Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,221 to 46,240 of 55,889
  1. George S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland, in 1927. He describes childhood memories of antisemitism; his family's multi-generational association with textile dyeing; his father's initial belief that German antisemitism would be no worse than that in prewar Poland; the ghettoization of ?o?dz?; and his impressions of H?ayim Rumkowski. He recalls ghetto conditions including constant hunger, indiscriminate shootings, mass deportations, and the killing of most of his relatives; his arrest by the Jewish police for smuggling; liquidation of the ghetto in 1944; and deportatio...

  2. Dobka W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dobka W., who was born in Golice, Poland in approximately 1920. She recounts marriage in 1939; fleeing with her husband to Khodoriv, then Buchach during the German invasion; Soviet occupation; moving to Vilnius via Lida and Eis?is?ke?s, where local Jews assisted them; German invasion in June 1941; escaping as a non-Jew; finding her husband; living near Trakai until February 1943; moving to the Vilna ghetto; forced relocation to Ries?e?; public hangings; separation from her husband; deportation to Kaiserwald; slave labor for A.E.G.; volunteering for difficult jobs to o...

  3. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt G., who was born in Krefeld, Germany in 1927. He relates his family's German identity and having lived there since the Middle Ages; few memories of his father who died; attending a Jewish school; moving to Mülheim in 1934; his next older brother being sent to Scotland; antisemitic harassment in school; his oldest brother evading arrest on Kristallnacht; expulsion from school; shopping since he looked Aryan; placement on a Kindertransport in spring 1939; painful departure from his mother and brother; traveling to London; joining his brother in a Jewish orphanage ...

  4. Eugene H. and Louis H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eugene and Louis H., who moved to Courbevoie, France in 1930. They recall growing up in Paris; fleeing south after the German invasion in 1940; living with friends for two months; returning to Paris; joining FTP-MOI in 1941; using false papers to move with his parents to another apartment; blowing up German facilities; arrest with their parents on December 28, 1942; separation from their mother at the police station; Eugene H.'s separation from his father and brother when they were transferred to Cherche-Midi; interrogations and beatings; the three of them being trans...

  5. Joseph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Lemberg, Austria (presently L?viv, Ukraine) in 1907. Mr. B. recalls his family's affluence; pervasive antisemitism; three years of Polish military service; marriage; the births of two daughters; Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization; a leadership role on the Judenrat; teaching his daughters to assume Christian identities; leaving his younger daughter in a park, hoping non-Jews would take her in; hiding his wife and older daughter; liquidation of the ghetto; transfer to Janowska; learning that his wife and older daughter were kill...

  6. Larry F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Larry F., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1931, the youngest of four children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion (they never saw him again); German invasion in spring 1944; incarceration in a brick factory; a non-Jewish neighbor bringing them food; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his brother; a veteran prisoner telling them to say they were older, which saved their lives; disbelief when he was told of gas chambers and crematoria; transf...

  7. Jacqueline E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline E., who was born in Paris in 1915. She describes growing up in a middle class family, stressing the absence of antisemitism before the war; moving with her parents to Vichy after the outbreak of war; the French army's surrender and the entrance of the Germans into Vichy; and her marriage in 1940 and move with her husband to the south of France in 1941. She recounts helping foreign Jews to smuggle across the Spanish border; the Italian occupation in 1942; her and her husband's move to a town near the Italian border, where they obtained false papers; and her ...

  8. Ismar R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ismar R., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926. He recounts his father's prosperous business; his normal childhood prior to Nazism; expulsion from public school; attending Jewish school; hiding during Kristallnacht; revocation of his father's citizenship, brief incarceration, and his death; attending an ORT school; work in a munitions factory; sabotage attempts; and hiding with his family. Mr. R. describes numerous instances of assistance from non-Jews; hiding with his mother in different places using false documents; befriending a German girl; his arrest; refusing...

  9. Mathilde I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mathlde I., who was born in Rhodes in 1920. She recounts speaking Ladino at home and Italian in school; three of her brothers emigrating to Africa; refusing her aunt's offer to emigrate to the United States in 1939 in order to stay with her parents and grandmother; her mother's death in 1942; German occupation; deportation with her father by boat to Haidari, then by train to Auschwitz in August 1944; separation from her father upon arrival (she never saw him again); throwing bread over the fence to men they knew; prisoner officials beating others to death; observing w...

  10. Rivka F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rivka F., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1923. She recalls antisemitic harassment preventing her from attending school; her father's emigration to Paris; joining him with her twin sister, a brother, and her mother in November 1938 (older siblings remained); German invasion; cessation of correspondence from her siblings in Poland in 1940; involvement in the Resistance; her brother's arrest; her father's death; fleeing to Lyon with her mother, sister, and sister's husband; organizing her brother's escape when visiting him in Pithiviers; working as a liaison officer a...

  11. Sonia G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia G., who was born in Poland in 1924. She recalls a sheltered childhood in an affluent home; her father wanting to emigrate but her mother's reluctance to leave her family; German occupation in 1939; her uncle being beaten to death by German soldiers; Czech Jews and those from surrounding towns being relocated to their town; ghettoization; her mother's illness; omnipresent fear; being rounded-up with her father in May 1943 (her mother and sister were hiding); guards brutally murdering crying babies en route to the trains; deportation with her father and cousin to ...

  12. Gunia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gunia P., who was born in Hrubieszów, Poland in 1915. She recalls German invasion; ghettoization; receiving food from a Polish friend; her four year old child's murder by the Germans; incarceration with her mother in Budzyń; receiving bread from her husband; their transfer to Majdanek; slave labor sorting clothing; assistance from her husband during a forced march to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her husband upon arrival; receiving medicine from a Polish woman and extra bread from her mother when she was ill; having blood drawn involuntarily; transport to Berg...

  13. Yvette L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yvette L., who was born in 1926. She recalls German invasion of Paris; fleeing with her parents and grandmother to Cande?; returning to Paris; anti-Jewish restrictions including wearing the star; going to Noisy-le-Sec with the Scouts to help families whose husbands were deported; Allied bombings; working in a Jewish orphanage; deportation of the entire orphanage to Drancy; interrogations during which she said her parents were dead; deportation to Birkenau; dehumanization, lack of privacy, and selections; difficulties with non-French prisoners; the solidarity of her Sc...

  14. Heinz P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Heinz P., who was born in Du?sseldorf, Germany in 1926. He describes his Jewish mother and non-Jewish father; his parents' divorce in 1929; his father joining the Nazi party; his father's remarriage; Kristallnacht in Oberkassel; moving to live with his father in Berlin in 1939; the outbreak of war; his father arranging his admission to a boarding school in Garmisch; his father's death in December 1941; returning to Oberkassel; his mother's deportation to Theresienstadt; living with his aunts in Dortmund, then Dresden, in 1942; working at a photo studio, then at an amm...

  15. Leo B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo B., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1918 to a family of seven children. He describes family life, especially his mother's vital role; the outbreak of war; anti-Jewish measures; being humiliated by Germans; forced labor in a factory; one brother's deportation in 1941; his sisters' deportation in 1942; a round-up in 1942; his father's and aunt's deportation (he never saw them again); his deportation to Gra?ditz (he never saw his mother, oldest brother and sister again); transfer in three months to Brande, then Blechhammer; and forced labor and beatings, from wh...

  16. Bernard D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard D., a Catholic, who was born in Gerponville, France in 1915. He recounts moving to Belgium when he was five; a Jesuit education; becoming a textile engineer; marriage; the births of three children; military service in 1937; remobilization immediately prior to German invasion; returning home; Resistance activities in Brussels; denunciation; surrendering when his wife was threatened with arrest; beatings during interrogations in St. Gilles; transfer to Bochum; slave labor; punishment for sabotaging the work; transfer to Esterwegen; slave labor sorting cartridges...

  17. Carol W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Carol W., who was born in Stanis?awo?w, Poland (now Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine), in 1915. Mrs. W. relates her marriage; the birth of her son Clemens L. in 1937; Soviet, then German occupation; the shooting of some 10,000 Jews in an Aktion; ghettoization; believing her family safe because her father was in the Judenrat; hiding with other relatives during a September 1942 Aktion when her husband and father were taken; and escaping on false papers with her son, brother, and niece. She tells of taking her son to Lwo?w; a narrow escape en route; securing a job and sending fo...

  18. Martha D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martha D., who was born in Sátoraljaújhely, Hungary in 1923, the second of four daughters. She recalls her family's poverty; leaving school in 1937; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; the disappearance of one sister; deportation with her family in May to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her parents (she never saw them again); she and her sisters remaining together; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in the fall; an SS woman assisting her care for her sick sister; transfer to Braunschweig in December; slave labor clearing bombing rubble; starvation, illness, and...

  19. Solange N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solange N., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1921, one of two children. She recalls her family's comfortable and assimilated lifestyle; German invasion; briefly fleeing with her family; confiscation of her father's company; a German offering to take them elsewhere before ghettoization; joining relatives in Radom; ghettoization; a non-Jew hiding her mother during inspections (she did not have a work card); their transfer to Pionki; slave labor in a munitions factory; deportation of her father and brother (she never saw them again); communicating with her father (he wa...

  20. Ruth L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth L., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1936. She recounts frequent visits to her grandparents in Cologne; Kristallnacht; emigration to Amsterdam; her brother's birth; German invasion in 1940; attending a Jewish school; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding during round-ups; a non-Jewish neighbor arranging for her and her brother to be hidden with non-Jews in December 1942; occasional visits with her parents; arrest in September 1943; transfer to the central gathering site for Jews; her brother's hospitalization for polio; being smuggled out; hiding with non-Jews in T...