Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,381 to 6,400 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Ohrdruf liberation photographs

    Consists of 14 photographs taken after the liberation of the Ohrdruf concentration camp in April 1945 by Kenneth E. Nichols, a member of the 89th Infantry Division. Includes photographs of corpses and of American soldiers walking amongst the bodies.

  2. Bustling Jewish life in Berlin

    In Berlin, a statue of a woman with her arm outstretched. Busy street scene, Nazi flags are visible from the upper floors of several buildings, as are Hebrew script signs on many of the ground-floor businesses. "Horst Wessel Platz" underground station sign. 01:05:42 Briefly, the facade of a synagogue located at 32 Grenadierstrasse. Quick cuts of two smiling women and street scenes. A residential courtyard with terraces. Concealed view of the exterior of the Reichstag building and the Siegfried statue of the Bismarck Memorial. 01:06:19 Street sign reads "Grenadierstrasse," more scenes of a b...

  3. Werke des Genrtalgouvernements Aktiengesellschaft Papierfabrik Tschenstocha Factory of Paper and Mill in Częstochowa, A. Kohn and J. Markusfeld Limited Liability Co. (LLP) Fabryka Papieru i Młyny w Częstochowie A. Kohn i J. Markusfeld Spółka Komandytowa (Sygn.151)

    This collection contains records relating to the operation of the Factory of Paper and Mill in Częstochowa. Included are financial documents, a register of employees over 18 years, reports of work accidents to the Social Insurance, and lists of employees’ payroll. These records provide information on the economic life and work at industrial facilities in the inter-war period in Poland.

  4. Postwar painting of a Polish Jewish female survivor

    Painting created by Ita Bullard based upon a war-time photograph of her aunt Tola Lewenkron who survived the Holocaust in Poland.

  5. Religious Jews in Minsk; Farm life and factories in Russia

    In urban Russia, probably Minsk, throngs of people in the street crowd around the camera. Groups of women and men each pose for the camera. 01:07:26 Inside, a large group of women sit in a crowded room reading from prayerbooks, probably in observance of Yom Kippur, according to Gessner. Outside in the street, CUs of religious Jewish men with prayer shawls. 01:08:37 Farm workers and their children pose for the camera in a rural environment in Russia. Pan, facade of large buildings. Men on horseback go through a field, then hitch horses to plows. CUs of the farm workers, including one young m...

  6. Zina Alpern postcard

    Consists of one postcard, dated June 10, 1942, written by Zelda (“Zina”) Alpern in Salles-Curan, Aveyron, France, to Gertrude Wolf of Rochester, NY. On the postcard, which is torn and has a missing corner, Zina asks for news and expresses her hope that Gertrude will be able to send papers to assist with her emigration.

  7. Stadthauptmannschaft Tschenstochau Selected records of the district of Częstochowa Starostwo Miejskie w Częstochowie (Sygn. 4)

    The records of Starosta of Częstochowa survived only partially, and include records of the financial department and partial records of the internal department. During the German occupation Częstochowa was a separate town (county) in the Radom district. The selected files of this collection contain mainly correspondence with Judenrat regarding Jewish matters. Includes records of the Jewish community during 1939-1944 and consists of correspondence on such matters as: confiscation of Jewish property, displacements and deportations, orders concerning the ghetto of Częstochowa, permissions to le...

  8. Family; ritual circumcision; children at play

    EXT, family with five adults and three children, presumably in front of their residence (#165). Good shots. They dress in furs and walk through a central park/garden. 03:13:13 Small boat at sea taking the Schaap family to England in 1939 and the passengers. 03:13:36 Well-dressed people gather in the city streets of Rotterdam and enter a building. The Chief Rabbi of Rotterdam, Yissachar-Berhard Davids, in a top-hat with Naatje Keizer Schaap with a white lace scarf. INTs, rabbi preparing for ritual bris ceremony of Chaim (Herman) Eljakim Vleeschhouwer (a cousin, b. June 5, 1935). Additional g...

  9. Rosenzweig family photographs

    Consists of pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of David Rosenzweig and Anna Gensels (later Rosenzweig), both from the area near Sosnowicz, Poland. Includes pre-war family portraits, wartime photographs, and post-war photographs taken in displaced persons camps, including in Feldafing. Includes photographs of David and Anna's wedding in a displaced persons camp and of their children.

  10. William C. Smith photograph collection

    Collection of four photographic prints documenting victims found in the Dachau and Nordhausen concentration camps immediately following liberation; one photo captioned on verso in English; dated April-May 1945. Photographer unknown, prints were given to donor by a fellow American soldier while serving in Europe following World War II.

  11. Werner Siegbert Oster collection

    The collection consists of correspondence of the Oster family of Boppard, Germany. Included are letters sent to Werner Oster, who immigrated to the United States in 1939, from his parents Ferdinand and Rosa Oster and sister Gisela Oster in Boppard; letters to Werner from “Aunt Alice and Uncle Ernst" in Westerburg, Germany; and letters from Rosa and Ferdinand Oster to Elma Katz in Brussels, Belgium.

  12. Jacques Ribons collection

    Consists of color copies of the 1940 civil records book from Strezemieszyce Wielkie, Poland, documenting the births and marriages of members of the Rybsztejn family. Also includes post-war documentation of Jakub Rybsztejn (later Jacques Ribons), including his identification card as a displaced person and menus, identity documentation, and a postcard related to his 1947 immigration to the United States on the MS Gripsholm.

  13. Dr. Hans Stück collection

    Consists of post-war letters by Dr. Hans Stück, testimonies by Allied military personnel and Holocaust survivors about Dr. Stück's pre-war and wartime activities, and photographs of the Stück family. The letters and testimonies describe how Dr. Stück, though nominally a member of the Nazi Party, defended Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses in court, arranged for the removal of Jews from Buchenwald to places which were relatively safer, and facilitated correspondence between concentration camp prisoners and the outside world. The letters and testimonies were written while Stück was interned as a pr...

  14. Crowd outside of synagogue in Moscow

    People of all ages stand on the steps outside of Choral Synagogue in Moscow, located at Bolshoy Spasoglinishchevskiy lane, 10, during the High Holidays. Multiple people wear the tallit. A man using crutches moves down the front steps of the building, unable to use the lower part of his right leg. People move out of the synagogue, men put out their hands, begging for money and some give. As more people file out of the synagogue, the beggars continue to put out their hands, becoming very aggressive with one woman. She attempts to push them back. People stand in the streets while others keep m...

  15. Dr. Thomas R. Fister photographs

    Consists of photographs taken after the liberation of the Ohrdruf concentration camp. The photographs, which were taken by Dr. Thomas R. Fister, a member of the US Army Medical Corps, depict corpses and the landscape of the camp. Also includes a CD of digital images of the same.

  16. Records of the town of Krzepice Akta miasta Krzepice (Sygn.397)

    Contains selected records relating to Jews living in Krzepice, including are the registration books of permanent citizens and other inhabitants.

  17. Poster of a Jewish Bolshevik bully shaking his fists in defense of NYC

    Anti-Semitic, anti-American Nazi propaganda poster issued in German occupied Italy ca. 1943, with a cartoon of a Jewish Bolshevik shaking his fists at all comers. The threat of the Jewish Bolshevik or Judeo-Communist conspiracy was a cornerstone of Nazi Party ideology. The 1917 Communist revolution that brought down the Russian Empire shocked the world. The prominence of Jews in the Bolshevik leadership fueled this imaginary merger of international conspiracies between the Communists and the Jews to destroy civilization and take over the world. In July 1943, Allied forces invaded Sicily. Mu...

  18. Schaap travels to Palestine via Italy in 1935

    Maurits Schaap visited his brother Meijer in Palestine in December 1935. Maurits showed the films to the Jewish community of Rotterdam after he returned. "ROTTERDAM-PALESTINA vice-versa, Camera: Mau Schaap. Caricaturen: Joseph Rosenberg. Chanoekah 5696" Title card: "VERTREK STATION D.P. met opnamen van Rotterdam - Parÿs - Milaan - Monza - Venetië - Triëst". Busy train station after 11AM. People moving about the station and getting on and off trains. The cameraman, shown to be Maurits Schaap from the title card, boards a train and films through an exterior window of the departure and the lan...

  19. Union of Jewish Fighters for Lithuanian Independence (Fond 593)

    The collection consists of minutes of the board meetings, questionnaires filled out by the members of the organization, lists of members, orders, circular letters, correspondence with branch offices and various Lithuanian government offices, financial documents and award certifications.

  20. Postcard for the 1934 Bavarian State Gymnastics Festival

    Unused postcard with an image of an eagle with an oak branch and acorn above the Bavarian coat of arms issued to commemorate the 18. Bayerisches Landesturnfest Nurnburg [Bavarian State Gymnastics Festival in Nuremberg] which took place July 20-22, 1934.