Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,321 to 32,340 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Archivio della Commissione d'inchiesta per i criminali di guerra italiani secondo alcuni stati esteri

    • Archives of the Inquiry Commission on Italian War Criminals according to Foreign Countries

    A certificate delivered by the head of the Jewish community of Nice to the director of the Italian civil police during the Italian occupation can be found inside the file n.118, sub-file n.1.

  2. Catecumeno

    The Opera Pia del Catecumeno offered help to baptised Jews and Jews converted to Catholicism.

  3. Gabinetto della Prefettura di Venezia

    Contains acts and files produced by the cabinet of the prefetto concerning public security in the province of Venice.

  4. Gabinetto della Questura di Venezia

    • Cabinet of the Venice Police Direction

    Contains personal files about criminals and dangerous elements.

  5. Nachlässe

  6. Радио „Христо Ботев“

    • Broadcasting station "Hristo Botev"
    • Radio "Hristo Botev"

    Samples of Soviet radio propaganda directed to Bulgaria from the radio station"Hristo Botev" located in the Soviet Union, which raise issues such as the persecution of Jews in Thrace and Macedonia and German crimes in Kiev, Ukraine.

  7. Централна консистория на евреите в България

    • Tzentralna konsistoria na evreite v Bulgaria
    • Central Consistory of the Jews in Bulgaria

    Contains reports, minutes, correspondence, and financial records relating to activities of the Central Consistory of the Standing Committee and the Public Cultural and Educational Organization of Jews in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Includes lists of Jews who left Bulgaria for Israel and lists of Jews living in Sofia, Bulgaria.

  8. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions

    Contains correspondence with Bulgarian legations/consulates abroad in many countries on topics including trade relations, reports to Sofia, Bulgaria, on economic and political conditions, Bulgarian agrarian workers abroad, Bulgarian-German relations; regulations for visas of various types, including transit visas, for non-citizens including Jews. Also includes material regarding the property of Bulgarian Jews; the location of Bulgarian citizens abroad including Jews; requests from relatives of victims of the"Sṭrumah" sinking; and the situation of foreign Jews in Bulgaria.

  9. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията – Дирекция на вероизповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata – Direktsiya na veroizpovedaniyata
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions - Directorate of Religious Affairs
  10. Αρχείο Βιοτεχνικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Handicrafts
    • Archeio Viotechnikou Epimeleteriou Thessalonikes

    In 1925, the Chamber of Trade and Manufacture was established in Thessaloniki. In 1940, under the 2429/1940 law of the Greek state, it was divided in two separate organi-zations and the Thessaloniki Chamber of Handicrafts (TCH) was created. Since then, TCH has the obligation to register any handcrafting activity inside the city of Thessaloniki. In its eighty-five years of continuous operation, TCH was associated with all the major economic events of the country, providing a thorough view of the handicraft activity of the city through time.

  11. Αρχείο του Εμπορικού και Βιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Archeio tou Emborikou kai Viomechanikou Epimeleteriou Thessalonikes

    The archive consists of listing of companies and businesses that have been established in the city of Thessaloniki since 1919. From 1992 and onwards, the registration is digital. Its physical form which is handwritten is divided into three periods: i. 1919 - 1935 (58 inventory books) ii. 1935 - 1970 (46 inventory books with approximately 12,000 entries) iii. 1970 -1990 Greek Jewish activity consists of a significant part of the archive, when in March 1943, all Jewish businesses were banished, under the orders of the Supreme Military Governor of the North Aegean.

  12. Αρχείο Επαγγελματικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Chamber of Tradesmen in Thessaloniki
    • Archeio Epaggelmatikou Epimellitiriou Thessalonikis

    The Archive of the TCT documents the commercial and retail activity in Thessaloniki. It consists of registration lists of tradesmen that have been active in the city since 1940. It is accessible only by the members of TCT as well as by authorized researchers. Various entries of Jewish activity can be found. The archive is under digitization process. The archive is accessible for research as material evidence of the multicultural history of Thessaloniki before the second world war.

  13. Opferfürsorge

    • Victims' Welfare

    Der Bestand enthält die Antragsakten nach dem Opferfürsorgegesetz (vgl. BGBl Nr. 183/1947). Die Akten von noch lebenden Anspruchsberechtigten befinden sich noch im Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung (vgl. Opferfürsorge-Akten Tirol)

  14. Landesgerichtsakten, Verbrechen und Vergehen

    • State court records, crimes and offenses

    Der gesamte Bestand wurde dem Salzburger Landesarchiv von der für Verbrechen und Vergehen zuständigen Behörde, dem Landesgericht Salzburg, übergeben. Im Bestand der Landesgerichtsakten, Verbrechen und Vergehen wurden sämtliche im betreffenden Zeitraum angezeigten Kriminalfälle abgelegt.

  15. Arbeitsbücher

    • Workbooks

    Die Sammlung Arbeitsbücher im Vorarlberger Landesarchiv dokumentiert Arbeitsbücher von ausländischen und österreichischen (reichsdeutschen) Arbeitnehmern, die während der NS-Herrschaft und vereinzelt während der k.k. Monarchie in der Vorarlberger Wirtschaft tätig waren (16 Karteikästen mit Arbeitsbüchern aus- und inländischer Arbeitnehmer). Vgl.

  16. NSDAP Hauptarchiv

    Selected items from documents assembled in 1947 a the Berlin Document Center and later transferred to the Bundesarchiv at Koblenz (except police records now in the Bavarian Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Munich and materials relating to Himmler and Streicher in the Berlin Document Center). Note: For history of the archive and contents of the reels see Grete Heinz, NSDAP Hauptarchiv: Guide to the Hoover Institution microfilm collection. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1964. Contents: Reels 1-96, 1A-37A and reel B reproduce the Collection NSDAP Hauptarchiv, containing the most valuable docume...

  17. Αρχείο της Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Πατρών

    • Records of the Jewish Community in Patras
    • Archeio tis Israilitikis Koinotitas Patron

    "Consists of correspondence files concerning the postwar activities of the Jewish community of Patras. Topics include restitution, commemoration of Holocaust victims, elections to the Board of the Jewish Community, burial permissions, maintenance of the Jewish cemetery, and disposal of the community’s property. There are also financial records, minutes of Board meetings, and a list of community members." (USHMM)

  18. Збирка микрофилмова

    • Collection of microfilms
    • Zbirka mikrofilmova

    Copies of documents issued by various German central authorities and occupational forces in Yugoslavia and Serbia. Among them are documents of German Foreign ministry, German plenipotentiary for the economy in Serbia and the others.

  19. Фонд домаћих филмова

    • Domestic films fund
    • Fond domaćih filmova

    Various newsreels, documentaries and movies produced during WW II by propaganda authorities in Independent state of Croatia and in German occupied Serbia.

  20. Landgericht Braunschweig

    Zivilprozesssachen und Strafprozesssachen (1797-1973); Zivil- und Strafprozessregister; Ehescheidungsakten (1934-1945); Gerichtsverwaltungsakten (1935-1945)