother hiding in their basement; his father's girlfriend's deportation (she did not return); obtaining false papers for himself, his father, and brother fr...

  9. Irena B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irena B., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1923, the youngest of three sisters. She recounts visits to her grandfather's farm in Borek Fałęcki; attending a Polish school, then a Jewish gymnasium; German invasion; her father, sister, brother-in-law, and their child fleeing to Lʹviv (she never saw them again); anti-Jewish restrictions; completing a nursing course; eviction; joining an uncle with her mother and sister in Borek; her sister's marriage; working as a German teacher; receiving postcards from her father who had been deported by the Soviets to Samarkand; ass...

  10. Shawn B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shawn B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1940 and moved to Vilnius soon after. She recalls her mother putting a cross on her and leaving her outside the ghetto near a church on a Sunday; being taken home by a judge and his wife who were helping many Jews; not being allowed outside until she spoke Lithuanian; a brief visit from her mother (the judge had helped her escape from Kaiserwald); arrest with her foster family (they were killed); placement in prison with only women; a German taking her to adopt when the others were shot; placement in a Catholic orphanage; pr...

  11. Bernard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard K., who was born in Iňačovce, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1919, the youngest of three children. He recalls his family's extreme poverty; cordial relations with non-Jews; his father's death in 1929; attending school in Michalovce; antisemitism from Hlinka guard members beginning in the late 1930s; membership in Hashomer Hatzair; draft into the Sixth Battalion, a Jewish forced labor brigade, in 1941; being sent to Čemerné, then to Prešov for twenty months; learning two sisters had been deported and neighbors were hiding his mother; visiting home;...

  12. Eva W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva W., who was born in Nyi?rba?tor, Hungary in 1927. She recalls close relations with her extended family; childhood experiences of antisemitism; rumors of events in Poland; her father's belief that Hungary would not allow such things to happen; deportation to Auschwitz (she had no idea where they were); and separation from her family. Mrs. W. describes her extreme humiliation during arrival; daily routine; seeing her father through a fence; transfer with her aunt six weeks later to Stutthof; extreme hunger; work in a forest; walking through villages where German chi...

  13. Baruch H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Baruch H., who was born in Utrecht, Netherlands in 1924, one of four children. He recounts his happy childhood; his father's secularism and Zionism; attending public school; cordial relations with non-Jews; his mother's illness; his father's military draft as a veterinarian in 1940; German invasion in May; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school, his father's dismissal from his job, confiscation of valuables and compulsory wearing of the yellow star; his father's decision to hide the family in different locations in summer 1942; entrusting valuables ...

  14. Isaac V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isaac V., who was born in Lyon, France in 1921. He describes his father's Zionist beliefs; antisemitic harassment in school; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; hiding under false papers after 1943; arrest with his family in May 1944; incarceration with his father in Montluc; transfer with his family to Drancy, via Paris, in June 1944; deportation; separation from his mother and sister upon arriving at a camp (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Buna/Monowitz; daily beatings, hunger, and public hangings; separation from his father (he never saw him ag...

  15. Sylvia B. and Frances G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sylvia B., who was born in 1928, and her sister Frances G., who was born in 1924, in Velikii? Bereznyi? in the Carpathian region of Czechoslovakia. They speak of their happy prewar life in a town with a large Jewish population; economic difficulties and anti-Jewish legislation under Hungarian occupation; the German occupation in 1944; and the round-up and deportation of Jews three weeks later. They describe conditions in the Ungva?r (Uz?h?horod) ghetto, where they spent several weeks before being sent to Auschwitz. At Auschwitz they were separated from other family me...

  16. Salomon R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salomon R., who was born in Bodrogkeresztu?r, Hungary in 1913, one of nine children. He recalls his family's comfortable, orthodox life; attending yeshiva in Miskolc; working in his father's lumber business; his father's decision to join his fellow Jews in the Sa?toralja?ujhely ghetto despite his exemption as a decorated veteran; joining his family after he and his brother failed to find a hiding place; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with two brothers (he never saw his father again); their transfer to Schotterwerk; with his brother, becoming adjutant to the Komma...

  17. Yitzhak F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yitzhak F., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1916, the oldest of five children. He recalls his father's sock business; German invasion; traveling to Warsaw with his father; returning to Łódź; his mother and sisters going to Warsaw (he never saw them again); ghettoization; forced labor; functions of the Judenrat; deportations; encountering Ḥayim Rumkowski; moving to avoid deportations; arrest; deportation to Częstochowa, then Skarżysko three weeks later; slave labor in camp A; transfer to Częstochowa; slave labor in the HASAG Pelzery munitions factory; a severe ...

  18. Ilse L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilse L., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1922. Mrs. L. recalls her family's move to Berlin when she was five; losing her Christian governess because of the Nuremberg laws; withdrawing from gymnasium in 1937 when Der Sturmer was placed on her desk; and enrolling in a Jewish school where she excelled in foreign languages. She tells of her parents' friendship with her future in-laws; her future father-in-law's professional relationship with Hjalmar Schacht; her sister's departure for the United States in 1938; her father's deportation to Dachau after Krist...

  19. Ida B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida B., who was born in We?gro?w, Poland in 1910, the youngest of twelve children. She recounts that both of her parents had been married before (they each had five children); one brother being killed during World War I; her father's death in 1920; another brother's death; training as a seamstress; a nephew's emigration to Palestine in 1936; her marriage in 1937; moving to Pinsk; her husband's draft into the Soviet military; returning home after German invasion; hiding; returning home in 1943 (her family were all gone); joining other Jews after the war; learning of co...

  20. Paul K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul K., who was born in Bad Berleburg, Germany in 1928. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; antisemitic incidents in school; confiscation of his father's cattle business in 1935; arrests and destruction on Kristallnacht in November 1938; his father avoiding arrest because he was hospitalized; expulsion from school; traveling with his sisters on a children's transport to Belgium; living with relatives in Mechelen (Malines); attending school; briefly fleeing during German invasion in May 1940; returning to Mechelen; traveling with one sister and his cousin to Cologne; l...