Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,521 to 10,540 of 33,374
Language of Description: English
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- A civil party testifies; the vice-president of the MRAP testifies

    17:38 Civil party Esther Majerowicz testifies regarding her arrival at Auschwitz, including having her head shaved and being tattooed; she gives specifics of her daily life in the camp, and details her subsequent transport to another camp, Kratzau, where she worked in an arms factory 17:52 President Cerdini asks Mrs. Majerowicz to give precision regarding the number of times and circumstances under which she saw Barbie in Lyon; he asks her how she knows that the man who arrested her was in fact Barbie 17:54 President Cerdini calls forward Charles Palant; Mr. Palant testifies on behalf of th...

  2. German Panzer convoy moves through Russia; bomb destruction

    Reel 1: 00:14:34 German military convoy moving through Russian countryside. Several shots of burning buildings. CU of a bombed tank in a hole. Reel 2: 00:15:43 German Panzer convoy moving into a town. Several shots from different angles of a group of Russian soldiers under German guard. Local Russian townspeople gathering in city square. Russian peasants loading belongings onto wagons. German soldiers taking cover. Burning building. CU of Russian local. German soldiers running down a road, fighting, shooting next to buildings. Men standing next to a truck looking up into the air, presumably...

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Victims testify

    14:56:05 Sabina Zlatine is a naturalized French citizen from Poland who founded the Izieu home in 1942 after losing her job as a military nurse because she was Jewish. About 80 Jewish children were smuggled to safety in Switzerland from Izieu. She speaks about her involvement in the Resistance, Izieu, and Jews in Vichy. 14:57:10 Turning to the empty dock, she screams, "Barbie said he was only concerned with the Resistance and enemies of the German Army. I ask who were those 44 children? Where they Résistance fighters? They were innocents. There can be no pardon, no forgetting this odious cr...

  4. German and Italian diplomats and German propagandists expelled from the US; Senators Robert Taft and Henrik Shipstead, America First Committee supporters

    Expelled German diplomats arriving at LaGuardia airport prior to their departure from the United States. Close-up shots of the former German consul general in San Francisco, Captain Fritz Wiedemann, and Dr. Johannes Bacher, former German consul general in New York. The men smile and talk to the press [need to verify identities]. Dark shot of a crowd of journalists on the tarmac; baggage being unloaded from the plane. 01:40:34 Pier 61 in New York City. A. V. Yanelli, who was the Italian consul general at Johnstown, PA for thirty years, as he is expelled from the country. Crowds surround an o...

  5. German troops in Belgium; civilian refugees flee

    Reel 1: 00:49.32 German troops on bicycles, through town (somewhere in Belgium). Streets and shops. Casino signs. Locals and German troops. Policeman. Belgium prisoners repairing a bridge, as civilians cross. German vehicles with WH markings, moving through a city street. Civilians with belongings piled on wagons, walking, along cobbled street. Horses. Men pushing a car loaded with belongings, small girl's face visible through car window. Elderly people and dog on top of cart. Children. Nuns. A group of civilians rest and watch the cameraman film them.

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 4 -- Drugs and fascist organizations in Bolivia

    16:08 Lawyer Nordmann and witness Gustavo Sanchez discuss the drug problem in Bolivia and the neo-Nazi group "Grooms of Death," as well as Barbie's contacts with various fascist organizations. 16:21 Barbie's impact on repressive methods in Bolivia.

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Photo album

    The court is in session. Members of the court, the jurors, the defense, and the prosecution examine an album of photos of Klaus Barbie. 18:15:55 The President asks the prosecution and the defense for observations concerning the album. Both parties decline. The President suspends the session.

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A civil party testifies regarding the UGIF raid and her subsequent deportation

    15:50 Vergès asks the witness whether he has a relationship with prosecutor Ryan; the witness replies that they had one long conversation 15:51 Vergès questions the witness as to why he left the French Army and joined the U.S. Army during the war; Cerdini interjects that the question is irrelevant to the trial 15:53 President Cerdini suspends the hearing 16:23 Cerdini resumes the hearing and introduces a new witness, Gilberte Jacob née Levy 16:25 The witness testifies; she worked at the UGIF as an assistant at the time of the raid; she recalls working at her desk in the early afternoon, whe...

  9. Booklet

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Father Coughlin

    Shots of Father Charles Coughlin's parish church, the National Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak Michigan. Father Coughlin was instrumental in constructing the church in the late 1930's. He raised much of the funds on his radio show. Close-ups of the church, including shots of some of the tiles that bear the names and state flowers of various states. Close-ups of various other features of the church's exterior. Reverend Coughlin's name appears engraved into the stone in one of the shots. Parishioners leave or enter the church, dressed in Sunday clothes. 01:33:53 Father Coughlin stand...

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Two witnesses testify

    17:57 The witness, Mr. Stourdze, describes the evacuation of Auschwitz in January 1945 on foot to Gleiwitz, and then by coal train to Mauthausen and Oranienburg; the witness was then sent to Flossenburg, where there were inmates of several concentration camps; they were forced under scalding water for 20 minutes, and then made to stand outside naked in the bitter cold for three hours; the witness stayed for two weeks before being transferred again, to Regensburg, where he worked constructing a runway for a jet engine factory; Hermann Göring arrived and inspected the facility, which was ridd...

  12. Report

    Official U.S. Army inspection report of Buchenwald concentration camp, docerig the following catagories: History of the Camp, Surviving Population, Character of Surviving Population, Mission of the Camp, The "Little Camp," The "Regular Barracks," The Hospital, Medical Experiment Building, The Body Disposal Plant, and Miscellaneous with sub-catagories of Rations, Attempted Evacuation, and Tattooing.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's role in the roundup of Jews

    14:50 Defense lawyer Vergès gives closing remarks. 14:52 President Cerdini suspends the hearing. 15:29 Cerdini resumes the hearing. 15:30 Cerdini delivers the court's judgment on Barbie's unwillingness to attend trial proceedings. 15:32 Prosecutor Nordmann delivers civil parties' conclusions 15:34 Cerdini delivers a statement of facts relating to the convoy of August 11, 1944, in which prisoners of the Montluc prison in Lyon were rounded up and loaded onto a 10-car train. After many stops in France and little food or water, male resistants were offloaded at Struthof, female resistants were ...

  14. Agro-Joint colony of Kadima

    The intertitles point out the modern features of the colony at Kadima. Men with crates of vegetables. LS Vegetable storehouse with roof sloping to the ground. LS Pan of long low dairy buildings and of livestock, people walking around cattle, horses at trough, CU of more cattle. MLS of horses and building.

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 4 -- Bolivian president extradites Barbie

    17:30 Details of the naturalization of Barbie as well as funds received by Bolivian President Hernán Siles Zuazo to extradite Barbie.