Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,161 to 33,180 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Krajowy Zakład Leczniczy w Międzyrzeczu - Obrzycach

    • Landesheilanstalt Meseritz-Obrawalde
    • Regional Treatment Institute in Międzyrzec-Obrzyce
  2. Polsko-Brytyjskie Towarzystwo Okrętowe S.A.

    • Polish-British Shipping Company

    Files include official correspondence regarding reservations, copies of tickets, lists of émigré passengers, among whom were large numbers of Jews, and shipping documents. These materials are an interesting source for research into emigration of Jews from Poland on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. They contain considerable information on mutual aid campaigns by Jewish organizations, which assisted with all the formalities surrounding emigration. There is also a large volume of correspondence regarding reservations and information.

  3. Akta miasta Łowicza

    • Files of the town of Łowicz

    The collection contains i. a. information on forced labour among Jewish artisans in the years 1940-1942, including in the local labour centre established specifically for this purpose, the Dom Pracy (Labour House, call no. 3045, 3046, 3052), as well as a list of Jews dating from 1940 (call no. 3060) and documents referring to confiscations of industrial plants owned by Jews.

  4. Akta Miasta Lublina. 1939-1944

    • Files of the city of Lublin

    The collection contains i.a. materials concerning the establishment of the ghetto, “lists of deaths” among the Jews, and forced labour, and also large numbers of residential registration ledgers

  5. Rejencja Opolska

    • Rejencja Opolska
    • Opole Regional Administration

    The collection comprises i.a.the extensive correspondence in connection with the destruction and liquidation of synagogues during the Kristallnacht, 9-10 November 1938, and other antisemitic incidents; documents of the Związek Żydów Polskich (Union of Polish Jews) and other materials (file with the call no. 1963, Wydział I [Department I]).

  6. Kalevi-Liiva süüdistab

    • Kalevi-Liiva accuses, Documentary
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.203.1436
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record contains film tape (b/w, sound; 35 mm), duration 21 minutes.

    Contains video materials about a show trial in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of a massacre in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala).

  7. Fašistlike sõjaroimarite kohtuprotsess Tallinnas 6.-11 märts 1961.a. A. Mere, R. Gerretsi ja J. Viigi süüasjus

    • Process in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against fascist war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.77
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record number 77 contains 18 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 27 hours, (EFA.319.77. parts I-XVIII).

    Contains audio recorded show trial in Tallinn (March 6.-11. 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of participation in a massacre of German and Czech Jews in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala) in September 1942.

  8. Tartu protsess sõjaroimarite Ervin Viksi. Karl Linnase, Juhan Jüriste üle (16.-20. 01. 1962)

    • Process in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste (January 16.-20, 1962)
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.79
    • English
    • 1962
    • Record number 79 contains 16 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 21 hours, (EFA.319.79, parts I-XVI).

    Contains audio recorded show trial (January 16-20, 1962) in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste, who were accused in the massacre of local people (including local Jews) in Tartu 1941-1942.

  9. Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon

    • The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection
    • Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
    • AM, D 150
    • English
    • 1943-1947
    • 4 records, alphabetical card files, book, original paper documents

    The fonds contains 4 sub-fonds: - AM, D 150.1.1: A file of prisoner cards (original file delivered to Estonian State Archive (ERA.R-170.1.1, ERA.R-170.1.2, ERA.R-170.1.3); the museum retained duplicates and an incomplete copy of the card file. - AM, D 150.1.2: Card file of persons who attempted to escape and were shot (original card file delivered to Estonian State Archives), and an incomplete copy of the card file (ERA.R-170.1.5). - AM, D 150.1.7: Prayer book, in Hebrew. - AM, D 150.1.9: Statistical table about camps in Estonia, compiled by Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian So...

  10. Narva Koonduslaager

    • Narva Concentration Camp
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-966
    • English
    • 1943
    • This fonds contains 1 record

    The only record contains lists of Jewish inmates detained in Narva Concentration Camp in 1943. For further information, see here.

  11. Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei Tallinna Töö- ja Kasvatuslaager (Tallinna Keskvangimaja)

    • Tallinn Work and Education Camp of Estonian Security Police (Central prison in Tallinn)
    • Arbeits- und Erziehungslager Tallinn (No. 1)
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-294
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 192 records in 9 series; original bounded paper documents.

    This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of Central Prison in Tallinn (official named Work and Education Camp, German: Arbeitserziehungslager), which was subordinated to the German Security Police in Estonia (Sicherheitspolizei und SD Estland). Documentation includes curriculas, orders, circulars, correspondence and reports, personal lists and statistics. Relevant materials contain: - personal files of inmates - personal lists and statistics of inmates - lists of inmates sent to forced labour - materials concerning fate of Jews from Estonia; Jews from Germany and Czech territory...

  12. SD Klooga koonduslaager

    • Klooga Concentration Camp
    • Arbeitslager Klooga

    The fonds contains 5 records: - ERA.R-170.1.1 - Juudisoost kinnipeetavate nimekirjad koos arstlike ülevaatuslehtedega / Register lists of the Jewish prisoners with medical certificates - ERA.R-170.1.2 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - A-H; ERA.R-170.1.3 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - I-O; ERA.R-170.1.4 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - P-Z; ERA.R-170.1.5 - Klooga koonduslaagris tuleriidalt põgeneda katsetanud ja mahalastud isikute kartoteek / Card files about persons who attempted to escape and were shot. The find...

  13. Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A

    • Gdynia-America Shipping Lines

    The surviving files include i.a. contracts for transport of Jewish passengers on the Palestine line, official correspondence regarding people of Jewish birth being smuggled on the MS Piłsudski in the years 1935-1937, collective lists of passengers and named lists (e.g. of those travelling to Buenos Aires), passenger traffic statistics, and personal files of some passengers, including Jews from Poland and Germany.

  14. Eesti Julgeoleku Politsei (Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Eestis grupp B, Tallinn-Harju Prefektuuri Poliitilne Politsei)

    • German Security Police and SD in Estonia, Group B (Estonian Security Police); Political Police of Tallinn-Harju Prefecture
    • Sicherheitspolizei und SD in Estland, Gruppe B (Estnische Sicherheitspolizei); Präfektur Reval-Harrien/Politische Polizei
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-64
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 2,122 records in 9 series; original bounded paper documents.

    The fonds contains different kinds of documentation from the German Security Police, including circulars, correspondence, reports, staff documentation, and investigation materials. Relevant materials contain mainly data concerning repressions against Estonian residents, including Roma, the executions of Estonian Jews, and places of imprisonment (unofficially named "Concentration Camps"). For example: circulars from Security police, reports (e.g. list of Jews, executed before 6.10.1941), investigation files of arrested Jews, see [here](

  15. Koncentrációs táborokkal kapcsolatos gyűjtemény

    • Collection Pertaining to Concentration Camps

    The collection includes various types of private documents, including identification papers, passports, inventories, letters and postcards, diaries and notebooks, birth, death and marriage certificates, work and travel permits, protective documents and other personal documents as well as administrative and legal documents that were in the custody of families and individuals. Personal files also include about 2500 photographs and more than one thousand of objects and artifacts.

  16. Áldozati nevekkel kapcsolatos gyűjtemény

    • Recording the Names Collection

    The collection consists of two sub-collections: 1. Locality name lists, including the lists of Jews prepared by the Jewish communities and the Hungarian public administration upon the orders of the Nazi authorities and the pro-Nazi Hungarian government in April and May 1944, ghetto name lists prepared in May-June 1944 as well as lists of victims created after the war by survivor organizations, memorial committees and individuals; 1732 files in total 2. Concentration camp name lists, including lists of victims, transport and infirmary lists, registry cards and other personal documents from c...

  17. Személyes gyűjtemények (1848-1956)

    • Collection of Miscellaneous Private Documents (1848-1956)
    • Holokauszt Emlékközpont
    • Személyes gyűjtemények (1848-1956)
    • English
    • 1848-1956
    • cr. 6 linear metres, cr. 10,000 items

    The collection includes various types of private documents, including identification papers, passports, inventories, letters and postcards, diaries and notebooks, birth, death and marriage certificates, work and travel permits, protective documents and other personal documents as well as administrative and legal documents that were in the custody of families and individuals. Personal files also include about 2500 photographs and more than one thousand of objects and artifacts.

  18. Aprónyomtatványok gyűjteménye

    • Collection of Placards and Other Small Printed Material

    The collection holds placards, leaflets, fliers and other kinds of printed material created by various organizations and institutions, mostly by Hungarian right-wing and extreme right-wing parties and movements before and during World War II, including the Arrow Cross Party and several national socialist and race protectionist organizations. Besides, the publications and various kinds of printed material, including placards and brochures issued by the Holocaust Memorial Center and its predecessors between 1990 and 2010 are also held in this collection.

  19. Visszaemlékezések gyűjteménye (1945-2010)

    • Collection of Testimonies (1945-2010)
    • Holokauszt Emlékközpont
    • Visszaemlékezések gyűjteménye (1945-2010)
    • English
    • 1945-2010
    • ca. 850 files, 4 linear metres

    The collection includes about 850 handwritten or typed testimonies, mostly from the years between the early 1960s and the late 1980s. The size of the testimonies varies between one page to hundreds of pages. Most of them focus on the years of persecution between 1938 and 1945, with special emphasis on the concentration camps and labor service units. However, they also contain valuable information on the pre-war history of the Hungarian Jewish communities and reflections on their post-war fate.

  20. Munkaszolgálatos gyűjtemény 1939-1945

    • Labour Service Collection 1939-1945

    The labour service collection contain documents produced by state or municipal agencies, such as identification cards, ration cards, travel permits and various types of certificates as well as private documents of the labour servicemen including diaries, notebooks, photos and thousands of postcards