Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,961 to 43,980 of 55,889
  1. Esther K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther K., who was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine in 1927. She recalls a happy childhood; her family's good relations with non-Jews; German occupation; anti-Jewish measures; public hangings; her father moving to a tractor plant outside of Kharkiv, following German orders issued on December 16, 1941, for the Jews to gather there; her mother's decision to hide after visiting her father, who begged her not to bring their children there; obtaining false papers with assistance from their non-Jewish building superintendent; assistance from non-Jewish neighbors; traveling to the c...

  2. Harold R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harold R., who was born in Fürth, Germany in 1922, the older of two brothers. He recounts attending public school; his bar mitzvah; anti-Jewish laws resulting in his expulsion from school and his family's eviction from their apartment; attending a trade school in Frankfurt; destruction of the family business and his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his father's return from Dachau three weeks later; futile efforts to emigrate; deportation with his family to Rīga in November 1941; slave labor on a farm with 500 others for two years; public hanging of a man for tradin...

  3. Nadia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nadia P., who was born in Vilna in 1902. She describes her childhood and family life before World War I; moving to New York City, where she lived from 1927 until 1937; life in Vilna upon her return; the outbreak of war in 1939; and life in the ghetto after 1941 and her work cleaning the houses of the SS. Mrs. P. tells of sending her children to the country to hide; her husband's work in the ghetto; aid from non-Jews; and liberation by the Russians. She recalls her feelings of displacement immediately after the war; her emigration to Israel; the death of her husband, a...

  4. Karla S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Karla S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1912. She recalls rejection by a art teacher because she was Jewish; attending art school; working as a knitwear designer; emigration to Paris; marriage in 1937; weddings in both Paris and during a visit to Vienna (the last time she saw her family); her husband's detention as an enemy alien in September 1939; fleeing south with friends during the German invasion; staying in Branto?me; reunion with her husband in Angoule?me following his release; living and working in several towns including Branto?me, Pe?rigueux, Auriac, Ch...

  5. Bernard A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard A., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in approximately 1915, an only child. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending high school; anti-Jewish legislation preventing him from attending university; arrest with his father on Kristallnacht; their deportation to Buchenwald; his father's release as a World War I veteran; his release after five weeks, based on his promise to emigrate; returning home; emigration to London in February 1939; receiving letters from his parents, first from Belgium, then from France; emigrating to the United States in winter ...

  6. Arnold V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold V., who was born in Kalkar, Germany in 1911, one of five children. He recounts the family's move to Hamborn in 1913; attending school; working in a department store; anti-Jewish restrictions; his brother's emigration to Palestine, one sister's to the Netherlands (she did not survive), and one sister's to England in the early 1930s; marriage in 1938; Kristallnacht, which marked a turning point in understanding they must leave; losing his job; obtaining visas with assistance from relatives in the United States; emigration with his wife via Paris and Lisbon; enlis...

  7. Alice F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. She recounts anti-Jewish legislation; attending a Jewish nursing school; a cousin in England obtaining documents for her emigration; leaving on November 8 (she did not learn of Kristallnacht until her arrival in London); working at a hospital; categorization as an "enemy alien", resulting in her evacuation in 1940; communication from her parents through a friend in Sweden (they did not survive); joining the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA) in 1943; not being allowed to leave due to her "enemy alien" status un...

  8. Tema H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tema H., who was born in Jano?w Lubelski, Poland in 1928. She recounts moving to Jarocin in 1932; German invasion; her father's round-up; her mother obtaining his release; her sister's beating by Germans; her brother's arrest, then release; orders to report to another village; hiding with a Polish peasant, then with a friend; leaving due to fear of exposure; being taken to the police; release by a policeman; hiding in the forest; returning to Jarocin; reunion with her father; hiding with her family; her brother's escape from a beating by Poles; hiding in a bunker; her...

  9. Israel H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel H., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1922, one of three children of Polish émigrés. He recounts moving to Liège in 1924, then to Brussels in 1934; his very happy childhood; attending public school; his bar mitzvah; German invasion; an aborted attempt to flee south; anti-Jewish restrictions; he and his family choosing not to wear the yellow star; hiding with a non-Jewish family in Liège; his parents and siblings hiding in Brussels; attending university using false papers; his non-Jewish aunt delivering packages from his parents; denouncement; incarceratio...

  10. Magda S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Magda S., who was born in Pavlovo, Slovakia in 1928, one of six children. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; moving to Svali?a?va; a close and large extended family; two brothers dying from illnesses; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including rejection from high school; German occupation in spring 1944; forced relocation to a brick factory in Mukacheve; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her immediate family; slave labor with several cousins in Canada Kommando; smuggling clothing and food they found to friends; the Sonderkommando upris...

  11. Ya'akov L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ya'akov L., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1929. He recounts his sister's birth in 1936; his parents' and uncle's fabric businesses; their leftist views; visiting relatives in Šakiai; attending a Yiddish school and a yeshiva; his father's 1936 visit to Palestine, where he purchased land, and his mother's visit to her brother in the United States; Soviet occupation in 1939; studying in Germany; expropriation of his family's factory; German invasion in summer 1941; a Lithuanian protecting his family during Lithuanian killings immediately prior to German troops en...

  12. Shlomo H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo H., who was born in Kalisz, Poland in 1922. He recounts his family's emigration to Paris in 1929; their orthodoxy (his father was a Hasidic shoh?et); fleeing south during the German invasion; his parents' return with some of the children; working for the Jewish community in Moissac; not communicating with his family, fearing exposure; obtaining false papers; joining the de Gaulle Resistance; many actions against the Germans; liberating Paris; reunion with his family (his mother had perished when she was deported); emigration to Israel; marriage to an American; ...

  13. Janine K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janine K., who was born in 1921. She recalls living in Paris; her parents' divorce; living with her mother; Jewish holiday and Sabbath observances at her grandmother's; German occupation; fleeing to a village outside Paris; working as a nanny for a farmer (her parents had been deported separately and did not return); denunciation; imprisonment with criminals; transfer to Drancy; reunion with her brother; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation by gender; slave labor while freezing in winter and burning from the sun in summer; long appels; her belief that s...

  14. Dina Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina Z., who was born in Warsaw, Poland circa 1932. She recalls attending public school; antisemitic harassment; hiding with Polish neighbors during German bombardment; German occupation; ghettoization; smuggling food into the ghetto, posing as a non-Jew; escaping, with her sister, to Szczekociny in 1941 with assistance from a Polish friend (she never saw her parents again); joining relatives in Wodzis?aw; walking to Sosnowiec; hiding with her sister during a round-up; ghettoization in Srodula; her sister's deportation to a labor camp; escaping during a round-up; livi...

  15. Walter S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter S., who was born in Steinbach, Germany in 1924. This testimony includes all of the information in an earlier interview (HVT-146). Additional topics discussed include his father's release from Dachau; his sister's emigration to the United States under Quaker auspices in 1941; his parents' deportation to France; being beaten by the Gestapo (he could not speak of this for years); and being forced to submit to homosexual advances by veteran prisoners in a concentration camp. He recounts returning to Steinbach after liberation; meeting his wife in a displaced person...

  16. Andre? R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andre? R., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Villefagnan, France in 1921. He recalls his childhood in Angoule?me; German invasion in 1940; protesting anti-Jewish restrictions in 1942; joining the Resistance in Paris; escaping to the Pyrenees in 1943 using false papers; arrest in Dax; interrogations in Biarritz; imprisonment in Bayonne and Bordeaux; transfer to Compie?gne in September; deportation to Buchenwald in October; transfer to Dora, then Majdanek, in February 1944; transport to Auschwitz in April; assistance from a Polish doctor; working near the crematoria in ...

  17. Rita A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita A., who was born in Baca?u, Romania in 1931. She recalls her family's strong sense of Romanian identification; anti-Jewish laws in 1939 precluding her attendance at public school; attending a Jewish school; her family's privileged position due to her father's work for a Romanian officer; hiding during pogroms by local Romanian fascists; her father avoiding deportation due to the influence of the officer; liberation by Soviet troops; her brother escaping to Austria; traveling to Vienna with her parents; living in Rothschild Hospital, then Wegscheid and Salzburg di...

  18. Rachelle S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachelle S., who was born in Tlumach, Ukraine in 1921. She describes her family of seven children; German occupation in 1941; a two day forced march initiated by local boys; returning to their ransacked home; ghettoization; difficult conditions including hunger (her sister smuggled food); hiding during round-ups; her father's murder in an "aktion"; their escape with help from Polish people who knew her father; traveling to Buchach; and a mass killing after which her brother had to bury the bodies. Mrs. S. tells of escaping to the woods during which her mother and a si...

  19. Henri B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri B., who was born in Paris, France in 1927, one of nine children. He recalls their evacuation to Maine-et-Loire in August 1939; their conversion to Catholicism; his strong Catholic faith; arrest with his mother and older siblings on July 15, 1942; internment in Angers; his mother's release and father's arrival; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau with his father and brother; assignment to the masonry school; slave labor doing construction; learning his father and brother had been killed; remaining with French friends; hiding injuries during selections; transport to...

  20. Gunther S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gunther S., who was born in a small town near Poznan, then Germany, in 1908. Mr. S. speaks of his family's move to Berlin in 1918; his education; job training; and his work as an export salesman. He tells of the worsening situation for Germany's Jews; his departure from Germany in 1938; and the deportations and deaths of his parents and a sister, who had remained in Germany. He describes his emigration to the United States and his successful effort to help his other sister emigrate. He recounts joining the United States army; wartime transfers to France, Belgium, Holl...