Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,421 to 26,440 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Collection about Rudolf Vrba

    Collection consists of articles, lectures, correspondence, newspaper clippings and other textual material produced and collected by John Conway relating to the life, activity and legacy of Dr. Rudolf Vrba, a Slovak Jewish Holocaust survivor escaped from Auschwitz and associate professor of pharmacology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC.Collection has been arranged into the following series: Vierteljahrshefre für Zeitgelchichte documents series (1997–2010); Vrba memorial lecture series (2006–2014); Biographical material series (1987–2010); Correspondence and research rec...

  2. Louise Stein Sorensen fonds

    Fonds consists of textual records, graphic materials, and artefacts relating to Louise Sorensen’s life in the Netherlands, some of which was spent in hiding. Many of the items are wartime records, including photographs and negatives, correspondence, paper currency, drawings, notice of registration, official and forged identity cards, and ration cards. Additionally, the fonds contains copies of Sorensen’s great-uncle’s daughter’s, Ans’, testimonies; several English translations of items provided by Sorensen; and a 1947 second edition of Anne Frank’s Het Achterhuis, or The Diary of a Young Gi...

  3. Комиссия по истории Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. Академии наук СССР

    • Commission on the Great Patriotic War's history. Academy of science.

    Section I - “History of military units and divisions” 259 inventories, including 1802 units of storage. The section contains a variety of materials on the activities of the armies, divisions, regiments participating in the battles: the history of military units, operational documents (orders, orders, reports, reports, reports and logs of military operations, combat operations schemes), transcripts of conversations with commanders and ordinary soldiers which reflects their immediate impressions and experiences, memories of the war participants, letters, literary works of soldiers, folklore m...

  4. Records of the Balassagyarmat Representative of the Government Commissary for Abandoned Property

    • Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztossága Balassagyarmati megbízottjának iratai

    The collection holds records pertaining to real estate and moveable property abandoned between the German occupation of Hungary on March 19, 1944, and the end of the war on Hungarian territory in the middle of April, 1945. The overwhelming majority of the material deals with the property of deported Jews or former labour servicemen. The records include, but not limited to the following types of documents: petitions and requests submitted by Jewish organizations and Jewish individuals for social aid, material support and financial restitution; petitions of owners of factories and other firms...

  5. Records of the Mayor's Office of Sopron

    • Sopron Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Sopron between 1902 and 1945. Records from the years 1938-1944 (Boxes 242-499) include, but not limited to documents concerning the implementation of Jewish Laws and other antisemitic bureaucratic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committee and social organisations, discharge of Jewish private and state employees, registration and expropriation of Jewish landholdings; administrative procedures ag...

  6. Records of the Subprefect of Sopron County

    • Sopron vármegye alispánjának iratai

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Sopron County. The material from the years 1938-1944 (boxes 565-711), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committees and social organizations, registration and expropriation of Jewish landholdings; administrative procedures a...

  7. Records of the Mayor of Balassagyarmat

    • Balassagyarmat város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Balassagyarmat between 1922 and 1950. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalisation cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, internal matters of Jewish communities, ban on Zionist organizations, conscr...

  8. Records of the Eger Financial Directorate, 1870-1956

    The collection of the Financial Directorate covers all financial matters of companies and individuals, including but not limited to all kinds of taxation, salaries and pensions, monopolies and excises, licensing, fees and tolls, land mortgage and release, and insurance matters. The most relevant Holocaust-related part of the collection is the Records of the Department No VIII. from 1944, including declarations of Jewish citizens on their assets and inventories of Jewish property. Following the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Prime Minister’s Decree no. 1600/1944 issued on 16 April on the declar...

  9. Records of the Mayor of Eger

    • Eger város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Eger between 1930 and 1950. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, petitions for birth, death and marriage certificates and other personal documents, cases of inheritance, records concerning the implementation of anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, cases of military care for the family members of Jewish labour ser...

  10. Records of the Mayor of Gyöngyös

    • Gyöngyös város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Eger between 1884 and 1957. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, cases of military care for the family members of Jewish labour servicemen, registratio...

  11. Records of the Chief Constable of the Tiszafüred District, 1893-1944

    • Tiszafüredi járás főszolgabírájának iratai, 1893-1944

    The majority of the records of the Tiszafüred administrative district from the period 1938-1945 were lost or destroyed. The relevant parts that remained include the fragments of presidential and mobilization records that hold information on administrative measures against non-resident aliens and foreigners, internment and custody, registration, expulsion of Jews, supervision of Jewish organizations and institutions, military labour service, citizenship cases, implementation of anti-Jewish laws and decrees, the supervision and activities of extreme right-wing political parties and organizati...

  12. Records of the Chief Constable of the Gyöngyös District, 1884-1951

    • Gyöngyösi járás főszolgabírájának iratai, 1884-1951

    The majority of the records of the Gyöngyös administrative district from the period 1938-1945 were lost or destroyed. The relevant parts that remained include administrative records of 1938-1944, including documents on the supervision and activities of extreme right-wing political parties and organizations in the localities of the district, nationalization and distribution of Jewish landholdings, as well as registries and lists of permits of tradesmen and merchants in alphabetical order of localities and persons between 1884-1951.

  13. Records of the Chief Constable of the Eger District, 1895-1955

    • Egri járás főszolgabírájának iratai, 1895-1955

    The majority of the records of the Eger administrative district from the period 1938-1945 were lost or destroyed. The relevant parts that remained include mobilization records of 1939-1944, holding documents on Jewish military labour service, registration and internment of Jews, utilization of Jewish apartments for military purposes (1939-1944), records on the social support and aid of returning deportees (1947), records of military care (post-1945) as well as registries and lists of permits of tradesmen and merchants in alphabetical order of localities and persons between 1895-1955.

  14. Records of the Subprefect of Heves County, 1867-1950

    • Heves vármegye alispánjának iratai, 1867-1950

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Heves County. The most relevant parts are the following: IV. 404.a. Administrative records, 1876-1944 The material from the years 1938-1943 (boxes 492-748), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committees and social organizati...

  15. Советское информационное бюро (Совинформбюро) при Государственном Комитете по культурным связям с зарубежными странами при Совете министров СССР

    • Soviet Information Bureau

    Materials related to the Holocaust could be found mostly in Opis 1 and 2. There is a card index of personalities for Opis 1. Schorthands reports of the workers of meetings with Losovsky made by workers of the Sovinformbureau, reports about the work of the Sovinformbureau and its branches (1941-1946, 1948-1955, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961), Orders (1946, 1947-1954, 1959, 1960). Correspondence between Soviet Anti-Fascist committees and international organizations, report about the activity of the Soviet women committee (1942-1943), (1943-1944), Kewish Anti-Fascist Committee (1941-1943), and with A...

  16. Krajský súd v Nitre I

    • County Court in Nitra I

    The fonds contains various documents pertaining to the life of Jews before the Holocaust, but also during the Holocaust and the period after the World War II. The fonds covers various fields including the judicial property- related matters as well as penal matters. Thus it is possible to study documents on tradesmen and craftsmen or industry before the Holocaust, but also the topic of Aryanization of Jewish property, expropriation of the financial assets of Jews (blocked accounts), or files pertaining to the arrests of Jews and robbery of Jewish households after the deportation of owners in...

  17. Ministerstvo národnej obrany Slovenskej republiky 1939-1945, Spisy dôverné 1940-1945

    • Ministry of National Defense of the Slovak Republic 1939-1945, Confidential files 1940-1945

    The fonds contains the confidential files of the Ministry of National Defense of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945). These include files pertaining the anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia such as applications of Jews serving in Slovak Army for exemptions or files pertaining to the transfer to labour units. The fonds contains documents pertaining to Jewish real estate property and its usage by the army or applications of soldiers asking for the permission to buy such property. Other documents pertain to the employment of Jews in enterprises considered to be "essential for the defense of the state".

  18. Западный штаб партизанского движения

    • Western staff of partisan movement

    Orders, instructions, directives of the Central headquarters of the partisan movement. Journals of military operations, reports, stories of partisan detachments and units. Documents about the occupation regime. Newspapers published during the occupation: "New life". Reports of the units "Thirteen", "Batya", "Granddad", brigades named after Parkhomenko, Voroshilov, Andreev, 1st, 2nd, 3d Vadinkaya, 5 Vorgovskaya, Kletnyanskaya, regiment named after Laso named after Laso, under command of Zhabo and Amelichev named after XXIV Red Army University, detached units "Northern Bear", "Patriot of the ...

  19. Štátny policajný úrad v Žiline

    • State Police Bureau in Žilina

    The fonds contains many files pertaining to the persecution of Jews at the territory of competence of the State Police Bureau in Žilina. These include various reports on Jews, reports on house searches of Jewish owners, various applications of Jews such as those asking for the permission to use public spaces after 10:00 PM or those asking for the exception from the obligation to wear the compulsory marking of Jews. The fonds contains documents on confiscation of Jewish movable property as well as documents pertaining the auctions of Jewish property. Various documents pertaining to the print...

  20. Смоленская областная чрезвычайная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям

    • Smolensk Oblast Extraordinary Commission for ascertaining and investigating crimes perpetrated by the German–Fascist invaders and their accomplices

    Orders and directives of the commission, reports, and information about the Commission's activity. Statements on the state of the districts after liberation from occupation. Acts of investigation of atrocities and estimation of damage caused to citizens and the national economy of the region during the war. General statistics on the estimation of atrocities and damage by village councils, districts, regions. Information about the victims of the Nazi regime. Lists of persons displaced to Germany. Lists of concentration camps and other places of forced detention of prisoners of war and civili...