Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 55,777
  1. Doll given to a young Jewish girl who escaped Germany on the Kindertransport

    A doll given to Esther Rosenfeld as a child by Dorothy Harrison when she was in the United Kingdom. Dorothy Harrison was the mother of the family that was caring for Esther after she arrived on the Kindertransport. She received the doll for Esther from an acquaintance who brought it over to the Harrison's home once she found out that Esther was a refugee living with the family in Norwich, England.

  2. Postwar economic recovery in Germany; Nuremberg trials

    Welt im Film Nr. 82 newsreel documenting German economic recovery after the end of the war. Men, women, and children are depicted as happy and hard-working citizens whose labor helps makes Germany prosperous again. 00:00:46 A snowy landscape, possibly in the Alps. People in strange costumes dance and parade in the snow. Children scream and hide from the costumed figures. Men open mask flaps and drink beer that local women bring them. 00:01:06 A woman in an industrial uniform works with machinery. Factory workers use recycled military helmets to make kitchen utensils. Punching holes in metal...

  3. Ink drawing by Esther Lurie of Michlean Amir

    Portrait drawn by Esther Lurie, in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1951. Michlean Amir met Esther Lurie in the apartment of her grandmother’s friend, the historian Nellie Schur. Dr Schur was working on a project to create maps of the new state of Israel with the cartographer, Joseph Shapiro, who was Lurie's husband. Lurie offered to do her portrait. Esther Lurie was a professionally trained artist whose drawings and sketches, done from 1941-1944, while she was imprisoned in the Jewish ghetto in Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania, and Stutthof concentration camp, were published in 1945, providing eloquent visua...

  4. Nazi justice and Allied justice contrasted

    Film Report compares Nazi sense of justice, as exemplified by aggressive war and atrocities, with that of the war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg. Thomas Jefferson quoted over close views of statue of Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial in DC. VCU, Hitler at Nuremberg - excerpt from a speech in which he proclaims his right to rid the world of inferior races. LS, crowds, hall, saluting. CU German atrocity victims dead, faces badly battered, corpses. German women crying, after forced confrontation. Elderly civilians viewing room of bodies at liberated camp. MS, naked corpses, coffin, decaying h...

  5. David Pelc. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of David Pelc, two yellow stars bought but never worn by David Pelc, two pre-war and three post-war photos of Sonia Hailstone (alias Aimée Cuypers and Sonia Anoutchin), four forms sent by David Pelc and his cousin Jacob Peltz to Sonia's address, and the envelope in which Sonia kept the documents.

  6. Okresní úřad Čáslav

    • District Office of Čáslav / NAD 8

    The fonds contains documents arising from the activities of the Čáslav District Office: official books, file material, accounting material, the associated agenda, and official documents. In individual handling periods, the following is relevant: citizenship, domicile, marital and registry matters, and religious matters. The trade agenda may also be relevant as trade issues from 1912-35 have been well preserved. In presidium files, situation reports are relevant. Information about Jews can also be found in the census sheets preserved for the years of 1868, 1880, 1890, 1910 and 1921. The hand...

  7. Kartoteka mieszkańców pow. łęczyckiego

    Kartoteka mieszkańców-gm. Leśmierz [1923] 1939-1945 [1950] od sygnatury 1 do sygnatury 135, Kartoteka mieszkańców-gm. Poddębice [1926] 1939-1945 [1946] od sygnatury 136 do sygnatury 328, Kartoteka mieszkańców-inne [1922] 1939-1945 [1950] od sygnatury 329 do sygnatury 439. Zachowany materiał aktowy w wyżej wymienionych seriach zawiera ten sam rodzaj informacji tzn.: imię i nazwisko, nazwisko panieńskie, data i miejsce urodzenia, powiat, data ślubu, wyznanie, zawód, przynależność państwowa, zgon, dane dotyczące rodziców - daty i miejsca urodzenia, wyznanie, miejsce zamieszkania ewentualnie zg...

  8. Zarząd Miejski w Rzeszowie

    Najcenniejsze materiały, które są zachowane w zespole, to akta Miejskiej Rady Narodowej w Wydziale Ogólnym. W pełni są zachowane protokoły z sesji Rady, posiedzeń prezydium, komisji, Zarządu Miejskiego. W wydziale Administracyjno - Prawnym na uwagę zasługują wnioski i kwestionariusze o ustalenie szkód i odszkodowań wojennych mieszkańców Rzeszowa, zestawienie szkód w majątku szkolnym, przedsiębiorstwach miejskich, nieruchomościach gminy. W Wydziale Finansowym zachowane są budżety miasta na lata 1946-1948. W aktach Wydziału Technicznego znajdują się imienne wykazy żołnierzy Armii Radzieckiej ...

  9. Organisationskomitee der IV. Olympischen Winterspiele 1936.- Bildbestand

    Zitierweise BArch R 8076-BILD/...

  10. Varian Fry letter to Jean Gemähling

    Jean Gemähling (1912-2003) was a French Catholic educated at an English boarding school and worked as one of Varian Fry's assistants in Marseilles. In his January 9, 1945 letter to Gemähling, Fry asks for news of Gemähling’s survival and arrests in Vichy France and describes his 1945 memoir Surrender on Demand, his work at the New Republic and establishing the American Labor Conference on International Affairs, and his personal life as well as those of common friends and acquaintances. Among others, he mentions Jay Allen, Heinz Behrendt, Daniel Benedite, Georg Bernhardt, Victor Brauner, And...

  11. Panzer-Division Holstein

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Auch die Kriegstagebücher der Panzer-Divisionen waren, wie die Kriegstagebücher aller anderen Verbände, Einheiten und Dienststellen des Heeres vom Mobilmachungstag (26.8.1939) an, dem Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten (anfangs getrennt nach Kriegsschauplätzen: P für Polen, W für Westen; nach der Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges aber nur nach laufender Nummer), in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, dann aber systematisch nach den kriegstagebuchführenden Stellen und deren Abteilungen in Eingangslisten erfas...

  12. Abraham Atsmon papers

    The Abraham Atsmon papers consist of identification papers, biographies, correspondence, reports, narratives, photographs, newspapers, protocols, and minutes documenting Atsmon’s family and pre-war life in Poland, his participation in a partisan brigade in the areas of Słonim and Brest during the war, his organization and leadership of a Holocaust survivor group (Sh'erit ha-Pletah) in the American occupation zone of Germany after the war, his support for the state of Israel, his emigration to Israel in 1948, and his subsequent efforts to record the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust. Bi...

  13. Selected records from the Romanian Information Service

    Reports, lists, orders, correspondence, court documents, and testimonies relating to the surveillance of Romanian Jews (including Chief Rabbi Moses David Rosen), Jewish organizations, foreigners in Romania, and members of the Iron Guard (Garde de Fier) by the Serviciul Special de Informatii and other agencies; the special taxes, forced labor, and morale of Jews; the establishment of the Czernowitz (Chernivt︠s︡i) ghetto; the deportation of Jews from Transylvania and other locations to Transnistria (Ukraine); the emigration of Jews from Romania to Palestine; Romanian Jews in concentration cam...

  14. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrpolitik und Wehrwissenschaften

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Unterlagen gelangten im Jahr 2017 als Abgabe der Bibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Verteidigung in das Bundesarchiv. Bestandsbeschreibung Die Abgabe umfasst lediglich die Sitzungsprotokolle der kriegsrechtlichen Studienausschüsse von 1935 – 1939 und des Ausschusses KRS aus dem Jahr 1941 sowie 2 Handakten von Admiral Gladisch. Zu den 13 Arbeitsgemeinschaften und dem Präsidium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wehrpolitik und Wehrwissenschaften liegen indes keine Unterlagen vor. Zudem endet die Überlieferung der Sitzungsprotokolle bereits 1941, obwohl...

  15. Topas family papers

    The Topas family papers include identification documents and photographs relating to George Topas and the Topas family of Warsaw, Poland. The papers include Sura Etta Topas’ Polish passport, 1939-1941; a photostat copy of Sura Etta Topas’ birth certificate; a photostat copy of the marriage certificate of Sura Etta Topas (née Ferszt) and Icek Jakob Topas; and a letter of recommendation for George Topas written by Max B. Harding, Major, 345th Field Artillery Battalion, November 25, 1945. The Topas family photographs include a group photograph of the Topas family and the Goldfarb family, Sura ...

  16. Szpiro family. Collection

    This collection contains : 8 photos of Regina Szpiro and her school friend Victoire Ponjaert, taken during school outings or at a swimming pond, and 1 photo of of Regina Szpiro’s deceased mother Golda Awerbuch ; 8 letters from Regina Szpiro, her youngest sister Lea Szpiro and family member Femmy Pels (?) to Victoire Ponjaert, recounting daily life in Brussels.

  17. Deutsche Welle

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 187
    • German
    • Schriftgut 9932 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 609,6 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Im März 1953 kam es durch den "Vertrag über die Einrichtung eines gemeinschaftlichen Kurzwellenprogramms der deutschen Rundfunkanstalten" zur Vereinbarung der Mitglieder der ARD über die Gründung der Deutschen Welle als gemeinsamen Auslandssender der Landesrundfunkanstalten. Schon am 3. Mai 1953 nahm die Deutsche Welle den Kurzwellen-Sendebetrieb in deutscher Sprache nach Übersee auf. Am 29. Nov. 1960 wurde sie, ebenso wie der Deutschlandfunk (BArch-Bestand B 181) durch das "Gesetz über die Errichtung von Rundfunkanstalten des Bundesrechts" (BGB, Teil I, 1960...

  18. Reichsvereinigung Bastfaser

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Das Schriftgut der RVB ist, wie das der übrigen Reichsvereinigungen, größtenteils den Kriegseinwirkungen zum Opfer gefallen, wahrscheinlich beim Bombenangriff auf die Geschäftsstelle der RVB am 30. Januar 1944. Die hier vorliegenden Registraturreste (ca. 5 Gefach) gelangten in 2 Abgaben ins Bundesarchiv: Bestandsbeschreibung In der ersten Gruppe wurden die Unterlagen allgemeiner Art, wie Dienststellenverwaltung, Organisation, Rundschreiben, Haushalt und Statistik zusammengefasst. Der zweite Teil enthält die Akten des Reichsverbandes für inländische Bastfaserp...

  19. Albert Garih testimonies

    The Albert Garih testimonies consists of two testimonies written by Albert Garih in 2000 and updated in 2011. The first testimony describes Albert Garih’s personal experiences as a hidden child in France. The second testimony describes the experiences of Benjamin Garih, Albert’s father, who was sent to a forced labor camp on the Channel Islands.