Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,281 to 43,300 of 55,889
  1. Verification-filtration point (camp) of the NKVD MSSR

    • Проверочно-фильтрационный пункт НКВД МССР
    • Proverochno-fil'tratsionnyy punkt NKVD MSSR

    Orders of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, circulars and instructions of the main quartermaster of the USSR Armed Forces and quartermaster of the Odessa military district on administrative issues for 1943-1946; documents on the issuance of travel allowance to repatriates sent from the Chișinău VFP to the place of residence for December 1944 and 1945; front-line notes on the presence and movement of the contingent in the Chisinau VFP and its branch for 1945-1946 (on the back of each note there is data on citizens of the USSR who were forcibly taken to Germany and other...

  2. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Tighina Police Station. Questura

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia Tighina. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура полиции города Тигина
    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspectorat politsii. Kvestura politsii goroda Tighina

    Reports of police agents about the activities of individuals, including those of Jewish origin, suspected of communist activities; correspondence with the Bessarabian police inspectorate on the search for persons suspected of anti-Romanian activities; сorrespondence with the Chisinau brigade of Siguranta about people illegally crossing the border from the USSR to Romania; personal files of small business owners; files on of issuing permission to open small businesses; small business closure cases; issuance of certificates of trustworthiness, of biographical nature, and other to residents of...

  3. Directorate of Internal Affairs of Bessarabia

    • Directoratul afacerilor interne ai Basarabiei
    • Директорат внутренних дел Бессарабии
    • Direktorat vnutrennikh del Bessarabii

    Files on the issuing the permit to the resident of Marculesti, Ioffe Mendel, to open a cinema theater. Correspondence with the police prefectures regarding people deported for their anti‐Romanian propaganda. Identity cards of the agents of Siguranta [secret police] from Chisinau. The requests for being accepted to work for Siguranta. Information about publishing houses from Chisinau and their owners. Information about the teachers from Soroca district. Information about the functionaries of prefectures and subprefectures of Bessarabia. The lists of teachers from Soroca girls’ and boys’ tech...

  4. Chişinău City Executive Committee of Council of People's Deputies

    • Comitetul executiv orasanesc din Chişinău ale sovietelor de deputati ai oamenilor muncii din RSSM
    • Исполнительный комитет кишиневского городского совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet kishinevskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Correspondence about the consequences of the occupation of the city of Chisinau during WWII (1944-1945); correspondence with the Council of Ministers of the MSSR and the Commissioner for Religious Affairs on the opening of prayer houses for believers (1945-1948), etc.

  5. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Documents of the 4th male gymnasium in Chişinău for 1917-1922 academic years: students' report cards; statements for the payment of salaries to teachers; minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council; minutes of meetings of the examination commissions; schedule exams for students of private Jewish gymnasiums; certificates of graduation (including certificates issued to Yitzchak Alterman, to David Weinberg, to Moses Goldstein, to Ioyl Fihtman, to Srul Holovaty, to Aron Orinshteyn, to Benjamin Perelman, to Nuhim Weinstein, to Jacob Wexler, to Branagh Goldstein, to Maria Glazer, to Ber Greenb...

  6. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Petitions of different persons about placing their children to various gymnasiums; students' graduation certificates; Wartheim's petition to place his son to the gymnasium; Kreimer's petition to place his son Gersh to the gymnasium; examination sheets in various subjects et al.

  7. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Documents from the Rîşcani Jewish pro-gymnasium “Tarbut” in Bălţi county: list of teachers in 1920 academic year; documents of the Reni pro-gymnasium; documents of the German pro-gymnasium owned by Werner in the Sarata village in Akkermansky county; documents of the Taruta German gymnasium in Akkerman county; documents of the Tighina male real gymnasium et al.

  8. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Files of Chişinău private male gymnasium owned by mr. Kulin: certificates of students who received the title of pharmacist assistant and a certificates of education; evidences of student performance, etc.

  9. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Observation of the activities of the high schools of Bessarabia; statistics on the number of teachers and students; statements for the payment of salaries to the teachers; school survey reports; information about primary education in different counties; minutes of meetings of pedagogical councils of gymnasiums; class magazines; school programs. Documents of state and private gymnasium and pro-gymnasium foundations subordinate to the Bessarabian director of public education: documents on the work of gymnasiums and pro-grammar schools; statistics on the students in gymnasiums; student writing...

  10. Hotin Gendarmes Legions, County Branches and Offices

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Hotin
    • Жандармский легион и посты Хотинского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion i posty Hotinskogo uyezda

    Cases of the Hotin Gendarme Legion: cases on charging residents of neighboring villages with communist activities and intelligence activities in favor of the USSR; cases on the disclosure of the communist organization in the town of Briceni; The gendarme post of the village of Edineţ: cases on charges residents of the surrounding villages in anti-Romanian activities; The Gendarme Post in Lipcani village: personal files of suspects in communist activities; The Gendarme Post of Michalasheni village: personal files of the accused of activities against the Romanian authorities

  11. Tighina Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Tighina
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Тигинского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Tiginskogo uyezda

    Personal files of Jews who were accused of robbery and injuring the villagers; information reports on the events and situation in the villages of Tighina county; Maer Jacob's suicide investigation file; protocols of gendarmerie posts on robberies committed by German military units in Gangur village; personal files of Trahtenberg Abram, Blishtmein Neiv and Spivak Berku accused of being members of the communist organization in Căușeni; manifesto of the Bessarabia regional committee of the communist party and the land committee addressed to all workers; files on prosecution of Falic Zeltser ac...

  12. Soroca Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Soroca
    • Жандармский легион, секций и посты Сорокского уезда
    • Zhandarmskij legion, sectsij i posty Sorokskogo uezda

    Data on moral and political mood of the residents of Soroca county; data on criminal prosecution of communist movements in Ataca village; circulars of Soroca legion from 1939-1940; order of taking necessary measures to prevent anti-Romanian propaganda; lists of individuals who belong to various organizations and parties; lists of Jews who were under the supervision of the gendarmerie in 1937-1938; lists of Jews who illegally crossed Romania's border in 1927; personal files of criminals of Jewish origin (Şmillia Roitburt) accused of theft and murder; information provided by the hotel owners ...

  13. Orhei Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Orhei
    • Жандармский легион и посты Оргеевского уезда
    • Zhandarmskij leghion i posty Orgeevskogo uezda

    Information on the activity of Zionist parties and organizations on the territory of Orhei county in 1939-1940; correspondence with the prefecture of Orhei on administrative and household issues; circulars of the Orhei gendarmerie legion on the prosecution of foreign citizens; information on issuing residence permits to the inhabitants of Olişcani village in the border area; personal files of Jews accused of theft

  14. Lăpuşna Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Lăpuşna
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Лапушнянского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Lapushnyanskogo uyezda

    Files of the Lăpuşna Gendarmes Legions (including correspondence with the gendarmerie posts of the county on issuing permits for carrying weapons; internment prisoners to the camp); files of gendarme sections of villages in Lăpuşna district (including patrol sheets; list of persons suspected of underground communist activities; circular regulations of the Siguranţa and Lăpuşna gendarmerie department on monitoring the communist movement; lists of foreign nationals residing in the county; lists of gendarmes in Lăpuşna district; informational reports of gendarme posts on the mood of the reside...

  15. Cahul Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Cahul
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Кагульского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Kagul'skogo uyezda

    Files of the Cahul Gendarmes Legions; files of the gendarme posts in villages belonging to Cahul district: cases of checking the reliability of residents of villages in the county; cases of charging residents of the county in the communist activities; cases against residents of the county for insulting the Romanian government et al.

  16. Bălţi Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Bălţi
    • Жандармская секция и посты Бельцкого уезда
    • Zhandarmskaya sektsiya i posty Bel'tskogo uezda

    Data on home searches at the Jews suspected of communist activity (March, 1940); reports of home searches at Libman Lei, Roizman Bercu; personal files of the residents of the town of Făleşti: Aciana Ivana, Moliver Moisa, Pincevscovo Israel (accused of abuse), Gheliman Ioilia, Golovenciuc Moisei, Zisa Semion, Noe Muduc Ivan, Radinscovo Smilia, Sinder Azril and Srulia (accused of having caused bodily injuries to other people); Kauta Constantin accused of offending a government representative; Cherteman Moisa accused of fraud and forfeiting the service documents; file of criminal investigation...

  17. Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
    • Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda

    Correspondence of pretura Briceni plasa with primarias regarding the identification of residents’ citizenship. Files of the primaria of Briceni village: the list of owners of commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties; statistical information about the households, manufacturers, and merchants; statistical information about the economical situation of the village and the list of merchants and manufacturers members of the communal council; correspondence with pretura of Bcriceni plasa regarding human resources and the lists of officials of villages’ institutions. Files of the primari...

  18. Tiraspol district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Tiraspol – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Тираспольская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Tiraspol'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Cases of the Tiraspol district prefecture (correspondence with the governorship of Transnistria about Soviet prisoners of war in the camps of Tiraspol district; requests from residents of the county to issue permits for opening trade enterprises and returning their former property; correspondence on administrative issues; lists of employees of the prefecture; documents regarding food and livestock requisition; cases of issuing permits to carry weapon by the officials and residents of the county; orders of the governorship of Transnistria on the procedure for internment of Jews in concentrat...

  19. Tiraspol district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Tiraspol – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Тираспольская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Tiraspol'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administration Department (orders of the Transnistrian governorate, acts of examination and reports on the condition of the districts, registration of persons who fled from Northern Transylvania and settled in the county, travel certificates for employees of the prefecture, correspondence on administrative issues); files of the Economic Department (statistics on the condition of the county districts); files of the Agricultural Department; files of the Agricultural Machinery Department; files of the Veterinary Department; files of the Department of Education (correspondence on t...

  20. Soroca district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Soroca: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
    • Сорокская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Sorokskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administrative Division: correspondence with Bessarabian Directorate of internal affairs regarding administrative separation of the district; information regarding number of population in the villages of the district; inquires on the complains of the villagers of Atachi of being beaten by the gendarmes; instruction of the ministry of Internal Affairs of Romanian regarding the fight with speculation; the list of lawyers from Bessarabia; correspondence with preturas and primarias of the district regarding the work of praying houses, churches, and synagogues; lists of the visitors...