Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 45,921 to 45,940 of 55,889
  1. Victor B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Victor B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1934 and has vague memories of being smuggled to Antwerp. He recounts bombings when Germany invaded in spring 1940; an unsuccessful attempt to escape to France; brief hospitalization for measles; returning to Antwerp; his father being taken to a labor camp (he shows postcards from him); moving with his mother to Brussels; his father's return; his parents placing him in hiding with non-Jews in a village (his parents remained in Brussels); transfer to an orphanage; living with a widow; being protected by all the non-Jews in ...

  2. Helena B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena B., who was born in Český Těšín, Czechoslovakia (presently Czech Republic) in 1927, the older of two children. She recalls moving to Kraków in 1934 to join relatives; attending a Jewish school; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school; studying at home; ghettoization; working with her mother repairing damaged German uniforms; transfer to Płaszów in March 1943; public shootings by Amon Goeth; she and her mother seeing her father and brother in the men's camp; transfer with her mother to Auschwitz; remain...

  3. Helen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. She speaks of her childhood; the rise of antisemitism in prewar Berlin; escape from Germany through Holland in 1938; her family's emigration to the United States after being detained in an internment camp in Bonaire, Netherlands West Indies; and her adult life in the United States.

  4. Leopold P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leopold P., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1913. He recalls his large, extended family; Jewish life in Krako?w; working as a high school teacher; helping Jews expelled from Germany after Hitler came to power; serving as an officer in the Polish army; German invasion; capture and escape to Krako?w from a prisoner of war transport in October 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; meeting Oskar Schindler; choosing not to escape from the ghetto because of his wife; an encounter with Amon Goeth when the ghetto was liquidated; brutality and frequent killings in P?aszo?w; a Ger...

  5. Mitchell B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mitchell B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, the youngest of eight children. He recounts antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Poznan? in May 1941; slave labor building the autobahn; public hangings; transfer to Auschwitz in August 1943; prisoners from ?o?dz? advising him to try to leave; transfer to Jawischowitz; slave labor building barracks; hospitalization in January 1945; surgery without anesthesia; friends saving him from a selection; a death march to Blechhammer, then train transport in open cars to Theresienstadt; liber...

  6. Valery W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Valery W., a non-Jew, who was born in Les Deux-Acren, Belgium in 1919. He recalls working at a power station; military service; German invasion; being sent to several locations ending at Bagnols-sur-Cèze; training with French military in a nearby village; attack by German planes; capture; internment in a prisoner of war camp with his unit and French units; release; returning home; resuming his job; spontaneously sabotaging German communications lines with friends; organizing other sabotage; printing a Resistance publication in Lessines; blowing up railroad tracks, t...

  7. Peter B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter B., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1928. He recounts his mother's foresight in not having him circumcised, which later saved his life; pervasive antisemitism; his parents' frequent discussions of wanting to escape (one uncle and his family did); anti-Jewish restrictions; his family's conversion to Catholicism in 1939 to protect themselves; attending Catholic education classes (his "soul was executed in the process"), then a Catholic school; feeling persecuted for no reason since he never experienced Jewish cultural or religious life and did not feel like a...

  8. György K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of György K., a prize-winning author, who was born in Debrecen, Hungary in 1933, the second of two children. He describes his sheltered, pleasant childhood in an affluent home in Berettyóújfalu; his large extended family; celebrating Jewish holidays; large family gatherings at his home and in Oradea; not attending school until age ten when he first encountered Christian children; deportation of Jewish men for forced labor; German invasion in 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions including confiscation of the family business and valuables and wearing the star; his parents' ar...

  9. Bertha L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bertha L., who was born in Czechoslovakia, one of seven children. She recounts her family's hasidism; cordial relations with non-Jews; living in Vys?na? Pisana?; attending schools in Niz?na? Pisana? and Svidni?k; anti-Jewish restrictions; expulsion from school; briefly moving to Kapis?ova?, then back to Vys?na? Pisana?; orders to report for forced labor in Stropkov; parting from her mother there; transfer to Poprad; deportation to Auschwitz in 1942; slave labor; transfer to Birkenau in August; receiving extra food for work loading corpses onto trucks; a friend convinc...

  10. Henri G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. He recounts that his parents were Polish immigrants; uniformed Nazis beating his father in front of him in 1933; his father's deportation to Poland; destruction of their store and home on Kristallnacht; joining his father in Katowice; living with relatives in Przemys?l; Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization; his parents efforts to protect him; having to bury murdered Jews after a mass killing; an attack by the dog of the ghetto Kommandant, Joseph Schwamberger; working for Schwamberger; deportation with his...

  11. Leon K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon K., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. He recalls his orthodox family; apprenticeship with a shoemaker; German invasion; ghettoization in 1940; deportation to Hohensalza in September 1942; slave labor building railroads in a camp near Jaksice; a German supervisor sharing food with him; public hangings in Andrzejow; transfer to Birkenau in 1943; assistance from a Czech doctor in a camp hospital; construction work on an electric station in Jaworzno; working in the coal mines until January 17, 1945; assistance from a German; helping a man carry his son during t...

  12. Isabelle G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isabelle G., who was born in Sopot, Germany in 1926. She recalls expulsion from ballet class, then school because she was Jewish; moving to Danzig in 1936 to attend a Jewish school; attacks by German youths; participation in a "Bar Kochba" sport club; harassment resulting in the family's move to ?o?dz? in 1938; German invasion; ghettoization in 1940; her father's death from tuberculosis; her brother's deportation in 1942; deportation with her mother to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944; constant thoughts of hunger and food; their transfer to Sasel; bonding with the wo...

  13. Walter S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter S., who was born in Steinbach, Germany in 1924. He recalls living in Mannheim from 1931 on; his strong sense of German identity; expulsion from school; attending Jewish school; Kristallnacht; learning his father was in Dachau; moving to a kibbutz near Berlin hoping to emigrate to Palestine; and Gestapo takeover of the kibbutz. Mr. S. describes extreme hunger while harvesting crops for the Germans; transfer to several camps; observing the bombing of Berlin; transport to Auschwitz; selection for work in Buna; being shaved and tattooed (#117,022); illness; transfe...

  14. Ezra B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ezra B., who was born in Würzburg, Germany in 1922, the youngest of five children. He recounts his family's Orthodox rabbinical lineage; their move to Wartenberg shortly after his birth; his strong German and Jewish identities; participating in a Jewish youth group; the Nuremberg laws marking a turning point for him; antisemitic harassment by his principal; attending a Jewish school in Berlin; Kristallnacht; his father's brief incarceration in Sachsenhausen; his family moving to Berlin; joining a Zionist group; moving to a kibbutz in Rathenow; illegally returning to ...

  15. Vincent C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vincent C., who served in the United States Army in World War II. He describes entering Remagen concentration camp; seeing corpses; the pervasive stench; leaving immediately to pursue German forces; liberating another camp in Leipzig in April 1945; and his reunion with an uncle from Italy who was a prisoner there.

  16. Szaja L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Szaja L., who was born in Skalbmierz, Poland, a small town near Krako?w, in 1915. He discusses his prewar childhood and work experiences after the family's move to Krako?w in 1926; the wartime German raid and the round-up for forced labor in his neighborhood; the ghettoization of Krako?w; and his move back to Skalbmierz with his family. He describes the roundup of the Jews of Skalbmierz and the killing of the town's elderly; the experiences of his family in hiding; the entrance of his mother and sister into the Krako?w ghetto; and his own experiences in a nearby labor...

  17. Judith G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith G., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1932. She recalls her parents' emphasis on music and theater; anti-Semitic incidents in school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization in 1941; protection from deportation due to her father's job as an engineer; attending ghetto schools; cultural events; hiding in bunkers during aktions; hearing of mass killings at Ponary; constant fear of death; and futile efforts to hide during the fall of 1943. Mrs. G. describes separation from her father and brother; transport to Kaiserwald with her mother and aunt; accompanyi...

  18. Gertrude K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1923, one of five children. She describes her close, observant family; the March 1938 German annexation of Austria; forced transfer to a Jewish section; round-ups; her family's employment in a soup kitchen; her emigration to Palestine through Hashomer Hatzair with her father's encouragement; writing to and receiving letters from her family; and learning of their emigration to Yugoslavia. Mrs. K. recalls being joined by one of her brothers; life with other children on a kibbutz; joining her aunt's household in Haifa in 19...

  19. Edith M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith M., an only child, who was born in Szeged, Hungary in 1926. She recounts attending public school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions; attending a Catholic school due to her mother's friendship with the school's head; a nun offering to hide her; refusing, not wanting to leave her parents; ghettoization; round-up to a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June; selection for work with her mother (she never saw her father or grandmother again); hospitalization; assistance from her mother's friend in the hospital;...