Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,561 to 33,580 of 55,838
  1. Jiří Lauscher collection

    The Jiří Lauscher collection consist of reports, albums, artwork, writings, photocopies, photographs, copyprints, and diary entries documenting the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde's work related to emigration and job training in Prague; the administration, history, and culture of Theresienstadt; and Holocaust-era ghettos and concentration camps. The collection also includes a Star of David badge and postage stamps. Lauscher collected the materials during his internment in Theresienstadt from 1942-1945 and acquired many of them from friends and acquaintances as they were deported to killing centers.

  2. laundry; French town

    Women doing laundry in a large wash basin in an apartment building courtyard. VS, EXT. Buildings, castle, rooftops, houses, apartments- a survey of the architecture of the unidentified town. Civilians, man in US Army uniform. Local women pumping water. Sign in French reads: "Hotel du Roxy" Shot of large, ornate public fountain.

  3. Lisbeth Perks: Copy correspondence, some of it from Terezin.

    This copy correspondence featured in a published memoir by the depositor, some of which includes letters from family members in Terezin. The originals had been lost by the publishers. The collection consists of photocopies of the originals, typescript transcripts and translations.

  4. Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust

    This collection contains transcripts of speeches by a number of leading European political figures and Professor Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust.

  5. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Prof. Dr. Gerhart von (Major d.R.)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners MdR (Deutsche Fortschrittliche Volkspartei, DDP, 1912-1918, 1919-1920), Nationalökonom Bestandsbeschreibung Korrespondenzen (1914-1922) und andere Unterlagen, insbesondere aus der Tätigkeit als Reichstagsabgeordneter; Materialsammlungen über den 1. Weltkrieg und die Kriegspropaganda (mit Karten). Zitierweise BArch N 523/...

  6. Fonds Mémorial National des Martyrs Juifs de Belgique.

    Ce fonds contient les plans et les archives de l’architecte André Godart, établis lors de la construction du Mémorial. On trouvera aussi de la correspondance, des documents comptables et les maquettes des projets proposés.

  7. Prokuratura Sądu Apelacyjnego w Katowicach

    • akta dotyczące nadzoru służbowego po zlikwidowaniu Prokuratury Specjalnego Sądu Karnego w Katowicach
  8. Narodowosocjalistyczny Korpus Lotniczy [Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps]

    • akta osobowe (akta personalne kandydatów do NSFK)
  9. Company Samuel and Berta Lederer, Shop in Všeruby, Forced Trustee Wolfgang Müller

    The fonds contains the business correspondence and written documents concerning administration of trade in colonial goods on Aryanised Jewish merchant Samuel Lederer.

  10. Polish passport

    The Polish passport (Paszport) was issued to Simon Haber in Lipsk, Poland, and bears an American immigration visa.

  11. Court of the First Instance in Stopnica Sąd Grodzki w Stopnicy (Sygn. 2486)

    Court files in civil cases in which Jews from Stopnica were parties: for reconstruction of birth, death, marriage certificates, for declaring ownership, for entering into possession of property, for declaring death or being declared dead, for correcting personal data, and for entering into possession of property.

  12. Ferenc Hajba diary

    The collection includes a diary and notes kept by Ferenc Hajba, a non-Jewish witness to the persecution of Jews in Hungary.

  13. Various documents of the Nazi era

    Contains black and white photo prints (some of them bearing the rubber stamp of Heinrich Hoffmann); postcard most likely written by a concantration camp guard and mailed from the Buchenwald camp; acceptance document issued for an individual upon joining the SS; stamps with cancellation on the first anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen; German press clippings; and miscellaneous other items.

  14. Joseph Langland: Poems re Buchenwald

    Copies of Joseph Langland's poems about Buchenwald and Hiroshima: Buchenwald near Weimar; The Lotus Song; A Hiroshima Lullaby and a copy entry from Who's Who in America 

  15. Processo de pedido de visto para Cecil Brown e Enrico Ridolfi

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Roma para Cecil Brown, de nacionalidade americana, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Roma para Enrico Ridolfi, de nacionalidade não identificada, com destino não identificado. Visto autorizado.

  16. Processo de pedido de visto para Henri Israel Katz e Helene Sara Katz

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Basileia para Henri Israel Katz, de nacionalidade alemã, com destino a Inglaterra. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Basileia para Helene Sara Katz, de nacionalidade alemã, com destino a Inglaterra. Visto autorizado.

  17. Processo de pedido de visto para Stefan Harczyk Maria

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Pau para Stefan Harczyk, de nacionalidade polaca, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Pau para Maria, de nacionalidade polaca, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição de visto.

  18. Processo de pedido de visto para Cônsul Fullemann e mulher

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Cidade do Cabo para Cônsul Fullemann, de nacionalidade suíça, com destino à Suíça. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Cidade do Cabo para mulher do Cônsul Fullemann, de nacionalidade suíça, com destino à Suíça. Visto autorizado.

  19. Processo de pedido de visto para Georges Chariot e Alice Marcus

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para Georges Chariot, de nacionalidade não identificada, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Paris para Alice Marcus, de nacionalidade não identificada, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.