Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,481 to 46,500 of 55,889
  1. Michael R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael R., who was born in Wieliczka, Poland in 1911. He describes his childhood; his apprenticeship to a baker in Dzia?oszyce; the German occupation of his town; his marriage in December 1939; and the birth of his child in 1940. He speaks of his forced labor until the liquidation of his town in 1942; his and his family's unsuccessful attempts to hide; his brief stay with his wife and child in a labor camp near Krako?w; and their internment in the Krako?w ghetto, where he and his wife were separated from their child and his mother-in-law and taken to separate labor c...

  2. Lou S. and Barry B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lou S. and Barry B., who were both born in Khust, Czechoslovakia in 1925. Mr. S., one of seven children, recalls Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; a tailoring apprenticeship; working in Budapest; German invasion; returning home; ghettoization in April 1944; deportation with his family to Auschwitz; separation from his mother (he never saw her again); remaining with his father, brother, uncle, and cousin; seeing a sister for the last time; transfer to Warsaw in May 1944; a privileged assignment in the laundry; trading goods recovered in the ghetto rubble ...

  3. Edith A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith A., who was born in Hungary in 1922. She recalls attending public school in Kos?ice; participating in Maccabi; dating a lawyer (her future husband); Hungarian occupation in 1938; Jewish men being drafted for Hungarian slave labor battalions, including her brother-in-law (he did not return); assisting Jews fleeing from Poland; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization with her family in a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her parents; staying with her sister; receiving sweaters from a friend; transfer to Bierzanow-P?aszo?w; hospitalizati...

  4. Josef M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef M., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in 1916. He recalls antisemitic boycotts; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions and violence; deportation to Starachowice in September 1942; learning his family was deported to Treblinka the next day; volunteering to return to Szyd?owiec in January 1943; reunion with a sister; jumping from a deportation train; assistance from a Polish policeman and a Polish neighbor; being hidden by non-Jews; assistance from a Polish doctor and pharmacist when he was ill; being smuggled into Wolano?w; escaping to the Radom ghetto; livin...

  5. Regina R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina R., who was born in Vienna, Austria and grew up in S?amori?n, Czechoslovakia. She recounts her comfortable childhood; attending school in Bratislava; teaching in Duna Szerdahely in 1937; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; teaching at a Jewish school in Senec beginning in 1938; her father hiding Jews; learning that her brother had been killed in Budapest; working on a farm thinking that would offer her protection; forced transfer with her family to Nagy-Magyar (now Rastice) and Duna Szerdahely in 1944; separation from her mother and cousins upon arr...

  6. Barbara G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara G., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1917, an only child. She recalls a happy childhood; her mother's extended family (her father's had emigrated); her Polish patriotism; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; being sent with a non-Jewish woman to join an aunt in Kielce (her parents thought it safer); joining her parents in Kraków (they had moved with assistance from a non-Jewish colleague); their move to Cze̜stochowa; ghettoization; renting a room from her future husband; a Jewish policeman pulling her out of a selection in October 194...

  7. Hyman T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hyman T., who was born in De?bica, Poland in 1926. He recounts his family's move to Drohobych; antisemitic violence; visiting relatives in De?bica in summer 1939; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor; his inability to return home; destroying valuables rather than giving them to the Germans; transfer to the Rzeszo?w ghetto; a friend surviving a mass shooting; transfer to Huta Kormorowska and Biesiadka; public hangings; volunteering as a shoemaker; transfer to Pustko?w; shoemakers instructing him; observing cannibalism among Russian POWs; transfer to Auschwitz/B...

  8. Leo E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo E., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1912. He recalls antisemitic boycotts of his father's store; one brother's emigration to Belgium; German invasion; forced labor for a day; fleeing with his sister and brother-in-law to the Soviet border; assistance from German soldiers; traveling to Bia?ystok; living in Kovel? from December 1939 through May 1940; deportation by the Soviets to Novosibirsk; forced labor in Osinovo; his marriage in Tomsk; living with his family in Bii?sk; traveling to Stettin via Warsaw; living in Schlachtensee, then Tempelhof; his son's birth in...

  9. Harry T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry T., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1922. He recalls anti-Semitic violence in school; active participation in a Zionist organization; German occupation; destroying Zionist documents with Jacob Edelstein; Edelstein's concept of avoiding death transports through internal deportations; a leadership position under Edelstein in Theresienstadt; compiling lists of deportees under duress; attempting to save children, providing education and medical care; public hangings, starvation, and fear; Edelstein's anguish when forced to attend executions; Edelstein's deportatio...

  10. Hildegard S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hildegard S., who was born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany in 1924. She recalls pervasive antisemitism; a Kindertransport to the Netherlands in 1933; homesickness; returning home in 1936; destruction of their home and business on Kristallnacht; her father's and brother's arrest; their release; her mother smuggling her and her sister to the Netherlands; living in orphanages, ending in Driebergen; German invasion; evacuation to Amsterdam; living with a Dutch family; her foster parents arranging for a time to remove her name from deportation lists; deportation to Barneveld, th...

  11. Myron B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Myron B., who was born in Poland in 1926. He recalls growing up in a family of nine children in Sosnowiec; belonging to a Zionist youth group; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish regulations; forced labor; moving to Katowice to work with his older brother; deportation of three brothers and one sister; deportation with his brother to Blechhammer in 1942 (he never saw his parents and younger siblings again); dehumanization as prisoners became "numbers"; the supportive relationship with his brother; the death march and train transport to Gross Rosen in January...

  12. Dora C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dora C., who was born in Io?annina, Greece in 1921, one of three children. She recounts her pleasant childhood; cordial relations with non-Jews; the benign Italian occupation; German invasion; one brother joining the underground; round-up and transfer to Larisa; assistance from the Red Cross; deportation to Birkenau; separation from her mother and younger brother (they were killed); severe swelling in her feet; constantly crying, but maintaining her faith in God; hospitalization; another patient giving her food; returning to her barrack; slave labor in a munitions fac...

  13. Simone C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simone C., who was born in Magdeburg, Germany in 1922. She recalls fleeing to Paris in 1933 when the Gestapo came to arrest her father and brother; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; her older brother's emigration to Palestine in 1934; German invasion; her father volunteering for the French military; fleeing with her mother and younger brother to Toulouse; their return to Paris; her internment in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver, then Gurs; her mother and brother moving to be near her; a guard allowing her to visit them; not returning; living in Pe?rigueux with her family (her ...

  14. Michael S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael S., who was born in the outskirts of Czernowitz, Romania (presently Chernivt?s?ii, Ukraine) in 1931, one of six children. He recalls attending public school and cheder; Soviet occupation in 1940; attending a Russian school; German and Romanian invasion in June 1941; round-up to a school; a forced march via Luzhany, Bershad?, and Berezne to Mohyliv; killings and deaths from starvation and exposure en route; joining relatives in the Bershad? ghetto; his uncle's and parents' deaths in 1942; assistance from the Joint; his bar mitzvah; transfer with his brother and...

  15. Oscar R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Oscar R., who was born in Vienna of Hungarian parents in 1910. He describes Vienna on the eve of the German invasion; his medical studies in an atmosphere of increasing antisemitism; his marriage to a fellow medical student in 1937; and his emigration to the United States (via Copenhagen) in 1938. He tells of his voluntary enlistment in the American army after he became a United States citizen and his 1945 arrival at Mauthausen, after the Germans had already fled, where he remained for a month. Showing photographs which he took at the time, he discusses the condition ...

  16. Eva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva S., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1934. She speaks of her sheltered childhood in a middle-class, orthodox home; German occupation in March 1944; anti-Jewish measures; clandestinely observing holidays and conducting services at home; her father's being "taken away" (they never saw him again); moving with her mother and sister to a Swedish safe house established by Raoul Wallenberg; her uncle bringing potatoes during the bombing of Budapest; Raoul Wallenberg delivering food; crowded conditions; never feeling safe; and the deportation of the occupants of anoth...

  17. Sharon B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sharon B., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1922, one of four sisters. She recalls belonging to Zionist youth groups; Soviet occupation in 1939; confiscation of the family store; attending Soviet public schools; German invasion in June 1941; a futile attempt to flee; returning home; ghettoization; her mother sending her and a sister to Polish peasants; returning to the ghetto fearing exposure; visiting Catholic friends outside the ghetto; being taken with her family in a round-up; escaping with help from a Lithuanian guard; hiding at a friend's house; obtaining false ...

  18. Germain C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Germain C., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1914. She recalls attending French high school; cordial relations with non-Jews; marriage; ghettoization after German invasion; obtaining false papers and a place to live in Athens from a non-Jewish friend; staying briefly in a monastery; sending her children to a Catholic school; her husband's arrest after denunciation by a former neighbor from Thessalonike?; his revealing her location under torture in such a way as not to compromise their children's location; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau with her husband, sis...

  19. Arnold M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold M., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912, one of six children, to a Jewish father and Christian mother. He describes his family's poverty; resisting segregation of Jewish pupils in school; active involvement in the Social Democratic Party; anti-Jewish violence and humiliation; assistance from a non-Jewish co-worker; arrest with two sisters; their deportation to Theresienstadt; slave labor doing construction; his brother's arrival; smuggling food to him and others who were ill; choosing not to escape, fearing retribution toward others; helping a priest and ot...

  20. Rose I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose I., who was born in Vis?eu de Sus, Romania in 1923, one of seven children. She recounts her mother's death; visiting relatives in another town; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz; witnessing an execution; joining her cousin in another barrack; her cousin's transfer; slave labor digging ditches; transfer in December 1944 to Bergen-Belsen; reunion with her sister; her sister's transfer three weeks later; liberation by British troops; observing Kommandant Josef Kramer's capture; spitting at him from a distance; living in Bergen-Be...