Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,141 to 44,160 of 55,889
  1. Libby and Sidney G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Libby G., who was born in Prilesnoye (Manevichi), Ukraine, in 1933, and her husband, Sidney G., who was born in Chrzano?w, Poland, in 1927. Mrs. G. tells of the Russian and German occupations; her and her sister's flight into the woods prior to the town's ghettoization; and hiding with a family friend before joining the partisans. Mr. G. describes his childhood and religious upbringing; the German occupation; six months of forced labor in Langenbielau in 1939, after which he was sent home due to an injury; deportation to Gross-Rosen in 1943; the death march to Dachau ...

  2. Shaul S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shaul S., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1924, the second of three children. He recounts his father's service in World War I; attending a Jewish school; his father purchasing property in the Netherlands; moving to Oosterbeek after Adolf Hitler's 1933 election; moving to Arnhem; joining Maccabi Hatzair; attending the Berlin Olympics in 1936; his maternal grandparents joining them after Kristallnacht; his grandparents' relocation to Westerbork as German refugees; their release to Amsterdam; working in his father's poultry business; moving to Amsterdam; German invas...

  3. Jack R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack R., who was born in Ri?ga, Latvia in 1925. He recalls a wonderful prewar life; Soviet occupation in 1940; his older brother joining the Soviet military; German invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish violence by Latvians; ghettoization in fall 1941; forced labor; mass killings including his mother and brothers; slave labor with his father sorting possessions of the murdered Jews; the Jewish council and police; arrival of Jews from western Europe; his father's transfer to Lenta in 1943; joining him; encountering a cousin; transfer to Salispils, then back to Lenta; a public ...

  4. A Time To Remember

  5. Sara T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara T., who was born in Middelburg, Netherlands in 1922. She recalls her comfortable home; marriage in 1942; German invasion; declining to hide with her family in order to stay with her husband; his deportation to Vught with his father; her deportation from Zutphen to Vught with her mother-in-law in April 1943; working for Philips; assistance from the non-Jewish Philips workers; sharing food with her husband; avoiding deportation east with assistance from the Philips administration; deportation to Birkenau in June 1944; transfer to Reichenbach, then Sportschule (Reic...

  6. Annette M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Annette M., who was born in Paris, France to Polish immigrants in 1933. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; their Jewish neighborhood (the Marais); German invasion; evacuation from Paris for two months with her younger sister; her youngest sister's birth; her two older brothers' arrest and deportation in July 1942, followed by her father's; her mother's friendship with a social worker who located a home for the three sisters in Brittany; returning to Paris when their Judaism was discovered; staying in another village; being retrieved by their mother due to poor food a...

  7. Henia W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henia W., who was born in Sambor, Poland to a family of nine children. She recalls brief German occupation in 1939; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; deportation of her brothers and their families; the role of the Judenrat; her sisters' deportation; forced labor with her parents and twin sister on a farm until the end of 1942; escaping deportation with assistance from a girlfriend's family (she never saw her parents again); assistance from a farmer with whom her mother had left family valuables; encountering her twin sister, who had escaped; avoiding arrest ...

  8. Leopold S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leopold S., who was born in Sládkovičovo, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1927, the older of two sons. He recalls his grandparents living with them; looting of Jewish property during the Hungarian occupation in 1938; his father's death in 1939; he and his brother working as landscapers; deportation with his family to Galanta in May 1944; transfer to Nové Zámky, then Auschwitz/Birkenau two weeks later; separation from his family (he never saw them again); claiming to be older to join an older group (no one from the younger group survived); transfer to Melk; ...

  9. Erne E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erne E., who was born in Valea lui Mihai, Romania in 1928, the fourth of six children and only son. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending Jewish and public schools; his mother's death weeks before his bar mitzvah; participating in Mizrahi; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions including weekly forced labor; German invasion in April 1944; round-up to the synagogue; deportation with his family to the Oradea ghetto, then two weeks later to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation with his father from his sisters; his father telling him to volunteer as a ca...

  10. Selma H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Selma H., who was born in Czerniejewo, Germany (presently Poland) in approximately 1896. She recalls her family's restaurant; cordial relations with non-Jews; moving to Frankfurt; returning home in 1914 when war began; moving to Bielefeld in 1919; her father's death in 1922; marriage; the birth of her son in 1926 and daughter in 1927; anti-Jewish restrictions; her children's expulsion from a school in 1938; their attending a Jewish school; assistance from a non-Jewish teacher; her sisters' emigration to England in 1939; confiscation of their home and business; deporta...

  11. Penina B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Penina B., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1927. She recalls that her parents managed the ritual bathhouse; their orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation; forced relocation to a brick factory in April 1944; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with her sisters after a selection (she never saw her parents again); transfer to Maehrisch Weisswasser six months later; slave labor in an armaments factory; helping each other; receiving aid from French prisoners; liberation by Soviet troops; assistance from the French prisoners in avoiding potential abuses by Soviet soldiers; returni...

  12. Clara W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Clara W., who was born in Csenger, Hungary in 1924, one of four children. She recalls a large, extended family and their orthodoxy; one aunt's emigration to the United States in 1938; deteriorating conditions for Jews after Kristallnacht; her brother's and brother-in-law's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; moving in with her married sister in another town; her brother's death notice in 1940; forced relocation in Mezo?csa?t; transfer to the Miskolc ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her sister and baby (they did not survive); transfe...

  13. Renny K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renny K., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1924. She recounts the emigration of three brothers to the United States before her birth, and a fourth in 1938; German invasion and bombardment; smuggling food into the Warsaw ghetto; marriage; escaping to Radomsko with her husband; her son's birth; taking him to her husband's sister in Staszo?w; obtaining false papers as a non-Jew from her brother-in-law; working as a maid in Warsaw; after a year, leaving to see her son; not being able to find him (she thinks Poles surrendered him to the Germans and he was sent to Auschwit...

  14. Jack R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack R., who was born in Mukachevo, Czechoslovakia in 1928. He describes his very loving parents; attending Czech public school; Hungarian occupation in 1938; anti-Jewish measures; deportation of non-Hungarian Jews to Poland; clandestinely studying for his Bar mitzvah with a Polish rabbi in 1941; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization; his brother's draft into a labor battalion (he never saw him again); separation from his mother and sisters upon arrival at Auschwitz on March 26, 1944; transfer with his father to Buchenwald and Zeitz; forced labor at the Brabag factor...

  15. Arnold R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold R., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1920. He recalls graduating from a technical school in 1938; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; moving to the ghetto area with his family; escaping to Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki in 1940 (he never saw his parents again); working as a painter; ghettoization; smuggling food into the ghetto in a network organized by the ghetto leaders; liquidation of the ghetto in November 1942; avoiding deportation with assistance from a German officer; forced labor in the remaining small ghetto; transfer to Bliz?yn in 1943; slave labor in an am...

  16. Morris (Miklos) D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris D., who was born in Ka?llo?semje?n, Hungary in 1919. He describes his orthodox childhood and education; leaving the Yeshiva in 1939 to join the family business; being drafted into the Hungarian army in 1940; two years in a slave labor brigade in Transylvania and Yugoslavia, during which they wore army uniforms with yellow armbands indicating they were Jews, did menial labor, and could not bear arms; returning home to see his parents with the aid of a Hungarian officer in 1942; increasing antisemitism and abuse by the Hungarians; and transfer to the Russian fron...

  17. Idek R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Idek R., who was born in Proszowice, Poland in 1922. He recalls his close extended family; attending public school and cheder; German invasion; forced labor through 1941; fleeing with his friend to the Kraków ghetto to escape the liquidation of Jews in Proszowice (he never saw his parents again); transfer to Płaszów, then to Auschwitz in 1944; working in the Unionwerke until January 1945; a death march to the Czechoslovakian border; travel on freight cars to Mauthausen; working for Messerschmitt in Gusen II; and liberation by United States troops in 1945. Mr. R. rec...

  18. Peter B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter B., who was born in Bushtyna, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1929, the oldest of four children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; his father's position as a deputy mayor; attending cheder and a Czech school; anti-Jewish restrictions after Carpatho-Ukrainian independence in 1938, quickly followed by Hungarian occupation; attending school in Oradea; his family's identification with Hungary; his mother hiding his baby sister with a Ukrainian neighbor, who brought her to the police; a policeman returning her to them; hiding in a nearby village for several w...

  19. Chaia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaia P., who was born in Kaminʹ-Kashyrsʹkyĭ, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1922, one of three children. She recounts attending a Polish school; participating in Hechalutz; Soviet occupation in fall 1939; a Soviet soldier, who lived with them, offering to take her family when the Soviets retreated; her father's decision to remain; German invasion; a round-up that included her father and brother; a relative on the Judenrat ascertaining they had been shot; ghettoization; a Ukrainian friend smuggling food to them; exemption from a mass killing due to their jobs; Romanie...

  20. Richard W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape recording of Richard W., who was born in Ludwigshafen, Germany in 1931. He recalls his father's arrest and vandalizing of their home on Kristallnacht; his father's incarceration in Dachau and subsequent release; outbreak of war; Allied air raids; deportation with his family to Gurs in 1940; placement with his brother in a children's home in Aspet by the Quakers and others; his mother's death from cancer; attending her funeral; receiving letters from his father; their last visit; their sea voyage to Casablanca with other children, then to Baltimore via Bermuda on a Portuguese ship;...