Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,101 to 4,120 of 10,135
  1. Sbírka soudobé dokumentace

    • Collection of the Contemporary Documentation / NAD 1199

    The fonds originated due to the collecting activities of the Municipal Museum in Německý Brod, and later due to the activities of the district archives. These parts are followed by the documentation from the period after 1945. The fonds contains documents concerning: elections to the town council, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, and the National Assembly, the war of 1866, World War I and II, revolutions, celebrations and various events, the workers' movement, the Communist Party and other political parties, cultural activities, sports, economy and industry, social life, Haškova Lipnice...

  2. Shapell family photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs documenting German-occupied Oświęcim, Poland, circa 1940-circa 1941, and refugees living in the Münchberg, Germany, displaced persons camp, circa 1946. The photographs of Oświęcim include depictions of buildings, Jewish men forcibly having their beards and sidelocks (peyot) cut off, street scenes, and Jews clearing snow under the presence of a German soldier. Included are undated typed captions in Polish, and English translations of the captions produced in 2013. The bulk of the photographs of Münchberg document a funeral and re-interment ceremony in 1...

  3. Arie van Mansum fonds

    Fonds consists of textual records, photographs, and ephemera. Series include Arie Van Mansum's experiences during WWII, his postwar experiences, personal accounts, correspondence, Margaretha Van Mansum, pamphlets, the Dutch Undeground movement, and Canada. Fonds also contains a framed certificate from The Jewish Community Council of Ottawa to Arie van Mansum stating the establishment of the Arie van Mansum Holocaust Education Resource Project - 1991; a framed certificate in French and Hebrew, presented to Arie van Mansum by La Commission des Justes (Commission of the Righteous) in Jerusalem...

  4. [Situation of Jews in Galicia]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains three reports about the situation of Jews in Galicia. The report is based on the narration of a witness. It discribes the situation of Jews in Eastern Galicia from the beginning of the occupation by the Soviet Union on the 17th of September 1939 till December 1939. When the Red Army invated Poland the Jews were impute to welcome the invasion. But infact they saw the invasion by the Soviet Union as the lesser evil, as beeing occupied by the Nazis. But as the report shows, the Jewish population in Eastern Galicia had to suffer under the the new communist regime. Not just ant...

  5. Das Laterndl

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several informations about the 'Laterndl, Wiener Kleinkunstbühne' (the Lantern). The material which is attached includes programms, announcements of performances and social events, texts and drafts of satirical pieces, documentary photographs of performances and rehearsals. The Lantern was a small theater, founded and run by Austrian exiles in London during World War II. It was connected to the 'Austrian center', the 'Free Austrian Movement' and the 'Interniertenfond'. Opened on June 21st, 1939, it was active throughout the war years, with a break between summer 1940 and 1...

  6. [Condition of Jewish Communities in Wartime, a Survey Pt. 3]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Entries documenting the state of Jewish communities in the period of September 1939 – November 1939. This entry surveys Przemyśl (Occupied by the Germans for three days, then by the Russians, heavily damaged in bombardment with multiple casualties, Jewish shops and businesses looted, elderly Jews shot, the Jewish population displaced); Gabin (Occupied by the Germans, all Jewish houses synagogues and schools destroyed, several casualties); Stoczek Łukowski (Occupied by the Germans, destroyed in bombardments)' Kutno (damaged in bombardments especially the Jewish sections, multiple casualties ...

  7. [Reports from Brussels Relief Committee]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several information about the activities of Belgium relief organisation and association in the years of the German occupation and after World War II. Some of the organizations had there basis in Belgium, but most of them were in America. The organizations had several methods and allies to broadcarst informations, collect money or help the people in Belgium during WWII or after the war. The Belgian Information Centre, based in America, started a radio broadcasts in July 1942, giving informations about activities in Belgium and other countries. This broadcarst gave people in...

  8. Alytaus apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef Kreis Alytus
    • Chief of Alytus District

    "The collections of the heads of the counties contain important documents concerning the Holocaust in the Lithuanian provinces" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 12). The fonds of the chief of the Alytus district contains the documents of the expropriation of the property of Jews. There are also lists of the former Jewish owners of the property; lists of single ite...

  9. Velika Župa Posavje

    • The Great Governorate of Posavje

    Velika Župa was the highest regional authority in the Independent State of Croatia. It was responsible only to the Poglavnik Ante Pavelić, who personally named its leader, and to the respective state ministries. Velika Župa Posavje was founded on 10 June 1941 with the seat in the contemporary town of Slavonski Brod and continued to function until 1945. Velika Župa Posavje included the administrative units (kotar) of Bijeljina, Brčko, Brod na Savi, Derventa, Gradačac and Županja. Researchers of the Holocaust will find the “Very secret files” (1 box) and “Secret files” (14 boxes) useful. “Ver...

  10. The Destruction of Brok - Bulletin No.6

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the destruction of the town of Brok. The town before the war is described as peaceful, with good relations between Jews and non-Jews, including the ethnic German population of the area. The bulletin describes how, at the beginning of the war, aerial bombardment damaged the town, and refugees flooded it. Jewish youth fled east. At first the Germans appeared friendly, although they took goods with no payment, but after a short while they drove the pop...

  11. [Restitution, business, tax, accounting and labor law in Germany]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains newspaper clippings by Der Bertriebs-Berater (business consultant) and other documents. The Betriebs-Berater is a weekly trade journal for business and tax lawyers since 1946. It gives relevant information from the areas of business, tax, accounting and labor law - each broken down according to independent headings. The newspaper deals with the topic of Rückerstattung (recompense) as a constitutional law, the interference of the state in economic questions, the control of foreign exchange, the law of taxation, income tax and other taxes. Furthermore topics of social law, s...

  12. Das Laterndl

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several informations about the 'Laterndl, Wiener Kleinkunstbühne' (the Lantern). The material which is attached includes programms, announcements of performances and social events, texts and drafts of satirical pieces, documentary photographs of performances and rehearsals, newspaper reports and critiques and letters. The Lantern was a small theater, founded and run by Austrian exiles in London during World War II. It was connected to the 'Austrian center', the 'Free Austrian Movement' and the 'Interniertenfond'. Opened on June 21st, 1939, it was active throughout the war ...

  13. Six Mois D'Activite De La Section

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a research realized by the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre in Belgium regarding the resettelment and transit of Jews in 1945. After the war a lot of Jews were resettled to Belgium or used the country for a transit. This caused a lot of orgizational work for the relief organizations in Belgium. The Office national des anciens combattants et victimes de guerre (ONAC), the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre (IVG), the Intergovernmental Committe on Refugees, the American Joint Distribution Committee and others created special committees concerning the needs of...

  14. Registreringsavdelningen

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Registreringsavdelningen
    • English
    • 1944-1948
    • 9,6 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains lists and files compiled in the course of researching and registering deported Jews (e.g. for the purpose of sending aid) and Holocaust survivors. There are 19 volumes of registers of Jews researched (deported) in Germany or German-occupied countries 1944--1945, a four-volume register of Jews in Theresienstadt 1944--1945, a corresponding two-volume register of Jewish prisoners in Bergen-Belsen 1944--1945 and a volume of registers of prisoners in smaller camps 1944--1945. There is also an index of 1945 rescues and lists in 18 volumes of Jewish survivors in various countr...

  15. Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv

    • Stockholms Stadsarkiv
    • Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv
    • English
    • 1866-1955
    • 22 linear meters of mostly textual material.

    Olof Lamm's archive includes documents concerning his involvement in refugee aid, and relief activities for Jews in Nazi Germany. There are also correspondence between Lamm and other Jews in Sweden, and abroad, about the situation for Jews in countries under German control. The correspondence includes negotiations with Swedish and foreign state representatives and relief organizations about refugee aid, relief and rescue initiatives.

  16. 32 - Rapport au Haut Commissaire américain en Allemagne concernant l'O.I.R. en zone américaine d'Allemagne, 22 octobre 1951 (texte anglais) 33 - Magazine de la ligue Linguaphone, vol. 2 n° 2 (texte anglais) 34 - Nous apprenons le français. Méthode Donator.-Genève copyright O.I.R. s.d. (texte franco-allemand) 35 - Livre d'arithmétique allemand, années 2 et 3, 3 et 4, 1928 (texte allemand) 36 - Livre de lecture de Berlin, 3 et 4e années. - s.d. (texte allemand) 37 - Quelques remarques concernant la constitution de l'O.I.R.- Munich, 1947 (texte anglais) 38 - Institut international pour l'Unification du Droit privé. L'exécution à l'étranger des obligations alimentaires.- Rome, décembre 1949 (langues diverses) 39 - Institut international pour l'Unification du Droit privé. Avant-projet d'une Convention pour la Reconnaissance et l'Exécution à l'Etranger des décisions en matière d'obligations alimentaires.- Rome, 1950 (texte français et anglais) 40 - Qui était un nazi ? Faits concernant la procédure d'appartenance au parti nazi.- OMGUS, 1947 (texte anglais) 41 - Journal du service social, avril 1948 (article sur l'assistance publique en 1948) (texte anglais) 42 - Assemblée nationale de la Santé, 1er-4 mai 1948. Conclusions et recommandations de la Section des maladies chroniques et du vieillissement de la population (texte anglais) 43 - Nathan (Cynthia Rice) ? L'assistance aux soldats malades et invalides.- 1945 (texte anglais) 44 - Rapport des administrations de la fondation Ford, 27 septembre 1950 (texte anglais) 45 - Ecole Paul Baerwald de Service social. Bulletin d'information, 1949 - 1950 (texte anglais 46 - Correll (Dr. Ernst). La signification sociologique et économique des Mennonites comme groupe de culture dans l'histoire. Juillet 1942 (texte anglais) 47 - Lukaschek (Dr. Hans). Les réfugiés allemands problème central de l'Allemagne.- Bonn, février 1951 (texte allemand) 48 - La question de la réparation due aux anciens prisonniers politiques poursuivis par le régime nazi.- Munich, octobre 1947 (texte allemand) 49 - Cahiers de Dortmund pour la recherche sociale n° 10. Le problème des réfugiés.-Hambourg, 1948 (texte allemand) 50 - Revue de la Société des Juristes bernois, juin 1949. La jurisprudence du tribunal fédéral en 1946 (texte allemand) 51 - Société des Nations. Journal officiel, mars 1929, (p. 483). Statut juridique des réfugiés, rapport du Dr. Nansen, (texte français et anglais) 52 - La question des réfugiés turcs de Bulgarie. - 1951 (texte français et anglais)

  17. 1510. Canada. Etablissement d'une délégation du Comité intergouvernemental, décembre 1946 - mai 1947 1179. Chine. Personnel, juillet - novembre 1946 502. Tchécoslovaquie. Correspondance générale, février 1945 - juin 1947 860. Tchécoslovaquie. Rapports généraux, décembre 1945- août 1946 851. Tchécoslovaquie. Personnel, février 1946 - juin 1947 854. Réfugiés allemands et autrichiens en Tchécoslovaquie, décembre 1945 - mai 1947 855. Dissidents en Tchécoslovaquie, février - mars 1946 1066. Transmigration à travers la Tchécoslovaquie. Généralités, avril - septembre 1946 857. Transmigration à travers la Tchécoslovaquie de réfugiés venant de Pologne, novembre 1945 - avril 1947 859. Apatrides en Tchécoslovaquie, décembre 1945 - avril 1946 1502. Opérations aux Indes, décembre 1946 - janvier 1947 832. Opérations en Afrique du Nord. Correspondance avec la Croix-Rouge britannique et le Service social d'Aide aux Emigrants, octobre 1945 - janvier 1947 1657. Opérations en Palestine, janvier - juin 1947 1516. Paraguay. Etablissement d'une délégation du Comité intergouvernemental, janvier mai 1947 1197. Opérations au Moyen-Orient, juin 1946 - mai 1947 1397. Opérations en Syrie et au Liban, novembre 1946 - février 1947 786. Opérations à Tanger, avril 1945 - mai 1947 1539. Turquie. Généralités, janvier - mars 1947 1752. Instructions aux délégués concernant l'émigration individuelle en Argentine, au Brésil et en Bolivie, 17 février 1947