Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,501 to 3,520 of 10,181
  1. E. Thomas Wood Papers

    Writings, notes, correspondence, photocopies of government documents, books, other printed matter, photographs, and videotapes, relating to Jan Karski, the resistance movement and Jewish holocaust in Poland during World War II, and Jewish refugees in the Soviet Union. In part, used as research material for the book by E. T. Wood and Stanislaw M. Jankowski, Karski (New York, 1994).

  2. Margaret Eleanor Fait Papers

    Reports, dispatches, memoranda, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to relief aid to displaced persons in Germany at the end of World War II, and to Jewish refugees in transit to Palestine.

  3. Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    The Federation of Jewish communities has created a fund for assistance of unemployed Jews. Editorial activity of the youth organization Hanoar Hazioni” in Timisoara. Order of Police Inspectorate Alba Iulia: “ Transfer a.s.a.p. over the border all the “Jidani” refugees from Poland and those who arrived after 1936. Informative notes on the evacuation of the Jews from rural homes and the attitude of the Hungarian population.

  4. Romanianization

    1. Ministerul Muncii, Sanatatii si Protectiei Sociale
    2. Central Office of Romanianization (Aryanization)

    This material is from the Central Office of Romanianization (the OCR) under the Ministry of Work, Health and Social Protection, concerning the Romanianization of personnel of various private enterprises, the sacking of Jews, the hiring of ethnic Romanians in their stead, and “doubling”—the practice of having the sacked worker continue on for a time to teach the new worker his job. Included are: Activity reports of the OCR to the Ministry of Labor; requests by refugees and other ethnic Romanians to be “placed” in various jobs; and denunciations of Jews by ethnic Romanians. Files are mostly 1...

  5. Prefettura di Trieste

    • Trieste Prefecture

    This collection contains documents on Italy’s fascist racial laws and their implementation in the city and region of Trieste; a registry of Jews in 1938; lists of Jews deported from Trieste and Adriatic region; and lists of Jewish refugees to Palestine. Documents mention the Risiera di San Sabba transit camp, part of Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), a German-occupied enclave on the Adriatic coast. The records also concern Jewish communities in the coastal provinces of Fiume, Gorizia, Pola, Trieste, and Zara. The records are from two series: the Gabinetto series, on the registr...

  6. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Carteggio

    1. Comunità Israelitica di Venezia
    2. Anagrafe e stato civile
    3. Delegazione per l'Assistenza degli Emigranti Ebrei
    • The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Correspondence

    Conserva documenti relativi alla ricerca di notizie nel secondo dopoguerra: 1. minuta di nomi, firmata "J. Kuntz", mss; 2. 3 ottobre - 15 ottobre 1945, veline dell'Inter Governamental Committee on Refugees per informazioni sui dispersi, dss con annotazioni, cc. 8; 3. 19 ottobre 1945, scheda di ricerca della famiglia Rubinfeld.

  7. Le professeur Schmutzer et le P. Strathmann O. P. au Pape Pie XII

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • Professor Schmutzer and Father Strathmann O. P. to Pope Pius XII

    Prof. Schmutzer and the Dominican friar Strathmann write to Pope Pius XII about an International Committee for Catholic refugees. The letter third annexe (A.E.S. 5190/38) is a memorandum written by Pope Pie XII (at that time cardinal Eugenio Pacelli) in 1938, who suggests protecting converted-to-Catholicism Jews who are forced to leave Italy and Germany.

  8. PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Resolutions: Education problems. 1940 -1943. Ministry of Internal Affairs. A Jew crossing the Dnestr with a German soldier – to be shot. The Macedonian colonists in Bucovina misbehave and create damages to properties. January 27, 1944. Organization of evacuations in case of retreat. Prevention of panic. April 22, 1944 Consequences of the retreat from Moldova. May 11, 1944. Excesses and devastations committed by the Russian troops that are part of the German army and by the convoys of refugees in the sector Barlad. Report on the banking system in Romania. Statistics of the population in Bess...

  9. Documents on the Holocaust in Serbia and the Independent State of Croatia

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The file contains material concerning the Jewish refugees from the Independent State of Croatia and German occupied Serbia who managed to flee in 1941 and reach the territories under Italian control (Dalmatia and the city of Fiume/Rijeka). There are also some documents about the Jadovno-Gospic-Pag concentration camps for Serbs and Jews in the Independent State of Croatia. The file contains original documents, police reports and interrogations made by the Italian authorities in 1941, as well as testimonies and interrogations by the postwar Yugoslav authorities.

  10. Kulturutskottets protokoll

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Protokoll
    4. Utskottens protokoll
    • Riksarkivet
    • B
    • Swedish
    • 1955-1972
    • Serien i kartong.

    Kulturutskottets första möte hölls 25/5 1955. Arbetsutskottets protokoll om kulturverksamhet före maj 1955 ingår i serie A 3 a. Innehåller kulturutskottets samt dess arbetsutskotts protokoll med bilagor. Innehåller även bilagor till sektionens arbetsutskotts protokoll om kulturverksamhet 1954-1955 samt kopior av protokoll vid överläggning med representanter för de mosaiska församlingarna, judiska klubbar i landsorten m.fl. 26/3 1950 och protokoll från flyktingsektionen 9/5 och dess församlingsdelegerade 11/5 1955 inför upprättandet av kulturutskottet. Minnesanteckningar från kulturutskottet...

  11. Understödsavdelningens protokoll

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Protokoll
    • Riksarkivet
    • 2
    • Swedish
    • 1941-1950
    • Serien i kartonger.

    Utgör fortsättning på Hjälpkommittén, serie A 2. Avser understöd till ankomna före 1945, 1945-1947 även understöd åt "1945 års räddade", ankomna fr.o.m. 1946 och fr.o.m. 1946/1947 transmigranter (avdelningens utskott för transmigranter). Vid omorganisation hösten 1948 fördes ärenden om ankomna fr.o.m. 1946 till flyktingsektionens kommitté för ankomna fr.o.m. 1945 (se serie A 3 a). Ärendena om ankomna före 1945 och om transmigranter överfördes 1948 till Understödsnämndens allmänna sektion (utskottet för flyktinghjälp resp. transmigranter) (se Fattigvårdsnämnden, serie A 1 a fr. o. m. 1950; p...

  12. Protokoll från kommittén för 1945 års räddade

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Protokoll
    4. Utskottens protokoll
    • Riksarkivet
    • A
    • Swedish
    • 1945-1970
    • Serien inbunden.

    Kommittén för "1945 års räddade" tillkom i maj 1945. Inom kommittén tillsattes ett arbetsutskott (ledde verksamheten) i maj 1945, stipendieutskott 1947, specialkommitté för religiösa frågor (specialutskott för religiös verksamhet) 1948, kulturutskott 1955 och socialt utskott för Ungernhjälpen 1957. Fr.o.m. hösten 1948 övertog kommittén även ärenden rörande inkomna fr.o.m. 1946. Avdelningen för ankomna fr.o.m. 1945 namnändrades 1956 till andra sociala sektionens (sociala) utskott. Serien innehåller protokoll från kommitténs arbetsutskott 1945-, stipendieutskott 1947-1964, specialkommitté 194...

  13. Listor över utländska judar i Sverige

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Register och Liggare
    4. Register över flyktingar i Sverige
    • List of Foreign Jews in Sweden
    • Klara listor

    Alfabetiskt ordnade listor: tyskar som är flyktingar, icke-flyktingar/statslösa (män resp. kvinnor) och polacker som är flyktingar, icke-flyktingar/statslösa, icke-flyktingar/icke-statslösa (män resp. kvinnor). Med uppgifter om namn, födelsedatum m. m. Sannolikt upprättade ursprungligen av Socialstyrelsen 1943, med tillagda uppgifter om adress och religionstillhörighet (om ej mosaisk). Listorna är scannade. 2. Listor över tyskar (flyktingar) A-H, tjecker samt f.d. österrikare 1944(?) med av Statens utlänningskommission tillagda adressuppgifter 1944.

  14. Gradska uprava narodnih dobara Sarajevo

    • City's bureau for public goods Sarajevo

    Contains information about Jewish property whose owners perished during the Holocaust.