Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 45,601 to 45,620 of 55,889
  1. Martin D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin D., a non-Jew and only child, who was born in Herstal, Belgium in 1920. He recalls a happy childhood; moving to Brussels in about 1927; attending university; German invasion; traveling to Bredene, intending to enlist; returning to Brussels; continuing university; joining the Resistance; distributing Resistance newspapers; directing a group in Mons; traveling to Lie?ge; arrest; incarceration in St. Gilles in October 1941; torture during interrogations (he suffers from the consequences to the present time); transfer in January 1942 to a prison in Germany, in Sept...

  2. Mari F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mari F., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1932. She recalls a comfortable childhood; few changes after Hungary's alliance with Germany following the outbreak of war; her parents' indecision regarding emigration; Nazi occupation in 1944; expulsion from school in April; her father's arrest and release; her mother's arrest and death from exhaustion; her father's reluctance to remain in their home marked by the yellow star; their move to a safe house; being placed by her father in a Jewish orphanage; escaping when the police came; locating her family with help from no...

  3. Leon Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon Z., who was born in Sierpc, Poland in 1924, the oldest of three children. He recounts a close family life; his bar mitzvah; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1939; deportation with his family; stopping in Modlin where non-Jewish friends hid them; their return to Sierpc; forced labor; deportation to the Strzegowo ghetto; working on a farm; deportation with his family to M?awa, then Birkenau; separation from his mother, sister, and grandparents (they were killed); his father's and uncle's selection for the Sonderkommando; remaining with his brother and cou...

  4. Ala D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ala D., who was born in Będzin, Poland in approximately 1931, one of eight children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; German invasion; her brother's deportation in 1940; one sister never returning when she went to the bakery; another sister's deportation in 1941; arrest when she went to get food for her family; deportation to Sosnowiec, then another labor camp; slave labor in a weaving factory and on railways; losing three teeth when beaten by a guard; being injured when a train hit her work group (almost all were killed); transfer to Gross-Rosen, then Parschnit...

  5. Paul O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul O., who was born in Hajdu?hadha?z, Hungary in 1924, the oldest of four children. He recalls thinking a German-Jewish visitor was exaggerating stories of persecution; meeting his future wife in Debrecen; rabbinical studies in Budapest; draft into a Hungarian forced labor battalion in 1944; remaining with friends from rabbinical school; serving on the Russian front; escaping with his friends; rejoining his unit when he realized escape was impossible; feigning illness to be sent back to Hungary; return to the front lines when his ruse was discovered; changing his pa...

  6. Paul K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul K., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1933, the youngest of three children. He recounts a happy family life; German invasion in 1940; anti-Jewish regulations, including wearing the yellow star; his brother and sister receiving notices to report for forced labor; their departure; his mother placing him in hiding with assistance from the underground; living with a non-Jewish family friend (Celine); being baptized; attending Catholic school and church; arrest; Red Cross transfer to a children's home outside Brussels; deportation of the older children; transfer to...

  7. Ester B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ester B., who was born in Chmiňany, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1930, one of twelve children. She recounts her family's relative affluence in the village, where they owned a sawmill and farm; her father's orthodoxy (he was a rabbi); attending a Jewish school in Prešov; her older siblings' marriages; her father receiving exemptions from deportation due to their business; staying with her sister in Prešov; her parents' deportation; staying with her aunt in Prešov; joining her brother and his family; deportation to Poprad; receipt of a telegram exempting h...

  8. Marcel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel S., who was born in Nancy, France in 1929. He recalls living in the Jewish section; speaking Yiddish; German invasion; fleeing with his family; living in Bordeaux for fourteen months; their return to Nancy; anti-Jewish restrictions; apprenticeship as a watchmaker; removing his star before he went to work; sheltering fleeing Jews in their home; having his bar mitzvah in secret; a warning from non-Jewish friends that Germans were looking for them; hiding in a vacant house for nine months; slow starvation, in spite of assistance from friends; liberation by United ...

  9. Jacques B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1923. He recounts his family's emigration to Paris in 1924; their poverty; membership in sports clubs; leaving school for an apprenticeship at age twelve; German invasion; antisemitic measures; arrest with his brother in 1942; Gestapo interrogation; incarceration in Romainville; their transfer to Compiégne and Drancy; deportation in February 1943 to Birkenau; transfer to Auschwitz; return to Birkenau; separation from his brother; learning his brother was in the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); assignment as a chimneysweep, wh...

  10. Albert M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Albert M., a non-Jew, who was born in Kessel-Lo, Belgium in 1917. He recalls becoming a master tailor; owning his own store; military draft in 1936 for eight months and again during German invasion; capture as a prisoner of war; release after eight weeks; returning home; becoming a Resistance courier; arrest in December 1943; incarceration in Breendonk; never revealing information during torture; starvation and slave labor digging ditches; frequent executions, including his friends; a privileged assignment as a tailor; transfer six months later to Buchenwald, Dora, th...

  11. Jack M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack M., who was born in Gdan?sk, Poland in 1927 and grew up in Gdynia. He recalls a pleasant childhood in an affluent family; his father sending the family to Dzia?oszyce (his father's hometown) in August 1939; German invasion; his sister joining relatives in another town; moving with his mother and brother to S?awko?w; substituting for other people's forced labor to earn money; and separation from his family during a round-up in 1942. Mr. M. describes his experiences in Blechhammer, Gross Masselwitz, Dyhernfurth, Brande, Bad Warmbrunn, and Doernhau; forced labor in ...

  12. Harry T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry T., who was born in Lask, Poland in 1923. He recalls the outbreak of war; an unsuccessful attempt to flee to ?o?dz?; German occupation; public humiliation of Jews; fleeing, with his brother, to Bia?ystok in the Soviet zone via Ma?kinia and Zareby Koscielne; returning to Lask in December; ghettoization; deportation to Nekla with his brother on March 25, 1942; unloading stones in another camp; public hangings of prisoners; transfer with his brother to Andrzejow in April 1943; their transfer to Birkenau in September 1943, and in December 1943 to Jaworzno; obtaining...

  13. Lien C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lien C., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1915. She recounts her father's death in 1922; living in an orphanage with her younger sister; her other sister joining them when she was six; frequent visits with their mother; leaving the orphanage at eighteen; working in a rest home for two years, then the Jewish hospital; leaving nursing training due to illness; private nursing jobs in people's homes; marriage to a widower, a former patient, in December 1939; German invasion in May 1940; futile efforts to escape to England with her husband and his daughter; anti-J...

  14. Lore B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lore B., who was born in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany in 1925. She recalls her father's death in 1935; expulsion from public school due to anti-Jewish restrictions; her mother's and other relatives' arrests on Kristallnacht; their release; attending a Jewish school in Mannheim; deportation with her mother, younger sister, grandmother, and other relatives to Gurs in October 1940; her sister's placement in a children's home; her grandmother's death; transfer to Rivesaltes in March 1941; observing Yom Kippur; release to a hotel in Marseille; deportation to Les Milles i...

  15. Sol W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sol W., who was born in Chrzano?w, Poland in 1926. He describes his religious upbringing; antisemitic incidents; German invasion in September 1939; an unsuccessful attempt to flee with his family; forced labor; public executions; clandestine religious services; transfer with his brother David to Bobrek in 1941; slave labor in a coal mine; their transfer to Blechhammer in spring 1942; frequent hangings; assistance from David when he was critically ill; their transfer to Brande; eighteen months in a Sudetenland labor camp with improved conditions; their transfer to Lang...

  16. The Holocaust: Through Our Eyes

  17. Margaret F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margaret F., who was born in Gablonz, in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1908. She recounts her marriage in 1932; an affluent life in Reichenberg; her daughter's birth in 1933; a friend warning them of the German occupation of Sudetenland; fleeing to Prague with her husband and daughter in September 1938; living in Uvaly; her daughter attending Jewish school; their escape to Uhersky? Brod, Nitra, and Budapest in February 1940; traveling to Kaposva?r; brief arrest with her husband after crossing the border; traveling to Zagreb; living in Mitrovica for two months; obta...

  18. Menachem G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Menachem G., who was born in Kzepice, Poland in 1914, one of five children. He recounts attending Jewish school in Częstochowa; working as a driver in his family's bus company; participating in Betar; antisemitic violence; military draft in 1937; German invasion in 1939; capture as a prisoner of war; incarceration in Żarki; transfer to Germany; separation of Jews from Poles; forced labor building a lake; receiving extra food for repairing vehicles; transfer to Lublin; the Jewish community obtaining the release of Jewish prisoners; returning home; incarceration in Gr...

  19. Isabella L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isabella L., who was born in Kisva?rda, Hungary, in 1924. Mrs. L. vividly recalls ubiquitous antisemitism during her childhood; her father's attempts to secure visas for them while in the United States organizing an exhibition for the 1939 World's Fair; their difficult situation during the early years of the war; German occupation; ghettoization of Kisva?rda; deportation in cattle cars with her family to Auschwitz in May 1944; selection by Mengele; the killing of her mother and youngest sister; and receiving messages from her brother scrawled on scraps of wood. She te...

  20. Nachman T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nachman T., who was born in Goworowo, Russia (presently Poland) in 1910. He recalls attending a Jewish school; learning to be a tailor; participating in the Bund; his father's death; German invasion; fleeing with his three brothers to Soviet-occupied Bia?ystok; his mother's flight with an uncle; his whole family working in Orishche; being warned of Germans approaching; traveling to Kui?byshev, then to Kazakhstan; working on a collective farm; a brief trip to Alma-Ata; returning to the farm; working with coal from 1943 to 1946; returning to Poland; marriage; living in ...