Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 56,066
  1. Personal scientific archive of Myroslav Petrovych Zhukovskyi, Nikopol

    • Personal scientific archive of Myroslav Petrovych Zhukovskyi
    • 00667401
    • English
    • Date(s): 1939–1945; 2018, 2021 The collection comprises paper documents, working notes, signed testimonies, and photocopies of published documents. It includes research materials on the Holocaust, partisans, and underground fighters in the Nikopol region. The materials also contain a small folder on the Holocaust, as well as documents produced by Jewish researchers of Tkum on mass shootings in the area. Some materials were submitted to a museum but were not formally registered, resulting in the loss of at least 50 items. The collection contains only a few photographs from the period, mainly depicting individuals. Additionally, it includes a monograph titled "The Nikopol Region, the Holocaust. In Memory of the Righteous Among the Nations of the World" (published in 2018 and 2021).

    The Holocaust was a forbidden topic under Communist Party rule, leaving no official records. Nikopol’s population shifted dramatically: from 26,000 in 1914 (including 3,000 Jews and two synagogues) to 70,000 by 1941 due to refugees and industrial expansion. Post-WWII, it fell back to 26,000, dominated by newcomers indifferent to the Holocaust and Holodomor, focused on economic opportunities rather than historical memory. Historical narratives were shaped by Soviet-trained propagandists, limiting research on Nazi and Soviet terror victims. Underground resistance fighters referenced 1940s eve...

  2. Private collection of the family of Masha Moishevna (08.12.1938 - 29.12.2021) and Anatolii Ivanovych (16.09.1937 - 17.01.2021) Kedrovsky

    One package (the family could not estimate the number of items in the package) with documents, photographs of M.M. Kedrovska and her husband Anatolii Ivanovych Kedrovskyi, a Ukrainian by birth from the village of Zapovit, who was also interested in the history of the Holocaust in the region. Birth certificate from 1938 and other documents, personal photos of M. M. Kedrovska dated to the second half of the 20th century, starting from her teenage years.

  3. Local museum on the basis of the House of Culture, Lvove village, Beryslav district, Kherson region

    6 handwritten records of memories recorded by local librarian Liudmyla Pyliuk, up to 10 paper records of memories recorded by Larysa Dyakiv group, 2 audio testimonies. About 100 photos and certificates provided by local residents remained in the local school, which is now destroyed as a result of Russian aggression. Dyakiv's notebook, which remains in her home in Lvove. While working at the Kherson Regional Archives in 2017-2018, Dyakiv copied down from the catalogs a list of documents that the regional archive had on the history of Lvove. This part of the archive's collection was probably ...

  4. Private collection of Chekhutska Valentyna Yukhymivna

    One folder entitled “Kalininske”, which consists of 30 sheets of biographical information about local Jews, their memoirs, photographs, and correspondence with one of them who left for Israel. Also in the folder are two handwritten sheets with a list of local Holocaust victims, 20 publications by Chekhutska V.I. on the Holocaust published in local periodicals, and 8 handwritten sheets on the Holocaust. Dates from the second half of the 20th century.

  5. Кримінальні справи на нереабілітованих осіб

    • Criminal files of individuals who were not rehabilitated
    • Kryminalni spravy na nereabilitovanykh osib

    The collection contains: Criminal files of persons served in the tsarist police, White army, insurgents, spies, as well as participants in the uprisings of 1918-1923, and of the OUN and UPA activists; Files of persons trained at German specialist institutions (intelligence, counterintelligence, police, military ones); Files of employees and agents of intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany; Files of persons who worked in the German occupation administrative authorities; Files of persons served in German security bodies (gendarmerie, police, commandant's offices); Files...

  6. Matatias Carp Collection

    • אוסף מתתיאס קארפ

    Documents and photographs: - summaries and factual reports written by Carp for the Black Book - annexes of the Black Book, namely: transcriptions of Romanian official documents, documentary photographs of the Iasi and Bucharest pogrom and of the killings in Bessarabia - The three volumes of the Black Book published between 1946 and 1948 The materials were identified as being part of Carp's collection in 2023 during the digitizing process. The findings were confirmed by Adrian Cioflanca, Romanian historian and the director of the "Wilhelm Filderman" Center for the Study of Jewish Histo...

  7. The Hersh Segal Collection

    The collection contains the following materials: 1. 85 questioners with testimonies of children. In each questionnaire the children were required to write down their names, place and year of birth and also share their experiences during the war. Because the children were deported to different places in Transnistria it is possible to form a comprehensive picture of the camps and ghettos in Transnistria. (85 testimonies, handwritten original in Yiddish [with Hebrew translation]). 2. Two Booklets with a selection of 25 testimonies in Yiddish [Written in Hebrew letters]. (120 pages, Handwritten...

  8. Municipal institution “Vysokopillia Museum of Local Lore”, Vysokopillia, Beryslav district, Kherson region

    The history of Vysokopillia and Vysokopillia district from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Lists of Ostarbeiters (15 sheets) were already in the museum when Bibik became director, she does not know their origin. Bibik estimates the number of photographs related to the period of World War II to be 100. A local resident, Hennadii Trush, found and handed over to the museum the lists of Soviet combatants buried in the Vysokopil district. The number of sheets and the availability of this list needs to be clarified. In general, the entire collection needs a detailed qualitative ...

  9. Πρακτικά συνεδριάσεων του Δικαστηρίου του εν Θεσσαλονίκη Πρωτοδικείου

    • Proceedings of Minutes of the First Instance Court in Thessaloniki
    • Praktika synedriaseon tou Dikastiriou tou en Thessaloniki Protodikeiou

    Holocaust Survivors claimed property for losses suffered during the Nazi Occupation. The archive contains the Judge rapporteurships and the proceedings.

  10. PSRS Pārbaudes filtrācijas punktos un nometnēs ieslodzīto Latvijas iedzīvotāju personas lietas

    Dokumenti par personām, kas II pasaules kara noslēgumā atradušās ieslodzījumā uz laiku līdz personības noskaidrošanai PSRS Iekšlietu Tautas komisariāta pārbaudes un filtrācijas nometnēs un punktos: personas anketas, pratināšanas protokoli, dokumenti par atrašanos filtrācijas nometnēs un pārbaudes punktos, autobiogrāfija, personu apliecinoši dokumenti (pases, karavīru apliecības "Soldbuch", citas apliecības), nometnēs izdotās kvītis, formulāri, slēdzieni un izziņas. Filtrācijas lietu reģistrācijas žurnāli un filtrēto personu alfabētiskā kartotēka krievu alfabēta secībā ar vairāk nekā 80 000 ...

  11. Latvijas PSR Valsts drošības komitejas (VDK) par sevišķi bīstamiem pretvalstiskiem noziegumiem apsūdzēto personu krimināllietas

    • The Latvian SSR Committee of State Security (KGB) Criminal Case Files of Persons Accused of Particularly Dangerous Anti-Government Crimes

    Fonds includes criminal cases concerning persons accused of particularly dangerous anti-government crimes against the Soviet state and who received criminal liability according to article Nr. 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code (1926) and articles Nr. 59–68, 43, 74, and 84 of the Latvian SSR Criminal Code (1961), and persons who lived and had committed crimes in the territory of the Latvian SSR or who had been born in Latvia and committed crimes in the territory of another republic of the USSR; these Criminal cases were delivered for storage in Latvian SSR CSS Archive. Criminal cases include info...

  12. Pre-1963 Correspondence

    This large series of correspondence, traditionally referred to as the 'Pre 1963 Correspondence', broadly covers the period from the immediate aftermath of World War Two to just after Alfred Wiener's death. It covers a vast array of subject matter and contains 1600 correspondents including politicians, historians, theologians, resistance fighters, Holocaust survivors, civil servants and private researchers. Some of the more widely covered themes include Christian-Jewish relations; historiography; eyewitness testimony; restitution claims; postwar antisemitism

  13. Adolf Barta collection

  14. Ilse Frankenbusch collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, along with some family papers, of the Frankenbusch family. Most of the correspondence is between Ilse, her mother Hulde and grandmother Gisela, while they were living in separate countries during the Second World War. Correspondence also documents Ilse’s attempts to send financial aid to her mother after the surrender of France.

  15. Union Österreichischer Juden: Archives

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  16. Sally Grabenheimer collection

    Copy document and printed antisemitic slogans

  17. Stettin Jewish Community archives

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  18. Grant Rechnic collection

  19. Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend: Archives

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